

在 iveco價格產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅媽媽監督核電廠聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 捨電動車 韓國現代氫動力貨卡將上市 目標零碳排征服瑞士高山(03/03/2020 EIC環境資訊中心) (姜唯 編譯;林大利 審校)路透社報導,韓國現代汽車的氫動力18噸貨卡將在3月於瑞士上市,盼成為零排放技術的典範。 氫燃料電池早在約兩個世紀前就問世,但在與內燃機的競爭中敗下陣,在當前的綠色運...

  • iveco價格 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-21 10:29:26
    有 18 人按讚

    捨電動車 韓國現代氫動力貨卡將上市 目標零碳排征服瑞士高山(03/03/2020 EIC環境資訊中心)

    (姜唯 編譯;林大利 審校)路透社報導,韓國現代汽車的氫動力18噸貨卡將在3月於瑞士上市,盼成為零排放技術的典範。




    根據路透社,現代氫動力(Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, HHM)執行長馬克.費姆勒(Mark Freymueller)說,「目前瑞士的綠氫能比柴油貴得多,但是隨著政府推出減碳排政策加上生產乾淨燃料的成本下降,這個數字可望有所改變。」

    麥肯錫顧問公司(McKinsey & Co)1月份的研究顯示,再生能源製氫的成本可能從現在的每公斤3至4.5歐元下降到2030年的每公斤2歐元,屆時考量兩種動力的相對效率和貨卡的生命週期成本,氫與柴油的成本競爭力將不相上下。



    現代的H2 Xcient貨卡配備一個190千瓦(190 KW)的燃料電池和七個裝有近35公斤氫氣的高壓罐,使續航里程超過400公里,遠遠超過目前市場上的電動重型貨卡。


    從50輛H2 Xcient貨卡開始,現代的目標是到2025年有1600輛在瑞士上路,今年要在奧地利、德國、荷蘭或挪威之外的至少兩個歐洲國家啟動類似計畫。

    在瑞士,現代汽車和瑞士新創公司H2 Energy成立的租賃單位HHM與氫燃料供應商Hydrospider合作。Hydrospider是H2 Energy、工業氣體製造商Linde和瑞士電力公司Alpiq合資成立的公司。

    Hydrospider在瑞士下格斯根的2兆瓦(2 MW = 2000 KW = 0.002 GW)電解工廠將開始為40-50輛現代貨卡生產氫氣。Hydrospider董事會成員史蒂芬.林德(Stefan Linder)表示,隨著越來越多的H2貨卡投入使用,到2023年至2025年,其產能必須從7000萬瓦 (70,000 KW = 70 MW = 0.07 GW) 提高到1億瓦 (100,000 KW = 100 MW = 0.1 GW)。

    為了要讓氫貨卡今年(2020)於挪威上市,H2 Energy與Nel ASA(NEL.OL)、Greenstat和Akershus Energi等綠氫能供應商合作。而挪威幾乎所有電力都來自水力發電。

    成員有近20家公司的瑞士H2行動運輸協會將成為第一批使用者,包括該國最大的連鎖超市Migros、乳製品生產商Emmi、雜貨連鎖店Coop以及加油站運營商SOCAR和Tamoil 。




    Migros其運輸物流總監瑞能.德茨曼(Rainer Deutschmann)認為許多技術都有助減碳,「我們將能看到每趟旅程的能源消耗和地理位置和地形的關係。開電動貨卡,除了運貨還得運電池。200公里的路程跑市區可以,但爬山不行。H2不管是平地還是爬山都可以。」


    首批 Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell Heavy-Duty Truck 在2020夏季完成出場測試並交付歐洲市場投入商用的紀錄短片:

  • iveco價格 在 小白 Baka Shiro Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-07 00:45:43
    有 34 人按讚

    Joshua Wong claims that the Hong Kong police use other government departments to procure riot gear to avoid international embargo


    最近黑警被揭發,出現一款新型警察衝鋒車,除了放棄意大利IVECO車廠的「Daily HI-MATIC」、重新向德國平治車廠採購外,甚至特別落Order,一改過去警車透明玻璃設計,要求將新警車中後排車窗改用黑色玻璃,車外難以觀察車內情況,令人質疑此舉意欲何為?





    According to sources revealed by Joshua Wong, the pro-democracy activist, the police force has recently replaced their Daily Hi-MATIC Emergency unit vehicles manufactured by IVECO in Italy with customised vehicles from Mercedes in Germany. The new vehicle design is also equipped with heavily tinted windows. He questioned this latest move by the police force.

    More importantly, the incident revealed that the police had the opportunity to use the “government procurement” channel to avoid the foreign arms embargo against them. At present, in addition to the purchase of equipment by the police, the police equipment can also be purchased through the Department of Logistics and other departments. For example, the current general-purpose vehicles of the police force are purchased by the Government Logistics Department. As for “special purpose vehicles” such as water cannon vehicles and armoured vehicles, Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund is used to assist in procurement. Therefore, even if foreign countries prohibit the export of riot weapons to the Hong Kong police, the police can still buy weapons in the name of other departments.

    Joshua further claimed that the current tendering system is extremely opaque. In the past, as long as the price was below HK$5 million and as long as the deputy commissioner of the police approved, the force could make their own purchases from suppliers without calling a public tender via the Logistics Services Department.

    The European Parliament earlier urged the EU to ban the export of “crowd control equipment” and “non-lethal weapons” to Hong Kong. In order to prevent foreign countries from continuing to export riot gear to the police without understanding the Hong Kong procurement system, Joshua Wong said that his Demosisto Party will continue to inform foreign nations to expand the scope of the embargo to “procurement in the name of the government” to prevent the Hong Kong police from procuring equipment via other government departments.

    🎥 http://www.youtube.com/香港眾志Demosisto
    📷 http://instagram.com/joshua1013
    📱 t.me/DemosistoOfficial
    不屈火苗 存亡號召 Ballot, or Bullet

  • iveco價格 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-06 20:13:03
    有 11,649 人按讚

    Joshua Wong claims that the Hong Kong police use other government departments to procure riot gear to avoid international embargo


    最近黑警被揭發,出現一款新型警察衝鋒車,除了放棄意大利IVECO車廠的「Daily HI-MATIC」、重新向德國平治車廠採購外,甚至特別落Order,一改過去警車透明玻璃設計,要求將新警車中後排車窗改用黑色玻璃,車外難以觀察車內情況,令人質疑此舉意欲何為?





    According to sources revealed by Joshua Wong, the pro-democracy activist, the police force has recently replaced their Daily Hi-MATIC Emergency unit vehicles manufactured by IVECO in Italy with customised vehicles from Mercedes in Germany. The new vehicle design is also equipped with heavily tinted windows. He questioned this latest move by the police force.

    More importantly, the incident revealed that the police had the opportunity to use the “government procurement” channel to avoid the foreign arms embargo against them. At present, in addition to the purchase of equipment by the police, the police equipment can also be purchased through the Department of Logistics and other departments. For example, the current general-purpose vehicles of the police force are purchased by the Government Logistics Department. As for “special purpose vehicles” such as water cannon vehicles and armoured vehicles, Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund is used to assist in procurement. Therefore, even if foreign countries prohibit the export of riot weapons to the Hong Kong police, the police can still buy weapons in the name of other departments.

    Joshua further claimed that the current tendering system is extremely opaque. In the past, as long as the price was below HK$5 million and as long as the deputy commissioner of the police approved, the force could make their own purchases from suppliers without calling a public tender via the Logistics Services Department.

    The European Parliament earlier urged the EU to ban the export of “crowd control equipment” and “non-lethal weapons” to Hong Kong. In order to prevent foreign countries from continuing to export riot gear to the police without understanding the Hong Kong procurement system, Joshua Wong said that his Demosisto Party will continue to inform foreign nations to expand the scope of the embargo to “procurement in the name of the government” to prevent the Hong Kong police from procuring equipment via other government departments.

    🎥 http://www.youtube.com/香港眾志Demosisto
    📷 http://instagram.com/joshua1013
    📱 t.me/DemosistoOfficial
    不屈火苗 存亡號召 Ballot, or Bullet

