在 incorporation意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅媽媽監督核電廠聯盟,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 輻射傷害的防護基本理念: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable),受曝劑量越低越好的合理抑低原則。 在輻射傷害防護的範疇內,總的來說,LNT(Linear-Non-Threshold)模式對於高劑量、高強度的輻射暴露的情況相對來說,更加的適用。在一般日常生活...
incorporation意思 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
輻射傷害的防護基本理念: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable),受曝劑量越低越好的合理抑低原則。
在輻射傷害防護的範疇內,總的來說,LNT(Linear-Non-Threshold)模式對於高劑量、高強度的輻射暴露的情況相對來說,更加的適用。在一般日常生活的狀態來說,避免輻射傷害,普遍採取 ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable),也就是越低越好的合理抑低原則,這是人類關於游離輻射防護的基本理念。
ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 越低越好的合理抑低 )原則也是美國能源部國家核子保安總署(DOE/NNSA)輻射 緊急事件支援及訓練中心(REAC/TS)出版之「The Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents (台灣翻譯為:輻射傷害醫療處置)」手冊內容中所提及的輻射防護基本理念。
“ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is the underlying philosophy associated with protecting people from ionizing radiation.
It basically means that one should not unnecessarily expose themselves to radiation without the benefit outweighing the risk.
Time, distance, andshielding are widely considered to be the primary
concerns. At REAC/TS, we like to add a fourth item to the list - quantity. All four of these concepts are used concurrently with the others. "
其基本意涵是 : 一個人應該避免不必要且無利益的輻射 曝露風險(這裡指的是非醫療性質的輻射暴露。任何輻射暴露都會造成傷害,但在治療重大疾病的時候,兩害相權取其輕,接受有限度且嚴格控管的輻射照射將體內惡性病變組織破壞,阻止其增生、擴散惡化的潛在利益大於輻射照射所引起的傷害的醫療應用案例,不屬於這裡所指的“不必要且無利益的輻射曝露風險”的範疇)。
此外,有報導指出:“...... 在日本的實際研究案例中,「餵飲氘水佔1/3的水,經過1個禮拜,老鼠腦部組織裡的氫被替換掉,老鼠變得眼睛上吊,有攻擊性,一直囓咬鐵籠的鐵網,反覆地昏睡或暴躁。」東京工業大學理工特任教授入口紀男(Norio Iriguchi),透過老鼠實驗,提醒福島氚污染水的危害。
「氚因為有這樣和物質相結合的性質,在體內造成長期被曝。用醫學實驗,可以證明氚會被當成氫攝入到細胞核內。構成DNA的基因的4個鹽基,是靠氫來結合,換成氚進去的話(失去結合力),鹽基化學式產生變化,遺傳情報也會改變。導致健康上的實際損害。」而當被攝入的氚衰變成氦時,也會損傷細胞( http://www.inaco.co.jp/hiroshima_2_demo/pdf/20140103_tori_A4.pdf )。
又,氚水的化學式是HTO,因為氚很容易和生物體內的碳結合,成為有機結合型氚(Organically Bound Tritium、簡稱為OBT),跟氚水相比,後者滯留體內時間為20~50倍,被染色體等人體重要部份攝取。「氚水被放流後,經生物攝取變成有機結合型氚,人類去吃這些生物,便會蓄積在體內。」在核食檢測上,有機結合型氚的檢測程序,又比普通的氚來得複雜。
A 1961 experiment showed that mice dosed with 21.5 μCi/g of Cs-137 had a 50% fatality within 30 days (implying an LD50 of 245 μg/kg).
A similar experiment in 1972 showed that when dogs are subjected to a whole body burden of 3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg) of caesium-137 (and 950 to 1400 rads), they die within 33 days, while animals with half of that burden all survived for a year.
Important researches have shown a remarkable concentration of 137Cs in the exocrine cells of the pancreas, which are those most affected by cancer.
In 2003, in autopsies performed on 6 children dead in the polluted area near Chernobyl where they also reported a higher incidence of pancreatic tumors, Bandazhevsky found a concentration of 137Cs 40-45 times higher than in their liver, thus demonstrating that pancreatic tissue is a strong accumulator and secretor in the intestine of radioactive cesium.
此外,1961年的一項實驗發現對老鼠注射21.5 μCi/g 濃度的Cs-137,在30天之內有一半的受試老鼠死亡,這項實驗的結果等同於半至死劑量為0.000245公克(也就是百萬分之245公克),所謂半至死劑量指的是指在固定濃度下,暴露一定時間(通常1~4 小時)後,觀察14 天, 能使試驗動物組群半數(50 %)死亡的濃度。
在1972 年有另外一項類似的實驗, 對受試驗的狗群注射3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg,大約百萬分之44公克濃度)Cs-137,這群受試的狗在33天內全數死亡,而另一群接受一半劑量的受試狗群,則可以存活到為期一年。
從上述的那些實際醫學研究例證,包括了比較適用於LNT模式的狀態,以及一般日常生活環境下遭遇到低劑量但是長期輻射暴露累積下來的狀態。ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 合理抑低 )原則在兩種狀態下通通一體適用。
^Moskalev, Yu. I. (1961). "Biological Effects of Cesium-137". In Lebedinskiĭ, A. V.; Moskalev, Yu. I. (eds.). Distribution, Biological Effects, and Migration of Radioactive Isotopes. Translation Series. United States Atomic Energy Commission (published April 1974). p. 220. AEC-tr-7512.
^ H.C. Redman; et al. (1972). "Toxicity of 137-CsCl in the Beagle. Early Biological Effects". Radiation Research. 50 (3): 629–648. Bibcode:1972RadR...50..629R. doi:10.2307/3573559. JSTOR 3573559. PMID 5030090.
^ Nelson A , Ullberg S, Kristoffersson H, Ronnback C (1961). "Distribution of Radiocesium in Mice". Acta Radiologica. 55, 5 (5): 374–384.
doi:10.3109/00016926109175132. PMID 13728254.
^ Bandazhevsky Y.I. (2003). "Chronic Cs-137 incorporation in children's organs". Swiss Med. Wkly. 133 (35–36): 488–90. PMID 14652805.
incorporation意思 在 EC Bakes 小意思 Facebook 的最佳貼文
朱古力杯子蛋糕食譜喺呢度呀!詳細做法寫咗喺圖片入面,無Greek yogurt 就用普通原味乳酪(最好預先畢多少少放一陣等佢出少少水,倒走啲水再磅所需份量等佢杰身啲),無vanilla bean paste可用純雲尼拿香油代替,焗到有小山丘唔夠平坦下次可以試下調低爐温10C,牛油同粉打得唔夠碎就用手指捽下或用刮刀切下佢(牛油粒太大舊cupcake底會滲油架),用手提打蛋器
朱古力食譜(三) -- 簡易朱古力杯子蛋糕
Chocolate recipes (3) -- Easy Chocolate Cupcakes)
快~靚~正~這是我至愛的朱古力杯子蛋糕! 用此配方已經有一段時間了, 到目前為止我仍未找到比它更好的食譜呢! 它令我着迷是因為:
1. 它的朱古力味超濃郁(朱古力粉佔粉類三分一)
2. 做法簡單快捷, 牛油直接從雪櫃取出使用不用置室温放軟, 用大機(stand mixer)的話, 蛋糕糊可在五分鐘內做妥, 而且只用清洗一個大鋼盆(懶人福音~)!
3. 小蛋糕質地鬆軟無比, 减糖配方不會太甜, 與減糖瑞士蛋白奶油霜是絕配! 當然不加任何霜飾也很美味
4. 小蛋糕以水份較少的希臘乳酪為材料. 所以蛋糕糊很杰, 分配入紙模時蛋糕糊絶少滴在桌上, 减少了清潔工作
5. 配方混合使用低筋及中筋麵粉, 因此小蛋糕結構夠紮實可承托(大量的)霜飾重量, 但質地仍然是鬆軟的
This is my favourite chocolate cupcake recipe. I still haven’t found any other recipe better than this yet. I love these babies because of the following:
1. They are so chocolatey (one third of the flour component comes from cocoa powder)
2. They are super fast and easy to make. You simply use cold butter taken right out from the fridge. The preparation time is less than 5 minutes with a stand mixer. And most of all, there is only one dirty mixing bowl to clean up!
3. These cupcakes are crumbly and fluffy without being overly sweet. They pair up nicely with my silky Swiss meringue buttercream which is made with reduced amount of sugar as well. Of course you can enjoy them without any frosting.
4 The cake batter is thick as Greek yogurt is used, meaning absolutely no drippy mess when you transfer the batter into the cupcake liners.
5. The recipe calls for a combination of all-purpose and cake flours. As a result, the cupcakes will be sturdy enough to withstand the weight of the frosting (even a generous amount) but yet retain a super fluffy texture.
傳統蛋糕的做法(creaming method)是先將軟化牛油加糖打至鬆化, 再將蛋逐顆加入攪拌, 最後才將粉類及奶類隔着分次加入攪拌. 此配方做法有點特别, 用的是two-stage mixing method (或reverse creaming method). 意思是先將牛油與所有乾性材料拌匀, 然後才將其他濕性材料一次性加入拌勻. 當麵粉被牛油包裹着時, 就不會因過度攪拌而出筋, 因此蛋糕質地會變得很鬆軟. 蛋糕在焗的過程中沒有像傳統方法一樣有牛油加糖打發後做成的氣泡協助膨脹上升, 所以蛋糕會較平坦, 不會有小山丘的形狀出現, 有利於擠上各種霜飾. 倘若同一個配方以不同做法去做的話, 無論在成品的高度、蛋糕結構及口感上均有分别. 未試過用two-stage mixing method做蛋糕的話, 可以用自己常用的蛋糕配方改一改次序來做一個對比. 或許你會像我一樣愛上這個方便快捷的方法!
Cakes are traditionally made with the creaming method. You beat softened butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, incorporate the eggs one at a time, then add in flour and milk alternatively and mix until just combined. With this method you are sacrificing some tenderness because of the mixing. The cupcakes I share with you today are made a bit differently, namely with the two-stage mixing or the reverse creaming method. Dry ingredients are first combined with fats and later followed by the incorporation of liquid ingredients. When the flour is coated by fats (butter in this case), the formation of gluten is inhibited. The result is a tender cake with a velvety crumb. Cakes made this way also rise with a flatter dome and not as high as one made with the creaming method, in which the rise is created by the tiny air bubbles created during the creaming process. With the same recipe, you will get different results in terms of height, texture and mouthfeel. If you never heard of this mixing method, try one with a cake recipe you have baked before. Compare the results and see which method you prefer.
簡易朱古力杯子蛋糕 (可做12個小蛋糕或36個迷你小蛋糕)
Easy Chocolate Cupcakes (makes 12 regular or 36 mini cupcakes )
材料 Ingredients
中筋麵粉 All purpose flour 60g
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 30g
無糖可可粉 Unsweetened cocoa powder 50g
泡打粉 Baking powder 3/4 tsp
蘇打粉 Baking soda 1/2 tsp
鹽 Salt 1/4 tsp
砂糖 Granulated sugar 120g
凍牛油, 切小丁 Butter, cold, cut in cubes 114g (1 stick)
大蛋 Eggs, large 2
原味希臘乳酪 Plain Greek yogurt 120g
Vanilla bean paste 1 tsp
Please click into each picture for detailed instructions
Recipe for Swiss meringue buttercream (made with reduced amount of sugar) can be found here:
1. 可用純雲尼拿油或雲尼拿籽取替vanilla bean paste
2. 可用普通乳酪取替希臘乳酪. 但普通乳酪水份較多, 蛋糕糊會較稀
3. 這是减糖配方, 嗜甜的可增加糖量
4. 食譜參考並改良自 Baking a moment simply perfect chocolate cupcakes
1. Vanilla bean paste may be replaced with vanilla bean or pure vanilla extract.
2. Greek yogurt may be replaced with regular yogurt. Regular yogurt is more watery so batter will not be as thick.
3. I have tweaked the original recipe a bit and reduced the sugar amount. You may add more sugar if you prefer a sweeter taste.
4. This recipe is adapted from simply perfect chocolate cupcakes by Baking a moment (http://bakingamoment.com/simply-perfect-chocolate-cupcakes/)