[爆卦]inexplicably antonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇inexplicably antonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在inexplicably antonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 inexplicably產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, GoOd MoRn!Ng ☀ Inexplicably, I want to sing a song 莫名想唱首歌 🌻 不知道為什迷 那天幫鵝子著裝完畢 很想高唱「everything」 You're everything You're everything あなたが想うより強く 🎶 一定是...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,270的網紅The Singapore Mermaid,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Gather around, little hobbits! Are you irrevocably in love with the Lord Of The Rings like I am? Do you find yourself inexplicably drawn to shiny gol...

inexplicably 在 IN J Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-02 03:49:59

最近因為疫情關係,睡眠時間變不正常,日夜顛倒,沒什麼運動,加上因為在家無聊,看手機的時間越來越長的關係,身體很莫名一直覺得很累眼睛一直想要閉著睡覺,很疲累。 好友因為聽到我有這樣的狀況,就送了我一瓶 💊💊【Evolsense璦研司】采亮葉黃素 I see You Capsule💊💊 使用方式很簡單...

  • inexplicably 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-06 10:36:31
    有 190 人按讚

    GoOd MoRn!Ng ☀

    Inexplicably, I want to sing a song
    莫名想唱首歌 🌻

    You're everything
    You're everything
    あなたが想うより強く 🎶

    讓我看成米希亞油 😂😂😂

    毛腳印 Fluffy Paws Studio
    What is 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕊 文創手作工作坊 聯名親子裝

  • inexplicably 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 21:03:32
    有 1,010 人按讚


    "Dad, that's so cool, I want too!"
    A pair of sneakers that emit light and sound are inexplicably attractive to children.
    Said it is "inexplicable", but it is actually an adult’s point of view.
    Does my son find me inexplicable when he sees me pick a shirt to wear every day?
    It suddenly occurred to me that when I was a child, it seemed that I also had a pair of shiny sneakers.
    Perhaps when your shoes no longer shine, you also lose a part of your child.


  • inexplicably 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-06 03:09:12
    有 16,665 人按讚

    誰還沒睡覺?你在幹嘛?姐姐這幾天在忙幫忙白旗活動 沒有時間顧到自己的專頁,其實也沒有心情。莫名其妙心裡感覺很生氣 又做不了什麼改變。一打開新聞就覺得*嘆氣* 我們本來一個好好的國家,怎麼變到這樣。人民自己照顧自己 還要被打壓。我們人民到底可以怎麼樣,這樣下去還能挺多久⋯

    Who hasn't slept yet? What are you up to at this hour ? Jie had been busy helping out with the White Flag activities lately till I don’t have time to take care of my own page, but to be frank, I guess i am not in the mood, most probably ya all too. Inexplicably, I felt very angry coz as much as we citizens are doing our very best, it is as though we couldn't make any changes. Everyday, as soon as I read the news, I felt …*sigh* . We were a good country, how did it become like this ? What happen 🥺 We people take care of ourselves now but then, we are suppressed. If not allowed, What can our people do then ? And i dare not even think about how long we all can last...

  • inexplicably 在 The Singapore Mermaid Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-26 04:38:50

    Gather around, little hobbits!
    Are you irrevocably in love with the Lord Of The Rings like I am? Do you find yourself inexplicably drawn to shiny golden rings with dubious engravings on them? Do you find that it takes only one bite of lembas bread to fill your stomach? Have you recently received a mysterious gift from a beautiful elven woman?

    If so, you just might be a Lord of the Rings fan. Come and join me for storytime as I share the tale of my lifelong love affair with the franchise and the works of JRR Tolkien. From discovering it late in life, to learning Elvish, to writing terrible fan-fiction, to discovering an elven pendant in the most unlikely of places... It's all here.

    SPEAK, FRIEND, AND ENTER: Want more LotR content? Subscribing & commenting is the easiest way to let me know.
    FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: @thesingaporemermaid
    CREDITS: All pictures and video clips are property of New Line Cinema and/or respective artists. I do not claim rights over them.

  • inexplicably 在 大象體操Elephant Gym Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-14 12:00:00



    大象體操2021年度單曲《穿過夜晚》,創作始於與日本樂團toe在疫情期間舉辦的線上合作演出。與toe的團員討論後,取樣其經典曲目 "Two Moons" 的木吉他音軌重新創作,除向喜愛的樂團致敬,也以大象體操的器樂特色詮釋夢境虛實交雜的獨特場景,為探討夢境作為主題的下一張專輯揭開序幕。

    “Go Through the Night”

    When the night fell, the familiar daily life gradually faded.
    I could feel the passing through distorted time and picture.
    There, I met you, more vivid than I remembered.
    There was another me, braver than ever.
    Together, we walked toward the unknown, where the rules were changed.

    The moment we opened our eyes, we have gone through the night.

    Stemming from their recent collaboration with the Japanese band toe, Elephant Gym’s new single “Go Through the Night” fluidly interpolates the classic toe song “Two Moons” into their unique scene where reality intertwines with dreamworld illusions.

    Peppered with chopped samples of the acoustic guitar from “Two Moons,” the Taiwanese trio’s expansion on their beloved song is stamped with KT Chang’s signature basslines that twist nimbly into her brother Tell’s gorgeous piano melodies. While glued together through drummer Tu Chia-Chin’s tactful, pinpoint-precise drumming, the song maintains a dreamlike air, with passages shifting inexplicably and abruptly in a way that still feels natural.

    This blurring of boundaries between Elephant Gym’s dreamscape and reality is the central theme of “Go Through the Night,” and doubles as the band’s opening statement for their upcoming album centered on dreams.

    ◎數位平台聆聽 Listen on Streaming 🎧

    ◎Purchase it on Bandcamp ⬇️

    🔥 新單曲全台巡迴場次&售票連結🔗

    5/07(五)台北 海邊的卡夫卡
    5/08(六)桃園 ThERE
    5/09(日)新竹 彌聲
    5/14(五)高雄 百樂門酒館
    5/15(六)彰化 福大祿昌
    5/21(五)台北 樂悠悠之口 光復南
    5/23(日)台中 Legacy Taichung chako
    5/29(六)台南 TCRC Livehouse
    5/30(日)高雄 百樂門酒館
    6/04(五)台北 Revolver
    6/05(六)台中 洞穴 The Cave
    6/12(六)台南 Seety新城視
    6/13(日)台東 鐵花村音樂聚落

    ◎iNDIEVOX購票系統、7-11 ibon購票
    #新單曲全台巡迴售票中 #完售倒數

    【音樂製作 Music Production】

    製作 Producer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    作曲 Composer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    編曲 Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym
    鍵盤 Keyboard:張凱翔 Tell Chang
    電貝斯 Electric Bass:張凱婷 KT Chang
    鼓 Drums:涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu
    取樣 Sample:”Two Moons” by toe, used by permission of Machupicchu INDUSTRIAS Inc.
    錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳瑩哲 Ying-Che Chen
    錄音室 Recording Studio:大象體操錄音室 Elephant Gym Studio
    混音工程師 Mixing Engineer : 陳文駿 AJ Chen
    母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer : 王秉皇 Ben Wang
    母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio : 洋活音樂 SeaSide Mastering
    樂團經紀 Band Manager:伊晉褕 Eric Yi

    【MV製作 Music Video Production】

    -On Set-
    Cheng-Wei Liu|Chun-Chieh Wang|Dou Tung
    Jamie Kao|Marcus Jheng|Sebox Hong|Sid Lin

    Abby Wan|Phoebe Lu

    Fang-Yu Su|Gafferland|GPS Studio|Merry Go Round Inc.

    Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB