

在 immortality意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了?,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【應景美語:用英文說中秋節!】 ㄟˊ,最近考了一些學生會不會用英文說中秋節。都考壞了!我們學一下囉! _______________ ★ Moon Festival 或 Mid-Autumn Festival --中秋節 We’re celebrating Moon Festival this...

immortality意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-06-03 15:22:12

/ May 30, 2020 Japanese Man Lost “Waifu” as Gatebox Service Terminated . Summary: Love knows no boundaries, so it is not my place to judge the fact th...

  • immortality意思 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-09-14 12:04:28
    有 75 人按讚



    ★ Moon Festival 或 Mid-Autumn Festival --中秋節

    We’re celebrating Moon Festival this week!

    ★ full moon --望月/滿月

    Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the night of the full moon.

    ★ fall equinox /'e kwɪ naks/ --秋分

    Equinox 的字根是 equi-, 平等的意思(跟 equal 這個字有關),還有 nox /naks/,就是拉丁文的「夜」。加起來就表示白天跟夜裡的時間是一樣的。春分是 spring equinox.

    The festival is held around the time of the fall equinox.

    ★ moon cakes -- 月餅

    Let’s eat some moon cakes!

    ★ mortal /'mor təl/ -- 凡人

    After Houyi shot down nine suns, the Lord of Heaven was angry, and made Houyi and Chang’e into mortals.

    ★ immortal /ɪm 'mor təl/ (形), immortality /ˌɪm mor 'tæl ɪ ti/ (名) -- 長生不老

    其實就是上面 mortal 的相反,mortal 表示會死,immortal 表示不會死。

    ★ elixir /e 'lɪks ər/ -- 仙丹

    Houyi got an elixir of immortality. But Chang’e drank it all, and suddenly flew to the moon, never to come back!


    Happy Moon Festival! Go easy on the moon cakes!
    (Go easy on = 不要過度!)


  • immortality意思 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-09-25 11:46:11
    有 65 人按讚




    [中秋節] Mid-Autumn Festival 或 Moon Festival

    → We’re celebrating Moon Festival this week!



    [望月/滿月] full moon

    → Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the night of the full moon.



    [秋分] fall equinox

    Equinox /'e kwɪ naks/ 的字根是 equi-, 平等的意思(跟 equal 這個字有關),還有 nox /naks/,就是拉丁文的「夜」。加起來就表示白天跟夜裡的時間是一樣的。春分是 spring equinox.

    → The festival is held around the time of the fall equinox.



    [月餅] moon cakes

    → Let’s eat some moon cakes!



    [凡人] mortal /'mor təl/

    → After Houyi shot down nine suns, the Lord of Heaven was angry, and made Houyi and Chang’e into mortals.



    [長生不老] (adj.) immortal /ɪm 'mor təl/, (n.) immortality /ˌɪm mor 'tæl ɪ ti/.
    (其實就是上面 mortal 的相反,mortal 表示會死,immortal 表示不會死。)

    [仙丹] elixir /e 'lɪks ər/

    → Houyi got an elixir of immortality. But Chang’e drank it all, and suddenly flew to the moon, never to come back!



    好了,不要讓 po 變成記憶力的重擔,但如果你還有什麼問題就可以在下面問。

    Happy Moon Festival, and enjoy your moon cakes!
