

在 hunger動詞產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【乾,我講英文有夠乾】: 看完「魷魚遊戲」只講得出 It’s great. 嗎? 大家也看了魷魚遊戲了嗎?很多紐約的 #美國朋友 跟我說 ・It’s way better than the Hunger Games. ・I binged the whole 9 episodes (一次追了九集)...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗: https://www.pressplay.cc/bingobilingual · 免費試用 3 天 · 手機背景播放,善用零碎時間學習 · 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多 訂閱賓狗,就是訂閱「英文學習界的 Netflix」 ...

  • hunger動詞 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 16:19:30
    有 252 人按讚

    【乾,我講英文有夠乾】: 看完「魷魚遊戲」只講得出 It’s great. 嗎?

    大家也看了魷魚遊戲了嗎?很多紐約的 #美國朋友 跟我說
    ・It’s way better than the Hunger Games.
    ・I binged the whole 9 episodes (一次追了九集).
    ・It’s graphically brutal. (超級血腥殘忍)
    ・Totes worth a watch. (Totes 是 totally 的口語寫法)


    ・It’s really good.
    ・I liked it!
    ・You should watch it.
    ・I highly recommend it.

    當然,這 4 句話在語意上、用法上沒有問題。但如果你想要用得更 #道地、#到位,請繼續讀下去。

    1️⃣ 傳統無啥用的 solution:

    面臨這樣的問題,傳統上不少英文老師會建議你去查閱同義字字典,去 #升級自己會的形容詞。但,其實不斷用 It’s adj. 的方式
    或去升級 “like” 這個動詞,調成 I enjoyed watching it. 只是繼續圍繞在相似的想法裡頭,英文還是 #沒有質的變化。�

    2️⃣ 從「#思維模板」、母語人士的「#說話習慣」下手:

    其實不管是魷魚遊戲、還是 The Hunger Games、還是其他相似種類 (genre) 的電影,英美國人會講述的方式「大同小異」,並 #不會因人而異。這樣的好處就是我們有個範圍可以學習這些「思維模板」。不只是一兩個字的片語、搭配詞,而是整體「表達的方向」。


    ✔︎ 在表達從第一集就ㄉㄧㄠˊ住時,你可以說:�
    I was hooked from the first episode.
    It had me hooked from the start.

    ✔︎ 在表達很棒時,他們不會只說 It’s great. 他們會說
    It's hands down one of the best series I’ve seen on Netflix.
    One of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time.

    ✔︎ 其他正向表述、讚揚的講法還包含:
    It’s worth a watch for sure! (值得一看)
    It has set a high bar for other movies of this genre. (把標準提得很高)
    It has definitely lived up to the hype! (真的如大家所說般地好 )

    #幾乎都會馬上想到這些用法。我們不應該再走「中文想這樣講 — > 翻成英文」這樣的路。


    🔥 如果你 / 妳喜歡這樣從思維下手,學習語塊不學單字的學習方式,歡迎你加入我在好學校 (Hahow) 上開設的線上課程 #3D英文筆記術。 站上大折扣剩下最後 3 天,不要錯過囉!

    (輸入折扣碼 GR2183,單堂 88 折、兩堂以上 83 折。)

    Photo credit: Netflix

  • hunger動詞 在 EN English Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2014-07-01 08:00:00
    有 201 人按讚

    睽違4年的世界杯足球賽終於開踢(kick off)了!據估計全世界有10億人觀看轉播。(科技業專案開始也用kick off)

    速食連鎖龍頭麥當勞(McDonald's)宣佈,在全台灣112間門市,要 24小時營運以現場轉播世足賽,


    McDonald's is broadcasting all FIFA World Cup soccer games ______ from Brazil at its 112 outlets throughout the entire tournament from June 13 to July 17.
    (A) alive
    (B) lived
    (C) live
    (D) lives



    答案(C)的 live在此是副詞的「在現場表演、以實況(轉播)」,修飾動詞「is broadcasting」,





    broadcast [ˋbrɔd͵kæst] (n.)(v.) 轉播;播送

    outlet [`aʋtˏlɛt] (n.) 賣場;商店;經銷店

    tournament [ˋtɝnəmənt] (n.) 比賽;錦標賽;聯賽


    live [lɪv]
    動詞-作為一般動詞的live是最常出現的用法,讀作[lɪv],它有「活、活著」、 「住、居住」、「生活、過活」之意。

    Animals cannot live without air.(動物沒有空氣就無法生存。)

    She lives in Amsterdam.(她住在阿姆斯特丹。)

    Some people live in the fear of hunger.(有些人活在飢餓的恐懼中。)

    live [laɪv]


    The speech will be broadcast live on TV.(這個演講將在電視上作現場轉播。)-副詞

    We are watching a live talk show.(我們正在觀看一齣現場直播的脫口秀。)-形容詞

    alive [əˋlaɪv]

    They felt lucky to be alive after the serious accident.(在這個嚴重的意外事故之後,他們慶幸能活著。)



    He wishes he could bring his dog back to life.(他期望他的狗能起死回生。)

    She has been a chef all her career life.(她在整個職業生涯中,一直是主廚。)

    文章來源: 東森新聞

  • hunger動詞 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-03-21 12:00:25
    有 163 人按讚

    ★★ 第二波 ---服貿議題單字+句型篇 ★★

    --例句取自經濟學人 (The Economist) & 時代雜誌 (TIME) & Bloomberg

    (1) hunger-strike 絕食抗議 (hunger-striker 絕食抗議者)

    e.g. Three legislators from the main opposition, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), started 70-hour HUNGER-STRIKES just before the occupation.


    sit-in 靜坐抗議
    to break a promise 不守信

    e.g. The SIT-IN was PROVOKED by what the DPP sees as the KMT’s BREAKING of its PROMISE to allow a parliamentary committee to review the agreement clause by clause.

    (3) hand advantage to 對~有利益

    e.g. Demonstrators say the draft deals HAND too much economic ADVANTAGE TO China.

    (4) barricade (v.) 堵住

    e.g. The students have BARRICADED the doors with chairs.

    (5) a 9% president 支持率 (approval rating) 9% 的總統

    (6) to BOOST cross-strait ties 加強兩岸關係

    (7) lopsided (a.) 不對等

    e.g. The DPP argues the agreement will hurt small businesses on Taiwan and is LOPSIDED in some of its market-opening measures (開放市場的措施).

    (8) to be dependent economically on the mainland

    (9) sluggish economy 發展停滯不前的經濟

    e.g. The economy is still, by local standards, sluggish.

    ---經濟停滯不前的動詞使用 stagnate (v.)


    heavy-handed (a.) 手段拙劣、強硬的
    circumvent (v.) 回避

    e.g. President Ma Ying-jeou should apologize for the HEAVY-HANDED tactics his party has used to CIRCUMVENT a detailed review of a trade deal with China.

    (11) repel (v.) 驅趕

    e.g. ATTEMPTS by police to enter the chamber and REPEL students in the early hours of this morning FAILED, with the situation remaining mostly peaceful during today, she said.


    express opposition 表達反對
    impending competition 即將面對的競爭
    in light of 有鑒於 (=given)

    e.g. Trade groups representing beauticians and traditional medicine retailers, among other affected industries, EXPRESSED OPPOSITION in the months following the signing, saying they weren’t properly informed or supported by the administration in light of (考量到、有鑑於) IMPENDING competition from Chinese business.

