

在 inspect中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅Being Hong Kong,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇 走進店舖,往往如走馬看花,視線輕率滑過四周,步履只作日常所需的短暫停留。但當我認真凝視每個空間角落,便意識到背後歷史的重量。當為土瓜灣的蝦記麵店和永香冰室做資料搜集的時候,我本著好奇心仔細觀察店舖每一細節。一幅畫,一件裝飾品,不只因著...

inspect中文 在 beinghongkong Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-10-16 18:24:42

#就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇 走進店舖,往往如走馬看花,視線輕率滑過四周,步履只作日常所需的短暫停留。但當我認真凝視每個空間角落,便意識到背後歷史的重量。當為土瓜灣的蝦記麵店和永香冰室做資料搜集的時候,我本著好奇心仔細觀察店舖每一細節。一幅畫,一件裝飾品,不只因著...

inspect中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 22:44:15

: 甜椒時蔬咖喱牛肉丸蓋飯。 彩椒挖空填上冷飯,擺上事先在冷藏室退冰的IKEA牛肉丸,淋上一些無印良品的咖喱調理包醬汁,撒上少許起司,入烤箱200度烤20分鐘;醜豆切條燙熟、溏心蛋切好,等牛肉丸烤好,就可以上桌了。 一直以為ㄤ會說我是不是東京大飯店看得太入戲了連弄個早餐都這麼多毛,幸好他沒說,可...

  • inspect中文 在 Being Hong Kong Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-15 12:14:16
    有 74 人按讚

    #就係香港實習同學BackstageStory #Tobie篇





    We often dismiss or glance over interiors of shops and cafes. They become brisk stops where we do our weekly shop and nothing more, but having to inspect and analyse each facet of a space has led me to realise the depth and historical significance these old stores hold. When doing research for Har Kee Noodle and Wing Heung Cafe, I was encouraged to perceive each and every aspect inquisitively. Each photograph on the wall, each piece of decor perhaps wasn’t only there for mere aesthetic intention. Behind each aspect was a story to tell, one which represents a tangible history of the space. With perishable memories and the temporal notion of emotion, I found that connecting with the physical space was the best way to engage with the past. Researching online was one thing, but having this information set against the backdrop of where it all happened brought these memories to life. And by creating a collage, I wanted to highlight the preservation of a fleeting moment, memory encased and stories retold in these physical spaces. The wear and tear of furniture and iconic shopfront signs held a sense of sentimentality which I hope others will be more wary of in the future.



    #就係香港2020秋季號#Remap土瓜灣生存手冊#老店 #本地創作

  • inspect中文 在 林士軒 Shane Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-09-08 22:11:58
    有 99 人按讚


    記得這個禮拜六 華視20:00 ,禮拜天 衛視中文台19:00喔!


