

在 iv醫學中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,297的網紅赤米 Nereus,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 希望大家可以幫吓可仁啦😢 我希望個個小朋友都可以健康快樂咁成長,可以一齊去公園玩 【最新消息:募捐行動已於2018年12月3日結束】中大校友慈善基金感謝各界慷慨支持,募捐行動已結束。所得善款將支持張可仁及患上相類疾病需免疫治療的其他6位病童。 詳情請參閱中大校友慈善基金網頁:https://...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,550的網紅香港喵喵俠,也在其Youtube影片中提到,聯絡方法 喵喵俠專頁 https://www.facebook.com/catcatcatman/ #免費借用 #腸道暢通 #排毒好輕鬆 #排空暢快黃金角度 自然半蹲如廁,令您更暢快,更健康! 現今上廁所有一重大問題,它需要我們坐下! 坐著如廁可能會被認為是“文明”,但研究顯示,自然半蹲如廁更...

  • iv醫學中文 在 赤米 Nereus Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-11-23 09:51:53
    有 4 人按讚

    希望大家可以幫吓可仁啦😢 我希望個個小朋友都可以健康快樂咁成長,可以一齊去公園玩





    可仁早於出生第4天時已被診斷罹患一種罕有心臟病「主動脈狹窄」(Coarctation of Aorta),需要接受緊急手術。極之不幸的是,可仁最近再被確診患上「第四期神經母腫瘤」(Stage IV Neuroblastoma),目前可仁的頭骨至腰椎和盆骨均受到癌細胞擴散,脊髓神經線受到癌細胞壓住,痛楚非常,並有癱瘓的危機,癌細胞更正轉移至骨髓。



    1. 為可仁進行骨髓移植後的免疫治療;
    2. 引發社會人士及政府對兒童罕有癌症治療的關注。

    電話:2180 4316


    【Fundraising Campaign Completed on 3 December 2018】According to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation, the fundraising campaign for Mark CHEUNG Ho Yan has completed. The fund raised will be used to support the immunotherapy of Mark and 6 other patients who are suffered from the same disease. Thank you for all your kind-hearted support and generosity.



    This is an urgent appeal for your generosity to save the life of the 17-month-old son of Dr. CHEUNG Chun Kit, our medical alumnus of Class 2000.

    Dr. Cheung Chun Kit is a CUHK medical graduate of Year 2000. His younger son, Cheung Ho Yan Mark, has recently been diagnosed to have Stage IV Neuroblastoma in November 2018, and is in an emergency need of donation to provide the necessary funding to support the life-saving yet expensive immunotherapy.

    Mark was presented to his paediatrician for fever and cough in late October 2018. His cough resolved with treatment but his fever never completely went away. Two days prior to his diagnosis, Mark was more clingy than usual and did not like to walk. On a video clip, Mark was noted to have foot drop, a very significant red flag which may indicate a compression on the spinal cord. Emergency scans were immediately performed that night, and Mark was found to have a large tumour on the left side of his abdomen. The aggressive tumour had already spread silently to the back of his skull, his spine, his hips and had compressed his nerves which control his lower limbs, resulting in pain on standing and difficulty in walking. Mark is facing an imminent risk of paralysis.

    Mark is diagnosed to have a rare childhood cancer which is called Stage IV neuroblastoma, a cancer which typically presents at late stage because it arises deep in the abdomen. To cure his aggressive cancer, Mark needs to survive through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplant, and finally, immunotherapy. The whole treatment duration lasts 1.5 to 2 years. To completely eradicate all cancer cells, immunotherapy will be needed to boost Mark’s survival from 20% to 50%. However, immunotherapy is a self-financed treatment in the public hospital and the treatment costs could be up to 2 million.

    Such close encounter with death is not the first time for Mark. At the first week of life, Mark was diagnosed to have a rare heart problem called “Coarctation of Aorta”. Mark had received life-saving surgery to reestablish the blood flow across his aorta, the major blood vessel that allows blood to go from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. In a report published in 2002, only 67 cases with dual heart condition and neuroblastoma were reported, giving an odd of 1 in 100 million for a child to be hit by these two rare diseases. Scientists have not yet completely understood the mechanisms that may cause the two conditions to appear in a single child.

    It never rains but pours that Mark’s elder brother, now 5 years old, was diagnosed to have autism at around age 2. To enable the elder brother to have intensive training to improve his outcome and development, Mark’s mommy quit her job as a primary school teacher since the diagnosis of autism was made for his elder brother. Dr. Cheung, who is a medical doctor for the elderly, became the sole bread-winner of his family.

    CUHK Medical Graduates of Year 2000 have initiated a fund-raising campaign for Mark and his family with the following two objectives:

    1. To appeal for donation to support the costs of immunotherapy for Mark
    2. To increase the public awareness on the grave needs of children with cancers

    CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited
    Email: info@cuhkacf.org
    Telephone: 2180 4316

  • iv醫學中文 在 Queenie Chan 莉敏 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-11-22 22:54:15
    有 64 人按讚






    可仁早於出生第4天時已被診斷罹患一種罕有心臟病「主動脈狹窄」(Coarctation of Aorta),需要接受緊急手術。極之不幸的是,可仁最近再被確診患上「第四期神經母腫瘤」(Stage IV Neuroblastoma),目前可仁的頭骨至腰椎和盆骨均受到癌細胞擴散,脊髓神經線受到癌細胞壓住,痛楚非常,並有癱瘓的危機,癌細胞更正轉移至骨髓。



    1. 為可仁進行骨髓移植後的免疫治療;
    2. 引發社會人士及政府對兒童罕有癌症治療的關注。

    電話:2180 4316


    【Fundraising Campaign Completed on 3 December 2018】According to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation, the fundraising campaign for Mark CHEUNG Ho Yan has completed. The fund raised will be used to support the immunotherapy of Mark and 6 other patients who are suffered from the same disease. Thank you for all your kind-hearted support and generosity.



    This is an urgent appeal for your generosity to save the life of the 17-month-old son of Dr. CHEUNG Chun Kit, our medical alumnus of Class 2000.

    Dr. Cheung Chun Kit is a CUHK medical graduate of Year 2000. His younger son, Cheung Ho Yan Mark, has recently been diagnosed to have Stage IV Neuroblastoma in November 2018, and is in an emergency need of donation to provide the necessary funding to support the life-saving yet expensive immunotherapy.

    Mark was presented to his paediatrician for fever and cough in late October 2018. His cough resolved with treatment but his fever never completely went away. Two days prior to his diagnosis, Mark was more clingy than usual and did not like to walk. On a video clip, Mark was noted to have foot drop, a very significant red flag which may indicate a compression on the spinal cord. Emergency scans were immediately performed that night, and Mark was found to have a large tumour on the left side of his abdomen. The aggressive tumour had already spread silently to the back of his skull, his spine, his hips and had compressed his nerves which control his lower limbs, resulting in pain on standing and difficulty in walking. Mark is facing an imminent risk of paralysis.

    Mark is diagnosed to have a rare childhood cancer which is called Stage IV neuroblastoma, a cancer which typically presents at late stage because it arises deep in the abdomen. To cure his aggressive cancer, Mark needs to survive through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplant, and finally, immunotherapy. The whole treatment duration lasts 1.5 to 2 years. To completely eradicate all cancer cells, immunotherapy will be needed to boost Mark’s survival from 20% to 50%. However, immunotherapy is a self-financed treatment in the public hospital and the treatment costs could be up to 2 million.

    Such close encounter with death is not the first time for Mark. At the first week of life, Mark was diagnosed to have a rare heart problem called “Coarctation of Aorta”. Mark had received life-saving surgery to reestablish the blood flow across his aorta, the major blood vessel that allows blood to go from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. In a report published in 2002, only 67 cases with dual heart condition and neuroblastoma were reported, giving an odd of 1 in 100 million for a child to be hit by these two rare diseases. Scientists have not yet completely understood the mechanisms that may cause the two conditions to appear in a single child.

    It never rains but pours that Mark’s elder brother, now 5 years old, was diagnosed to have autism at around age 2. To enable the elder brother to have intensive training to improve his outcome and development, Mark’s mommy quit her job as a primary school teacher since the diagnosis of autism was made for his elder brother. Dr. Cheung, who is a medical doctor for the elderly, became the sole bread-winner of his family.

    CUHK Medical Graduates of Year 2000 have initiated a fund-raising campaign for Mark and his family with the following two objectives:

    1. To appeal for donation to support the costs of immunotherapy for Mark
    2. To increase the public awareness on the grave needs of children with cancers

    CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited
    Email: info@cuhkacf.org
    Telephone: 2180 4316

  • iv醫學中文 在 Love Kelly's Kitchen Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-11-22 22:22:22
    有 141 人按讚






    可仁早於出生第4天時已被診斷罹患一種罕有心臟病「主動脈狹窄」(Coarctation of Aorta),需要接受緊急手術。極之不幸的是,可仁最近再被確診患上「第四期神經母腫瘤」(Stage IV Neuroblastoma),目前可仁的頭骨至腰椎和盆骨均受到癌細胞擴散,脊髓神經線受到癌細胞壓住,痛楚非常,並有癱瘓的危機,癌細胞更正轉移至骨髓。



    1. 為可仁進行骨髓移植後的免疫治療;
    2. 引發社會人士及政府對兒童罕有癌症治療的關注。

    電話:2180 4316


    【Fundraising Campaign Completed on 3 December 2018】According to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation, the fundraising campaign for Mark CHEUNG Ho Yan has completed. The fund raised will be used to support the immunotherapy of Mark and 6 other patients who are suffered from the same disease. Thank you for all your kind-hearted support and generosity.



    This is an urgent appeal for your generosity to save the life of the 17-month-old son of Dr. CHEUNG Chun Kit, our medical alumnus of Class 2000.

    Dr. Cheung Chun Kit is a CUHK medical graduate of Year 2000. His younger son, Cheung Ho Yan Mark, has recently been diagnosed to have Stage IV Neuroblastoma in November 2018, and is in an emergency need of donation to provide the necessary funding to support the life-saving yet expensive immunotherapy.

    Mark was presented to his paediatrician for fever and cough in late October 2018. His cough resolved with treatment but his fever never completely went away. Two days prior to his diagnosis, Mark was more clingy than usual and did not like to walk. On a video clip, Mark was noted to have foot drop, a very significant red flag which may indicate a compression on the spinal cord. Emergency scans were immediately performed that night, and Mark was found to have a large tumour on the left side of his abdomen. The aggressive tumour had already spread silently to the back of his skull, his spine, his hips and had compressed his nerves which control his lower limbs, resulting in pain on standing and difficulty in walking. Mark is facing an imminent risk of paralysis.

    Mark is diagnosed to have a rare childhood cancer which is called Stage IV neuroblastoma, a cancer which typically presents at late stage because it arises deep in the abdomen. To cure his aggressive cancer, Mark needs to survive through rounds of intensive chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplant, and finally, immunotherapy. The whole treatment duration lasts 1.5 to 2 years. To completely eradicate all cancer cells, immunotherapy will be needed to boost Mark’s survival from 20% to 50%. However, immunotherapy is a self-financed treatment in the public hospital and the treatment costs could be up to 2 million.

    Such close encounter with death is not the first time for Mark. At the first week of life, Mark was diagnosed to have a rare heart problem called “Coarctation of Aorta”. Mark had received life-saving surgery to reestablish the blood flow across his aorta, the major blood vessel that allows blood to go from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. In a report published in 2002, only 67 cases with dual heart condition and neuroblastoma were reported, giving an odd of 1 in 100 million for a child to be hit by these two rare diseases. Scientists have not yet completely understood the mechanisms that may cause the two conditions to appear in a single child.

    It never rains but pours that Mark’s elder brother, now 5 years old, was diagnosed to have autism at around age 2. To enable the elder brother to have intensive training to improve his outcome and development, Mark’s mommy quit her job as a primary school teacher since the diagnosis of autism was made for his elder brother. Dr. Cheung, who is a medical doctor for the elderly, became the sole bread-winner of his family.

    CUHK Medical Graduates of Year 2000 have initiated a fund-raising campaign for Mark and his family with the following two objectives:

    1. To appeal for donation to support the costs of immunotherapy for Mark
    2. To increase the public awareness on the grave needs of children with cancers

    CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation Limited
    Email: info@cuhkacf.org
    Telephone: 2180 4316

  • iv醫學中文 在 香港喵喵俠 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-01-15 19:00:03


    #免費借用 #腸道暢通 #排毒好輕鬆



    奇妙的人體構造,使我們坐著或站著時的恥骨直腸肌 (Puborectalis muscle) 收緊,否則日常活動便會出“事”;如廁時身體前傾只可把肌肉輕微放鬆,但未完全解決問題,有時更要閉氣用力,才勉強把廢物逼出。自小使用座廁,更令我們對腸道未被排空的感覺習以為常。

    蹲著如廁令#腸道肌肉放鬆 ,把體內排毒系統回復自然,不再被“文明”座廁影響健康,跟閣下寵物蹲著如廁姿勢近似,令廢物輕易完全排走。踏著櫈子配合座廁的自然半蹲姿勢,除可減低積聚廢物對健康的影響,更為部分用家帶來前所未有的腸道排空暢快輕鬆感覺。

    Why 事必通?






    便秘通常有許多成因,常見原因包含內有糞便的結腸運動得很慢、患有腸躁症或骨腔疾病等,相關的潛在性疾病包含甲狀腺功能減退症、腹瀉、帕金森氏症、結腸癌、憩室炎、炎症性腸病等,導致便秘的藥物治療包含服用鴉片類藥物、部分抗胃酸藥、鈣通道阻滯劑以及抗膽鹼劑 ,大約90%服用鴉片藥物的患者會發生便秘。當便秘患者發生下述情況時將需要進一步的觀察,如便秘體重減輕、貧血、糞便帶血,家族病史中有人擁有炎症性腸病或結腸癌者,或初發時患者年事已高等。


    通常便秘的發生率約在 2-30%,生活於安養院的老人則提高到50-70%;在美國,平均一年投入2.5億美元在便秘治療上。

    关于#宿便 ,最耸人听闻的说法就是正常人体含有3-6KG宿便,肥胖便秘者体内有7-11KG宿便,这个说法很是有问题。首先不说人体每天能吃进去的东西,就算全都不吸收,也不大可能有6KG之多。更要命的是,6KG的宿便是好大一坨,堆在肠子里,会导致肠壁的压力感受器向大脑报告需要排便,产生便意。除非你憋着,否则这些宿便也就基本都排出去了。便秘的患者,因为粪便在结肠停留的时间较长,粪便的水分更少,直观感觉上粪便的量相对较少。另外,因为粪便干硬,排便的时候费时费力,身心俱疲而已,并不大可能积存更多的粪便。

    宿便会压迫小肠绒毛的活力和弹性。 这简直是在开玩笑,要知道,食物在运行到结肠被吸收水分之前,都是粥样的物质,和小肠绒毛充分接触,吸收养分。这条微博的作者大概天真地认为食物经过胃,在小肠里就都是粪便样的物质,所以会压迫小肠绒毛。
    粪便发酵、胀气导致酸毒症。 这样的说法就更搞笑了,如果说酸性物质进入血液就算酸毒症,那么随着食物进入肠腔的胃酸早就害死人了。事实上小肠中的肠液是碱性的,即使食物发酵产酸,也会被肠液迅速中和,根本不可能堆积酸性物质,更不可能进入血液搞出所谓的酸毒症。
    宿便会改变腹部和脊柱形状,会让身材变形。 这是在为身材不满意找理由吗?粪便并非如铁一样坚硬,而是柔软的食物残渣集合体。即使粪便碰到了脊柱,也会被脊柱给弄变形了,怎么可能压迫脊柱!反过来想,如果脊柱连粪便这样的柔软物质都能使之变形,那睡在席梦思上的人一晚上都要变成罗锅了。腹部肥胖是粪便堆积在腹部所致,更是无稽之谈。真正能在腹部看到胃肠被撑起来的形状,那叫做胃肠型,是一种疾病的表现。而中年男性腹围增大,主要是脂肪堆积在腹部所致,和宿便一点关系都没有。





    一直以來,中醫都認為糞便是糟粕,屬「#邪氣 」,不宜停留在體內。不過,西醫則是近年才開始研究「毒素」這問題。胡教授指,腸道的細菌構成會因未消化完成的食物而產生變化,產生出如甲烷及胺基酸等化學物質,而此等物質的成分因人而異,但未有醫學證據顯示,這會對人體的生理功能造成影響。胡教授認為這並不可稱之為毒素。再者,人體中的毒素該會經肝臟排走,所以因便秘而產生毒素的說法並不成立。

    「頂多只是覺得不舒服吧。」聽了教授的解說,那女人們一直以來「#便便暢通皮膚靚 」的迷思可要瓦解了。

    OL熱飲紅豆水 中醫確認:便便通去水腫 可間接減肥



    如果只是偶發性的情況,教授認同,市面上的某些「#整腸 」產品,會有一定調理作用,但選的時候要小心,因為刺激成分會對消化功能造成破壞,結果是得不償失。

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