

在 accessible中文產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過995的網紅吳蔚蔚 Queenie Ng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這兩天看到以下這篇轉發文章,令人感慨,也值得深思。 我在網上搜查出處,文章原是來自一位印度醫生 Dr. Jagadish J Hiremath 於 3 月 23 日在 Twitter 上發佈的貼文。 在這裡跟大家分享原文,以及我的中文翻譯版本,希望也能為你們帶來一點的啟發。 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,640的網紅鍾翔宇 Xiangyu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,購買實體專輯: 已完售,感謝大家的支持! Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992 0:00 星...

accessible中文 在 吳蔚蔚 Queenie Ng - 作家 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-21 12:16:56

💫 這兩天看到以下這篇轉發文章,令人感慨,也值得深思。 我在網上搜查出處,文章原是來自一位印度醫生 Dr. Jagadish J Hiremath 於 3 月 23 日在 Twitter 上發佈的貼文。 . 在這裡跟大家分享原文,以及我的中文翻譯版本,希望也能為你們帶來一點的啟發。 . . ⋯⋯⋯⋯...

accessible中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 22:01:26

: 紅豆餅配氣炸味增彩椒松阪豬。 對,你沒看錯,老爺買氣炸鍋給我了!雖然不知道是大選結果讓他太開心還是氣炸了,反正我是開心到灑花瓣啦。 這麼說當然是開玩笑的,我們家對於選舉很少有過深的激情,期望的候選人當選不會大肆慶祝、落選也不會過度沮喪,還是照常過日子。 氣炸鍋是他看到好市多正在特價,身為工...

accessible中文 在 Milo • Blogger & ?Instructor Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-02 06:16:38

Hainan by the sea Hainanese cuisine restaurants are everywhere, they are very accessible and convenient. However to have the delicacies authentically...

  • accessible中文 在 吳蔚蔚 Queenie Ng Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-04 19:03:50
    有 16 人按讚

    我在網上搜查出處,文章原是來自一位印度醫生 Dr. Jagadish J Hiremath 於 3 月 23 日在 Twitter 上發佈的貼文。



    Recent note from a Twitter thread by an Indian doctor, Dr. Jagadish J Hiremath:

    🔹 "Social distancing is a privilege.
    It means you live in a house large enough to practise it.
    Hand washing is a privilege too. It means you have access to running water.
    Hand sanitisers are a privilege. It means you have money to buy them.
    Lockdowns are a privilege. It means you can afford to be at home.
    Most of the ways to ward off Corona are accessible only to the affluent.
    In essence, a disease that was spread by the rich as they flew around the globe will now kill millions of the poor.
    All those who are practising social distancing and imposed a lockdown on themselves must appreciate how privileged we are.
    More importantly those who can do it yet still move around infecting others especially the poor are criminals.
    Poor cannot afford it, please be considerate."

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  • accessible中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-08 21:05:00
    有 297 人按讚

    [News / 甜點新聞] Cedric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書即將上市‼️ / Cédric Grolet to publish his second recipe book (for English, please click “see more”)

    Cédric Grolet 主廚的第二本食譜書《OPÉRA》來了!法文版即將於 11 月 7 日上市!這本食譜書不但揭開了 Cédric 主廚甜點師生涯的另一章,也揭露了 Cédric Grolet Opéra #販售商品的製作方法。

    Cédric 主廚在序言中提到,如果說他的第一本書「《FRUITS》展現了極度現代的技巧、是代表未來的甜點,那《OPÉRA》就是 #返璞歸真,#代表過去與現代的甜點」。新書與新店製作的商品,將他從多年在宮殿級酒店 Le Meurice 的工作方法與內容中解放出來,他能夠在另外一個象限創作,進而 #創造一個新的領域。

    與第一本食譜書《FRUITS》相較,本書中的食譜 #更加適合一般甜點愛好者在家製作。符合目前甜點界最新的「#自然無添加」、「#回歸本質」、「#減糖」的潮流,Cédric 主廚強調他「#盡其所能地刪減掉繁雜的製作步驟」,希望「#更接近食材的天然質地、#鮮度與味道」,讓人能夠「#立即享受美味」。

    雖然食譜簡化,但 Cédric 主廚與團隊並未因此減少分毫努力,仍盡力呈現每一個作品最完美的一面。不管是新書與新店,都是希望能更貼近一般大眾的誠意之作。

    本書由 Ducasse Edition 出版,目前已經可以在 Amazon.fr 上預購,11 月 7 日上市之後,Amazon 將會立刻將書寄出:https://tinyurl.com/y29894u7

    圖片來源: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions

    🔖 延伸閱讀:

    Cédric Grolet 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a



    返璞歸真、注重本質的旗手 Yann Couvreur 主廚深度專訪:https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy

    Cédric Grolet, the world’s best pastry chef is publishing his second recipe book “OPÉRA” on 7th November! This book unveils recipes of pastries that are going to be offered in his new shop Cédric Grolet Opéra and turns a new page of the chef’s career.

    The chef mentioned in the forewords that “FRUITS (his first book, ed.) illustrates a resolutely modern technique and pastries of future, “OPÉRA” rather demonstrates pastries of the past and present time that take a step back to the essentials.” The products offered in his new shop and featured in this book actually liberate him from what he’s been doing at Le Meurice for many years. He’s now able to "work on another axis and create a different universe”.

    Compared with “FRUITS”, recipes in “OPÉRA” are more accessible for home bakers. No colorants and additives are added, more natural, they echo with the latest trends in pastry industry. Cédric emphasizes that he “eliminates to the maximum extent the steps in terms of method” and make it “as close as possible to the original texture, freshness, and flavours of the ingredients.” By making those pastries and desserts a lot easier and quicker to realize at home, they can be tasted “in an instant”.

    Though these recipes are a lot friendlier to the general public and are easier to follow, the chef and his team never stop doing their best. This book and the new shop can be seen as efforts to

    “OPÉRA” is published by Ducasse Edition and can now be pre-ordered on Amazon.fr. The book will be shipped right away after it’s officially out on 7th November.

    (Photo credit: Fou de Pâtisserie, Amazon.fr, Ducasse Editions)

    🔖 Read more on related topics

    Interview with Cédric Grolet: https://tinyurl.com/y55zyq4a

    Editor’s words on FRUITS traditional Chinese version: https://tinyurl.com/y2gtpb8a

    "Getting back to the essentials”, a keyword to the latest trends in French pastry industry: https://tinyurl.com/yxb5fe6z

    Interview with Yann Couvreur, leading actor in the “getting back to the essentials” movement of the industry: https://tinyurl.com/y555d2qy

    #yingsbookreviews #cedricgrolet #cedricgroletopera

  • accessible中文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-09-06 23:06:34
    有 6 人按讚


    China bans Wikipedia in all languages

    China has expanded ( ) its ban ( ) on Wikipedia to block ( ) the online encyclopedia in all available languages, the BBC reports.

    According to a report by the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), China started blocking all language editions ( ) of Wikipedia last month. Wikipedia was no longer ( ) accessible ( ) in the country and this had impacted ( ) 1.3 billion people.

    Wikipedia has been blocked intermittently ( ) in China since 2004. An earlier enforced ( ) ban barred ( ) Internet users from viewing the Chinese version, as well as the pages for sensitive ( ) search terms such as Dalai Lama and the Tiananmen massacre ( ).

    China has been clamping down ( ) on its citizens’ internet freedoms over the last few years. According to a study conducted ( ) by Reporters Without Borders ( ), China is not just issuing ( ) censorships ( ) locally, but is also attempting to infiltrate ( ) foreign media in an attempt to deter criticism.






    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
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  • accessible中文 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-27 12:00:02


    Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
    Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992

    0:00 星星之火 A Single Spark
    2:52 延續和決裂 Continuity and Rupture
    6:02 流言蜚語 Rumors and Slanders
    8:56 夢 Dream
    11:26 這不是請客吃飯 This Is Not a Dinner Party
    14:50 社會主義還是人類滅絕 Socialism or Human Extinction

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5LXDWD9UWMinJpuGXfOHF9
    Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/1475720641
    KKBox: https://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/album/Po-XjuEwvaj3s0F3XnGK009H-index.html
    虾米音乐: https://www.xiami.com/album/5021315036

    專輯介紹: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%98%BB%E5%93%88%E5%8F%8D%E5%B8%9D%E5%9C%8B-%E9%8D%BE%E7%BF%94%E5%AE%87%E8%AA%AA%E5%94%B1%E6%98%9F%E6%98%9F%E4%B9%8B%E7%81%AB-063724380.html

    繼 2018 年金音獎入圍的《炮打司令部》後,中文嘻哈界絕無僅有的共產主義饒舌歌手鍾翔宇與英國製作人 Ransom-Notes 馬不停蹄地聯手炮製出六首歌的新專輯《星星之火》,相較於上張專輯還有如〈保力達B〉、〈偶像的手冊〉等比較詼諧幽默的歌曲,這張專輯顯得更加嚴肅而深入的闡述自己的意識形態。

    即使如此,這張專輯並沒有流於自我重複的說教,而是透過自己在美國成長過程親眼目睹的(台灣媒體跟好萊塢電影不告訴你的)具體事實,鍾翔宇戳破所謂的「美國夢」,一層一層爬梳嘻哈音樂如何失去最初的反抗精神、分析爭取勞動權益的困境甚至環保議題。很難想像這麼龐大的知識量被鍾翔宇精巧的放在一張不到 20 分鐘的專輯當中,這樣大膽的嘗試絕對值得你靜下心搭配歌詞細細玩味。搭配 Ransom-Notes 充滿黃金年代風格的編曲,讓嚴肅的歌詞不再難以下嚥。而鍾翔宇精心設計的多韻和不時的好笑 punchline,也展現他想讓歌曲直面普羅大眾的誠意。

    批判美國的霸權和當今的社會經濟制度等於動搖了非常多人的基本信念,鍾翔宇也深知這一點。然而看到不公不義的事實而站出來發聲,這是讓鍾翔宇之所以愛上嘻哈的浪漫初衷。《星星之火》這張專輯就如同他的偶像,英國嘻哈詩人 Lowkey 的 “Soundtrack to the Struggle” 一樣,是貨真價實的革命之聲,所有真心想衝破世界當今所面對的困境的人,肯定能從鍾翔宇的音樂中得到啟發。

    Shortly after his 2018 album "Bombard the Headquarters" was nominated best hip hop album by the Golden Indie Music Awards, Xiangyu, one of the few openly communist rappers in the Sinosphere, together with his comrade Ransom-Notes from the UK, began working on "a Single Spark." In comparison to his previous album, which contains comedic songs like "Paolyta B" and "the Idol's Handbook," "a Single Spark" takes on a more serious tone and delves deeper into Xiangyu's ideology.

    Despite the comparatively somber tone, this new album avoids repetitive preaching. Through sharing his personal experiences and the things he saw growing up in the United States, Xiangyu debunks the so-called "American Dream." Using materialist dialectics, he tells us how hip hop has lost its rebellious essence, and also analyzes power dynamics and touches on topics such as the environment. It is difficult to imagine how Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes were able to condense such a vast expanse of knowledge into an album less than 20 minutes in length. You will not be disappointed should you decide to sit down and listen to such a bold album while studying the lyrics. Reminiscent of hip hop's golden age, Ransom-Notes' beatmaking provides the listener with the sugar that makes the pill easier to swallow. Xiangyu's carefully constructed rhymes and the occasional humorous punch line demonstrate his sincere attempt to make his agitprop more accessible to the layperson.

    Criticizing US hegemony and the socioeconomic order of today is tantamount to shattering the fundamental beliefs of many, and Xiangyu is acutely aware of this. The fact that hip hop can serve as a platform for pointing out injustices is what attracted Xiangyu to the genre in the first place. "A Single Spark" is similar to "Soundtrack to the Struggle" by Lowkey, one of Xiangyu's influences, in the sense that it is truly revolutionary in content. Those who genuinely seek to transform the predicaments plaguing our world today will certainly find inspiration in Xiangyu's music.

    母帶後期製作:Glenn Schick
    繪圖:Bijan Nader Sharifi

    Lyrics by Xiangyu,
    Beats by Ransom-Notes,
    Recorded by Xiangyu,
    Mixed by Xiangyu and Ransom-Notes
    Mastered by Glenn Schick,
    Artwork by Bijan Nader Sharifi.

    #星星之火 #鍾翔宇 #aSingleSpark

  • accessible中文 在 網頁設計x廣告行銷 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2017-11-21 01:18:28

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