💥 Medial elbow pain(附中文)
“Golfer’s elbow”
📌 Ever experienced inner elbow pain while gripping the bar hard in bench press? OR long hours on your comp...
💥 Medial elbow pain(附中文)
“Golfer’s elbow”
📌 Ever experienced inner elbow pain while gripping the bar hard in bench press? OR long hours on your computer, the elbow starts to feel stiff? You may have suffered from Golfer’s elbow. As the term suggests Golfer’s elbow is commonly seen on professional golfers, but it is not confined to golfers only. -
📌 Symptoms include pain over the bony prominence of inner elbow, or referral patterns to inner side of forearm or even fingers. Apart from pain, tenderness over the common wrist flexor tendon will be noted along with stiffness, weakness of elbow musculature and grip strength is likely to be affected
📌 Strengthening exercises are important to restore tendon resiliency and adaptability. Pain in the early stage of Golfer’s elbow might paralyze the forearm but it does not mean that low-load exercises should be prohibited
👆🏻⬅️ Swipe left to watch :
✅ Tennis ball squeeze: Hold tight to tennis ball and squeeze for 2 seconds. Curl the ball towards your body. Twist it to the medial side
✅ Dumbbell rotations: Grab the bottom part of the dumbbell. Start from neutral position and rotate the dumbbell slowly in and out. Slow and controlled to avoid injury to the wrist
💯 It is recommended to perform 3 to 4 sets of 10. Stick to pain-free and clean repetitions
💥 手肘痛
📌 卧推手握槓時,手肘內側會疼痛?用滑鼠、鍵盤打字太久,手肘內側會疼痛?你可能有肱骨內上髁炎,或俗稱的高爾夫球肘。高爾夫球肘主要的成因是過度使用,常見於高爾夫球選手,並不代表一般人就不會有這個問題
📌 主要症狀為內側手肘疼痛,嚴重時疼痛會延伸至前臂尺側或手指。高爾夫球肘常伴隨著手肘內側的麻痛,手肘緊繃酸麻感。用手指按壓肘內側會引起疼痛,握力下降,等等都可能是內上髁正在發炎。臨床上常看到的是,健力或健美的選手,課表一直跑不休息,導致一拿起20公斤的槓片就會疼痛,當遇到這種情況時,建議還是儘早就醫
📌 急性期的疼痛下降後,需要物理治療的介入。除了徒手治療以外,運動治療也是高爾夫球肘是否能康復的一大原因。高爾夫球肘炎,也就是屈腕肌群的肌腱炎,利用訓練來增加肌腱的適應性,是很重要的。
✅ 手握網球:先用力握球一到兩秒,再將手腕往身體方向捲屈,往尺側偏移 (往內收)
✅ 啞鈴內外旋:握著啞鈴的底部,從正中位置開始,緩慢的讓啞鈴往內側、外側旋轉,要以緩慢的速度來控制啞鈴旋轉的動作
💯 建議以上運動進行三組,每組10下,以不引起疼痛為主。治療進度可以與你的物理治師討論
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開箱介紹:Therezero權力遊戲Game of Thrones 龍后 丹妮莉絲.坦格利安 (Daenerys Targaryen)~ by 大人的玩具
We been working on Daenerys Targaryen collectible for a good while and finally really to share all the info with you! As you guessed by our latest teasers: Daenerys continues our line of Game of Thrones collectibles. This 1/6th scale collectible, stands approximately 10.2 inches (~26cm) tall and features highly-accurate realistic likeness to the character’s appearance in the critically acclaimed television series, platinum blonde rooted hair, soft PVC dermis on the arms and torso. Daenerys comes with multiple exchangeable hands, highly detailed clothing (featuring: Cloak, Tunic, Pants, Vest and Neckwear); Kraznys’ Whip and extremely detailed resin Drogon Figure (L 9cm, W 18cm). Daenerys Targaryen collectible figure will be offered for pre-order at threezerostore.com for a limited time starting from now! Daenerys Targaryen available at www.threezerostore.com for 168USD / 1310HKD with Worldwide shipping included in the price. As part of special Threezero Store Exclusive offer: we have Threezero Store Exclusive version, featuring Rhaegal (L 9cm, W 9cm) and Viserion (L 9cm, W 9cm) figures in addition to Drogon and one perch for the Dragons. This Exclusive Pack is available for pre-order for 180USD / 1400HKD with Worldwide shipping included in the price. 1/6th scale Game of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen collectible details: Highly-accurate realistic likeness to the character’s appearance in the television series; 10.2 inches (~26cm) tall articulated figure featuring tailored clothing with fine detailed textures; Platinum blonde, rooted fabric hair implantation; Soft PVC dermis on the arms and torso; Cloak; Tunic; Pants; Vest; Neckwear; Kraznys’ Whip; Extremely detailed resin Drogon figure (L 9cm, W 18cm). Exchangeable hands: 1 pair relaxed; 1 pair fists; 1 pair for gripping. Threezero Store Online Exclusive: Rhaegal (L 9cm, W 9cm) and Viserion (L 9cm, W 9cm) figures in addition to Drogon; 1 perch for the Dragons. * Final product may vary from prototype images. threezero 正式受權《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》Game of Thrones 第六彈【龍之母】丹妮莉絲.坦格利安 (Daenerys Targaryen) 正接受預購,引用最新的頭雕製作技術及像真的金色辮子植髮將劇中【龍之母】丹妮莉絲.坦格利安完美還原! 定價168USD / 1310HKD(包括全球郵遞費用)。此外我們推出 threezerostore 獨家限定版本,除活靈活現的卓耿飛龍外,還額外附送雷哥飛龍,韋賽利昂飛龍及飛龍支架!限定版本定價: 180USD / 1400HKD(包括全球郵遞費用),請把握機會到 www.threezerostore.com 預購! 1/6《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》【龍之母】丹妮莉絲.坦格利安 (Daenerys Targaryen) 可動人偶詳情內容: ・26厘米(10.2”)高特別開發的女性專用可動素體; ・精緻像真的頭雕及帶有辮子造型的金色植髮; ・軟PVC包膠手臂和身軀; ・斗篷; ・長袍; ・褲子; ・背心; ・頸飾; ・克拉茲尼鞭子; ・活靈活現的卓耿(Drogon)飛龍(L 9cm,W 18cm); ・可交換手: - 1對放鬆手型; - 1對握拳手型; - 1對抓握手型。 threezerostore獨家限定版本: 除卓耿(Drogon)飛龍外,還額外附送雷哥(Rhaegal)飛龍(L 9cm,W 9cm)及韋賽利昂(Viserion)飛龍(L 9cm,W 9cm)。 ・飛龍支架 *開發中圖片只供參考,一切以最終實物為準。 ファンタジー世界が舞台の大人気米国ドラマ『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』より、「デナーリス・ターガリエン」が1/6スケールのフル可動フィギュアとなって登場! threezeroストアにて、本日から予約販売開始です! フィギュアは1/6スケール、全高約26cmの可動式で、劇中の姿を忠実に再現したヘッドパーツにはリアルな植毛式を採用して特徴的なプラチナ・ブロンドの髪を再現しています。肘関節および胴体は軟質PVCの表皮に覆われたシームレス式を採用。マント、チュニック、ズボン、ベスト、首飾り、クラズニーの鞭など、ハイディテールな装備品が付属。またデナーリスが卵から孵し、夫の名に因んで名付けたドラゴン「ドロゴン」の非可動フィギュア(体長約9cm、翼を広げた幅約18cm)も付属します。価格は168USD。 また、threezeroストア限定販売品として、さらに2匹のドラゴン「レイガル」(長さ9cm、幅9cm)および「ヴィセーリオン」(長さ9cm、幅9cm)のフィギュアと、ドラゴン用の止まり木台1個が付属する限定版もご提供。このthreezeroストア限定版の価格は180USD。 フィギュア詳細仕様はこちらをご参照下さい: http://www.threezeroblogjp.com/blog/daenerys02 ※画像は開発中のものです。最終商品とは異なる場合がございます。
gripping中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳貼文
很多人聽說騎車手放煞車上很危險。騎車真的要手握緊才是對的嗎?聽了國外防衛性駕駛的宣導,我也認為在馬路上車多的地方騎車隨時都會有危險,保持緊覺並準備即時煞車才是保護自己的最好方式。A lot of people tend to think it's dangerous to cover brakes while riding. It's gripping fully on the bike the only way to ride? I think otherwise. Covering brakes when riding on the street, especially high traffic area, is wise. It helps reducing your reaction time in an emergency.
Bike: Yamaha WR250X supermoto 滑胎車
Vlog 38 摩托日記第三十八篇
Outro Music: Anikdote - Which Direction?
NCS Release bit.ly/1LfXUQh
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