

在 humbly中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅良醫生 Dr Ares,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 送別好友。 泰哥人品、學識、醫德,都令人手屈一指。 君子,完美。 【敬悼蕭永泰醫生】蕭永泰醫生,香港中文大學(中大)醫學院校友,於2019年9月29日辭世。中大醫學院對蕭醫生的離開深表哀悼,並向蕭醫生的家人致以深切慰問。 蕭醫生是傑出的外科醫生,多年來積極貢獻本地醫學界,當中尤對微創手術...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅大麻煩翻譯組JackO,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Skullgirls #Squigly #Story Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事 影片中許多部分並未完全...

  • humbly中文 在 良醫生 Dr Ares Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-14 22:33:28
    有 241 人按讚







    蕭醫生對醫學界、教育界,以致社會各階層均貢獻良多,於2018年獲頒中大榮譽院士銜, 是首位醫學院畢業生得此榮譽;亦是首屆香港中文大學傑出醫科校友獎(卓越成就)的得主。


    【Mourning Dr SIU】With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Dr SIU Wing-tai on 29 September 2019. Dr Siu was a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) and was a distinguished surgeon who had contributed greatly to the development of minimally invasive surgical skills.

    Dr Siu’s story as a brilliant medical practitioner began when he graduated from the medical faculty in 1989. Even as a medical student, he gained prominence by winning many awards and honours, including the City Lions Club Gold Medal Award for the best overall performance in professional examinations in his graduating year.

    Dr Siu was known to his colleagues, patients and staff as a compassionate and caring physician. As he had always humbly said, he “just wanted to be a good doctor”.

    Dr Siu served on many societies and associations, either as a board member or president. But his love for his alma mater is unparalleled. He wholeheartedly supported the Faculty development by offering invaluable advice and through generous donations.

    He made significant contributions to strengthening the bonds between the alumni and Faculty. He was directly involved in the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association and was a Council Member of the Association since its foundation, and its President between 2011 and 2014. He was instrumental in establishing the Faculty’s signature Medical Alumni Buddy Programme in 2016. The programme is aimed at providing a mentoring and support network for medical students and young practitioners, as well as helping to cement the relationship between alumni and the Faculty. In 2018, he became the first winner of the CUHK Distinguished Medical Alumni Award for Global Achievement.

    Dr Siu took extreme pride in his work as a surgeon and imparted whatever wisdom he could to his peers and younger doctors. His distinction as a surgeon brought him respect from his peers and the community and earned him numerous accolades.

    In appreciation and recognition of his work, he was conferred Honorary Fellowship by The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, becoming the first CUHK medical graduate to receive such an honour.

    Professor Francis KL Chan, Dean of Medicine, expressed his great sorrow at the passing of Dr Siu. “Dr Siu is a highly respected person who has dedicated himself to caring patients, giving back to his alma mater, and shaping the future generations of medical students. He has indeed achieved his ambition as being ‘a good doctor’.” Even in his illness, he attended Faculty events as much as he could to show his full support to the staff, students and alumni. Dr Siu’s passing is a great loss to the medical profession, CUHK and society. He will be dearly missed by his peers, his patients, and all of us from the Faculty. He will always be remembered for his selfless devotion to serving the community, and for his unfailing support to the Faculty. On behalf of the teachers, students and alumni of CU Medicine, may I offer our deepest condolences to Dr Siu's family.”

  • humbly中文 在 良醫生 Dr Ares Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-09-30 19:39:05
    有 259 人按讚








    蕭醫生對醫學界、教育界,以致社會各階層均貢獻良多,於2018年獲頒中大榮譽院士銜, 是首位醫學院畢業生得此榮譽;亦是首屆香港中文大學傑出醫科校友獎(卓越成就)的得主。


    【Mourning Dr SIU】With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Dr SIU Wing-tai on 29 September 2019. Dr Siu was a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) and was a distinguished surgeon who had contributed greatly to the development of minimally invasive surgical skills.

    Dr Siu’s story as a brilliant medical practitioner began when he graduated from the medical faculty in 1989. Even as a medical student, he gained prominence by winning many awards and honours, including the City Lions Club Gold Medal Award for the best overall performance in professional examinations in his graduating year.

    Dr Siu was known to his colleagues, patients and staff as a compassionate and caring physician. As he had always humbly said, he “just wanted to be a good doctor”.

    Dr Siu served on many societies and associations, either as a board member or president. But his love for his alma mater is unparalleled. He wholeheartedly supported the Faculty development by offering invaluable advice and through generous donations.

    He made significant contributions to strengthening the bonds between the alumni and Faculty. He was directly involved in the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association and was a Council Member of the Association since its foundation, and its President between 2011 and 2014. He was instrumental in establishing the Faculty’s signature Medical Alumni Buddy Programme in 2016. The programme is aimed at providing a mentoring and support network for medical students and young practitioners, as well as helping to cement the relationship between alumni and the Faculty. In 2018, he became the first winner of the CUHK Distinguished Medical Alumni Award for Global Achievement.

    Dr Siu took extreme pride in his work as a surgeon and imparted whatever wisdom he could to his peers and younger doctors. His distinction as a surgeon brought him respect from his peers and the community and earned him numerous accolades.

    In appreciation and recognition of his work, he was conferred Honorary Fellowship by The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018, becoming the first CUHK medical graduate to receive such an honour.

    Professor Francis KL Chan, Dean of Medicine, expressed his great sorrow at the passing of Dr Siu. “Dr Siu is a highly respected person who has dedicated himself to caring patients, giving back to his alma mater, and shaping the future generations of medical students. He has indeed achieved his ambition as being ‘a good doctor’.” Even in his illness, he attended Faculty events as much as he could to show his full support to the staff, students and alumni. Dr Siu’s passing is a great loss to the medical profession, CUHK and society. He will be dearly missed by his peers, his patients, and all of us from the Faculty. He will always be remembered for his selfless devotion to serving the community, and for his unfailing support to the Faculty. On behalf of the teachers, students and alumni of CU Medicine, may I offer our deepest condolences to Dr Siu's family.”

  • humbly中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-01-24 17:59:30
    有 135 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父公告】春節開運活動系列 (二)-《春節風生水起餐會》
    CNY Prosperity Dinner Session (English version below)





    日期及時間: 8pm-1030pm, Monday, 30 January 2017
    地點:Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square

    有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,玳瑚師父一概不接受透過別人代傳的簡訊報名。






    The moment you arrive into this world defines your destiny. The period of you walking around in this world is known as your fortunes or luck cycles. This beginning and the end of life hold many secrets of the Universe, both predestined and man-made. Those not in the know of this principle can only be helpless in the face of fate, and waste a precious lifetime. Think about it, living a wretched life can be considered a waste. When you encounter a setback in life, do you treat yourself kindly and give yourself that ONE chance to investigate your own life's passage and to truly understand the reasons for your current unfavorable predicaments? Or do you put aside your pride and arrogance, and humbly seek the advice of a virtuous person of wisdom, on how to take destiny in your own hands, benefiting yourself and others, to the delight of everyone?

    Out of compassion, Master Dai Hu, who may be going into a retreat anytime soon, is dedicating his precious time to impart some of his elusive wisdom to those with the affinity and good fortune to pay their respect and Chinese New Year well-wishes to him, on the passage of fortune this year, both on a macro as well as a micro view. This session will be held on the 3rd Day of the Lunar New Year, at the Melt Cafe (Mandarin Oriental Hotel).

    Let us all grab this golden egg of an opportunity and have a cracking year!

    Date & time: 8pm-1030pm, Monday, 30 January 2017
    Venue: Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square

    To reserve a slot, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098. Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.

    Information required:

    1) Your Chinese name,
    2) Your birth detail,

    so that Master Dai Hu can advise you, based on your elemental needs.

    I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment! Please remember to bring a pair of mandarin oranges and a red packet to pay your New Year call to Master Dai Hu.

    Thank you for your love and support! ❤️

  • humbly中文 在 大麻煩翻譯組JackO Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-03-29 04:20:45

    #Skullgirls #Squigly #Story
    Skullgirls是一款2D平面格鬥遊戲,故事圍繞在Skull Heart(骷髏之心)這項神奇的物品上,有許願的功能,但只要許願的人心不夠純潔,願望則會扭曲,遊戲中講述各角色自己,以及與Skullgirl所發生的故事


    並且 所有遊戲內的特殊名詞與姓名皆不翻譯


    1:01 這裡一條血痕就是Leviathan, 原本他是寄生在Squigly的父親(Roberto)體內的
    Leviathan可以屏障掉精神操控(或者讓宿主擁有操控自己身體的能力), 這也解釋了為什麼Squigly已經是屍體了卻不受Skullgirl控制
    2:50 "Egrets"是在稱呼那整個部隊, 單叫一隻士兵時Parasoul會叫"Egret" 這是王國底下的武力部隊統稱, 不是一個人名喔
    4:34 turn back on 人 可以是忽視或是鄙視的意思
    7:57 ~ 7:59 這裡Samson會嘴砲是因為沒人會問路人"Year" 今年哪一年
    一般人應該都是問日期或時間, 問今年哪年這件事太奇怪了
    Samson平時會閉著眼睛, 偽裝成Filia的髮堀, 但Leviathan當時並沒有躲進Squigly的身體裡
    所以這裡是Samson先認出了Leviathan, 才故意這樣開口的
    9:20 有關Samson的上一位人類宿主請看我們的Eliza翻譯影片
    9:34 這裡我們有用中文呈現出來, Samson很酸的嘴砲了Squigly的衣著跟她是屍體這件事
    喪禮上的屍體應該都會穿得很得體, 但Squigly穿的這套比較偏像是高級的休閒服(一樣是禮服, 但比較像是參加宴會會穿著那種輕便露肩禮服)
    9:37 即使聽得出來Squigly很生氣, 她也沒罵人, 而是說"I beg your pardon!"
    一整路以來Squigly跟Leviathan說話用詞都非常得體, 這裡更是可以特別看出她的人設真的很有教養
    10:01 Leviathan也是相當紳士, 這裡的意思其實就是"請你與我一同打倒這兩位"
    但他說"I humbly beg your assistance" 我謙卑地請求您的協助 in this intervention (調停)
    雖然是要靠拳頭讓他們閉嘴, 但Leviathan還是用了調停這個比較溫和的字眼, 而不是打架之類的字
    12:09 這裡Squigly相當簡明扼要的嘗試阻止Filia繼續前進, 這句在這裡很讚
    Filia想拿Skull Heart許願要回記憶, 最慘的情況是她根本打輸, 沒取回記憶還送了小命, 因此Squigly才跟她說這句
    13:00 有關更多Leviathan說的這些過去, 一樣可以看我們的Eliza劇情翻譯

    20:23 這句我其實很掙扎
    按照這裡的原文, 我想Samson應該是想說 "我們不只不計前嫌來幫你" "幫妳的同時我們也能表現出盛氣凌人, 高傲卻不失自信的樣子"
    嗯... 好像比較合當下情況, 但我感覺這樣的含意又跟原文對不太上... 這裡我們實在不太確定

    21:13 "I will let her actions speak for her" 這句真讚
    21:22 這裡我是為了把Samson的雙關翻出來才翻成那樣的, 單純的Right on your face! 其實就傳達出 "沒錯! 我這就表現給你看!" 的感覺就夠了
    但因為Double身體上有很多臉孔, 這裡Samson同時用了這句應答, 也同時意旨"打在她那些臉上!"


    關於我們翻譯組: https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=4035888
    我們的Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWeed


    Skullgirls Steam網站:

  • humbly中文 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-09-29 19:45:01

    DJ KOO YouTube Channel : http://bit.ly/2DnKavZ
    DJ KOO Official Instagram : http://bit.ly/2I4nEXI
    Cool Japan TV Website: http://bit.ly/2znvZ6b
    Business Inquiries : info@cooljapantv.biz
    Cool Japan TV Facebook Page : http://bit.ly/2Nun0Zz
    Cool Japan TV YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/2pwbqP3
    Cool Japan TV Instagram : http://bit.ly/2I3jDCR

    ※ 任何與日本的作品,活動,商務合作,請聯繫 info@cooljapantv.biz
    今年出道 25 週年的 TRF 團長 DJ KOO,與來自馬來西亞的 C-POP 百萬金曲鬼才,Namewee 黃明志實現夢幻合作。全球爆紅曲「TOKYO BON 2020」的製作公司,株式会社 Cool Japan TV 及日本娛樂公司 Avex Management 攜手合作,安排亞洲各國合計 2,000 萬粉絲以上的人氣 YouTuber 在日本齊聚一堂,共同製作了 TRF 名曲盆舞改編版「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」。
    通過這次的合作,DJ KOO 與 Namewee 黃明志加入了兩人的 RAP 饒舌歌詞,實現了日語,英語,中文的多語言歌詞改編。歌曲的故事設定為,在日本流行音樂文化席捲亞洲的 90 年代,在馬來西亞聽著 J-POP 度過少年時期的 Namewee 黃明志,對 DJ KOO 訴說「少年與少女在那之後的故事並不是那麼地一帆風順」。DJ KOO 藉由引用原曲歌詞「邂逅才是人生的尋寶遊戲」,加上改編歌詞回應「一路以來受過了多少創傷,也因為這些經歷讓我們變得更堅強,更善良。讓我們一起繼續尋找人生中最寶貴的事物吧」。兩人通過這夢幻合作,對現代少年少女們發出鼓勵的訊息。
    MV 的高潮盆舞部分,更加入了世界知名日本藝人 Piko 太郎的友情客串。此外,DJ KOO 的理念「One Asia, One World」也引起了亞洲各國人氣 YouTuber 的共鳴,齊聚一堂一同跳盆舞。舞蹈由繼承加貿百萬石文化,擁有 100 年歷史的創作日本舞蹈孝藤流傳人,孝藤右近排舞。此外,奧運會金牌選手清水宏保,avex 新人團體 callme,贊助商 Molly Fantasy 的 Lala也到場支持。
    MV 裡也插入了首度發布此曲的舞台,在法國巴黎舉辦的 “Japan Expo 2018” 15,000  人的演唱會影像。DJ KOO 表示「面向奧運會 2020,日本將成為全世界的焦點,希望可以通過日本傳統文化盆舞,將日本的魅力告訴全世界」。

    □ BOY MEETS GIRL 2020 / Namewee feat. DJ KOO

    出演 : Namewee、DJ KOO、孝藤右近
    特別嘉賓 : Piko 太郎、清水宏保、PInO、callme、AR performers
    YouTuber : Shen Lim、MaoMaoTV、林進、小A辣、Nana梁雲菲、Toyz、屎萊姆的3次元、魚乾、菜喳、Cody Hong、彤彤、Kidinn、Yvonne Chua、Ernest DoCrazy、RU醬、Ayu TV

    Produced by : Cool Japan TV、avex management
    贊助 : Molly Fantasy


    ※ Please kindly contact info@cooljapantv.biz for any music production, events and business enquiries.
    In conjunction to his 25th anniversary, TRF’s leader DJ KOO collaborated with Malaysia’ Top C-POP million hits artist Namewee.
    The production company behind the viral hit 「TOKYO BON 2020」- Cool Japan TV - the leading influencer marketing company, gathered Asia’s Top YouTubers in this Bon dance version of TRF’s remix song「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」together with one of the largest music entertainment companies, avex entertainment.
    This collaboration saw DJ KOO and Namewee presenting their RAP segment with multilingual lyrics ranging from Japanese, English and Chinese. The setting of the MV goes back to the 1990s when Japanese pop music and culture craze swept through Asia. For Namewee who grew up listening to J-POP, he shared with DJ KOO on how teenage love was never that smooth-sailing. This was reflected in the song “Fateful encounter is like a life-time treasure hunt”, DJ Koo then responded with new lyrics “Life might be a journey of suffering, only to make us stronger and kinder. Let’s continue to search for what matters most.” This dream collaboration aims to deliver their words of encouragement to everyone.
    The highlight of this bon MV goes to the guest appearance of global well-known Japanese artist  Piko Taro. Together with participation of the Asia Top YouTubers, this MV humbly resonates to DJ KOO’s vision of "One Asia, One World”. The Bon dance was choreographed by Ukon Takafuji, the heir of the Takafuji clan with over 100 years of history. More guests such as Olympic gold medalist skater Hiroyasu Shimizu, avex artist group callme and Lala from Molly Fantasy also gave their support.

    The MV also includes the first concert performance of this song at Paris, France where the “Japan Expo 2018” was held and garnered interest from 15,000 audience. DJ KOO expressed “With the upcoming 2020 Olympics, Japan will be the growing center-of-attraction. We hope to bring about Japan’s culture and appeal to everyone through the traditional Japanese Bon dance.”
    ※ コラボレーション、日本に関するイベント開催、日本に関するビジネス相談などについてのお問い合わせは、info@cooljapantv.biz までお問い合わせください。

     デビュー25周年を迎えたTRFのリーダーDJ KOOが、C-POP史上最多のミリオンビューヒットを持つ、マレーシア出身の人気アーティストNameweeと夢の共演。「Tokyo Bon 2020」の世界的ヒットで話題のアジア最大級のインフルエンサーネットワークによるインバウンドプロモーション事業を展開する株式会社Cool Japan TVは、音楽業界を牽引するエイベックス・マネジメントとの共同プロデュースによる、アジア各国の合計2,000万フォロワーを超える人気YouTuberが日本に一堂に集結して撮影を行った、TRF名曲の盆踊りリミックス「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」のミュージックビデオを発表した。
    今回のリミックスで新たに聴くことができる、日本語、英語、中国語の多言語で展開されるDJ KOOとNameweeによるラップパートでは、日本のポップカルチャーがアジアを席巻した90年代、マレーシアでJ-POPを聴きながら青春時代を過ごしたと言うNameweeが、憧れのスターであったDJ KOOに「少年と少女のその後の物語は決して平坦な道のりではなかったこと」を訴え、それに対してDJ KOOは「傷ついた分だけ強く優しくなれる、人生の宝探しをこれからも続けて行こう」とオリジナルの歌詞「出会いこそ人生の宝探し」を引用して応え、かつての少年と少女たちに応援のメッセージを送っている。

    クライマックスの盆踊りでは、今や世界で最も知られている日本人アーティストとなったピコ太郎がサプライズの友情出演。DJ KOOが今回のテーマとして掲げた「One Asia, One World」に共鳴して集まったアジア各国の人気YouTuberと共に、加賀百万石の文化を継ぐ石川県金沢市にて100年の歴史を持つ創作日本舞踊孝藤流の家系に生まれ、日本を代表する舞踊家として活躍する孝藤右近の振り付けによる盆踊りを踊っている。又、オリンピックの金メダリスト清水宏保、avexの後輩アーティストcallme、協賛・協力企業モーリーファンタジーのララも駆けつけて参加している。

    映像中には、本作の初公開の舞台となったフランス・パリの “Japan Expo 2018” での15,000人の熱狂的な観客を前にしたライブパフォーマンスの様子も織り交ぜられており、DJ KOOは「東京オリンピックへ向けて、日本が世界から注目を集める中、日本の伝統文化である盆踊りを楽しんでいただくことを通じて、日本の魅力を世界に発信して行きたい」と語っている。


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    #Namewee #黃明志

  • humbly中文 在 Namewee Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-09-22 20:00:12

    DJ KOO YouTube Channel : http://bit.ly/2DnKavZ
    DJ KOO Official Instagram : http://bit.ly/2I4nEXI
    Cool Japan TV Website: http://bit.ly/2znvZ6b
    Business Inquiries : info@cooljapantv.biz
    Cool Japan TV Facebook Page : http://bit.ly/2Nun0Zz
    Cool Japan TV YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/2pwbqP3
    Cool Japan TV Instagram : http://bit.ly/2I3jDCR


    ※ 任何與日本的作品,活動,商務合作,請聯繫 info@cooljapantv.biz
    今年出道 25 週年的 TRF 團長 DJ KOO,與來自馬來西亞的 C-POP 百萬金曲鬼才,Namewee 黃明志實現夢幻合作。全球爆紅曲「TOKYO BON 2020」的製作公司,株式会社 Cool Japan TV 及日本娛樂公司 Avex Management 攜手合作,安排亞洲各國合計 2,000 萬粉絲以上的人氣 YouTuber 在日本齊聚一堂,共同製作了 TRF 名曲盆舞改編版「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」。
    通過這次的合作,DJ KOO 與 Namewee 黃明志加入了兩人的 RAP 饒舌歌詞,實現了日語,英語,中文的多語言歌詞改編。歌曲的故事設定為,在日本流行音樂文化席捲亞洲的 90 年代,在馬來西亞聽著 J-POP 度過少年時期的 Namewee 黃明志,對 DJ KOO 訴說「少年與少女在那之後的故事並不是那麼地一帆風順」。DJ KOO 藉由引用原曲歌詞「邂逅才是人生的尋寶遊戲」,加上改編歌詞回應「一路以來受過了多少創傷,也因為這些經歷讓我們變得更堅強,更善良。讓我們一起繼續尋找人生中最寶貴的事物吧」。兩人通過這夢幻合作,對現代少年少女們發出鼓勵的訊息。
    MV 的高潮盆舞部分,更加入了世界知名日本藝人 Piko 太郎的友情客串。此外,DJ KOO 的理念「One Asia, One World」也引起了亞洲各國人氣 YouTuber 的共鳴,齊聚一堂一同跳盆舞。舞蹈由繼承加貿百萬石文化,擁有 100 年歷史的創作日本舞蹈孝藤流傳人,孝藤右近排舞。此外,奧運會金牌選手清水宏保,avex 新人團體 callme,贊助商 Molly Fantasy 的 Lala也到場支持。
    MV 裡也插入了首度發布此曲的舞台,在法國巴黎舉辦的 “Japan Expo 2018” 15,000  人的演唱會影像。DJ KOO 表示「面向奧運會 2020,日本將成為全世界的焦點,希望可以通過日本傳統文化盆舞,將日本的魅力告訴全世界」。
    □ BOY MEETS GIRL 2020 / Namewee feat. DJ KOO

    出演 : Namewee、DJ KOO、孝藤右近
    特別嘉賓 : Piko 太郎、清水宏保、PInO、callme、AR performers
    YouTuber : Shen Lim、MaoMaoTV、林進、小A辣、Nana梁雲菲、Toyz、屎萊姆的3次元、魚乾、菜喳、Cody Hong、彤彤、Kidinn、Yvonne Chua、Ernest DoCrazy、RU醬、Ayu TV

    Produced by : Cool Japan TV、avex management
    贊助 : Molly Fantasy

    ※ Please kindly contact info@cooljapantv.biz for any music production, events and business enquiries.
    In conjunction to his 25th anniversary, TRF’s leader DJ KOO collaborated with Malaysia’ Top C-POP million hits artist Namewee.
    The production company behind the viral hit 「TOKYO BON 2020」- Cool Japan TV - the leading influencer marketing company, gathered Asia’s Top YouTubers in this Bon dance version of TRF’s remix song「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」together with one of the largest music entertainment companies, avex entertainment.
    This collaboration saw DJ KOO and Namewee presenting their RAP segment with multilingual lyrics ranging from Japanese, English and Chinese. The setting of the MV goes back to the 1990s when Japanese pop music and culture craze swept through Asia. For Namewee who grew up listening to J-POP, he shared with DJ KOO on how teenage love was never that smooth-sailing. This was reflected in the song “Fateful encounter is like a life-time treasure hunt”, DJ Koo then responded with new lyrics “Life might be a journey of suffering, only to make us stronger and kinder. Let’s continue to search for what matters most.” This dream collaboration aims to deliver their words of encouragement to everyone.
    The highlight of this bon MV goes to the guest appearance of global well-known Japanese artist  Piko Taro. Together with participation of the Asia Top YouTubers, this MV humbly resonates to DJ KOO’s vision of "One Asia, One World”. The Bon dance was choreographed by Ukon Takafuji, the heir of the Takafuji clan with over 100 years of history. More guests such as Olympic gold medalist skater Hiroyasu Shimizu, avex artist group callme and Lala from Molly Fantasy also gave their support.

    The MV also includes the first concert performance of this song at Paris, France where the “Japan Expo 2018” was held and garnered interest from 15,000 audience. DJ KOO expressed “With the upcoming 2020 Olympics, Japan will be the growing center-of-attraction. We hope to bring about Japan’s culture and appeal to everyone through the traditional Japanese Bon dance.”


    ※ コラボレーション、日本に関するイベント開催、日本に関するビジネス相談などについてのお問い合わせは、info@cooljapantv.biz までお問い合わせください。

     デビュー25周年を迎えたTRFのリーダーDJ KOOが、C-POP史上最多のミリオンビューヒットを持つ、マレーシア出身の人気アーティストNameweeと夢の共演。「Tokyo Bon 2020」の世界的ヒットで話題のアジア最大級のインフルエンサーネットワークによるインバウンドプロモーション事業を展開する株式会社Cool Japan TVは、音楽業界を牽引するエイベックス・マネジメントとの共同プロデュースによる、アジア各国の合計2,000万フォロワーを超える人気YouTuberが日本に一堂に集結して撮影を行った、TRF名曲の盆踊りリミックス「BOY MEETS GIRL 2020」のミュージックビデオを発表した。
    今回のリミックスで新たに聴くことができる、日本語、英語、中国語の多言語で展開されるDJ KOOとNameweeによるラップパートでは、日本のポップカルチャーがアジアを席巻した90年代、マレーシアでJ-POPを聴きながら青春時代を過ごしたと言うNameweeが、憧れのスターであったDJ KOOに「少年と少女のその後の物語は決して平坦な道のりではなかったこと」を訴え、それに対してDJ KOOは「傷ついた分だけ強く優しくなれる、人生の宝探しをこれからも続けて行こう」とオリジナルの歌詞「出会いこそ人生の宝探し」を引用して応え、かつての少年と少女たちに応援のメッセージを送っている。

    クライマックスの盆踊りでは、今や世界で最も知られている日本人アーティストとなったピコ太郎がサプライズの友情出演。DJ KOOが今回のテーマとして掲げた「One Asia, One World」に共鳴して集まったアジア各国の人気YouTuberと共に、加賀百万石の文化を継ぐ石川県金沢市にて100年の歴史を持つ創作日本舞踊孝藤流の家系に生まれ、日本を代表する舞踊家として活躍する孝藤右近の振り付けによる盆踊りを踊っている。又、オリンピックの金メダリスト清水宏保、avexの後輩アーティストcallme、協賛・協力企業モーリーファンタジーのララも駆けつけて参加している。

    映像中には、本作の初公開の舞台となったフランス・パリの “Japan Expo 2018” での15,000人の熱狂的な観客を前にしたライブパフォーマンスの様子も織り交ぜられており、DJ KOOは「東京オリンピックへ向けて、日本が世界から注目を集める中、日本の伝統文化である盆踊りを楽しんでいただくことを通じて、日本の魅力を世界に発信して行きたい」と語っている。

    0:00 片頭
    0:52 歌曲開始


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    #Namewee #黃明志

