

在 gurus中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,722的網紅麥克健身 Marky's Training,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 之前這篇文章,公司想我翻譯成英文分享於公司Facebook專頁上。希望籍此啟發更多人運動。 中文原文:https://www.facebook.com/Markngchutrain…/…/948230301914426:0 My company wants to share my story...

  • gurus中文 在 麥克健身 Marky's Training Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-02-05 13:00:48
    有 75 人按讚


    My company wants to share my story to their page in English. so there is the English version, hope you can find some inspiration.

    Back in 2012, I had a long break without exercise. The most exciting thing I could ever share with my friends was simply a dream on my bucket list - to complete in a once-in-a-lifetime marathon. Back then, all my friends constantly told me to lose weight but I just didn't find the urgency to do so until I saw the photo of me in sunglasses - I could not even recognize myself! I asked myself: is this what I want for the rest of my life and is this the example I want to set for my kids?

    From that point on, I started running again. Nine months later, I finally finished my first marathon in Macau. Even though my body was cramping all over, a voice exclaimed inside of me: "I am finally back on track!"
    A month later, I was on a vacation in Japan with my wife. In a coffee shop, I saw a poster… and I made a decision which eventually changed my life: I registered for the Hokkaido Ironman Distance Triathlon race! (3.8Km Swim + 180km Cycling + 42km Running) I only had seven months to prepare!

    I’ve never had any road-cycling experience, but along the way, I was lucky to have met a team of triathlon gurus who helped me with some basic cycling skills. As for swimming, I hired a swimming coach to point out the issues with my techniques. As a full-time fitness instructor and a father of two, it was very difficult to set aside an extra 12-18 hours a week for training. During this period, I have come to understand the quote: "Nobody is ever too busy. If they care, they will make time."

    I finally completed Ironman Japan in Aug 2014 and Ironman Taiwan in Apr 2015. During the practice, I got held up by my ankle injury from high-school basketball. I realized that I must get it sorted out if I still want to train for Ironman, so I went for an operation in Aug 2015. During the recovery, since I could still train my upper-body, an idea suddenly sprung up my mind: why not postpone my Ironman training for a year and try out a bodybuilding competition!?

    They are completely opposite fields: one is cardiovascular endurance training while the other is muscle strengthening and hypertrophy training. There are still four more months to go before the contest – let’s see how far I can get!

    "If you want to have something you have never had before, you have to do something you have never done before." -Drina Reed

  • gurus中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-07-05 11:50:22
    有 17 人按讚

    富比士 "新經典"

    Forbes 編輯團選出的七本投資好書。大部分應該有中文版本。

    這兩天剛好看完了The Little Book That Still Beats The Market. 有空來寫一下感想。


  • gurus中文 在 經濟部工業局 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2014-11-07 08:27:26
    有 30 人按讚

    2014金點設計獎究竟獎落誰家?12月11日頒獎典禮 即將揭曉 敬請期待!

    2014金點設計獎記者會—聚焦「華風新面貌」,各界頂尖好手聯手打造華人設計饗宴(中文/ English)

    記者會現場主軸承接華風設計,以金與黑色主導,現場座椅全為2009至今金點設計獎得獎椅,而纏繞燈架上的枯木樹枝與文心蘭,是 CN FLOWER 凌宗湧淬煉東方美學的沈澱,且記者會以茶佐食,精選吳寶春麥方店餐點與 京盛宇現代食茶,體現華人美食的跨界驚喜。

    記者會重頭戲為今年主視覺的揭露,主視覺由今年在金曲獎打響名號的 JL Design.tv操刀,創辦人羅申駿特別邀請到書法名家董陽孜老師揮毫金點獎三大字,在華人的書法線條和西方的設計法規裡,玩味視覺的平衡與趣味,解構重組華風新面貌的設計語彙。

    今年的典禮主持人則由朱平與Janet聯手主持,在典禮當日也與TEDxTaipei合作TEDxTaipei Salon【Design Transformed 設計.蛻變】論壇,一連串的創舉便是要賦予金點設計獎國際級的新風貌,與強調「華風」、「華人設計」的重要性和影響力!


    【TEDxTaipei Salon-Design Transformed 設計.蛻變論壇】
    12月11日 早上10點至4點 於松菸誠品表演廳

    12月11日 晚上6點 於松菸誠品表演廳

    2014年12月11日至2015年3月1日 (至12月底免費參觀) 於松山文化園區台灣設計館


    Leading international design award teams up with motion graphics pioneers JL Design and information gurus TEDxTaipei to ensure hauren design gets the recognition it deserves.

    The Golden Pin Design Award, Taiwan’s premier international design award, announced key details of its December 11, 2014 award ceremony and a related TEDxTaipei salon in a press conference held today. The key visual for the ceremony, created by JL Design in partnership with celebrated Taiwanese calligrapher, Tong Yang-Tze (董陽孜), was unveiled; comments from this year’s Golden Pin Design Award jury members were revealed in a JL Design-created video; and Jason Hsu, Curator of TEDxTaipei, named Tom Chi (Google Glass) and Pan Hao (Seeed Studio) as two among a planned eight speakers at “TEDxTaipei Salon: Design Transformed” on 11 December.

    The key visual of the Golden Pin Design Award 2014 Best Design Award Ceremony–where the Best Design trophy recipients will be named–was created by pioneering Taiwanese motion graphics design studio JL Design in partnership with celebrated Taiwanese calligrapher Tong Yang-Tze to communicate the award’s new position as the leading design award celebrating design for and in the huaren market. Using calligraphy, a traditional Chinese communication and artistic tool, together we created a visual that strikes a balance between ancient Chinese aesthetics and Western design techniques. By deconstructing and then reconstructing design traditions and techniques from both the East and the West, we create a new huaren design language.”

    Details of the December 11 “TEDxTaipei Salon: Design Transformed” were also announced at today’s Golden Pin Design Award press conference. The salon will focus on two topics: Design for Future Chinese and Design x Entrepreneurship.

    Chu Ping, founder of Canmeg AVEDA and one of Taiwan's leading advocates of sustainable lifestyles, young entrepreneur mentorship, conscious business practice, and social innovation, was announced as one of the co-hosts of the Golden Pin Design Award 2014 Best Design Award Ceremony. He will host the event alongside Janet Hsieh, long-time host of TLC’s travel programmes Fun Taiwan and Fun Asia.

    This year, for the first time in its 33-year history, the Golden Pin Design Award opened its doors to companies designing products and projects in and for the huaren (Chinese-speaking) market. In June 2014, a record number of entries were received from across the world in four award categories: Product Design, Visual Communication Design, Packaging Design, and Interior Design. The Best Design trophy recipients, who were selected from over 400 finalists, will be announced in an award ceremony held in Taipei, Taiwan on December 11, 2014 (6pm-7.30pm).

    -Other information
    【TEDxTaipei Salon: Design Transformed】
    December 11, 2014 (10am-4pm)
    at the Eslite in Taipei’s Songshan Creative and Cultural

    【Golden Pin Design Award Ceremony 】
    December 11, 2014 (6pm-7.30pm)

    【Golden Pin Design Award Exhibition】
    December 11-31, 2014
    at the Taiwan Design Museum in Taipei’s Songshan Creative and Cultural

