

在 interesting介系詞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #新年優惠即將結束‼️ inspire 激勵、鼓舞、喚起 (v.) E.g. Tim's confident leadership inspired his followers. 他那自信的領導風采激勵著他的追隨者。 . cheer / encourage / inspire / stir / u...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,賓狗的更多英文學習資源:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教 · 不定時線上課程 1 【course 課程】— 名詞 A course is a series of lessons or lectu...

  • interesting介系詞 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-18 12:36:56
    有 33 人按讚

    inspire 激勵、鼓舞、喚起 (v.)
    E.g. Tim's confident leadership inspired his followers.
    cheer / encourage / inspire / stir / urge 激發、鼓舞 (v.)
    E.g. Tim encouraged Cynthia in her ambition to become a model.
    Tim 對Cynthia要當模特兒的抱負給予很大的鼓勵。
    buoy up / hearten / inspire / kindle / spark 激勵、激起、點燃 (v.)
    E.g. That small incident was the spark that set off the street riots.
    hearten / encourage / inspire / invigorate 鼓舞、使高興、使振奮 (v.)
    E.g. I am very heartened by Daniel's success in the election.
    Daniel 在競選中獲勝令我大受鼓舞。
    kindle / light / ignite / inspire 燃起...想法 (v.)
    E.g. Amy’s imagination was kindled by the interesting stories.
    Amy 的想像力被那個有趣的故事給激發。

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  • interesting介系詞 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-23 09:24:56
    有 84 人按讚


    ☛ On the contrary (副詞片語) 相對來說
    - used to show that you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated:

    例:You told the show was interesting. On the contrary, I fell asleep half way through it.

    ☛ However (副詞) 然而
    - used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously

    例:Joe looks young. However, he is actually almost 35 already.

    ☛ Nevertheless (副詞) 然而
    - in spite of that; despite what has been said or referred to

    例:I knew the topics pretty well. However, Joe’s speech was still interesting to me.

    ☛ Although/Though (連接詞) 儘管
    - despite the fact that/but

    例:Although Grey knows it is going to be difficult, she still wants to be a doctor.

    ☛ despite/in spite of/regardless of (介系詞) + 名詞 — 僅管
    - without being affected by; in spite of

    例:Grey is living a good life with her sisters despite the loss of her husband.

    ☛ Notwithstanding (介系詞、副詞、連接詞) 儘管
    - in spite of

    例:Notwithstanding the loss of her sister, Grey still tried to pull it together.

    例:Grey didn’t like her sister, Maggie, at the beginning. Notwithstanding, they are now very close.


    ✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
    博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H

    ☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/

    ☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86

    ☛ https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E8145

  • interesting介系詞 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-23 09:24:56
    有 85 人按讚


    ☛ On the contrary (副詞片語) 相對來說
    - used to show that you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated:

    例:You told the show was interesting. On the contrary, I fell asleep half way through it.

    ☛ However (副詞) 然而
    - used to introduce a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has been said previously

    例:Joe looks young. However, he is actually almost 35 already.

    ☛ Nevertheless (副詞) 然而
    - in spite of that; despite what has been said or referred to

    例:I knew the topics pretty well. However, Joe’s speech was still interesting to me.

    ☛ Although/Though (連接詞) 儘管
    - despite the fact that/but

    例:Although Grey knows it is going to be difficult, she still wants to be a doctor.

    ☛ despite/in spite of/regardless of (介系詞) + 名詞 — 僅管
    - without being affected by; in spite of

    例:Grey is living a good life with her sisters despite the loss of her husband.

    ☛ Notwithstanding (介系詞、副詞、連接詞) 儘管
    - in spite of

    例:Notwithstanding the loss of her sister, Grey still tried to pull it together.

    例:Grey didn’t like her sister, Maggie, at the beginning. Notwithstanding, they are now very close.


    ✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
    博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H

    ☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/

    ☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86

    ☛ https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E8145

  • interesting介系詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-21 21:00:18

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【course 課程】— 名詞
    A course is a series of lessons or lectures.
    所謂課程 course,就是一系列的學習單元與講課


    2【course 的搭配詞】

    I took a course in business communication.

    「修課」的動詞 take

    I teach a course on writing.
    · in 或 on(不是 of)
    · 或直接把領域寫在前面
    This college offers American Indian history courses.

    「開設課程」的動詞 offer, run

    3【class 課程;課堂】— 名詞

    Did you take the biology class?

    I have a yoga class this evening.

    4 【lesson 課堂;學習單元】-- 名詞

    Bingo makes English lessons more interesting.

    像是課堂 class 的概念

    這課本總共有 10 個單元
    The textbook is divided into 10 lessons.

    像是 unit 的概念

    5 【lecture 講課】-- 名詞

    · 下午最好睡的上課方式啦
    · 主要由老師發言
    · 互動或練習比較少(相對於工作坊、同學簡報)

    My professor gave a lecture on international laws this afternoon.

    1 這學期修的「課程」:course
    2 修某某「領域」的課程:介系詞用 in 或 on
    3 今天下午 3 點「有課」:class
    4 今天的課上要教的,是第 5 「單元」:lesson
    5 老師站在台上講課,少互動、很好睡的形式:lecture

  • interesting介系詞 在 Ricky英語小蛋糕 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-19 20:00:02

    --教 材 限 時 領 取 區--


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    【去語言學校英文真的會變好? 菲律賓語言學校推薦】https://youtu.be/bHEGfcP3jkc


    【第二關:角色扮演role play】https://youtu.be/UIXzsA6y0F0

    【完勝檢定!五種實用工具 輕鬆對付 聽說讀寫!】https://youtu.be/eVFGyS0QuA0


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    所以下面我大方接受你們的祝福?啊哈哈哈雖然我生日,但還是很認真幫你們拍影片說到 使役動詞 ,還是直覺加上 原型動詞 嗎?講到interesting, exciting,boring還是只覺得可以修飾 東西 而已嗎?台灣傳統課本沒有學滿學好的多益必考文法,讓我來告訴你吧一起來留言拿教材吧!

    1. 12:06 蔬菜,拼字錯誤 vege是錯的,要修改為veggie才對喔 複數是veggies
    2. 14:32 百葉窗例句 當陽光很強的時候,記得把百葉窗關上。
    Keep the blinds closed when the sun IS shining. 字幕少了is

