[爆卦]gloomy jazz是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇gloomy jazz鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在gloomy jazz這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 gloomy產品中有938篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅羅展鵬 /Lo Chan Peng,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Hi everyone, my personal website has been upgraded and I like it very much.👇 
lochanpeng.com There are my art reviews and reports over the years (in ...

 同時也有134部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這幾年陸續接了數場校園演講,從攝影、創作、短影片、行銷到信仰分享都有,雖然至今仍然不是很厲害的講員,但很開心透過這些分享認識到很多很棒的人,也因此不斷整理自己:我在做什麼?為什麼要這麼做? 這次很感謝Change Maker找我跟「舊鞋救命」的玉麟姐姐一起分享「跨界」的專題...

gloomy 在 Summer ☀ | 快乐妈咪 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 12:12:51

Happy 7 months old, dear baby Ansel! ❤ Today, you turn seven months old and you flashed your wide, toothless grin at me, like how you do umpteen time...

gloomy 在 Dân Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 10:32:54

Gloomy rainy day 🌫...

  • gloomy 在 羅展鵬 /Lo Chan Peng Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-28 10:34:54
    有 109 人按讚

    Hi everyone, my personal website has been upgraded and I like it very much.👇
    There are my art reviews and reports over the years (in the process of collating)
    There are also my works. In particular, my works will no longer be classified in series on the website, but in chronological classification. This is also in line with my perception of creativity in recent years. If the relationship between the work and the person is one in the present, then do the ten-year-long series mean that the person has not changed in the past ten years?
    So for me, the series is a kind of framework, and it can even be said to be a shackle. Also because my website works are classified by chronology, I have also seen that the difference in my life course is completely reflected in my works-some years of creation are very colorful, Some years are very gloomy, some years are particularly obsessed with huge works, and some years have suffered setbacks in life. These are all very interesting to me. Creation is like breathing to me.
    At the same time, I have been thinking about this part of the newly completed online course area for a long time. Is it necessary to have a promotion month and various marketing methods like when working with industry platforms in the past?
    In the end, I decided not to do this.
    I hope that the students who take my course can see my value rather than being attracted by the 20% discount. I hope that our relationship can be more purely focused on learning. Rather than let your head keep thinking about whether there is a cheaper way.
    At the same time, designing and selling are very laborious. Abandoning the sales method, I will go back to the original point and focus on my creation, making better courses, and replying to your homework in the group. Just do this well.
    I think this is my consistent way of doing things.
    The new courses have just been established, and I will continue to add them in the future. Welcome to join my membership. You will receive all kinds of information updated on the website as soon as possible, including my exhibitions, new works, and new courses.
    ☆The course video will be converted to 1080P pixels from 10/1☆

  • gloomy 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-23 11:04:36
    有 74 人按讚

    Happy 7 months old, dear baby Ansel! ❤

    Today, you turn seven months old and you flashed your wide, toothless grin at me, like how you do umpteen times every day, when I took a photo of you.

    It's been a month of gastronomic adventure and discovery with you in the past month. Let's see, your favourite food for now includes avocado, banana, pear and pumpkin but you've also tried potato, carrot, blueberries, apple, fish, chicken, sweet potato, brown rice, cereal and more! That's not bad for your introductory month of having solids, right? Although it makes me more exhausted having to cook your meals separately from ours daily, that bright smile of yours makes it all worthwhile.

    You are also getting good at sitting down on your own though you tend to lose balance and fall over after some time. Haha. Like the previous months, you have been drooling and munching on your fingers incessantly but you have yet to cut your first tooth, so let's just wait patiently for now yeah.

    Your sisters say you are very chubby and I think so too, you might just be the chubbiest one of the lot. It is a heartening thing to know because, like me, you are a preemie but I am relieved to see that you are gaining weight steadily. We love seeing your baby rolls and oh, you are easily tickled and will laugh and laugh when it happens.

    We went for your vaccinations earlier this month and you were totally a trooper - your cries lasted merely 1 or 2 seconds despite having a jab on each thigh. That said, I think it's because I was there to comfort you and for now, judging by how you reach out for me or whine whenever I walk away, there is no doubt that you love me deep deep.

    But you know what? That is not even a fraction of how much I love you. I can't even describe it but you are my world, or rather, our world because your siblings love you to the moon and back too.

    Thank you for being a ray of sunshine in our lives and cheering us up every single day - something which we truly need during these gloomy times. Looking forward to more happy days stuck with you 24/7, my darling boy! ❤

    #ahappymum #lastborn #babyboy #7monthsold #growingup #timeflies #cherishingeachday #iloveyoutothemoonandback

  • gloomy 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-16 18:52:12
    有 357 人按讚

    #ootn for the gloomy weather .

  • gloomy 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-06 07:00:12



    這次很感謝Change Maker找我跟「舊鞋救命」的玉麟姐姐一起分享「跨界」的專題,整理了這段時間一些經歷跟大家分享,希望Push還在猶豫的人趕快跨出舒適圈。



    Welcome to Sunlight~
    In recent years, I have given a speech about photography, creation, short video, marketing and belief on campus for several times. Although I’m still not an impressive speaker, I meet great people through the process, so that I keep collecting myself: What am I doing? Why I do this?
    Thank Change Maker for inviting Yu-Lin from “Used Shoes Save Lives” and me to share about “crossover” this time. I want to share my experience to push people who are hesitating to step out of the comfort zone.
    Many people were crazy about Tokyo Olympics, in addition Lin Yun-Ju played the epic game seven! So many friends asked me if I could record a video……and with a lot of work I got the audio file which was full of “Ding-dong” from the host. Hope you support me and make do with it, haha.
    It’s wonderful to have friends like you! I’ll keep going like Olympian!

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

    - - -


    - - -

    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

  • gloomy 在 許靖韻「小背心」Angela Hui Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-03 00:00:19


    詞:李敏/J. Arie
    編:Dennis Lancion
    監:李敏/Keith Yip

    Will you kiss me? Will you hug me?
    What if I never know the answers?
    Will you need me? Will you love me?
    Have we the chance to be together?

    Cherish my heart
    You're the sunshine of my most gloomy life
    The only bright light
    Perish my soul
    When you're away
    When you're gone out, out of sight

    Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
    To make each moment our sweet memory
    Love isn't easy but I gotta let you see
    Trying hard to reach eternity

    Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
    No matter rain or shine we're still meant to be
    Lovers who dream their dreams
    Lovers who dream their dreams
    We create reality

    Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
    To make each moment our sweet memory
    Love isn't easy but I gotta let you see
    Trying hard to reach eternity

    Oh, will you spend your life together with me?
    No matter rain or shine we're still meant to be
    Lovers who dream their dreams
    Lovers who dream their dreams
    We create our destiny

    #許靖韻 #AngelaHui #WillYou
    關注更多許靖韻消息 | Get Closer to Angela Hui
    許靖韻 @Facebook: https://www.fb.com/angelahuichingwan
    許靖韻 @Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelachingwan/
    許靖韻 @英皇娛樂 Official Website: http://eeg.zone/#/artist/269
    許靖韻 @YouTube: http://bit.ly/1qWNXVD
    許靖韻 @新浪微博 Sina Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/1791873284
    英皇娛樂 @Facebook: http://www.fb.com/eegmusichk
    英皇娛樂 @Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eeg_music

  • gloomy 在 lilKrake小章章 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-08 17:00:17

    Toxik & lilKrake - Run All Night | 徹夜狂奔 Track. 08
    (CC English w/ Translation / 中英雙向翻譯字幕)

    《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download (數位線上聽) :

    Almost about to quit this 不想就這樣浪費一生
    受不了 厭倦那些過程 But I know it's my only mission
    Run All Night,不停狂奔。

    Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @toxicityishigh / @banana_kingdom105​

    Banana Kingdom is an independent studio of lilKrake, a zero-cost music producer from Taiwan, completed the first official Mixtape - "4loating Dream" with his team partner Toxik.
    All the songs are recorded and mixed independently by lilKrake, with the help of several domestic and foreign Beat Makers, and the mixtape cover drawn by a friend, successfully completed this almost zero budget project.
    In "4loating Dream", these nine songs use melodic rap and Emo style to express the emotions and thoughts of the two artists' experiences and mental illnesses. Starting from "Fading Out", nine songs will take you into a gloomy world.
    Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國 為 lilKrake小章章 的個人獨立工作室,來自台灣的零花費音樂全製作主理人,與團隊夥伴 Toxik 共同完成了首張正式的 Mixtape - "4loating Dream",所有歌曲的錄音混音皆由 lilKrake小章章 獨立完成,加上幾位國內外 Beat Makers 的協助及朋友所繪製的封面,用貼近零成本的方式製作完成。​
    "4loating Dream" 中的9首歌曲以旋律饒舌及Emo的方式,饒唱出了兩人一生中因各種經歷、及精神上相關疾病所產生的各種情緒及想法。以 "Fading Out" 為此系列的開端,九首歌將帶你進入一整個陰鬱氛圍的世界。​

    詞 & 曲 | Lyrics & Composed by lilKrake小章章 & Toxik
    錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
    混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章 @lilkrake
    母帶 | Mastered by lilKrake小章章
    圖文設計 | Art Design by lilKrake小章章​
    封面繪製 | Cover Painted by Ilya Galayda @the_magnetic_cat​
    編曲 | Beat produced by Txxzy, Jasen @tommyjane_

    .Asia Taiwan.
    #RunAllNight #Toxik​ #lilKrake小章章

    Instagram: @lilkrake
    Instagram: @toxicityishigh
    Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
    Youtube: lilKrake小章章
    Youtube: Toxik
    Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW