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2020-05-09 08:49:44
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inherit外套 在 自拍豪 Facebook 的最佳解答
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▎必備單品 襯衫
聖約翰 電子 / 陳揚文
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inherit外套 在 鍾文音 Chung Wenyin Facebook 的最佳貼文
Don’t Be the Generation that Lets Its Riches Go to Waste
It is a well tested fact that a smile can take you a long way in winning the love of others. In contrast, people find a smileless face off-putting. Evidently from history, monarchs guided by the principles of benevolence and righteousness ensured the long-lasting good fortune of their country. On the other hand, the absence of these principles causes the demise of a nation. True optimism is when you can pause on the bumpy road of life and take in the beauty of your surroundings along the way. When suffering descends upon you, see yourself as just another person. When the world is for the taking, again perceive yourself as just any other person. By so doing, you will shed your pride. A smart bird makes for the thicket when it wishes to rest; a fish finds a leisurely swim in large lakes. If you apply the principles of compassion, love and benevolence in managing a company, a country or your relationships, people will certainly put their support behind you. If, on the other hand, you are driven by selfishness, egotism and divestment, you will be vexed by isolation and misfortune.
It is our honor to be immersed in Chinese culture — a culture boasting an impressive set of ethics and principles that have cultivated numerous sages as it passed through the ages, preserved to the present day. We were born and raised in this context, but how do we follow in and pass on the spirit of the great sages of the past? It all rests on the diligence of the people in this generation.
The standards to which Confucius adhered to the ideal of benevolence (and expected others to do so) were extremely high, so high that he once criticized Guanzhong, a chancellor to Duke Huangong during the State of Qi. If Guanzhong had not assisted Huangong in governing according to the ideals of humanity and good faith, we would not have the Chinese culture we have today. He advocated imperial reverence and barbarian expulsion, a code which Confucius would recognize as complying with the ideal of benevolence. It proves that Confucius was very discreet and punctilious in making his comments on the notion of benevolence.
Confucius praised other ministers in the Qi state as well. One example is that of Yanzi, a commendable minister and adviser to Duke Jinggong. Although he attained the rank of prime minister, Yanzi could not bear to part with eating meat. His wife was frugal to the point of wearing the same jacket for almost 30 years, never buying new clothes. Jinggong, upon seeing the spartan conditions in which they lived, offered to build a new house for them, an offer resolutely turned down. Confucius honored their austerity.
Confucius also mentioned Ziwen as a praiseworthy example of loyalty to the emperor. Putting his personal reputation aside, he never once let his emotions get in the way of official affairs and interactions which otherwise could have led to delay or misunderstanding.
Confucius equated Zichan at the level of gentlemen (in the Confucian sense) because he never, despite his title, fell into complacency or indecent, haughty behavior. This is the ideal of reverence. As well, Zichan would not allow an increase in responsibilities to excuse him from seeing any guest. This upholds the ideal of respect. In his treatment of others, he only thought about how he could help and benefit them. This is the ideal of kindness. In governing the state, Zichan insisted in the rule of law, which in turn kept his country on a straight course. This is the ideal of justice. It is no wonder that when he passed away, even Confucius shed tears. Aside from Confucius’s 10 most brilliant students, there are countless other examples of sages contained within The Analects, one of the 4 Books.
Life is full of trials. Each ordeal is a test of will and integrity to see if we possess the relentless, unstoppable iron fortitude of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and sages of the past. Once Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert and was tested 3 times by Satan. The devil asked him to turn stone into food, demanded that he jump off the top of a mountain, and lured him with the promise of ruling the most powerful and wealthy country in the world. Still, Jesus defeated Satan, impervious to the temptations.
We are fortunate to have been born in a time to inherit the legacies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the lineages passed down by their sages and bodhisattvas to us. We should approach disciplining our own body, speech and mind with the right attitude so as not to give ourselves the chance to create bad karma. Even more importantly, we should use our bodhicitta and the 4 boundless minds — love, compassion, joy and equanimity — to help others. Just as well we should use the 4 social bonds and 8 virtues to look over our family and govern our country. If we can follow these principles, we will have lived a full and unwasted life. Never can we use a negative mindset and allow ourselves to slip backwards; to do so would be truly pitiful.
Over the years I, Shang Longrik Gyatso, have made a habit of checking myself against the great Chinese sages and Buddhist achievers of the past, fearing that I may have gone astray in following their example. From reading their biographies, today I share with you my reflections.