#1gl_PointCoord - OpenGL 4 Reference Pages - Khronos Group
gl_PointCoord is a fragment language input variable that contains the two-dimensional coordinates indicating where within a point primitive the current ...
#2WebGL着色器内置变量gl_PointSize - gl_FragCoord - CSDN博客
gl_FragColor, 片元颜色值, vec4. gl_FragCoord, 片元坐标,单位像素, vec2. gl_PointCoord, 点渲染模式对应点像素坐标, vec2 ...
#3exact coordinates of gl_PointCoord? - Stack Overflow
Checking for exact values with floating point numbers is not generally a good idea. Check for range sprite.s > ??? && sprite.s < ???
#4c++ - gl_PointCoord奇怪的OpenGL片段着色器行为 - IT工具网
c++ - gl_PointCoord奇怪的OpenGL片段着色器行为 ... 我正在尝试绘制二维线,在两种颜色之间具有平滑的渐变。我的应用程序允许我单击并拖动,线段的第一个点是第一个单击点, ...
#5gl_PointCoord - contains the coordinate of a fragment within a ...
SH "DESCRIPTION" gl_PointCoord is a fragment language input variable that contains the two-dimensional coordinates indicating where within a point primitive the ...
#6渲染点片元坐标gl_PointCoord - WebGL 零基础入门教程
如果你想了解内置变量gl_PointCoord表示的坐标含义,就需要了解WebGL绘制函数gl.drawArrays()的绘制模式参数gl.POINTS。 绘制函数gl.
#7Point sprites - no way to generate uses of gl_PointCoord or ...
In GLSL and SPIR-V, however, you need to use the built-in gl_PointCoord . The current HLSL frontend does not recognize this and will not ...
#8关于ios:gl_PointCoord在Mac上不可用? | 码农家园
gl_PointCoord unavailable on Mac?我想为点精灵制作一个着色器-到目前为止,一切都可以在iOS上运行。 但不适用于Mac OSX。
#9gl_PointCoord always zero - Game Development Stack ...
Curious. It's working exactly as it should for me. The only real difference is that I'm using an OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile. Vertex shader:
#10WebGL着色器内置变量- gl_Position、gl_FragColor - 程序员宝宝
gl_Position, 顶点位置坐标, vec4. gl_FragColor, 片元颜色值, vec4. gl_FragCoord, 片元坐标,单位像素, vec2. gl_PointCoord, 点渲染模式对应点像素坐标, vec2 ...
#11opengl 旋轉矩陣和紋理座標相乘 - 程式人生
To do this, you can simply create a 2D rotation matrix in the fragment shader and multiply it by gl_PointCoord to rotate it around the z ...
#12WebGL—gl_Position gl_FragCoord gl_PointCoord 区别
gl_Position,gl_FragCoord,gl_PointCoord分别描述渲染管线中的顶点,片元,点域图元(点精灵/PointSprite)光栅化后的片元在各自坐标系中的大小;可以借助上图区分 ...
#14OpenGL中的Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_PointCoord'
OpenGL中的Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_PointCoord',代码先锋网,一个为软件开发程序员提供代码片段和技术文章聚合的网站。
#15fbo-gl_pointcoord - command-not-found.com
fbo-gl_pointcoord. Open-source test suite for OpenGL and OpenCL implementations. Maintainer: Jordan Justen <[email protected]> ...
#16gl_PointCoord is not accessible in this profile - Beginners
Im trying to create a particle system with a glsl material, i have everything except for the texture. when i try to add the gl_PointCoord it ...
#17gl_PointCoord始终为零 - UF Game 游戏开发
我正在用着色器在OpenGL中绘制点精灵,但gl_PointCoord始终为零。 这是我的代码. 建立:. //Shader creation..(includes glBindAttribLocation(program, ATTRIB_P, ...
#18Textures from code - Web APIs | MDN
... void main() { vec2 fragmentPosition = 2.0*gl_PointCoord - 1.0; float distance = length(fragmentPosition); float distanceSqrd = distance ...
#19gl_PointCoord not available with desktop OpenGL
Since Qt 5.7 my shader fails to compile with the following error message: QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 0:? : 'gl_PointCoord' ...
#20渲染世界的OPENGL<15>纹理进阶-点精灵 - 白红宇个人博客
在片段程序中,有一个内建变量gl_PointCoord,这是一个分量向量,在顶点上对纹理坐标进行插值。 #version 130out vec4 vFragColor;in vec4 vStarColor ...
#21在macOS的片段着色器中未声明gl_PointCoord吗? - 探索字符串
c++ - 在macOS的片段着色器中未声明gl_PointCoord吗? ... t2[3] = vec4(+0.5,+0.5,1,1); vec2 pos = (t2 * u_rotation * t1 * vec4(gl_PointCoord, 0, 1)).xy; ...
#22gl_PointCoord undeclared in fragment shader on macOS?
I'm using cocos 3.17 on Xcode 11 on Mac. These are my fragment and vertex shaders. myShader.frag #ifdef GL_ES precision lowp float; #define LOWP lowp #else ...
#2312.7 - Rendering Points - Runestone Academy
To use the gl_PointCoord values to determine the relative position of a fragment compared to the center pixel of the point's square, a fractional percentage is ...
#24[help] gl_PointCoord.xy always zero in fragment shader when ...
I have a basic OpenGL where I'm drawing GL_POINTS using a VBO. I'm trying to access gl_PointCoord in the fragment shader in order to create kind ...
#25使用现代OpenGL绘制圆点 - 955Yes
uniform sampler2D circle; void main() { if(texture(circle, gl_PointCoord).r < 0.5) discard; ... } 但事实上你甚至不需要纹理,因为 ...
#26gl_PointCoord give always 0,0 - Google Groups
Hi, I am trying to do some point sprite using a texture and sampling it from gl_PointCoord in the fragment shader. But I always get a coord (0,0) so do I ...
#27OpenGL point sprites rotation in fragment shader - Code ...
gl_PointCoord goes from [0, 1]. A pure rotation matrix rotates around the origin, which is the bottom-left in point-coord space. So you need more than a pure ...
#28What is the GLSL equivalent of gl_PointCoord for LINES?
So, in OpenGLES-2 the fragment shader has access to gl_PointCoord to see where the fragment is located on a point primitive. There is also gl_FragCoord to ...
#29OpenGL ES 2.0 Equivalent for ES 1.0 Circles Using ...
You can use point sprites to emulate this. Just enable point sprites and you get a special variable gl_PointCoord that you can read in the ...
#30Cesium學習筆記-WebGL篇01-繪製圓點、閃爍點 - 人人焦點
不過幸運的是webgl在片元著色器中提供了內置變量gl_PointCoord(點精靈),我們可以通過此變量來處理當前片元。 先上代碼(所有源碼可以參考:github地址):.
#31WebGL - 示例繪製圓形點 - 台部落
gl_PointCoord 變量表示當前片元在所屬的點內的座標,座標值的區間是 0.0 到 1.0 ,因此爲了將矩形削成圓形,需要將點的中心 (0.5, 0.5) 距離超過以 ...
#32gl_PointCoord not working without enabled GL_POINT_SPRITE
I noticed that I have to enable GL_POINT_SPRITE via GL4bc profile to make gl_PointCoord work. In the default GL4 profile GL_POINT_SPRITE is ...
#33OpenGL point sprites rotation in fragment shader - py4u
gl_PointCoord goes from [0, 1]. A pure rotation matrix rotates around the origin, which is the bottom-left in point-coord space. So you need more than a pure ...
#34regl fake-3d 靜態圖變動態圖, 使用深度資訊圖片_阿豪boy
... texture2D(textureMap, gl_PointCoord.xy); float distortion= colorMap.r/2.0 * sin(gl_PointCoord.y*frequency + tick/5.0)*amplitude; ...
#35Three.js - Using multiple textures in a single PointCloud
Also you can cast vTexIndex to int. int textureIndex = int(vTexIndex + 0.5); if (textureIndex == 0) { finalColor = texture2D(textures[0], gl_PointCoord); } ...
#36shader问题 - Cocos2d-x
gl_FragColor = texture2D(CC_Texture0, gl_PointCoord); ... cocos2d: ERROR: 0:17: Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_PointCoord'.
#37GLSL: cccess to gl_PointCoord - General JUCE discussion
I'm practicing drawing programatic geometry using GLSL based off of the JUCE OpenGL demo. I'm trying to access gl_PointCoord in the fragment ...
#38three.js 着色器材质内置变量 - 腾讯云
5. gl_PointCoord. gl_PointCoord内置变量也是vec2类型,同样表示像素的坐标,但是与gl_FragCoord不同的是,gl_FragCoord是按照整个canvas算的x ...
#39OpenGL-Point Parameters - 知乎专栏
你可以使用gl_PointCoord去推导出更多的有用信息,而不仅仅是把它当纹理坐标使。比如说,你可以通过在fragment shader中使用discard关键字,绘制出非 ...
#40three.js 著色器材質內建變數 - IT人
gl_PointCoord 內建變數也是vec2型別,同樣表示畫素的座標,但是與gl_FragCoord不同的是,gl_FragCoord是按照整個canvas算的x值從[0,寬度],y值是從[0, ...
#41ポイントスプライト - WebGL 開発支援サイト wgld.org
smpColor = texture2D(texture, gl_PointCoord);. ここで出てくる gl_PointCoord という組み込み変数には、描画される点上のテクスチャ座標が入ってきます。
#42three.js 著色器材質內建變數- IT閱讀
gl_PointCoord 內建變數也是vec2型別,同樣表示畫素的座標,但是與gl_FragCoord不同的是,gl_FragCoord是按照整個canvas算的x值從[0,寬度],y值是從[0, ...
#43Galaxy Simulator - Mango Media
... void main() { // Disc //float strength = distance(gl_PointCoord, vec2(0.5)); // Creating a round shape out of the fragment by taking the distance from ...
#44gl_PointCoord недоступен на Mac? - CodeRoad
gl_PointCoord недоступен на Mac? Я хочу сделать shader для точечных спрайтов-everthing пока работает над iOS. Но не на Mac OS X. Моя вершина shader: attribute ...
#45GLSL Variables - Shaderific
The built-in variable gl_PointCoord is used by the OpenGL ES 2.0 pipeline to hand over the coordinates of a point sprite to the fragment shader.
#46gl_PointCoord_文章_ByteV - 可视化社区
gl_PointCoord ;渲染点片元坐标glPointCoord 如果你想了解内置变量glPointCoord表示的坐标含义,就需要了解WebGL绘制函数gl.drawArrays()的绘制模式 ...
#47Glossary - The Book of Shaders
BUILT-IN VARIABLES. gl_Position gl_PointSize gl_PointCoord gl_FrontFacing gl_FragCoord gl_FragColor. BUILT-IN CONSTANTS.
#48WebGL - 示例绘制圆形点_ithanmang-程序员宅基地
gl_PointCoord 变量表示当前片元在所属的点内的坐标,坐标值的区间是 0.0 到 1.0 ,因此为了将矩形削成圆形,需要将点的中心 (0.5, 0.5) 距离超过以 0.5 为半径范围外 ...
#49THREE.Points with different textures - Questions
... 1.0, 1.0, vOpacity); vec4 tex; if(vId == 0.0){ tex = texture2D(points1, gl_PointCoord); }else if(vId == 1.0){ tex = texture2D(points2, ...
#50OpenGL Programming/Shaders reference - Wikibooks
... facing the camera or the opposite direction? (used in two-sided lighting); vec2 gl_PointCoord : when using Point Sprites, position within the point ...
#51gl_PointCoord не объявлен во фрагментном шейдере на ...
Я использую cocos 3.17 на Xcode 11 на Mac. Это мои фрагментные и вершинные шейдеры. MyShader.frag #ifdef GL_ES precision lowp float; ...
#52OpenGL ES 2.0点精灵大小
在顶点着色器中,可以使用设置大小gl_PointSize并gl_PointCoord在片段着色器中使用它来进行纹理映射。 我的顶点着色器: uniform mat4 uMvp; uniform float uThickness ...
#53100781 - gl_PointCoord fails on X3100 hardware - chromium
1. Write a test case that relies on gl_PointCoord for texturing in the fragment shader. · 2. Run it on X3100 intel graphics hardware on Chrome or ...
#54Three.js - Using multiple textures in a single PointCloud - Pretag
int textureIndex = int(vTexIndex + 0.5); if (textureIndex == 0) { finalColor = texture2D(textures[0], gl_PointCoord); } else if ...
#55Creating a Gradient Color in Fragment Shader | Newbedev
... void main() { vec2 st = gl_PointCoord; float mixValue = distance(st, vec2(0, 1)); vec3 color = mix(color1, color2, mixValue); gl_FragColor = vec4(color, ...
#56exact coordinates of gl_PointCoord? - Ciugk
vec2 sprite = gl_PointCoord; if (sprite.s == (9. )/15.0 ) discard ; gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);.
#57GraphicsNotes 2013 -- Section 18: The WebGL JavaScript API
The values of the components gl_PointCoord.x and gl_PointCoord.y will be between 0.0 and 1.0 and they specify the location of the pixel within the square that ...
#58OPenGL point wizard - Krybot
This coordinate is saved by the built-in two-dimensional vector gl_PointCoord. The most common function of this variable is to use it as texture coordinates ...
#59three.js着色器材質的內建變數範例詳解 - IT145.com
gl_PointCoord 內建變數也是vec2型別,同樣表示畫素的座標,但是與gl_FragCoord不同的是,gl_FragCoord是按照整個canvas算的x值從[0,寬度],y值是從[0, ...
#60Horde3D • View topic - Point Sprites for particles
By using the gl_PointCoord varying in the fragment shader you get the fragments texture coordinates in the screen aligned quad in a ...
#61Sculpting Shapes with a WebGL Fragment Shader - Scott ...
gl_PointCoord gives us the two-dimensional coordinates of the point, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 in both directions. Therefore, to convert ...
#62Android OpenGL ES绘制小圆点 - 程序员ITS401
大体效果为上图,这里写在fragment shader的判断语句为length(gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5)) > 0.5时,discard该片元。详细代码如下:.
#63'Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH] i965: handle gl_PointCoord for Gen4 ...
[next in thread] List: mesa3d-dev Subject: Re: [Mesa-dev] [PATCH] i965: handle gl_PointCoord for Gen4 and Gen5 platforms From: Yuanhan Liu <yuanhan.liu ...
#64shader里面没有支持gl_PointCoord吗? - layabox问答社区
shader里面没有支持gl_PointCoord吗? gl_FragColor = vec4(gl_PointCoord, 0.0, 1.0); 结果全屏都是一个黄色. 2 个回复. Monica 知识达人.
#65WebGL shader built-in variables gl_PointSize, gl_Position ...
WebGL shader built-in variables gl_PointSize, gl_Position, gl_FragColor, gl_FragCoord, gl_PointCoord, Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts ...
#66three.js 着色器材质内置变量 - 易学编程网
gl_PointCoord 内置变量也是vec2类型,同样表示像素的坐标,但是与gl_FragCoord不同的是,gl_FragCoord是按照整个canvas算的x值从[0,宽度],y值是从[0, ...
#67Fragment Shaders - James Madison University - Department ...
in vec2 gl_PointCoord : The location within a point primitive that defines the position of the fragment relative to the size of the point. Uniforms.
#68gl_PointCoord compiles and links, but crashes at runtime
gl_PointCoord compiles and links, but crashes at runtime - opengl. ... All my shaders, whether or not they use gl_PointCoord, compile and link just fine.
#69Many points with Leaflet WebGL - Popular Blocks
... float centerDist = length(gl_PointCoord - 0.5); // works for overlapping circles if blending is enabled gl_FragColor = mix(color0, ...
#70Android OpenGL ES绘制小圆点 - 程序员ITS203
大体效果为上图,这里写在fragment shader的判断语句为length(gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5)) > 0.5时,discard该片元。详细代码如下:.
#71opengl - gl_PointCoord always zero - Blog
I am trying to draw point sprites in OpenGL with a shader but gl_PointCoord is always zero. Here is my code. Setup: //Shader creation.
#73Drawing anti-aliased circular points using OpenGL/WebGL
An important parameter is gl_PointCoord . This is available at the Fragment Shader and tells the location of the current fragment inside the ...
#74javascript-Three.js ParticleSystem透明性问题 - CocoaChina
... 100); vec4 textureColor = texture2D( texture, gl_PointCoord ); gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * textureColor; gl_FragColor.a = alpha; ...
#75src/tests/gl_tests/PointSpritesTest.cpp - angle/angle - Google Git
Checks gl_PointCoord and gl_PointSize. // https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/sdk/tests/conformance/glsl/variables/gl-pointcoord.html.
#76¿gl_PointCoord no está disponible en Mac? - StackOverGo
Quiero hacer un sombreador para sprites puntuales; todo está funcionando en iOS hasta ahora. Pero no en Mac OS X .... Pregunta sobre: ios ...
#77Running a QT app on MacOS | DeveloperNote.com
At first the error was with precision mediump float , but after I commented it out, I got an error with gl_PointCoord : ...
#78Rendering points as circles instead of squares - Isl-Org/Open3D
vec2 coord = gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5); if (length(coord) > 0.5) discard;. to cpp/open3d/visualization/gui/Materials/defaultLit.mat (the new visualization ...
#79怎么用webgl方式加载point - 大数据- 亿速云
vec2 m = gl_PointCoord.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5);. float dist = radius - sqrt(m.x * m.x + m.y * m.y);. float t = 0.0;. if (dist > border).
#80unity shader内置函数和变量- 菜鸟笨笨的博客- -【游戏蛮牛】
gl_PointCoord : 仅用于point primitive; mediump vec2 gl_PointCoord;. 16、shader内置常量:. const mediump int gl_MaxVertexAttribs = 8;.
#81Что такое GLSL-эквивалент gl_PointCoord для LINES?
Итак, в OpenGLES-2 фрагментный шейдер имеет доступ к gl_PointCoord , чтобы увидеть, где находится фрагмент в точечном примитиве.
#82gl_PointCoord在Mac上不可用? - Thinbug
gl_PointCoord 在Mac上不可用? 时间:2011-10-22 13:22:50. 标签: ios opengl glsl opengl-es-2.0. 我想为点精灵制作一个着色器- 到目前为止,它已经在iOS上工作了。
#83Point sprites in GLSL: replacement for gl_PointCoord
From what I can gather I need to use gl_PointCoord to pass to my fragment shader as a texture coord. However, this is apparently deprecated ...
#84iphone - Multi-textured Point Sprites in OpenGL ES2.0 on iOS?
Is there some built-in limitation where gl_PointCoord can't be used on multiple textures when using GL_POINTS mode for point sprites?
#85How To Draw A Rectangle With Rounded Corners In Opengl
The values in gl_PointCoord are two-dimensional coordinates. The fragment shader is the OpenGL pipeline stage after a primitive is rasterized. in vec4 ...
#86openGL点精灵PointSprite具体解释: 纹理映射,旋转,缩放,移动
#87openGL點精靈PointSprite詳解: 紋理映射,旋轉,縮放,移動
gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler2D,gl_PointCoord);. 這裡以前texture2D採樣的是,我們計算出來的UV值,現在這個值是默認提供的,從左上角開始的坐標。
#88Android OpenGL ES绘制小圆点 - 灰信网(软件开发博客聚合)
大体效果为上图,这里写在fragment shader的判断语句为length(gl_PointCoord - vec2(0.5)) > 0.5时,discard该片元。详细代码如下:.
#89C++ Key::Contains方法代碼示例- 純淨天空
... list); } else if (a_TokenName == "gl_PointCoord") { Database::KeyList list; list.push_back("vec2"); m_Database->AddInputVariable(Key("gl_PointCoord"), ...
#91Odd OpenGL fragment shader behavior with gl_PointCoord
Any tips? 1 anwsers. gl_PointCoord is only defined for point primitves. Using it with GL_LINES is just undefined behavior and never going to ...
#92Circular and arbitrary shaped point sprites in opengl 3.3
In OpenGL 3.0 and above, you can use the gl_PointCoord variable to obtain the point's uv coordinates (which are in range of 0-1).
#93GLSL中的各种变量总结- you Richer - 博客园
gl_PointCoord : 仅用于point primitive; mediump vec2 gl_PointCoord;. 16、shader内置常量:. const mediump int gl_MaxVertexAttribs = 8;.
#94Point Sprite automatic texture coords - Unity Forum
In OpenGL/GLSL one would simply use the build-in fragment shader input gl_PointCoord. What is the Unity/Cg equivalent of that?
#95シェーダで Point Sprite - 床井研究室
gl_PointCoord はフラグメントシェーダだけで使用できる vec2 型の変数で, 処理対象のフラグメントの描画する点 (大きさを設定しているので実際は正方形) ...
#96OpenGL点在片段着色器中精灵旋转| 经验摘录 - 问题列表- 第1页
#version 140 varying vec4 f_color; uniform sampler2D texture; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, gl_PointCoord) * f_color; }.
#97gl_PointCoord buggy? - Intel Communities
I sent the same test application to my friend and asked for a screenshot. He has a graphics hardware from another company and the screenshot he sent me back ...
#98Point Sprites - PowerVR Insider
when I use the gl_PointCoord variable. The output is: "Fragment shaders uses varying gl_TexCoord but vertex shader does not write to it."
gl_pointcoord 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
gl_pointcoord 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
gl_pointcoord 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答