

在 industry用法產品中有20篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家好,#吉娜英文 更新星期四單字課程,今天要學習的單字是【unemployed adj. 失業的】,這是形容詞的用法,也可以用片語表示失業 out of work。失業找新的工作,轉換新的行業別,英文用 industry。有四個實用例句,幫助你學得會,用得出來!看完影片要幫我按讚喔~ #吉娜單字用...

 同時也有33部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過52萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩瘋,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《天堂 2 M》限定好運轉轉活動:https://lineage2m-event.tw/ 《天堂 2 M》事前登錄:https://tw.ncsoft.com/lineage2m/ 巴哈姆特 x《天堂 2 M》迷你遊戲活動:https://prj.gamer.com.tw/2021/Lineage2...

industry用法 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 00:32:23

/ March 1, 2019 Uber Partners with Local Taxis . Summary: Words of wisdom: there are no permanent friends or enemies – only mutual benefits. Even t...

  • industry用法 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 20:25:16
    有 24 人按讚

    大家好,#吉娜英文 更新星期四單字課程,今天要學習的單字是【unemployed adj. 失業的】,這是形容詞的用法,也可以用片語表示失業 out of work。失業找新的工作,轉換新的行業別,英文用 industry。有四個實用例句,幫助你學得會,用得出來!看完影片要幫我按讚喔~ #吉娜單字用得出來

  • industry用法 在 國發會 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-13 17:00:59
    有 73 人按讚



    國發會於去年10月設立「台灣就業金卡辦公室」,提供外籍高階人才來台從工作到生活的 #一條龍專案服務,默默營運至今已三個多月。

    金卡辦公室設立以來,透過臉書社團、Email、電話及實體面談諮詢等方式,已服務超過1,100人次,內容包括來台前諮詢、申辦就業金卡,以及後續在台 #就業媒合、 #租屋、 #貸款、 #依親 及 #子女就學 等各項服務。

    國發會同時也辦理多場協助持卡人對接 #台灣新創 或 #產業資源 之相關活動,除有效協助持卡人快速融入在台的工作與生活外,也藉此蒐集持卡人反饋意見,做為政策調整之依據。

    #就業金卡的專網 第一階段網頁功能已建置完成,現正測試上線中,正式版本預計於今年3月上線;服務專線及電郵亦已設置完成。



    #國發會 #NDC #就業金卡 #EmploymentGoldCard #外國專業人才延攬及僱用法 #台灣就業金卡辦公室

    【NDC‘s Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office to serve as a single point of contact for the recruitment and assistance of foreign professionals working in Taiwan】

    Deputy Minister Shih of the National Development Council has officially introduced the Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office (Gold Card Office), a single point of contact for the recruitment and assistance of foreign professionals working in Taiwan, under the Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals to public. The office is located within the NDC building on Baoqing Road, and provides foreign talents with one-stop services including pre-arrival consulting, application process, matchmaking for work, housing, loans, family related services and more.

    The Gold Card Office has been in operation since October 2020. Within these 2 months, it has served more than 1,100 people through the Gold Card Facebook group, email, telephone and physical office hours. The office has also held multiple events connecting Gold Card Holders with Taiwanese startups and industry related resources. It has already become one of the most important bridges between Gold Card Holders and the government. In addition to effectively helping Gold Card Holders with work and life in Taiwan, this is also a great opportunity to collect feedback from them as a basis for government policy adjustments.

    The first phase of the Taiwan Employment Gold Card office website (https://goldcard.nat.gov.tw/zh/) has been launched. The official version is expected to be launched in March. If you or your friends have questions regarding the Gold Card, please email us at help@taiwangoldcard.tw or call our hotline at 02-7733-7660.

    #NDC #EmploymentGoldCard #TaiwanGoldCardOffice

  • industry用法 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-19 21:33:02
    有 215 人按讚

    #瞓身 put MY ALL into this
    U-turn 與「瞓身」- 毛孟靜
    最近在讀一本犯罪驚慄小說 crime thriller,遇到以下一段文字,一讀就想到,這可以成為英文課堂上的教材。
    "You see, the fact that you FLIP-FLOPPED just makes me all the more certain things are as they should be. We don't like ABOUT-FACES. We want to be utterly confident that everyone is doing THEIR ALL for the team."
    先看 vocab 生字,flip-flop 原本係「人字拖」,是那種露趾的拖鞋,因為穿起來走路前後踢躂之象,給借用來表達「轉軚、‪一時‬一樣」,以至反口,亦即我們口語的 U-turn。

    •The candidate flip-flopped on a number of issues. 這候選人就許多議題都掉轉槍頭、轉軚了。
    •There have been accusations of a government flip-flop on a tax break for the tourism industry. 一直有指控謂,政府就旅遊業寬免稅項一筆,已經轉軚。

    另一生字,about-face,不也就是flip-flop 的同義詞。About-face 原本是操兵時的一個口令,叫士兵轉身掉頭,一樣給借用來代替a complete change of direction, opinion or way of acting,不論取向、意見或行為的完全徹底改變。例:
    •This is incredible. This is her second about-face on the issue. 真令人難以置信,這是她就此議題第二次轉軚了。

    另有 their all 的用法,all 所有;不論 my all、his all 或 their all,都是指一個人精神或資源可以付出的「所有」,也即是全身全心悉力以赴,等於本土口語中的「瞓身」。

    •I have put my all into this project. 我已付出所有,「瞓身」於這個項目中。
    •He wants to give his all to what he is doing. 他希望全力以赴,做好他正在做的事。//

