

在 jogging中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案 學生有時會問我,為何該探討諸如種族主義等社會議題。答案很簡單。這些議題指出了我們社會的潛在問題,唯有開誠布公的討論與行動,才能解決這些問題。如果我們想建立一個更加包容、公平且進步的社會,那麼我們必須盡可能地將這些棘手的問題攤在陽光底下,面對它...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過30萬的網紅吳鳳Rifat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大稻埕碼頭有很大的變化,這樣子的規劃我覺得很棒。台北真需要這種空間。週末全家可以一起去放鬆一下,走一走。歐洲這種空間非常的多。台北也可以跟歐洲學,把我們的城市弄的更美。💪 Taipei has many rivers and famous district DADAOCHENG pier now h...

  • jogging中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-12 17:12:05
    有 136 人按讚

    [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案

    Students sometimes ask me why social issues such as racism should be discussed. The answer is straightforward. These lessons point out underlying problems within our society that only open discussion and action can address. If we want a more inclusive, equitable, and progressive society, then we must all to our part to bring these difficult issues to light and face them together.
    Ahmaud Arbery loved to run. A former high school football standout, he had been jogging near his home on the outskirts of Brunswick, Ga., when he was shot and killed after being pursued by two white men with guns, according to the authorities. The authorities said he was shot after an encounter with Gregory and Travis McMichael, who had grabbed two guns and followed Mr. Arbery in a truck after he jogged past them.
    1. a standout 優秀而顯著的人物
    2. on the outskirts of 在⋯⋯的郊區
    3. be pursued by 被⋯⋯追趕
    4. the authorities 當局;官方;當權者
    5. an encounter with 與⋯⋯的遭遇
    Gregory McMichael told the police that he thought Mr. Arbery looked like a man suspected in several break-ins in the area. The Brunswick News, citing documents obtained through a public records request, reported that there had been just one burglary in the neighborhood since January: the theft of a handgun from an unlocked truck parked outside Travis McMichael’s house.
    6. be suspected of 有⋯⋯的嫌疑;被懷疑
    7. break-in (n.) 非法入侵;(尤指)入室盜竊
    8. public records 公開紀錄;公開檔案
    9. burglary 偷盜罪
    10. the theft of ⋯⋯的偷竊
    For two months, the shooting received little attention outside Brunswick. As the coronavirus pandemic dominated headlines and shut down communities around the country, The Times spoke with Mr. Arbery’s friends and family, who were by then concerned the case might quietly disappear in their Deep South community, because social distancing restrictions had made it difficult for them to gather and protest.
    11. receive little attention 很少受到關注
    12. dominate headlines 佔據了頭條
    13. the Deep South 美國深南部
    14. social distancing restrictions 社交距離限制令
    On May 5, a graphic video of the fatal encounter had begun to circulate online. It galvanized an already growing chorus of voices calling for charges to be brought in the case. Recorded from inside a vehicle, it shows Mr. Arbery running along a shaded two-lane residential road when he comes upon a white pickup truck, with a man standing beside its open driver-side door. Another man is in the truck bed. Mr. Arbery runs around the vehicle and disappears briefly from view. Muffled shouting can be heard before Mr. Arbery emerges, tussling with the man outside the truck as three shotgun blasts echo.
    15. a graphic video of ⋯⋯的血腥影片
    16. a fatal encounter 致命的遭遇
    17. circulate online 流傳於網路上
    18. galvanize 激起;引起
    19. run along 沿著
    20. come upon 碰上;偶然發現
    21. disappear from view 從視野中消失
    22. muffled (聲音)變輕微(或低沉)
    23. tussle with 與⋯⋯打鬥;盡力對付
    Travis McMichael, 34, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 64, were charged on May 7 with murder and aggravated assault — two days after a graphic video of the shooting of Mr. Arbery, a 25-year-old black man, became public, and more than two months after the killing itself. The case has generated a wave of outrage and raised concerns about persistent racial inequities in the justice system.
    24. be charged with 被以⋯⋯控告
    25. murder and aggravated assault 謀殺與加重的企圖傷害罪
    26. the shooting of ⋯⋯的槍擊
    27. become public 公開
    28. generate a wave of outrage 引發憤慨
    29. raise concerns 引起擔憂
    30. racial inequities 種族不平等
    31. the justice system 司法系統
    May justice be served.
    [時事英文]US Protests: Week of Outrage: https://bit.ly/3crULTN

  • jogging中文 在 Elecher 一粒车 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-18 09:44:46
    有 117 人按讚

    #deminegara #pleastayhome #lockdown #covid_19 #请呆在家


    [ Will you please stay at home? ]

    10pm Superior: we need an extra MO to Permai Hospital urgently.
    7am Received call from superior
    7.30am Packing luggage
    8.30am Leave to Permai
    10.30am Report at Permai

    It's my first day reporting myself to Permai Hospital, hospital for Covid patient. And guess what, I was welcomed with the news of first death in Johor literally 5 mins after I was briefed by my team. Yes, if anyone of you are curious about the situation now. It's havoc, it's bad, it's real now.

    People are being upset the lockdown of Malaysia. I know you're healthy and think is unnecessary. But on the other side of world that you don't see, we're screening hundreds of people everyday now and having hundreds of confirmed cases daily. And there's people dying, not just the old one, but the young one, leaving young children behind. As young and fit like us.
    And one of the most difficult part is to do contact tracing because of the mobility of people. And right now I'm sure there's many infected people who's not diagnosed yet and keep spreading the virus to people surrounding them. Please Malaysian, we need a favour from you. The current lockdown is only 2 weeks, which is the incubation period of the virus and enough for us to identified those who's infected previously if they stop contacting other people from now. And the contact tracing (which is just the family members) will be a lot easier. Please just stay at home, yumcha at home, no more outdoor jogging, opening your shop unnecessary or religious praying together-gether. Can we just please do this for 14 days? If we can adhere to this and identified and isolate all the cases, then the chances of un-lockdown will be higher and sooner.

    People have been complaining why are we not screening them when they've symptoms. If we could, we will want to screen everyone. But our manpower and resources are getting limited now that's why there's only people who fulfil the criteria will get screened (but you can always pay to screen at private). So please stay home, will you? I know you're not scare of dying, so do I. That's why here am I working as a frontliner. But my sister cried when she knew I'm going. I was shocked and I told her I'll keep myself safe. Is your love one ready for you to die as well? If not, stay home while you can. (because I can't)

    I've received lots of blessings and wishes from friends who know I'm called to be a frontliner. And know what, the biggest blessings to us is to stay healthy, stay safe and stay home. We're not blaming anyone so please let's not blame anyone but be a part of this. I can't save the world, but I am doing my little part to help the situation , and if you're with me, please do your part too and show the Malaysian spirit.

    It's a difficult situation, that's why we need more gratitude than grumbles.

    Be grateful if you've saved enough to go through this tough time, some people don't and perhaps you can lend a hand
    Be grateful if you need to rest from work, some people don't even have job
    Be grateful if you're asked to self quarantine, some people are quarantine in the hospital with no one
    Be grateful if you're quarantined but still fit, someone just didn't make it today
    Be grateful if your family is far but still healthy and fit, some people lost their father today
    Be grateful you can stay home with family and have family bonding, some people, us are out there working day in day out in the hospital.

    And we're grateful Malaysian can play a part as Malaysian now.
    Malaysia need you.
    We need you.

    16/3 10pm 上司:我们紧急需要一名医生去Permai医院。
    17/3 7am 接到上司的电话
    7. 30am 收拾行李
    8.30am 前往permai
    10. 30am 报到


    而因为人民自由的活动,让我们追踪肯定病例接触过的人 (contact tracing) 遇到了很大的阻力。而照着现在的状态,很有可能很多被感染的人还未被检验。真的,我们医护人员需要你们,请呆在家好吗?在家yumcha,不要出外运动,不要开店不需要离开家祈祷。只是两个星期,让我们能在这两星期把所有感染的病患医治,避免继续互相传染,那么封国就会尽早被取消。


    大家知道我去了前线,给了我很多祝福。真的很感恩很被爱。但是若每一个人都能照顾自己的健康,呆在家,对我们就是最大的祝福。我不能拯救世界,但只是履行我的责任,所以若可以,也希望每个人可以履行人民的责任,我依然相信Malaysia Boleh因为人民的力量。



  • jogging中文 在 杰宇的法文邂逅 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-10 19:01:01
    有 347 人按讚

    我想除了台中媽媽教我台語之外,最快學中文的方式就是在Facebook回覆朋友們的留言,我特別喜歡從朋友們身上學習網路用語,例如:傻眼貓咪、森77、QQ、8+9,所以也從他們身上學到新的中文!在法文其實也有網路用語,今天來和大家5個必學的網路用語« le language SMS »🌟
    💬 Bcp
    Bcp就是« Beaucoup »,也就是副詞「很」的意思,最常使用的方式就是當大家留言給我鼓勵的時候,我常常會說« Merci beaucoup!»,在這邊也就可以寫« Merci bcp!»,來表達我的感謝!謝謝朋友們的鼓勵!讓我可以有動力繼續和大家分享法文和歐洲文化!(拭淚)

    Est-ce que tu pourrais m'apporter le livre que j'ai laissé sur la table?
    Marie: Bien sûr.(當然!)
    Yannick: merci bcp(非常感謝!)
    Bg就是« Beau gosse»的縮寫,也就是帥哥的意思!

    Toute les filles à l'école sont amoureuses de Pierre. Il est vraiment BG.(所有在學校的女孩都喜歡Pierre,因為他真的是帥哥。)

    ⚠️ Gosse 在歐洲法文裡面是小孩的意思,beau gosse 就是 好帥的男孩的意思。我媽常常也會說,« Les gosses sont à la maison. »(我的小孩在家。)是一個非常口的說法。不過在加拿大法語區意思完全不一樣!他們會覺得是男孩性器官下面那兩顆 👇 🥚 😂。所以到加拿大法語區不能亂用喔!
    💬 Tkt
    Tkt也是一個實用的縮寫,也就是« Ne t’inquiète pas »,「不用擔心」、「沒問題」的意思!
    Yannick:Tu as du vin chez toi ? (你家有紅酒嗎?)
    Marie:Ouais tkt ! (有啊!不用擔心!)
    Rdv也就是« Rendez-vous » 的縮寫,也就是名詞「會議」、「聚會」的意思。它可以用來表示一場「浪漫的約會」:
    Victor a rdv avec Aurélie ce soir. Ils iront d’abord au cinéma et après ils feront une promenade au bord de la Seine.
    Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé tout à l’heure au rdv avec tes collègues ?
    J’ai rdv chez le médecin demain matin.

    « Rdv » 不僅僅是網路用語,它也可以被用在各種口語對話裡。舉例來說:
    Coucou! N’oublies pas notre rdv pour aller faire du jogging demain matin.
    💬 Tg
    如果你正在專心準備明天考試,結果你的好朋友一直在旁邊跟你聊天!相信這時候你可能會很想大聲叫他「閉嘴!」在法文就是« Ta gueule ! » ,而這個單字也有網路的縮寫版也就是« Tg »。比如說:

    Yannick: je viens de te voir en train de regarder les photos de ton ex copain. Je pense que tu l'aimes encore…
    Marie: tg !Je l'ai déjà oublié.(閉嘴!我已經忘記他了!)


  • jogging中文 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-05-26 19:14:16

    大稻埕碼頭有很大的變化,這樣子的規劃我覺得很棒。台北真需要這種空間。週末全家可以一起去放鬆一下,走一走。歐洲這種空間非常的多。台北也可以跟歐洲學,把我們的城市弄的更美。💪 Taipei has many rivers and famous district DADAOCHENG pier now has a new space for everyone。I liked this planning of Taipei city。Hope they continue to make out city more beautiful。

