

在 ithelp產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【使用 HKUVPN 登入 HKU Portal 之措施延遲至聖誕假期間推行】 資訊科技服務部門 Information Technology Services (下稱 ITS)於今日(十二月二十二日)下午四時零七分向港大師生發出電郵,指本於今午十二時實施的 HKUVPN 措施,將會延遲至聖誕...


  • ithelp 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-12-22 18:15:41
    有 48 人按讚

    【使用 HKUVPN 登入 HKU Portal 之措施延遲至聖誕假期間推行】

    資訊科技服務部門 Information Technology Services (下稱 ITS)於今日(十二月二十二日)下午四時零七分向港大師生發出電郵,指本於今午十二時實施的 HKUVPN 措施,將會延遲至聖誕假期間推行。

    本台曾就此事向香港大學學生會內務副會長陳希朗查詢,他回應指此項措施未曾於資訊科技諮詢委員會(Information Technology Advisory Committee)討論及通過。

    同日晚上六時正,香港大學學生會亦於網上發出公告 [1] ,指已就此事跟 ITS 會面。ITS 在會面期間解釋,是由於日前發生網絡安全事故,為防 HKU Portal 內大量學生個人資料外洩,故緊急實施 HKUVPN 安全措施及提升防火牆安全。ITS 亦指出在電郵發出後,收到大量有關的查詢,考慮到同學安裝程式需時,故延遲 HKUVPN 措施實施的時間。

    在會面期間,學生會與 ITS 提出數項建議,分別是:
    一、於校外登錄 HKU Portal 以外的網站時,可取消 HKUVPN 連接;
    二、於校外使用電話登入 HKU Portal 時,可下載手機應用程式 “AnyConnect” 連接 HKUVPN;
    三、由於 VPN 連接不穩定,故建議身處中國的港大學生返港後才使用 HKUVPN 連接 HKU Portal。

    有關最新 HKUVPN 措施的實施時間,本台將會就此再作報道。

    註 [1] ITS 電郵全文
    Dear students,

    With reference to our email sent yesterday, I would like to inform you that the implementation of the captioned tightened protection measure will be deferred after the Christmas holidays as ITS has already implemented some measures to mitigate the security threat and to allow more time for a more user-friendly implementation of HKUVPN protection of accessing critical portal applications outside campus network.

    We shall update our users again when the protection measure will take effect. It is targeted to be in late December 2017 to January 2018. In the meantime, please refer to the details of HKUVPN at https://www.its.hku.hk/documenta…/…/network/remote/hkuvpn2fa.

    Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    For any questions, please contact our Service Desk at 3917 0123 or ithelp@hku.hk.

    M C Pong
    User Services Team
    HKU Information Technology Services

    註 [2] 學生會公告全文 【港大資訊科技服務實施新網絡安全措施(包括HKUVPN安排)最新資訊 】

  • ithelp 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-12-21 23:55:24
    有 195 人按讚

    相信大家都收到一封來自 ITS (Information Technology Services) 嘅 mass mail,指由聽日中午十二點起,同學如果想係港大校園外登入 HKU Portal,就要下載一個名爲 HKUVPN 既程式。究竟轉用呢個方法後會有無啲咩潛在嘅網速、私隱問題?唔下載又會點呢?立即去片!

    Mass mail 全文(附有下載方法 ):
    Dear students,

    ITS has tightened up the security measures for accessing HKU Portal outside the University's campus network. With effect from December 22, 2017 (Friday) 12:00 noon, HKUVPN (Virtual Private Network) connection will be required for accessing all information under HKU Portal outside campus network by University staff and students.

    To use HKUVPN, please register for two-factor authentication (2FA) via http://www.its.hku.hk/2fa/student-dept-register and complete a one-time configuration by following the steps described at https://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/network/remote/hkuvpn2fa.

    After that, you can connect to HKUVPN (connection procedures can be found at https://www.its.hku.hk/documentation/guide/network/remote/hkuvpn2fa/connect) and login to HKU Portal using your HKU Portal UID/PIN.

    To prepare for the forthcoming Course Selection in January 2018, students who have not yet registered for 2FA and configured their PCs for making HKUVPN connection please do so immediately. Otherwise, you will not be able to login to HKU Portal using HKUVPN when you are outside campus network.

    For any questions, please feel free to contact our Service Desk at 3917 0123 or ithelp@hku.hk.

    Thank you for your attention.

    M C Pong
    User Services Team
    Information Technology Services

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