

greet用法 在 JK English 傑嗑英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-03-31 10:53:03

慶祝 #長賜號 脫困蘇伊士運河._.🎉​ 用三段有點煩的對話紀念一下._.​ ​ 💡怕有人混淆先說一下​ ​ Ever Given (長賜號) 是那艘貨櫃船的名字​ Evergreen Marine Corp. (長榮海運) 是營運的公司​ ​ 💡冷知識​ ​ 除了 Ever Given 外​ Ev...

  • greet用法 在 Tina Huang Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-10-11 16:13:15

    學會用德文問你好之後,怎麼用德文回應也是非常重要,除了影片中提到的幾個用法以外,在形容心情超級好時,還可以使用wunderbar (wonderful)、fantastisch(fantastic),心情超級不好,則可以使用schlecht(bad)。

    最近推出【遊德國 學德語-德語A1先修】
    👉 https://bit.ly/3hl2gzF


    After learning how to greet people in German, it's also very important to learn how to respond in German. Besides the options I mentioned in video, you can also describe your good mood with wunderbar(wonderful) or fantastisch(fantastic), and bad mood with schlecht(bad). If you like this video, pls comment anything or follow this channel. Stay tuned!


    Hi, this is Tina. Currently I'm living with my husband Fabian and working in Germany. This channel "Insider" focuses on everything about Germany and our trips all over the world. So far we've been to several places like Egypt, Tahiti, New York, Mexico, South Africa, Myanmar and will scratch more off countries from our scratch map in the future. Please stay tuned!!!!!


