💥Correct hip shift (附中文)
“Powerlifters alert”
Ever happen to you that one side of the hip shifts laterally, the other side drops in(to create more...
💥Correct hip shift (附中文)
“Powerlifters alert”
Ever happen to you that one side of the hip shifts laterally, the other side drops in(to create more knee valgus), when doing heavy squats? Here is a great way to correct it
First you need to identify which side you are shifting TO. Mostly powerlifters shift to the dominant hip, not necessarily due to pain, so to identify the other side as the weaker hip. For @mileshuang1122 he shifts to the RIGHT during heavy squats, so his LEFT is the weaker hip and tends to turn in(to create valgus) at the bottom of heavy squats
I like to put lifters in their usual squat stance rather than keeping the hips at a neutral position. And I prefer standing than side-lying or supine like you would see in most other videos, as this will resemble much more like the squat motion
✅ Start off from the ground to engage the hamstrings by pulling your heels back
✅ Tuck the pelvis in to create a relatively posteriorly tilted position
✅ Lower back arch flattens and put your hand in the front of your chest
✅ Breathe in and out to engage the deep core muscles
✅ As you breath out rotate the weaker pelvic back to the wall while keeping the other side of the pelvis still
✅ Repeat the breathing and pelvic rotation for a couple times
The best timing to do this would be before your squat training day or before you hit 80% 1-RM. And like I always say, “There is no one quick fix in physical therapy”, the best way to stay injure-free is to incorporate one-leg exercises like pistol squat or single-leg RDL
我喜歡讓選手在站立、自身習慣的深蹲站姿做調整,並不是把髖關節放在休息位置(resting position)或中立位置(neutral position),或是像其他側躺或平躺的姿勢
✅ 身體靠牆壁 往下蹲膝蓋彎曲接近90度 先從腳跟發力往後勾腿後肌做等長收縮
✅ 下腹往後縮 骨盆呈微後傾的姿勢
✅ 下背的前凸變平 雙手前伸在胸前
✅ 把注意力放到呼吸上 核心肌群一貼參與
✅ 吐氣的時候將弱邊骨盆往後轉 強邊骨盆保持不要動
✅ 重覆做吸吐氣跟骨盆旋轉的動作
我會建議在深蹲訓練前做,或在1-RM 80%以上的重量再做,再感覺弱邊骨盆發力跟穩定的感覺。這個調整的方式只是短暫的,長遠要避免受傷的方法是在備賽期後,或在備賽期早期週邊動作訓練加入單腳的訓練,像是單腳蹲或單腳羅馬式硬舉
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