

在 judgement意思產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅鍾舒漫 Sherman Chung,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 終於完成我在造星裡的任務,很感謝 @viutv 的邀請,真的好感恩有這機會讓我去學習,看到每個參賽者的過程,我身同感受... 看電視過程當中看到自己很多可改善的地方,舊年我也有幸參與做評判,但沒有今年得到的多,雖然有很多與參賽者交流的對話都被剪掉,而且現場跟電視剪接過後的感覺也非常不同,但最後出來的...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅唔熟唔食 Cook King Room,也在其Youtube影片中提到,**先講聲唔好意思先,上一條片有少少位有啲技術問題,所以再重新up 多次,順便執執啲位。收到網友建議,改左少少遊戲玩法,會由各位SEND比我食物嘅相片作評審準則,咁樣會公平啲:) 小弟嘅小小心意,歡迎各位參與。遊戲截止日期為 2018年4月6日。 Sorry for the re-upload v...

judgement意思 在 Sherman Chung Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-12-03 15:37:51

終於完成我在造星裡的任務,很感謝 @viutv 的邀請,真的好感恩有這機會讓我去學習,看到每個參賽者的過程,我身同感受... 看電視過程當中看到自己很多可改善的地方,舊年我也有幸參與做評判,但沒有今年得到的多,雖然有很多與參賽者交流的對話都被剪掉,而且現場跟電視剪接過後的感覺也非常不同,但最後出來的...

judgement意思 在 劉仕傑 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-11 12:02:45

禮拜六,來談談前民進黨秘書長接受聯合報專訪一席話:「民進黨已經世俗化,不是我所熟悉的政黨,遲早會出事」。 文嘉兄的感觸,我想也是很多人的感觸。對我而言,我更是百感交集。 我在台南長大,從小跟著阿扁的選舉造勢場,羅文嘉跟馬永成是我年少時候的政治偶像。今天這篇文章,我想以一個「即將退休的原型民進...

judgement意思 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-05 00:40:24

: 星期五是吃素日,才怪。 好啦,星期五的確是大犬他們學校的吃素日,學校營養午餐真的如同所有營養的東西,都不好吃,每逢星期三發放包子雞塊的日子時,他特別開心。 為了實踐發吐司讓他們自己啃的誓言,我今天真的只給他們兩三片麵包,只是因為歐包太乾怕滯銷(吐司吃完了忘記買)所以用法式吐司的作法煎了一下,...

  • judgement意思 在 鍾舒漫 Sherman Chung Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-28 00:25:39
    有 334 人按讚

    終於完成我在造星裡的任務,很感謝 @viutv 的邀請,真的好感恩有這機會讓我去學習,看到每個參賽者的過程,我身同感受... 看電視過程當中看到自己很多可改善的地方,舊年我也有幸參與做評判,但沒有今年得到的多,雖然有很多與參賽者交流的對話都被剪掉,而且現場跟電視剪接過後的感覺也非常不同,但最後出來的效果還是感動的。


    在於我,我的爛中文也為我上了一課😂,無心之用詞被誤會當中意思, @alan_ekids 的表現令我特別深刻,我能完全感受他當時現場覺得自己做得不夠好的感覺,我經歷過無數次這樣的煎熬,我猜認識我的人都應該知道,我極度重視每個表演,每次上台前都無數練習,姑勿論最後令自己快樂還是失望,每次表演我都依然對自己說要當成「遺作」去表演,意思就是當「最後一次」,我以為這樣就能夠更加投入,但相反換來的是更大的重力,重力不能讓人放鬆表現,最後換來的就是失望... 後來我學會,只要自己願意,總會有下一次,每一次的盡力,哪怕是好是壞,對自己來說就是GOOD SHOW!我看見Alan當刻就像看見了自己,心裏好想告訴他不用視之為自己的「遺作」,就是不用當成「最後一次」,結果帶來大家的不舒服,我也為此致歉,沒想到原來過我對自己說的就是一直在咒罵自己😂choy...


    後加:突然想說 #我識你 😅,我的用意是希望讓觀眾知道我去評論該參賽者不是片面只看他當天表現,希望有機會將我平時認識的他們帶到觀眾面前,也說了很多平時我所認識的他們是怎樣,萬一表現不好,我平時認識的他們可能都會令觀眾改觀,當然我沒能力讓所有人知道全部參賽者的真身,因為我只認識少部份,雖然沒有出街,但我也無悔說了 #我識你 ,當然最後又換來我偏幫自己認識的人的批評😅,又令到某部分觀眾不舒服,我也不好意思🤦🏾‍♀️... 老實說,對於人對我的judgement,我心裡真的感到理解,對我來說這就是一個溝通過程,我一路學習不要怕溝通,互相了解!過往我沒什麼渠道去表達自己,只有音樂,甚至音樂都沒辦法讓人認識我,但今天有很多平台讓我可以互相分享大家看法,我應該好好利用去發放正面的氛圍呀!所以yea,來個後加話😜 edited


    好吧接下來的情節我也非常期待,請大家繼續支持 #全民造星3 的參賽者,我繼續日日追劇般追🤣


    btw 看到 2man @lam2 and missy @kearenpang 對參賽者的愛我很感動!😭

    add oil 所有尊重自己夢想的你們!!

  • judgement意思 在 鴨頭 嘉人 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-06 06:43:24
    有 231 人按讚


    昨日、スタートしたクラウドファンディング「西野亮廣×鴨頭嘉人コラボ講演 ~夢とエンタメで世界を変えていこう~」が、プロジェクト立ち上げから7時間44分で、目標金額の2000万円を突破しました。



































    [I can't live as a person anymore]

    Yesterday, the crowdfunding that started ′′ Ryo Nishino x tsuji head collaboration lecture ~ Let's change the world with dreams and enta ~" but it's been 7 hours and 44 minutes since the project launched, and it's a goal I've breached 2000 yen of the amount.
    Thank you so much for all your support.

    [ryo nishino x]]

    For those who don't know, I will explain the summary of this project again.

    This is the ′′ Nishino Ryo Nishino cheering project ′′ that was planted by the youtube speaker, Mr. Tsuji Chia-San and the team-head...... I'm going to have a collaboration lecture between me and Mr. Tsuji-San, what a 3 In a week, I'm going to go to the Tokyo International Forum, but I'm going to have a good time with the full price of the revenue, and I'm going to have a good time with the purchase of the ticket for the movie ′′ a town ′′ and I'm going to give it to the kids I'm sorry.
    It's already a hell of a scale support.

    Yesterday was a whole day, and there was a recording of the movie, and I was able to chase the movement of the fan this time while watching the smartphone glimmer in the middle of the day...... when I see the twitter timeline, I feel like I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm rooting for you.

    I'll say it again, but this is not for us, but the motive is ′′ this time I'm going to win ryo nishino ′′

    I really have to go to see each and every one of you, and I have to thank you for your support, but the movie production is in the the, and now I can't leave the site...... so I'm in my heart So I said ′′ thank you ′′ and closed my smartphone and went back to film production again.

    Now, a lot of people are supporting the movie ′′ a town ′′ and ′′ Ryo Nishino ′′ from the team of the team.

    Once," try to search ego in ♯ a town," Now the circle of cheering is really going to be amazing.

    I talked about it yesterday too, but this year everyone is hard.
    Being attacked by a virus once a year, we are going to drown again today, and we are looking for a way to get over it.
    I don't think everyone is anxious and anxious.
    There are still things I need to do with myself.

    In such a way, I'm saying, ′′ go nishino ~" for sharing that precious time in my challenge.

    I really really want to be, I think it's sinful.

    Isn't the director ranting at the site of the movie production?
    ... I mean, the director is angry, right?
    I don't have an image of kicking a chair in front of me lol?

    I don't have an expression because my body is na, so I don't have a good expression because it doesn't suit me if i yell or hit things.
    That ′′ anger ′′ is very well understood.

    I think this is not limited to movies, people called leaders, and managers.

    There is also a fair opinion that ′′ how about ranting as a person?" (I know it! ), but on the other hand, the leader is this background, this line, this music, how many people have moved to exist this scene, and the face of those who have moved. Always I imagine.
    I know how many things they have sacrificed.

    I'm thankful for the voice of ′′ I want to work with you ′′ and it's a student intern in the salon, and every time I get a few hundred submissions in a moment.

    But I often say to them.

    ′′ don't come near me if you're ready for that extent. If you want to run at that pace, there's a more cozy place than next to me ′′

    I'll catch your neck and never say ′′ work next to me,"
    Even if you say ′′ I'll do it somewhere else I can't pull it off. Here you go.

    I just want you to be prepared if you are ′′ working next to nishino," in your will.

    1000 hours, but if it's a dwee, I'll throw it in the trash in 1 seconds.
    If you hate it, you can grudge as much as you want.
    However, don't wrong the opponent you hate.

    This is not the world where ′′ I did my best ′′ is going to pass.
    The worst thing is that I can only make a dwee even though it's been 1000 hours.
    ′′ if you hate it, grudge your weakness

    Sometimes I see someone who sees it, ′′ judgement that there is no blood or tears ′′

    That's what it's like to say, ′′ this is a demo," it's about 10 % of the completion, but there's the person who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who Isn't it all about your thoughts?

    So, I don't work again if I don't smell the blood more than the people who can put out something like the flow work.
    I'll never see you again.

    The reason is because the person looks cute.
    This is not a world where people like that can live.

    And above all, this background, this line, this music, to exist this scene, how many people move, how much money moves, and how many people want to stand here. Stand up Because I know I didn't.

    The more you cheer up, the more you can't be a person on the site, the more you're like a demon, but this is a world like that, so i think it's good.

    Listen to this story, if you are interested in ′′ good," please take an intern of nishino co ltd. or listen to our young employees and intern students.

    If you are seriously motivated by entertainment, there is no doubt that it is an environment that can't be done.

    It's just," it's the same age, at least it's about Japan. It's going to be a dǎchi héi in the area of ′′ I don't know what to do, so if you're going to participate, please feel like it.

    Well, it's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a long time, but today is the start of the day, and now I'm already recording the recording.

    I'll do my best.
    Good luck to you too.

    ▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓

    ▼ Instagram version is here ↓

  • judgement意思 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-26 15:28:29
    有 4,722 人按讚

    實際發生的情況 VS 外人所看到的情況。














    *跳躍高度是根據h = 1 / 2gt ^ 2,t = 1.154s + -0.004s(240fps)從跳躍頂點確定的

    What really happens VS what people see.

    Yesterday I posted this which seemed to rile people up. Many people think posting like this is inciting dangerous behavior. "Bad Demonstration. Ignorant people will follow this and die". Why is it always other people who are behaving irresponsibly. No ever ever comments "I might try to repeat this and die" Why is there so much distrust of other people? What makes your judgement so much better than everyone else's?

    People aren't at risk from watching a video and then trying to repeat it. If you believed people like that existed then the "fast and the furious "movies would make you too scared to leave the house for fear of reckless drivers.

    The video was filmed at a high frame rate (slow motion). Long airtime gives it the appearance of being a very high jump, but it's only 6.5 meters. While not particularly high, this is still high enough to be painful if you landed on your back or stomach. I know, because I'm not good at doing backflips, but I still try anyway. Landing on your stomach isn’t fatal, but it’s not fun either. That's why I recommend jumping feet first, hands in, as seen in the video. It's actually quite a good demonstration.

    I always tell people to check water depth and ensure there are no obstructions before jumping. But when we say "look before you jump" what we really mean is "Think before you act".

    Is it risky to climb up to the platform?
    Is the platform I am jumping from stable?
    Where is my planned landing zone?
    Are there any people or objects in the landing zone?
    Is the depth of the water suitable for jumping from this height?
    What will I do in the air while jumping?
    What is my planned body orientation for landing?
    Can I swim in these conditions?
    How will I exit the water after jumping?
    Do I need any additional equipment such as gloves or a life jacket?
    Are there people nearby? Do they know I am jumping?

    None of these are complicated questions and none require any technical training. This is just basic common sense. Most people do this automatically, without even having to think about it.

    The above isn't especially dangerous. People are generally safe and responsible when it comes to their personal safety with a few important exceptions. The real safety tips are down here:

    1) Never consume alcohol while cliff jumping. You'd be surprised how many accidents in nature involve alcohol.

    2) Never pressure anyone into attempting a stunt they are not comfortable with. If someone is scared, it's because they lack the requisite skill or experience. This increases risk. Teach. Don't tease .

    3) Know your limits. Take baby steps. Don't attempt something far above your experience level without consulting someone with more experience. Ignore anyone who is pressuring you. They're not being good friends.

    4) Don't do anything stupid to impress a girl. It's not worth it. 9 out of 10 women surveyed preferred men without head injuries.

    Now go out to the river and have some fun. Go cliff jumping. Climb as high as you feel comfortable. And if at any time if you feel uncomfortable, just back down and jump from somewhere lower, or not at all. Go with friends that you trust, and watch out for each other. Check the weather first. Prepare equipment you need in advance. You may need a flotation device. If you realize you don’t have enough equipment later, you don’t need to attempt anything you are not prepared for. Just come back and play another day.

    Follow these basic steps and you will soon realize that hysteria isn’t the proper approach to water safety. Knowledge and preparation is.

    *jump height determined using h= 1/2gt^2, t=1.154s+-0.004s (240fps), from apex of jump

  • judgement意思 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-03-06 22:15:00

    **先講聲唔好意思先,上一條片有少少位有啲技術問題,所以再重新up 多次,順便執執啲位。收到網友建議,改左少少遊戲玩法,會由各位SEND比我食物嘅相片作評審準則,咁樣會公平啲:) 小弟嘅小小心意,歡迎各位參與。遊戲截止日期為 2018年4月6日。

    Sorry for the re-upload version of this video as the previous video got some technical problems so I decided to repost a better version of it. And I have received comments from some of you about the judgement of the game, now it will be based on the pictures of the food which I've recieved, this seems to be more fair to every participants. Everyone is welcome to join! The game will end on the 6th April 2018.

    今集會送出一支全新嘅慢煮器俾大家,遊戲玩法片中有講,最後會10選1 得獎者。屋企無慢煮器嘅歡迎參與!

    Apart from sou vide steaks, sous vide Iberico pork is another good idea. Especially for those who doesn't eat beef.
    There will be a brand new sous vide cooker giveaway this time, to join this game just simply subcribe, like and share this video, send me a pic of yours from any of my recipes in my channel. .If you don't have any sous vide cooker at home, take the chance!

    黑毛豬鞍 4件 (1”厚)
    鹽 適量
    黑胡椒粉 適量
    橄欖油 適量
    蒜頭 5粒
    迷迭香 4條
    牛至 1茶匙
    車厘茄 適量
    蘆筍 適量
    青蘋果醬 1湯匙

    Iberico Pork Loins 4 pcs
    Black pepper
    Olive oil
    Garlic 5 cloves
    Rosemary 4 prigs
    Oregano 1 tsp
    Cherry Tomatoes
    Green Apple Jam 1 tbsp


