

在 instruction翻譯產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【奧林匹克式舉重動作不能捨棄的理由】 分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動...


  • instruction翻譯 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-16 13:11:42
    有 267 人按讚


    分享《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》書中對奧林匹克式舉重的看法。該書的作者們並沒有否定專項訓練的重要性,但強調現階段(美國許多力量教練)用其他動作「取代」奧林匹克式舉重是不智的作法,主要的理由是上膊和抓舉能訓練到「大範圍動作」與「全身性」的「爆發力」與「速度」。下面附上原文、我的譯文和懸垂式上膊的訓練側拍影片:














    In recent years with the increasing emphasis on safety in strength training and what is termed “sport specific” training, the Olympic lifts have fallen out of favor with many strength coaches. The argument is that if you are not competing in Olympic lifting, there are better options for training explosive strength that translate more readily to sports performance, without the risks and strain inherent in rapidly moving heavy weights.

    Variations of medicine ball throws or more creative exercises have taken the place of cleans, snatches, and jerks in the strength programming of many teams as coaches try to reduce those risks. In our opinion, the pendulum has swung too far away from using the movements that have consistently produced the strongest and most explosive athletes in the world.
    The main goal of the Olympic lifts is to generate maximal power and explosive strength in the entire body through large ranges of motion, particularly for the lower extremities.

    The differences you will most often find between the training regimen of an Olympic weightlifter and of athletes performing more “sport specific” training are that weightlifters consistently take the lower extremities through high-speed, large range-of-motion exercises. Many of the substituted movements and exercises used by a well-intentioned strength coach do not come close to demanding and developing the flexibility, coordination, and force output demanded by the weightlifting exercises.

    It is true that subjecting an athlete to a full snatch or jerk with a substantial amount of weight without the proper instruction or progression will often result in injury. However, that holds true for any exercise. It is not the fault of the exercise, but rather the coach’s fault for failing to prepare the athlete to succeed.

    Dynamic sports like football or basketball require suppleness and strength expressed through large ranges of motion; the Olympic lifts are more effective at facilitating those qualities than a medicine ball toss. If you assess an athlete to be physically capable of performing the movements safely and if the lifts are programmed and coached effectively and progressed in both weight and complexity, many concerns diminish.

    You will discover that when implemented effectively and appropriately, the benefits of the Olympic lifts far outweigh the drawbacks.

    A significantly high volume of Olympic lifting is best left to the athletes with at least a few years of training under their belts. For developing athletes such as these, the power and explosive qualities can be addressed through jumping or plyometric training as the Olympic lifts are coached and refined over time.
    After mastering technical efficiency and form, no matter what the movement, speed should always be the priority. Although strength and muscle hypertrophy are important in the world of sports, the rapid expression of that strength is what separates athletes on the field of play.

    In the sport of powerlifting, the speed of the movement is not critical. The goal is to lift the maximum weight, however long it takes. On the football field, the strongest linemen will rarely succeed if they cannot rapidly translate that strength to control an oncoming defender. A shot putter who can military press hundreds of pounds will not take home a medal without the ability to explosively accelerate the entire body to throw the shot.
    (extracted from page 101~102)

  • instruction翻譯 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-03-25 17:36:05
    有 163 人按讚


    當沒有教學靈感時,就回到 "learners" 和 "learning" 這兩件事的本質去思考。其中要了解 learners 頭腦裡的語言 (interlanguage), learner errors 可以給我們很多很多的線索。

    提出 The Output Hypothesis 的習得大師 Merrill Swain 指出,errors 是學習者對於語言的錯誤假設 (Wrong hypothesis) 的產物。應用語言學之父 Pit Corder 極為有影響力的論文即命名為:The Significance of Learner Errors.

    但學習者和老師都必須要知道:Not all errors are equal. 錯誤可以粗略分成下面幾個來源,有了對錯誤的系統性理解以後,教學者、老師們、甚至學習者才能進而很細緻地去思考 怎樣的 corrective feedback、怎樣的 instruction (pedagogical intervention) 會對於鏟除這些錯誤有幫助 (or 沒幫助) 。

    (1) Collect samples of learner language
    (2) Identify the errors
    (3) Describe and explain the errors
    (4) Evaluate / correct the errors


    Type 1️⃣: Errors of Overproduction (過度使用)
    小明剛看完一篇文章很不完整地在講定冠詞 the 什麼時候用。滿腦子都是 the,導致於他隔天寫英文時,不需要 the 的地方也用了 the。

    當教學、教材不夠完整很容易有這樣的狀況,語言學家 Larry Selinker 曾經用 Transfer of Training 一詞形容「教學可以對學習造成的負面影響」。

    ➠ 當你看完「英文冠詞八大法」「介系詞就靠這幾招」這樣的文章時,要特別小心,你有可能越學越回去。

    Type 2️⃣: L1 Transfer (對於母語對外語的影響,比較先進的說法是 cross-linguistic influence)

    中式英文: I'm easy to get lost while driving in a big city. (腦中翻譯: 我很容易。。。)

    正確: I get lost easily while driving in a big city.

    中式英文: The knowledge I learned from him is very useful. (learn knowledge 是中式搭配詞錯誤,應使用 acquire knowledge)

    Type 3️⃣: Developmental Errors (發展型錯誤)

    小明學了 Where is the restroom? 後,程度慢慢變好時,學了「間接問句」。有一天他突然不知道到底是 Can you tell me where is the restroom? 還是 Can you tell me where the restroom is?

    Type 4️⃣: Inherent difficulty / complexity (語言本身複雜性)

    • He went to University of Pennsylvania.

    (應該使用 He went to the University of Pennsylvania.)

    Type 5️⃣: Overgeneralization (過度類化)

    • *We should emphasize on... (將 put emphasis on 的 on 誤送給動詞)

    • *We really need to cost down. (來自於 We need to bring the cost down. 的不求甚解學習)

    Type 6️⃣: Oversimplification (過度簡化)
    *He didn't wear mask today. (應該用 wear a mask,可能是 Type 2 加上 Type 6 的綜合)

    Type 7️⃣: 綜合型錯誤 (一個以上的原因加總)

    • I suggested him to go to see a doctor immediately.

    • He didn't reply my email.

    應該是 reply to...可能學生想到 answer my phone、可能是在翻中文、可能是 overgeneralization、及物不及物本身也有複雜性)

    ✔︎ 台灣英語師培系統過去30年,因課程內容只對了真正在研究「語言學習過程」的第二語言習得 (SLA) 研究做了非常皮毛的「交代」,大多台灣的英文老師,都在不知道怎麼回答之下走進了教室,開始了一年又一年用trial and error 學習教學的過程。

    ➠ 知名語言學家 Ringbom 在 2007 年一篇 paper 裡也提及: "...we need to know enough about learning before we start making assumptions on the efficiency of teaching."


    公開課ㄧ秒報名: https://www.accupass.com/event/2003230931011722834038

    • 地點: 台北市朱崙街60號2F (MRT 南京復興站 3號出口)

    • 時間: 2:30 pm- 4:00 pm (2:00 pm 開放入場)

  • instruction翻譯 在 厭世工程師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-19 06:58:53
    有 203 人按讚


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