#1用grasp造句,grasp的例句,双语对照(41-50) - 查查在线词典
Her hands were matchstick-thin, but her grasp on the shotgun was firm . 她的手象火柴棍一样纤细,但却牢牢地握着那枝猎枪。 A good evaluator must have an ...
#2grasp 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
grasp 造句 / 例句 ; 1. Success was within her grasp. 她有把握获得成功。 ; 2. She tore herself from his grasp. 她挣脱了他紧紧抓着她的手。 ; 3. The bag was wrenched ...
grasp 的例句. grasp. However, enveloping grasps have the benefit of being robust to variations in the contact locations, so determining them ...
grasp 造句 / 例句. 1. If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up. 如果你抓住这根绳子,我可把你拉起来。 《21世纪大英汉词典》.
#5grasp例句_用grasp造句 - 乐学英语
用grasp造句,grasp例句 · They are all heroes grasping the nettle . · The idea was too much for tom to grasp . · He can not grasp the realities of ...
#7教育學習補習資源網- grasp 造句的評價費用和推薦,FACEBOOK
grasp 造句 的評價費用和推薦,在FACEBOOK、YOUTUBE、EDU.TW和這樣回答,找grasp 造句在在FACEBOOK、YOUTUBE、EDU.TW就來教育學習補習資源網,有網紅們這樣回答.
#8grasp the whole picture - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"grasp the whole picture" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#9have a much better grasp of 意思及造句? - 百度知道
The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of language skills. 翻译:前一组更倾向于开发 ...
#10用grasping造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 新华字典
grasping造句. 1、The tube is welded at the initial stage of the process to ensure easy grasping.(在工艺流程的第一步,锻造师需焊接上一根管子以方便抓取。) ...
#11英文商業關鍵詞造句秘訣與鐵則| 誠品線上
英文商業關鍵詞造句秘訣與鐵則:5大特色特點特色1、嚴選常用詞,剔除不適用且艱深 ... 承諾;授予.....158 11. grasp 抓牢;緊抱;抓;理解; 理會;控制........160 ...
#12掌握英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
掌握英文造句練習 ... No one can fully grasp the mentality of consumers. ... Many things are beyond the reach of mankind can grasp.
#13翻译_grasp同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#14grasp中文,grasp是什麼意思,grasp發音和翻譯 | 健康跟著走
點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋grasp的中文翻譯,grasp的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 ... 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5用"grasp"造句[7] 英文解釋the act of grasping; ...
#15每日口說挑戰擺脫尷尬!約會時該說些什麼?(What to Talk ...
3. grasp 抓緊,握緊,理解,領悟,明白(尤指費解之事). grasp. [græsp] (v .) 抓緊,握緊,理解,領悟,明白(尤指費解之事) ... 又亂造句)
#163E 第七课走上美好的人生路 - Quizlet
英文解释: grasp ; hold ; assurance 华文解释: 掌握; 抓住; 造句: 我们对这次的比赛获胜非常有_______。 ... 造句: 她通过________的努力获得了书法比赛金牌。
#17畫個圓,關鍵英單EASY K | 語言學習| Yahoo奇摩購物中心
以必備字義為核心做成同心圓圖表,網羅高同義單字並加以說明,讓你瞬間明辨每個單字的精確意思,作文造句都能信手拈來不混淆! ... arrest/catch/grasp/seize
#18Fall 2021【英】新聞英文中的成語、典故(A) Idioms in English ...
每堂課有造句練習、新聞討論、尋找詞源、或解釋成語的練習,同學須參與。 ... Grasp their historical connotation, extended meaning, ...
#19grasp是什么意思 - 英语词典
#20Appendix A: Questionnaire of Topic familiarity Rankings on ...
You ask me how I can grasp their cultural pulse this way. ... 5,表示『我能夠用這個字造句』,需要填入一英文同義字或中文翻譯。 示例: science.
#21政大公企中心- 你的每句英文,都是「I」開頭嗎? 撰文者
你會說:I have to be prepared to grasp the chance. ... 這些句子都不是我們習慣用句,但多唸幾次,試著造句,造句要造用得上的句子,例如:我一時想不起你公司的名字、我 ...
#22好高騖遠:釋義,出處,造句 - 中文百科全書
好高騖遠是漢語成語,拼音是hào gāo wù yuǎn,英文翻譯是reach for what is beyond one's grasp、aim too high,意思是脫離實際地追求目前不可能實現的過高、過遠的 ...
西瓜视频搜索为您提供又新又全的grasp过去式相关视频内容,支持在线观看。更有海量高清视频、相关直播、用户,满足您的在线 ... grasp造句 · grasped意思 · grasp词组 ...
#24“intuitive grasp”可以造什么句 - 经典语录
“intuitive grasp”可以造什么句,intuitive grasp造句. 2021-12-08 1.99W. Sterman teaches system dynamics, and he says his students, though very bright and ...
#25用“grasp at”造句大全 - 经典语录伤感
To grasp at authority and form a despotic government. Don't grasp at the delicate branch, or you may break it. grasp at an opportunity.
你會說:I have to be prepared to grasp the chance. ... 這些句子都不是我們習慣用句,但多唸幾次,試著造句,造句要造用得上的句子,例如:我一時 ...
好高騖遠是什麼意思,好高騖遠的解釋, 好高騖遠成語故事,好高騖遠的反義詞近義詞,好高騖遠造句,好高騖遠的意思, ... Reach for what is beyond one's grasp.
把握的◎ 把握bǎwò(1) [hold]∶用手握住战士把握着武器(2) [grasp]∶思想上掌握;理解透过现象,把握本质(3) [se...
hold;grasp;support;. 持. chí. (1). (形聲。從手,寺聲。本義:拿著). (2). 同本義[hold]. 持,握也。――《說文》. 持弓矢審固。――《禮記·射義》.
#30【經典2】95句勇敢做自己的唯美勵志英文短句語錄 - Ariel Hsu ...
6、Don't look forward to tomorrow, don't miss yesterday, to grasp today. 不憧憬明天,不留念昨天,只把握今天。 7、Time waits for no one.
学习英语网为大家提供rudimentary的例句,rudimentary造句,rudimentary的用法等英语单词的在线查询服务。 ... I have only a rudimentary grasp of physics.
#32姆斯電子書Biology Essentials For Dummies Kratz ... - 蝦皮購物
... Jump into the gene pool — grasp how proteins make traits happen, and easily understand DNA transcription, ... 【國小國語字詞句集合】世一-字詞造句應用100.
#33力所不及意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 above somebody's bend <beyond one's grasp>. 相關漢字成語:力 所 不 及 相關漢字解釋:力 所 不 及. AddThis Sharing Buttons.
分類 腔調 客家辭義 客家音標 華語辭義 英語辭義 61063929 動作 詔安 ?目珠 emˇ mudˊ zhiˇ 蒙眼睛 to cover one's eyes 61063930 動作 詔安 三擇四擇 samˇ too si^ too 挑挑揀揀 to pick and choose 61063931 動作 詔安 挶心事 giuˊ simˇ su 攻心計 to form deep careful plans
#35抓緊的意思,抓緊造句,抓緊注音 - 國語辭典
英文to grasp firmly, to pay special attention to, to rush in, to make the most of. 法語prendre fermement en main, porter une attention particulière.
#36轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
二、 如何規劃提問策略造句教學行動方案與省思? ... learning environment will help researchers understand and grasp the actual situation of research needs and ...
#37Neurological Examination - 馬偕紀念醫院
Grasp reflex. snouting reflex. E. Sensation ... (1); 寫出一個句子(造句,含主詞、動詞、受詞)或寫出一句話。 (1); 依樣畫圖(兩個重疊的五角形)。 (1).
#38了解的英文怎麼說? 9個例句表達我知道了、了解、明白你的意思
(圖片來源:kevinbism) · 1. appreciate 理解 · 2. got that/got it 懂了、了解了 · 3. aware of 知道、曉得 · 4. realise 理解 · 5. able to grasp · 6. catch ...
#39sentence-making翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
sentence-making中文的意思、翻譯及用法:造句。 ... The article summarizes the basic principles students should grasp in the aspects of wording ...
#40comprehensive造句? - 劇多
1、She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject. 2、Question28: Can the Hongqiao comprehensive communication hub plan involved in《 ...
#41来自单词汪第30 期Day 5 - 朗播
unscrupulously不择手段地 ins and outs内情【遣词造句】 In order to grasp the ins and outs, some examinees try unscrupulously. 2017-02-27 11:42:25 来自 单词汪.
1. mass 2. grasp 3. deadline 4. introductory ... 片語與句型造句 ... He hopes that he will grasp the concepts of organization and promptness soon. V.閱讀測驗.
#43不可言傳造句_隻可意會 - 成語故事
Time grasp in cartoon one very key in creating but difficult content that grasp very either,it is understood by thinking thing that cannot ...
#44How to write better 造句 - Kiasu Parents
3C!%2D%2D%20ENDIF%20%2D%2D%3E-->How to write better 造句 ... sentence structure is correct, I will know that she has the grasp the concept.
用intuitive grasp造句子,“intuitive grasp”造句. 2021-12-08 Byengaginginthesespiritualpractices,wemaycultivateourownintuitivegraspofspiritualknowledge.
#46把土豆切一下 in this sentence 把 means cut or grasp? | HiNative
把土豆切一下 in this sentence 把 means cut or grasp? Veja uma tradução ... 请给我造句好吗? 谢谢 · この文章は不自然ですか?
简单造句与对话练习。 ... Study pronunciation rules of Spanish,master pronunciation of all monograms, grasp stress and syllabify rules.
Grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category.; ... 类的意思旁的意思通的意思触类旁通相关信息触类旁通造句_百度知道2006-9-6 ...
#50within our grasp-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: The European Union is convinced that such an agreement is within our grasp.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"within our grasp"
#51intuitive的知識大全- 中文知識站
“intuitive grasp”寫句子用intuitive grasp造句大全. 12-08. Byengaginginthesespiritualpractices,wemaycultivateourownintuitivegraspofspiritualknowledge.
#52handle造句简单- 富源网
造句 简单trick · link…to造句简单 · handle · 造句简单grasp · handle造句简单相关文章 · handle造句简单相关搜索.
#53大学英语实用写作 - 第 17 頁 - Google 圖書結果
He made a desperate effort to grasp it .他稍稍弯下身子,划动着双手在水中找她。 ... New York Times Book Review 第一章造句( Let's Begin with Sentences ! ) 17.
#54英汉语篇翻译 - 第 201 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... the man at the window grasped the frame with his free hand to support himself ... 其症结恐怕不只是个用词造句的问题,而是译者只从文字到文字,从概念到概念, ...
#55波斯短歌行:鲁拜集译笺(精)--国民阅读经典 - Google 圖書結果
鍾译本不仅在形式上严格遵循中国“七绝体”的格律用韻,而且从遣词造句到精神风貌都是 ... 的差異: Ah!Love,could you and I withHimconspire To grasp this sorry Scheme.
#56“sitting up”寫句子,用sitting up造句精選 - 國文幫
sitting up”寫句子,用sitting up造句簡 ... Turing over, sitting up by himself, and being able to grasp a toy within reach are all milestones ...
造句 资源: 更新时间:2022-03-14. 1, 在壮观的晚会上,航天飞机被从52层的飞行器装配 ... 13, 在已有GRASP的基础上,提出一种改进GRASP来解决装配车间调度优化问题。
#58grasp (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"grasp" 相關課程教材. When comparing their grasping power — which can be used to check how strong a person is — children between the ages of 10 and 13 in ...
Grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category.; ... 成语触的意思类的意思旁的意思通的意思触类旁通相关信息触类旁通造句_百度知道2006-9-6 19:00 ...
#60Finger on the pulse 把握脈搏,緊跟潮流- BBC UK China
Finn has his finger on the pulse when Feifei says that she has no clue about some actors in a movie. What does it mean?