
為什麼這篇include中文鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在include中文這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者steak353 ()看板Eng-Class標題[字辨] contain 和 include 的...

include中文 在 Irene Yu | Biz Coach For Expat Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:15

(中文簡介在最下方) Jocelyn @jocelyn.heng is an online business coach who especially focuses on timing and self-management with her clients. She knew very ear...


contain 和 include 中文都有包含的意思


1. container/place, if something such as a box ,bag ,or place
contains something, that thing is inside it

例: The museum contains a number of oringinal artworks.

2. writing/speech, if a document ,book ,speech etc contains
something, that thing is included in it

例: The letter contained information about Ken's legal affairs.

3. substance, if a substance contains something,
that thing is part of it

例: The product may contain nuts.


1. if one thing includes another, the second thing is part of
the first

例: 1. Does the price include postage ?
2. The curriculum includes courses in computing.

2. to make someone or something part of a larger group or set

例: The team is stronger now they've included Ken.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1460272136.A.61E.html
kaifrankwind: 一個偏實體一個偏抽象 基本上都不相通 就算是contai04/10 16:38
kaifrankwind: n用法2例句受詞是抽象的 也是如此04/10 16:42
kaifrankwind: Ingredients (contain/include) sugar, ... 這個應04/10 16:46
kaifrankwind: 該可相通沒問題04/10 16:47


※ 編輯: steak353 (, 04/10/2016 18:29:56
※ 編輯: steak353 (, 04/10/2016 18:30:30
kaifrankwind: ㄟ 不會去比較哪個比較強 包含關係通常就有或沒有 04/10 18:32
kaifrankwind: 而且適用的範疇不同 比較沒有意義 04/10 18:35
stu60912: ingredients 後面接 contain 和 include 意思應該是 04/10 22:11
stu60912: 不一樣的,且 接include的情況 會更常見 04/10 22:12
stu60912: 我回了一篇在底下 大家討論看看 04/10 22:12
stu60912: 差別在於:如果是要介紹某某食譜 有哪些「ingredients」 04/10 22:13
stu60912: 那後面就應該會用include來帶出各種食材,但如果是 04/10 22:13
stu60912: 要說某某食譜裡面的某某「ingredients」含有某某成份 04/10 22:14
stu60912: 例如維他命A之類的,那就會用contain來接。 04/10 22:14
kaifrankwind: 同意用法不一樣 要表達的重點不同 04/10 23:58
pc14324: Contain好像比較是包含的意思,include比較接近附加·· 04/15 17:45
pc14324: ·東西 04/15 17:45

