你不是麻瓜,你是魔法師|| (詳解最近在講的魔法到底是什麼?)
每個人身上都有一股流量,一個魔法 || Everyone has a flow of energy, a magic that’s bound to happen 🪄
你不是麻瓜,你是魔法師|| (詳解最近在講的魔法到底是什麼?)
每個人身上都有一股流量,一個魔法 || Everyone has a flow of energy, a magic that’s bound to happen 🪄
會正確使用這股能量的人,他的魔法必定是強大的。而這個魔法依舊是我一直在提的「感謝」;相信大家都聽過施比受更有福吧?但是小時候的我可是一點都體悟不到這句話的意思,尤其是在家暴中成長的自己 || In order to use this flow of energy correctly, his/her magic must be powerful. This “magic” that I’ve been mentioning refers to gratitude. I believe everyone’s familiar with the saying “It is more blessed than to receive”. However, my younger self struggle to comprehend this quote, especially when I grew up in a domestic violence household
小時候總覺得,逃命都來不及了還要給別人什麼,說什麼感謝阿??? 我到底有什麼好感謝的、為什麼我在這種可怕會施暴的父親陰霾中成長,為什麼媽媽要這麼辛苦?為什麼我爸永遠讓我是幼稚園中最後一個才接走我的人?我想回家看動手玩創意欸!!!(威~ || I used to think WHY do I need to be grateful?? I can’t even save myself from getting beaten up. What am I suppose to thankful of? Why must my mum be doing a two people job? Why does my dad always wait until the last minute to pick me up from nursery when everyone’s gone? Like c’mon I want to watch Art Attack hello???
然而,長到後才漸漸意識到,因為我的過去,我變得更勇敢,更有同理心。或許我的魔法沒有來的他人快,但是我的魔法力量沒有比其他人少。如果人生可以重來,我也不會刪除那段曾經讓我唇齒顫抖的兒時樂章,因為它,我看見了我媽媽和哥哥對我無限的愛,我學會了不僅僅是感謝他們的養育照顧之恩,也學會了他們的勇敢。當然也更是感謝當時所有鄰居好友、警察及社會局的身手救援,我們才能有今天這樣安定的家🏠 || Anyhow, I slowly grasp the idea of how my past determined who I am today. I’m more brave and compassionate. Maybe my ability to perform my “magic trick” is slower than others, but it is not any less powerful. If I could restart my life, I wouldn’t remove that chapter where I shiver and cry in my sleep while hearing screaming and shouting on the other side of the door. Because of that chapter, I learn to appreciate the unconditional love from my mother and brother, and bravery. Of course, I’m even more grateful of the neighbour, friends, police and social bureau for their helping hands for the stability and security I have today in my home 🙏🏽
再怎麼困難的窘境中,我相信在閱讀此篇短文的你,也可以實施你的魔法,因為只要有給予,你一定會豐收。|| Regardless of how difficult your challenge might be at the moment, I’m certain that you, who’re reading this post can also enforce the power of your magic. Because once you give, you shall receive
🔸Outfit: @teamjoinedwomen
📸 @johntsephotography
#感謝 #吸引力法則 #愛 #love #motivation #jannice雞湯
grasp意思 在 孟買春秋 Facebook 的最佳解答
其實誰哭是有多重要,都過了幾年還拿出來電視上討拍,到底是多小氣,更何況嫂嫂還送了花給她。本來要控訴嫂嫂害她哭,我倒覺得嫂嫂至少表面功夫也做了。不過從頭到尾凱特倒是一句話也沒說,謹遵王室 don't complain, don't explain 的原則。
If, on the other hand, the Duchess of Cambridge did not believe she had been in the wrong during the fallout, why would she apologise?
Perhaps she was simply trying to calm the issue. As another Royal observer told The Mail on Sunday: 'Clearly, Meghan didn't grasp that very British concept of saying sorry even if you don't truly believe it was entirely your fault.'
聽英國人說話,真的不能光看字面會意,以下這個表可略知一二。例如 I'm sure it's my fault 的意思,是根本就是你的錯!
grasp意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
🇷🇺Russia Sets July 1 Vote on Constitutional Changes Allowing Putin to Extend His Rule
Outcome could allow president potentially to stay in office until 2036, surpassing Soviet dictator Josef Stalin’s nearly three decades in power
-stay in office: 持續留任,任期另外也常用tenure
-surpass: 超越
-dictator: 獨裁者(還記得之前的文章提到的專制政體嗎?)
🇷🇺A vote on changes to Russia’s constitution that could potentially allow President Vladimir Putin to maintain his grip on power for years to come will be held on July 1, allaying questions over the fate of the poll after it was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
-grip on power: 掌控權力,grip有控制、緊握的意思
-allay: 減輕、緩解
-postpone: 延後
📖The proposed changes amount to a broad overhaul of the balance of power in Russia, handing the prime minister and parliament nominally more power. The amendments would limit the power of a potential successor to Mr. Putin and enshrine the State Council—an advisory body which the Russian president already heads—in the constitution as a tool of Russia’s executive branch.
-amount to: 意味者…
-overhaul: 大幅改造、修改
-nominally: 名義上地
-enshrine sth. in: 將…正式寫入…
❓Quiz: He’s just the _______ leader in this sector, meaning that he has no ____ on power.
A. nominally, grasp
B. nominating, grip
C. nominal, grip
華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
grasp意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#EZTalk #一分鐘職場單字 #休假也不忘幫英文充電
👀 glance 是指「看一眼」,可當做動詞與名詞。at a glance 就是指匆匆一瞥,這裡延伸有「看一眼就可掌握事物情況」,常見於新聞標題上,就類似中文的「懶人包」說法。
at a glance 也常當副詞使用,意思跟 immediately「立刻、馬上」相同。
【 ✍相關單字】
1. nitty-gritty (n.) :要點,細節
2. promptly (adv.) :及時
3. grasp (v.) :理解,領會
【 ✍更多例句】
1. US prescription drug spending at a glance 美國處方藥支出一覽表
2. The detective could tell at a glance that the man had been murdered. 偵探一看就知道那男子是被謀殺的。
👉 想加強英語實力,請看:http://bit.ly/EZTalk