

在 inadvertently中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ★ 「不經意地影響」的英文搭配詞 (collocations) 怎麼說呢?★ 講到「不經意的影響」,大多的學習者會直接想到 unconsciously influence, unintentionally influence, indirectly influence 等等用法,母語人士聽得...


  • inadvertently中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-08-17 13:04:15
    有 25 人按讚

    ★ 「不經意地影響」的英文搭配詞 (collocations) 怎麼說呢?★

    unconsciously influence, unintentionally influence, indirectly influence 等等用法,母語人士聽得懂,但是我們深知「講不到位」,也因為母語人士聽得懂,我們也不會得到corrective feedback,所以一都會用「中英直譯」的方式去講,導致字字是英文,句句不是英文,這時就要搭配詞(collocations)來幫助我們的中文腦。

    「不經意地影響」,母語人士最常用 "inadvertently influence"。例如下面的文章,談到Google如何不經意地影響你的看法。


    ★ 「不經意地影響」的英文搭配詞 (collocations) 怎麼說呢?★

    unconsciously influence, unintentionally influence, indirectly influence 等等用法,母語人士聽得懂,但是我們深知「講不到位」,也因為母語人士聽得懂,我們也不會得到corrective feedback,所以一都會用「中英直譯」的方式去講,導致字字是英文,句句不是英文,這時就要搭配詞(collocations)來幫助我們的中文腦。

    「不經意地影響」,母語人士最常用 "inadvertently influence"。例如下面的文章,談到Google如何不經意地影響你的看法。


  • inadvertently中文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-10-21 21:07:00
    有 4 人按讚

    A White Poet Borrows a Chinese Name and Sets Off Fireworks>>

    New York Times, Sept. 8th (by Jeniifer Schuessler) -- This year’s edition of the anthology “Best American Poetry” has come under criticism for including a poem by a white poet writing under a Chinese pseudonym, touching off intense online debate about diversity, inclusion and racial entitlement in the poetry world.

    “The Bees, the Flowers, Jesus, Ancient Tigers, Poseidon, Adam and Eve” was submitted to the anthology, published on Tuesday by Scribner, by a little-known poet named Michael Derrick Hudson, under the pseudonym Yi-Fen Chou. After the poem’s selection, Mr. Hudson revealed his identity to the volume’s editor, Sherman Alexie, who decided to include it anyway, along with a note explaining the use of the pseudonym.
    默默無聞的詩人Michael Derrick Hudson用周一峰(Yi-Fen Chou)作為筆名,向《美國最佳詩作》投稿了自己的作品《蜜蜂、鮮花、耶穌、古代的老虎、波塞頓、亞當和夏娃》。詩選由出版社Scribner於週二刊出。作品入選後,Hudson對《美國最佳詩作》主編Sherman Alexie表明了自己的真實身份,並附上對使用這一筆名的相關解釋。結果Alexie依然決定收錄這首詩。

    In an essay on the Best American Anthology blog on Monday, Mr. Alexie, a Native American, defended his decision, saying he had paid closer attention to the poem because of the author’s name — a kind of “racial nepotism,” he said — but ultimately chose it because he liked it.

    When Mr. Hudson revealed his use of a pseudonym, Mr. Alexie wrote, he debated how to deal with this instance of “colonial theft,” but decided that dropping the poem “would have cast doubt on every poem I have chosen” and “implied that I chose poems based only on identity.”

    “I hadn’t been fooled by its ‘Chinese-ness’ because it contained nothing that I recognized as being inherently Chinese or Asian,” Mr. Alexie wrote.
    「我並沒有被它的『華人元素』給欺騙,因為它並沒有包含在我看來是華人或亞裔固有特色的成分,」 Alexie如此表示。

    Mr. Hudson, who works as an indexer at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Ind., did not answer messages requesting comment. But in the biographical note in “Best American Poetry,” he explained that he often sent poems out under the name Yi-Fen Chou.

    “As a strategy for ‘placing’ poems this has been quite successful for me,” he said, noting that “The Bees” had been rejected 40 times under his own name but only nine times under the pseudonym before it was printed by the journal Prairie Schooner.

    “If indeed this is one of the best American poems of 2015, it took quite a bit of effort to get it into print,” Mr. Hudson wrote. (Poems under his own name have appeared in numerous journals, including Poetry, this year.)

    Mr. Hudson’s blunt explanation drew outrage and ridicule online. “Never thought I’d see poets using yellowface to get published in 2015 but here we are,” Saeed Jones, a poet and the literary editor of Buzzfeed, said on Twitter. Jezebel ran a post under the headline “If You’re a White Man Who Can’t Get Published Under Your Own Name, Take the Hint.”
    Hudson這般露骨的解釋在網路上引發了憤怒和嘲諷兼有的一陣論戰。「從來沒想過,到了2015年居然會看到詩人為了能發表作品而假裝自己是黃種人,但現在還真就看到了,」本身也是詩人的Buzzfeed文學主編Saeed Jones在Twitter上如此表示。Twitter上的另一個帳號Jezebel也發表了一篇文章,標題是《如果你是用真名發表不了作品的白人,看這裡》。

    Ken Chen, a poet and executive director of the Asian American Writers Workshop, said Mr. Hudson was guilty of “cynical mischief” in the service of a “reactionary fantasy.”
    同樣身為詩人的亞裔美國作家工作坊行政總監陳聖為(Ken Chen)表示,Hudson利用「反動幻想」的做法是犯了「虛偽惡作劇」的錯誤。

    “He believes that he’s being cheated, and things will only improve if writers of color are virtualized away,” Mr. Chen said in an interview. “If only they didn’t really exist, and were just white guys with pseudonyms.”

    Rigoberto González, a poet who teaches at Rutgers University, Newark, said that Mr. Hudson had inadvertently “given a language to the anxiety that’s out there” among nonwhite writers: that they are included as tokens.
    在紐華克羅格斯大學任教的詩人Rigoberto González認為,Hudson無意之間讓非白人作家「本已存在的焦慮具現化了」:他們是作為一種象徵被接納的。

    “He’s buying into this notion of ‘I’ll be noticed because I have this ethnic name,’ ” Mr. González said. “But that’s what many writers of color are trying to avoid. We just happen to have ethnic names. But we are getting published because we are also good poets.”

    On Twitter on Monday, Mr. Alexie found a silver lining, writing, “I’m exhausted by the Best American Poetry mess, but wow, how cool that so many people are crazy-passionate about poems.”

    Mr. González, however, said that including Mr. Hudson had distracted from the anthology.

    “There are good poems and other new names in the anthology, but all we’ve been hearing about is this guy,” Mr. González said. “It’s really a shame.”

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 多益達人 林立英文

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