

在 humane中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf's Toast NoteBook,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最近人生充滿了芒果~ 這絕對是一種幸福 ❤️ 再來分享一個新的芒果食譜,這次是要送入烤箱的 https://www.barrelleaf.com/vegan-summer-mango-crisp/ PS. 不知道大家有沒有注意到,近期分享的文章除了中文外還有英文,因為我希望讓更多的人能閱讀...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅大阪ANDY哥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,8月11日晚上是令香港人痛心的日子。先不談政治立場,問問良心,這樣的事情發生在文明發達的社會合理嗎?人道嗎? 以上問題留給你自己判斷,現整合當日發生的事情,讓大家好好看看事情的真相。 11 August was a heartbreaking night for Hong Kong people....

humane中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 20:05:45

🤎gentle foxy kipper🐻 A new star is born. Sweet and gentle kipper is rescued from the government kennels, thanks to the help of our foster, she now es...

humane中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 20:05:45

🤎fluffy foxy kipper🐻 Sweet and gentle kipper is rescued from the government kennels, thanks to the help of our foster, she now escaped the fate of bei...

humane中文 在 Lifelong Animal Protection Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 20:06:39

🤎fluffy foxy kipper🐻 Sweet and gentle kipper is rescued from the government kennels, thanks to the help of our foster, she now escaped the fate of bei...

  • humane中文 在 桶子葉の吐司記 Barrel Leaf's Toast NoteBook Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-06 19:30:00
    有 76 人按讚

    最近人生充滿了芒果~ 這絕對是一種幸福 ❤️

    PS. 不知道大家有沒有注意到,近期分享的文章除了中文外還有英文,因為我希望讓更多的人能閱讀,另一個原因,也是因為近期有發生一些事,讓我愈來愈對大多的"中文使用者"有一點失望...

    某種程度上,我希望能夠能改變中文使用者對著作分享的觀念與想法,國外非常在意抄襲 (Plagiarism),我希望中文使用者們也能開始重視這部份

    I cannot change the world by myself. But if we do it together, it will really make a difference. The same concept could not only apply to animal protection but also in many aspects of our life.

    We have higher intellectual standard and Morality that makes us "human" and to be "humane."

  • humane中文 在 CommonWealth Magazine Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-06-13 14:00:00
    有 2 人按讚

    【Farming Pigs with Mozart & Yogurt】

    Food safety has been on the top of Taiwan's social agenda in recent years. In Taiwan's Yunlin County, local pig farmers are farming pigs in a more humane, localized and traceable way of production.

    近年來,食安問題是台灣的最重視的議題之一。來自雲林的 '快樂豬' 採用人道、健康的養殖方式,配合清楚公開的產銷履歷,成為在地食材生產的典範。

    ● Click the 'EN-CH' icon to read the article in Chinese.
    ● 點選' EN-CH ' 按鈕,閱讀本文中文版

    #pigs #pork #farms #HappyPig #humane #environment #JennyCheng #ReadTaiwan #GoToCommonWealthNow

  • humane中文 在 土耳其旅行事x愛生活 Türkiye'de Aşk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2015-09-18 01:05:58
    有 85 人按讚

     雖然這不是有關土耳其的報導,但還是忍不住想分享這看了令人覺得溫暖的照片,一名攝影記者費斯克(Claus Fisker)在德國丹麥邊界捕捉到丹麥警察盤坐馬路和敘利亞難民小女孩玩遊戲的畫面。

    Over the last couple of weeks we have seen a lot of mistreatment of refugees by the authorities in different European countries, from the UK to the Republic of Macedonia, from Hungary to France, from the Czech Republic to Greece.

    The late British politician Tony Benn once said that "the way a government treats refugees is very instructive, because it show how they would treat the rest of us if they thought they could get away with it."

    We are glad to see that in some European countries governments still feel they can't get away with abuse and to see authorities obliged to treat refugees in more humane ways.

    Share if you also think that refugees should be treated like this: as human beings. #EuropeSaysWelcome #RefugeesWelcome

  • humane中文 在 大阪ANDY哥 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-13 17:35:56


    11 August was a heartbreaking night for Hong Kong people. Lets put the political view aside and ask your
    conscience, is it reasonable to have this chaos in a civilized society? Is it a humane situation at all?
    The above questions are left for your own judgment, and we now gather some footage of 11 August and let everyone fully understand what actually happened.

    加入成為我youtube頻道既會員啦~ 勁多福利呀喂~ 唔買都黎睇下~


    樂天國際版使用連結 : https://bit.ly/2Mxl2pF

    HOTEL.COM使用連結 : https://bit.ly/2Kl9a7o
    (絕大部份酒店房都可以在此網站訂購, 我自己都用這個)

    SKYSCANNER機票格價網 : https://bit.ly/335XduO
    (一個網站可以睇到所有航空公司, 價錢比較, 購買, 一站式平台)

    Farfetch潮流衣服網: https://bit.ly/2KeP9AI
    (周不時減價, 外國名牌衣物網我都用這個 *有Mastermind)

    記得訂閱 按讚 分享??

    中文,ENGLISH,日本語 - OK!


    FACEBOOK PAGE:https://www.facebook.com/osakaandygor/

    #香港YOUTUBER #香港811 #警方濫權

    如果你讀到這裡 - 不妨分享去你的社交軟體、聊天群組吧!?​

  • humane中文 在 曾鈺成 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-07-31 14:36:01

    上次說了inhumane,殘忍的、不人道的;刪去了這個字的否定前綴in-,就是humane,即仁慈的、合乎人道的、善良的,是一個正面的字。如果說我們這個社會是a caring and humane society,即是一個充滿關懷、仁愛的社會。虐待是inhumane treatment

  • humane中文 在 管碧玲 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2009-11-17 09:59:24

    本片由美國動物會社(HSUS, The Humane Society of the United States)於今年10月拍攝、11月2日向全球公布的記錄影片,該組織控訴美國仍有許多屠宰廠以非人道的殘酷方式屠宰小牛。影片中更可見即使在美國農業部USDA檢查員的面前,非法的屠宰方式仍照常進行,甚至以高壓瓦斯槍轟擊牛腦(stunning process,此一屠宰方式將造成普利昂蛋白隨著被擊碎的腦部組織混入血液汙染全身,為台美牛肉議定書所嚴格禁止),之後才放血、剝皮。本片為HSUS公開於YouTube之影片,僅加上中文字幕供台灣民眾了解真相,您亦可在該組織官方網站http://www.humanesociety.org/ 找到這部影片。中文字幕由[台灣獨立媒體TWIMI]製作,網友[噗裡面]協助翻譯。(原始影片位址http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYB5pdudYBE)

