I guess everyone knows chef @carydocherty is @chezcalvert mentor for his tarte tatin. Ok, let’s talk about the “guru” ‘s version here: The pastry was ...
I guess everyone knows chef @carydocherty is @chezcalvert mentor for his tarte tatin. Ok, let’s talk about the “guru” ‘s version here: The pastry was puffy but didn't break away, but what made it so mesmorising was his choice of apple: the acidity was comfortable, the taste of apple was rich, even after baking, it was still fluffy. I have had many tart tartine, technically many of them was done well, but none had the apple right, most are too acidty and not aromatic enough. When I asked Chef Cary, he was so happy, and said it was Bramley from France, there are many varieties of apple, but only this has the right acidity, texture and aroma after cooking. The ingredients were only half the reason why the tarte tatin was so great, the other half was technique! Chef Cary mentioned, they normally peeled the apple 5 days in advance and will leave it in their freezer, to let them lose the water, to concentrate the sweetness, and will be better after baking! But the apples on my tarte tatin only arrived 24 hours ago, so they didn't have time to go through the normal process. So what did the chef do? Chef Cary didn't want to lower the quality of the dish, so after peeling the apples, he had fans blowing at the apple for 8 hours to achieve the same effect! You can see, a noarml looking tarte tatin, because it's unusual step, it created an extraordinary taste!
酥皮香酥鬆脆而不散,叫人擊節再三的是蘋果的選材:酸度舒適、蘋果味濃郁,經過焗烤後蘋果肉咬下後仍很「粉」,就像好吃的蓮藕的口感!吃過多少tart tartine,技術層面處理得無懈可擊的不在少數,但總是蘋果種類選材不對,一般都是酸度太高、香氣又不足。後來問了Chef Cary,他很開心地說是啊,蘋果是特地選用法國的Bramley,試過太多品種,只有這款的酸甜度、口感、香氣、煮過以後的味道狀態都能達標。但此塔做得如此出色,選材是做對了一半,另一半是技術!Chef Cary說他會把蘋果削皮後放在廚房的大冷凍庫裡冷凍五天,好讓蘋果的水分有所流失,那麼甜度更集中、經過焗烤後口感會更好!我當天吃的這個tarte tatin,蘋果在前一天才到貨,來不及冷凍了,怎麼辦?Chef Cary可沒有因此降低要求,而是把所有蘋果削皮後,用大風扇吹足8個小時,來達到同樣效果!你看,一個平常不過的tarte tatin,因為背後有別與常規的講究工序,所以做出了非比尋常的好味效果!
#sundayroast #tartetatin #islandshangrila #lobsterbarhk #carydocherty #britishculture #roastmeat #instaroast #sundayroastlover #admiralty #admiraltyeats #foodcolumnist #foodcritic #foodcriticschoice #tartetatinlover #sundaybrunch #instatartetatin
guess用法 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
「can」と「be able to」の簡単ルール
英語で「〜をすることができる」と表現しようとした際、“can”と“be able to”のどちらで表現したらよいのか迷った経験がある方は多いのではないでしょうか。今日のコラムでは、現在・過去・未来の3つの状況に分けて、それぞれの用法をご紹介いたします。日常会話でもよく使われる表現なのでマスターしちゃいましょう!
現在の能力を表す場合は「can」と「be able to」両方が使える
Canとbe able toは現時点で何かが出来きる能力を表します。例えば、「自転車に乗れます」は「I can ride a bicycle.」と「I'm able to ride a bicycle.」両方使うことができます。しかし、ネイティブはcanを使う傾向があります。
✔言語を話す能力Speakと、楽器を演奏する能力Playについて話す場合は、canやbe able toを省いて言うことが多い。(例:I can speak English. → I speak English.)
I can (am able to) make macaroons.
He can (is able to) dance. He is actually a really talented dancer.
I (can) play the guitar and the piano.
過去の能力を表す場合は「could」と「was/were able to」両方が使える
「昔〜することができた」と表す場合はcouldとwas/were able to両方とも間違いではありませんが、was/were able toを使う方が一般的です。例えば、「子供の時、英語を話すことが出来た」は「I could speak English when I was a kid.」より「I was able to speak English when I was a kid.」の方が自然な響きがあります。また、Couldは「以前からずっと〜することができた」といったニュアンスが含まれ、1度きりの出来事に対して使うことは出来ません。例えば、「先週、その料理教室に申し込めました」は「I was able to sign up to the cooking class.」になり、ここではcouldを使うことは出来ません。
✔一度きりの出来事でも、例外として、See、Hear、Taste、Smell、Feel、Understand、Remember、Guessの動詞を用いる場合はCouldを使うことが出来る。(was able toでもOK)。例えば、「I could (was able to) understand the speaker's English from the last episode.(前回のスピーカーの英語を理解することが出来ました)」となる。
I could (was able to) dunk the basketball when I was a teenager.
She was able to make an appointment at the popular nail salon.
I could (was able to) see the Super Blood Moon last month.
将来の能力を表す場合は「will be able to」
現在は出来ないが(能力はないが)、将来的には出来るようになる(能力が身に付く)ことを表す場合はwill be able toを使いcanを使うことは出来ません。例えば、今は英語が上手に話せないが「3年後には英語が話せるようになる」と言いたい場合は「I will be able to speak English in three years.」と表現します。
✔将来の話でも決断の意思を示す場合はCanとWill be able to両方使える。例えば、「来週、セミナーに参加できます。」は「I can attend the seminar next week.」と「I will be able to attend the seminar next week.」のどちらでもOK。
I think I'll be able to run a half marathon under 2 hours next year.
You'll be able to write business emails in English at the end of this course.
I can (will be able to) start work next Monday.
guess用法 在 家樂福Carrefour Facebook 的最佳貼文
🤓 Do you know the term hummus comes from the Arabic and literally means chickpeas? 🤓
This week, I tried the hummus from the brand Wild Garden. I think hummus is the perfect appetizer to eat with friends or family. You can eat hummus with some pita, chips or vegetables such as raw carrots! I even like to add a bit of olive oil and lime juice on top of it 😋
🐚 Eastern Mediterranean food
⭐ Creamy and delicious
🌿 Vegetarian
❌ Gluten-free, No trans-fat
Here are the clues about the product I will talk about next week…
I am a French cake
and a French female name
starting with an M…
Can you guess what it is? 🧐
If you know the answer, please write it down on the comments bellow.
Keep tuned to discover my first product next Friday at 3pm! 🤗
/ 阿福翻譯年糕 /
你知道 #鷹嘴豆泥 這個詞的用法是來自阿拉伯嗎?
事實上,字面的意思就是 #鷹嘴豆
本週我吃了Wild Garden的鷹嘴豆泥,它是和親朋好友聚餐時很棒的開胃菜,可以搭配口袋餅、薯條或蔬菜沙拉(例如🥕紅蘿蔔),我更喜歡在上面淋上橄欖油及檸檬汁!
#下集預告 Elisabeth下週開箱的產品線索是...🧐
1⃣ 我是法國蛋糕
2⃣ 是法國女性的名字😳開頭的字母是M…
💬猜猜看是什麼,下週五見囉 🤗
#家樂福 #ElisabethInCarrefour
guess用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#FoodIdiom #bread
🍞美國生活用語:食物篇又來了──與麵包🥖 bread有關的諺語
還記得乳製品的英文怎麼說嗎😏 可以在文章裡面找找看喔!
1⃣ Bread is the staff of life.
2⃣ Man does not live by bread alone.
3⃣ earn one’s daily bread
4⃣ take the bread out of sb.’s mouth
5⃣ break bread
After covering dairy products, it’s time to move on to another kind of food—bread. Bread has long been a staple of the Western diet since ancient times, so of course it has made its way into all kinds of proverbs and idioms.
Let’s start with a proverb that has its origins in the Bible: 1⃣ Bread is the staff of life. If you’re picturing someone using a baguette as a staff to walk with, it may give you a sense of the proverb’s meaning: bread is what supports us in our lives, or provides us with sustenance. But bread here is also a symbol of all food, so the real meaning is that one must eat in order to survive. Ex: I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.
先來看一個源自《聖經》的諺語:Bread is the staff of life.(麵包是生命的拐杖。)想像一下用法國麵包當做拐杖走路的樣子,大概就能理解這句諺語的意思:麵包是支持生活的必需品,供給我們營養。不過麵包在這裡也是象徵所有食物之意,所以真正的意思是「民以食為天」。如:I know you’re busy, but don’t forget to eat—bread is the staff of life.(我知道你很忙,但別忘了吃飯啊,民以食為天。)
Another proverb with Biblical origins: 2⃣Man does not live by bread alone. Here, bread means “food and shelter.” So the proverb means that beyond their physical needs, people also need mental or spiritual sustenance. Ex: He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.
另一個諺語也是出自《聖經》:Man does not live by bread alone.(人活著不只是為了溫飽。)bread在這句話中指的是「食物與住所」。因此,這個諺語要人們超越生理需求、滋養心靈。如:He may be wealthy, but man does not live by bread alone.(他或許很富有,但是人活著不是只為了溫飽。)
Since bread is a symbol for sustenance, there are also idioms like 3⃣ “earn one’s daily bread,” which means “make a living.” Ex: The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver. 4⃣ And “take the bread out of sb.’s mouth” means to deprive them of their means of living. Ex: Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.
因為麵包是食物的象徵,所以也有如earn one’s daily bread這樣的片語,指「維持生計」。如:The man earns his daily bread as a taxi driver.(這個男人當計程車司機維持生計。)而take the bread out of sb.’s mouth則是指「搶某人飯碗」,如:Lowering wages would be taking the bread out of workers’ mouths.(減薪對員工而言是剝奪了他們的飯碗。)
5⃣ And finally there’s “break bread.” Can you guess what it means? It means to have a meal. In the old days, a family would share a loaf of bread at each meal, and everyone would break off pieces to eat. Ex: It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.
最後來看看break bread這個短語。猜猜看,這是什麼意思?答案是「吃飯」。古時候的家庭,每餐都有一條麵包分給全家人,每個人會掰一塊麵包來吃。如:It’s been a long time since I broke bread with Michael.(我已經很久沒跟麥可吃頓飯了。)
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