

在 judgmental意思產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻 美國聯準會(Fed)在美東時間22日下午2時(台灣23日凌晨2時)宣布利率維持在趨近零的水準,但暗示升息可能會比預期來得快一些,同時也大幅下修今年的經濟展望。 https://udn.com/news/story/6811/5764746 🌻Adobe(ADBE)電話會議內容讀後感 ADB...


  • judgmental意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 07:57:19
    有 59 人按讚





    這次ADBE在財報後下跌, 主要是兩個原因(如下). 不過個人覺得是瑕不掩瑜:
    1. 因為之前已經漲了不少(投資人期望太高)
    2. 因為Digital Marketing這部分的業務受到季節性的影響, 所以表現不是很突出(沒有比預期高出很多)
    a. net new Digital Media ARR (3% beat vs guide, vs 15% beat in 2Q21 vs 35% beat in 3Q20).
    b. 有分析師在問(“Maybe just -- can we double-click on the seasonality commentary in the quarter? Because if we look at the beat versus guidance on net new digital media ARR, it looks, at the same time you had the weakest beat, but then the strongest guide in the last three years, which kind of speaks to and confirm some of those seasonality comments that you made.)
    i. 高層對此的回答是, 主要是疫情後, 加上正值夏季, 大家的日子回復到正常&放假外出, 所以這部分的業務有受到影響(I think going into the quarter, we had expected that the consumer with a little bit more return to normalcy as what's happening in the environment.)
    ii. 高層又說了一些話, 不過重點就是他不認為這是甚麼大事”So, net-net, I would say that the growth prospects for that particular business and the growth drivers remain intact. But again, very much in line. And this is what we feel good about the insights that we're getting on the business.”
    iii. 也提到, Q4通常會是digital marketing業務的旺季(表現會不俗的意思)

    另外, 覺得這次令我印象深刻的是, 當高層與分析師提到這些事情:
    • 常在一些公司的電話會議中提到omnichannel這個字(疫情後, 更明顯了). 這次高層也有提到. ADBE可說是omnichannel概念股:
    o “I mean, a big part of that is more and more companies are thirdly doing the multi-channel omnichannel, whatever they want to call it. And I think that's only going to continue to be a driver of our Digital Experience Solutions. Because today that stable stakes and so we just look at it and say whether you're shopping in-store over they are shopping online. You need a solution that treats you like a customer that we know of.”
    • 網路上影片(video)的興起, 以及串流影音, 有提高了Adobe的營收天花板(用句分析師的術語, 就是TAM (total addressable market) expansion.
    • 當使用者製作了越來越多的內容, 內容管理(content management)的能力就越顯重要, 內容上的流程管理(workflow)也越顯重要. Adobe的產品能夠幫內容製作者解決這樣的問題.
    • 而Adobe各產品間的相容性, 標準化, 整合能力, 是它的競爭優勢之一:
    o And one of the things we did really well is what we called our named user deployment and how, you know, when we have these enterprise licensing agreements, we offer enterprises the ability to download and distribute within the companies. And the more we do training and evangelism of the products, that leads to adoption. So, I would say there's an element of standardization, there's an element of more content.

    而最近ADBE有個新聞, 引起了我的注意, 就是它即將在自己的平台上, 提供付款服務(payment service). 根據之前研究SHOP的經驗, 這有可能會對股價造成一定的漲幅:
    On Sept. 15, Adobe announced that it will add payment services to its e-commerce platform this year to help merchants accept credit cards and other ways of paying. The move will deepen Adobe's rivalry with e-commerce firm Shopify (SHOP).
    For the service, Adobe has partnered with PayPal (PYPL), which will process a variety of payment types, including credit and debit cards as well as PayPal's own payment and buy-now-pay-later offerings.

    接下來該怎麼辦? 對於基本面良好的公司如ADBE, 我能說的就是buy the dip(逢低買進)了. 供參.

    🌻The Facebook Files
    一個星期前, WSJ上面有個關於FB的大篇幅調查報導. 有興趣的可以看看.
    The Facebook Files

    這篇文章挺長, 也沒有看到華爾街中文版本的完整翻譯, 不過可以看看這篇:





    🌻我喜歡的Apple TV影集, "Ted Lasso", 是這次艾美獎的大贏家, 很多主要演員都得獎了.

    很高興這兩年, 因為有這部戲的陪伴, 讓我撐過了疫情, 家人離世, 以及一些烏煙瘴氣的事情.

    前幾天看演員的得獎影片, 一位娛樂記者問得獎的男配角(也是編劇之一)說, 你覺得這部片的核心思想是甚麼. 他說, be curious, not judgemental.

    就像得獎的女演員在劇中一開始是很鴨霸很壞心的球隊主人, 但這樣做是因為被前夫傷透了心, 所以想要弄垮離婚後分到的財產(也是前夫的最愛--球隊); 外表看起來永遠陽光燦爛做啦啦隊的男主角, 在青少年時父親自殺, 造成了他心裡永遠的痛&障礙(讓他在球賽時, 會有突發恐懼症).

    我們每個人其實都有很多面, 很多個故事. 尤其在社群, 大家都是萍水相逢, 對彼此的了解都是非常片面的; 而有時候在社群裡, 看到有人會因為只看到一個面向, 就去下斷語. 這其實是人之常情很難避免, 所以我們需要常用第二層思考去提醒自己. 社群裡需要更多的同理心.

    “Be curious, not judgmental” – Walt Whitman(惠特曼)(美國詩人)


  • judgmental意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-02 20:20:38
    有 291 人按讚




    When it comes to communicating in English with an international audience, native speakers don’t always do so well.


    Sometimes, such inability to accommodate non-native speakers can lead to substantial financial losses for multinational companies.




    Picture this: A group of nonnative English speakers is in a room. There are people from Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria and France. They're having a great time speaking to each other in English, and communication is smooth.

    •picture(v.) 想像,設想
    •have a great time doing sth 做某事很開心
    •smooth 順利的,流暢的



    And then an American walks into the room. The American speaks quickly, using esoteric jargon ("let's take a holistic approach") and sports idioms ("you hit it out of the park!"). And the conversation trickles to a halt.

    •esoteric 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的
    •jargon 行話,行業術語
    •a holistic approach 全面性的方法 ; 完整取向、全方位取向
    •sports idioms 體育相關的成語,慣用語
    •trickle to a halt 遂逐漸停止
    •trickle 從…向下滴(或淌)

    *hit/knock the ball out of the park 字面上的意思是「把球打出棒球場」,慣用語的意思則是「某事做的非常好,令人驚艷」。



    Decades of research shows that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down. Global communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are accessible to everyone, using simple words and phrases.

    •communication specialist 溝通專家
    •accessible 可以理解的;易懂的

    數十年的研究表明,當母語為英語的人參與非母語者之間的談話時,理解力會下降。全球溝通專家 Heather Hansen 告訴我們,這是因為母語者無法自然地以非母語者的方式來溝通:以大家都能接受的方式交談——使用簡單的詞彙與片語。


    And yet, as Hansen points out, this more accessible way of speaking is often called "bad English." There are whole industries devoted to "correcting" English that doesn't sound like it came from a native British or American speaker. …It turns out that these definitions of "good" and "bad" English may be counterproductive if our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible.

    •point sth out 指出
    •turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
    •counterproductive 産生相反效果的;産生相反作用的;事與願違的,適得其反的

    惟正如 Hansen 所指出,這種所謂更容易理解的說話方式,通常被稱為「破英語」。也有行業致力於「糾正」那些聽起來不像英國或美國母語者的英語。⋯⋯事實證明,如果我們的目標是盡可能地有效交流,那麼這些對「好」英語與「壞」英語的定義可能會適得其反。


    A balance needs to be struck. There is also a clear difference between helping students improve their English in a classroom and being overly judgmental in a business meeting (or on the Internet ><).


    However, if the goal is to communicate effectively with an international audience, native speakers could be more accommodating. At least, that's the view taken by the articles below.


    *accommodating 樂於助人的;與人方便的;通融的




    圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3x2lr7X

  • judgmental意思 在 曾德平 Tsang Tak Ping Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-03-03 21:41:04
    有 1 人按讚


    Basic Thangka Class Admissions:
    Finally our school is open for admission again. To be honest, I became a little bit shrink back for new classes, which kept me delaying this post day after day until my captain repeatedly urging me to do so. The reason of my flinch is the hugh disappointment letting down by previous students that make me feel possibly thangka painting was a bit hard for city people, exspecially Hong Kong- a place mixtures of internation influrence, a place with not much tradtional or root passion, a place filled with working stress. Hong Kong people have no experience or habbits like tibetans, they do not born to have strong faith and patience. (nobody does) But I still believe Hong Kong people are itelligence, pure, and flexible of so much potentials, which I am hoping to see this time. (show me what you got, HK) I need to appologise to everybody who is interest, our school tradtionally required a interview, due to our inadequate space and time limit. Most importantly, I want to make sure who come to learn not coming for hobby classes. I am aiming “ONLY” to train future thangka artists that could pass the lineage or buddhists that are ready to benefit others.
    Students requirements:
    1) Buddhist/future Buddhist. (interested/ faith/right idea on dharma) A lot of people came and declare they are not buddhists, why leaning buddhism art? What is that suppose to mean?
    2) Age 27-45 (for best concentration, patience, stability)
    3) Humble to learn, open-minded; obedience.
    4) Decent looking with sense of modern anc chic. (in order to nurture the new generation of Buddhists, to have outstanding qualities are benefits for good impression).
    5) Good motivations.
    6) Kind heart, open-minded, lovely personality, humor and willing to help others, gentles.
    7) Have faith, willing to believe and love your teacher. (me). This is a very important point, in Tibetan Buddhism, we believe the trust on teacher can always bring success in studies. (you might search more information by my Chinese name or read all the previous posts in timeline to understand more about me)
    I do not like students who are superstitious, super natural imagination, narrow minded, judgmental, proud, princess sickness, sarcastic, love gossips, and talks in big voices. (I think everybody don’t like too). If you think you fits all the qualities or few qualities in the above lists; or feeling positive to become like that; or simply love to visit our school and ask questions, don’t hesitate or shy to send me a private message inbox to make an appointment.
    P.S: please don’t just visit without appointment due to our school unpredictable opening time, we are very happy to fullfil your curiosity on thangka painting cultures
    Due to my health problems this time I authorizated Captain Mr Tim Tim to do all the main interviews, I will only meet the potential students in the second interview or people with special requirement)
    終於我們學校又再次開放新班招生.老實說對招生感到有點退縮,一日推一日地延遲刊登這篇文章,直到班長一再敦促。我退縮的原因是以往一些學生們讓我感到太失望,令我覺得唐卡對於城市人來說可能有點困難,特別是香港- 一個國際化混合的城市; 一個沒有太多傳統或熱情根本的地方; 一個充滿工作壓力的地方。香港人沒有像藏人那樣的生活經歷,天生沒有堅強的信心和耐性的習慣。(相信也沒有人天生有的)但我仍然相信香港人是非常聰明敏感,純真,和充滿多樣的可塑性,希望這次能看到. (show me what you got, Hong Kong) .我需要向所有感興趣的人說聲抱歉,歷年來學校需要面試原因是,我們不足的空間和時間, 最重要是,想確保來學習的人不是學興趣班心態。我的目標是培育能承接傳承的未來唐卡畫師或者準備好利益眾生的佛教徒。
    1)必須是佛教徒/想成為佛教徒.(有興趣學習佛法, 對佛法有信心有正確思維等) 很多人來到這宣稱不是佛教徒,但想好玩地學學佛教藝術, 什麼意思呀?
    3)謙卑好學, 虛心; 思想開明, 願意聽從。
    4)相貌莊嚴, 帶有時代感和氣質. (為了培育新一代的佛教徒, 希望優秀的素質給佛教帶來新鮮正面的好印象.
    6)慈悲, 可愛, 善良, 幽默和樂於助人。
    7)願意相信, 生起信心, 愛你的老師 (我). 這是一個非常重要的一點, 在藏傳佛教中認為'如果對老師信任是可以帶來學習上成就. (可通過我的中文名字-張櫻琴搜索多一點資料您可以通過我的中文名稱搜索更多信息或閱讀過往我寫過的帖子了解我多一點)
    我不喜歡學生迷信,疑神疑鬼, 狹隘,武斷,驕傲,挖苦批評,愛八卦, 和粗聲粗氣(我想大家亦不可能喜歡)如果你認為你符合所有以上要求;或符合某些要求;或者乾脆喜歡到我們學校參觀參觀, 解答一些唐卡疑問, 不要猶豫害羞,給我發私信收件箱進行預約.
    注: (請不要在沒有預約下突然拜訪因為學校開放的時間每天不定,我們很高興能夠滿足您對唐卡繪畫文化的好奇心. 由於我的健康問題,這次全權交給班長甜甜先生作主要面試,我只會在第二次面試接見有潛質的學生或特殊要求的人)

  • judgmental意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • judgmental意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • judgmental意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

