#1glReadPixels - OpenGL 4 Reference Pages - Khronos Group
glReadPixels and glReadnPixels return pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner is at location ( x , y ) ...
#2glReadPixels 函式(Gl) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
void WINAPI glReadPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels ); ...
#3glReadPixels读取显存数据并保存图像 - CSDN博客
glReadPixels : 如果你想将渲染的结果保存下来,你可以使用glReadPixels将图像内容从现存读取到内存中,需要注意:仅限于读取Color Buffer, ...
#4How does glReadPixels works? - Stack Overflow
First of all you call glReadPixels() with GL_FLOAT however pixel is an int[] . Additionally you call it with GL_RGB and since you want the ...
#5Python GL.glReadPixels方法代碼示例- 純淨天空
glReadPixels 方法的4個代碼示例,這些例子默認根據受歡迎程度排序。 ... GL import glReadPixels [as 別名] def read_fbo_color_rgba32f(fbo): """ Read the color ...
#6glReadPixels Subroutine - IBM
Description · glReadPixels subroutine returns pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner is at location (X, Y), and puts ...
#7android.opengl.GLES20.glReadPixels java code examples
TODO: no offset??? GLES20.glReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, null);
Returns the pixel data. DESCRIPTION. glReadPixels returns pixeldata from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner isat location (x, y), ...
#9read a block of pixels from the frame buffer void glReadPixels ...
glReadPixels − read a block of pixels from the frame buffer. C SPECIFICATION void glReadPixels( GLint x,. GLint y,. GLsizei width,. GLsizei height,.
#10glreadpixels(3) - Linux man page
glReadPixels returns pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner is at location (x, y), into client memory starting at ...
#11glReadPixels : PyOpenGL 3.1.0 GL Man Pages
glReadPixels ( x , y , width , height , format , type , array = None , outputType = <type 'str'> ) Read specified pixels from the current display buffer x,y ...
#12glReadPixels | Apple Developer Documentation
Declaration. void glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels);.
glReadPixels returns pixeldata from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner isat location (x, y), into client memory starting at ...
#14C++ (Cpp) glReadPixels Examples - HotExamples
C++ (Cpp) glReadPixels - 30 examples found. These are the top rated real world C++ (Cpp) examples of glReadPixels extracted from open source projects.
#15android.opengl.GLES20#glReadPixels - ProgramCreek.com
This page shows Java code examples of android.opengl.GLES20#glReadPixels.
#16glReadPixels - read a block of pixels from the frame buffer
C SPECIFICATION. void glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid * data);. PARAMETERS.
上面code中的glReadPixels api是OpenGLES沒有直接提供的,必須自己在JNI開interface來調用native的api。 ImageReader. 這個方法是Android SDK有提供的了, ...
#18glReadPixels函数使用和耗时问题 - 台部落
glReadPixels 是为了获取opengl画出的画面,保存成图片供使用: 函数接口如下: void glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y,
#19ios - 使用glReadPixels 读取纹理字节? - IT工具网
glReadPixels 函数从帧缓冲区读取,而不是纹理。要读取纹理对象,您必须使用glGetTexImage 但是它在OpenGL ES 中不可用:( 如果你想从你的纹理中读取缓冲区,那么您可以 ...
#20关于python:从OpenGL glReadPixels获取数据(使用Pyglet)
Get Data from OpenGL glReadPixels(using Pyglet)我在应用程序上的Python中使用Pyglet(和OpenGL),我正在尝试使用glReadPixels获取一组像素的RGBA值 ...
#21[opengl]how to show the buffer whitch the glReadPixels caches
Part Number: TDA4VM hello: I have a question about the glReadPixels. I have already cache the buffers by using the glReadPixels. but when i ...
#22Vulkan equivalent to glReadPixels() function. - Reddit
I found this function from OpenGL called glReadPixels() to read/retrieve a value of color attachment. And I want to know what is the ...
#23【IOS】glReadPixels使用多重取樣返回null - 程式人生
我對this one也有同樣的問題,但是有了這些技巧,我無法從glReadPixels獲取資料。 我貼上了原始碼,我的程式碼與上一個程式碼幾乎相同,並且在快照 ...
#24win32/glreadpixels.md at docs - GitHub
glReadPixels function (Gl.h). The glReadPixels function reads a block of pixels from the framebuffer. 41fbad5c-b8ca-456d-bbfc-b48c176e15b0 ...
#25WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels() - Web APIs | MDN
The WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels() method of the WebGL API reads a block of pixels from a specified rectangle of the current color ...
#26glReadPixels - DRIVE AGX General - NVIDIA Developer Forums
Currently using glReadPixels to get GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT for further processing. Although glReadPixels works on the host Ubuntu PC (i.e. it ...
#27Get Data from OpenGL glReadPixels(using Pyglet) - Pretag
glreadpixelsgraphicsopenglpygletpython,glReadPixels — read a block of pixels from the frame buffer.
#28glReadPixels from a RenderTexture - Unity Answers
I have a camera that renders to a RenderTexture. I would like to read back that data with glReadPixels. My native plugin gets called with GL.
#29MAN glReadPixels (3) Библиотечные вызовы (FreeBSD и ...
glReadPixels returns pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner is at location (x, y), into client memory starting at ...
#30glReadPixels - OpenGL - Python documentation - Kite
glReadPixels (x,y,width,height,format,type) - Read specified pixels from the current display buffer x,y,width,height -- location and dimensions of the image ...
#31glReadPixels 性能分析 - 流年博客
前言glReadPixels 用于从帧缓冲区读取像素块,通常在一帧渲染完毕后用于读取渲染的结果像素。那glReadPixels 的性能究竟如何呢?
#32glReadPixels函数- 阿波伦 - 博客园
GPU渲染完数据在显存,回传内存的唯一方式glReadPixels函数。。。 glReadPixels:读取一些像素。当前可以简单理解为“把已经绘制好的像素(它可能已经 ...
#33glReadPixels - 快懂百科
glReadPixels returns pixeldata from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner isat location ( x, y), into client memory starting at ...
glReadPixels : 如果你想将渲染的结果保存下来,你可以使用glReadPixels将图像内容从现存读取到内存中,需要注意:仅限于读取Color Buffer,无法读取Depth Buffer ...
#35Framebuffer performance —The OpenGL API provides the...
Download scientific diagram | Framebuffer performance —The OpenGL API provides the glReadPixels and glDrawPixels functions to manip- ulate rectangular areas ...
#36PBO是OpenGL最高效的像素拷贝方式吗? - 简书
glReadPixels 是 OpenGL ES 2.0 和 OpenGL ES 3.0 都支持的api,使用最为简单广泛,只需要绑定一个 FBO ,然后就可以通过 glReadPixels 来读取像素 ...
#37[Solved] Ios Read texture bytes with glReadPixels? - Code ...
glReadPixels function reads from framebuffers, not textures. To read a texture object you must use glGetTexImage but it isn't available in OpenGL ES :(.
OpenGL man pages. glReadPixels.3gl. Name. glReadPixels - read a block of pixels from the frame buffer. C Specification.
#39glReadPixels not working when reading from a FrameBuffer
Hi JohnHutch,. Can you please attach the dxdiag report of your system here? How to get it? Dxdiag Report: Type dxdiag in Start Menu> open> Save> Attach ...
gl.glReadPixels 和GLES20.glReadPixels 读取glsurfaceview渲染数据失败,byte都为0,其他手机其他系统都可以。...
#41Android OpenGL 渲染图像读取哪家强- 掘金
glReadPixels 是OpenGL ES 的API ,OpenGL ES 2.0 和3.0 均支持。 使用非常方便,下面一行代码即可搞定,但是效率也是最低的。 当调用glReadPixels 时 ...
#42failed when calling glReadPixels - Waiting for the wind
But it always failed when the sub-thread calls glReadPixels. Root cause: glReadPixels() not called in the same thread with ...
#43Silly bug using opengl + FBO + glReadPixels - VMware ...
Since reading the entire screen using glReadPixels is really slow, this is not an option. Also keep in mind that im using the frame buffer ...
#44Manpages OpenGL - glReadPixels - Developpez.com
glReadPixels returns pixel data from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel whose lower left corner is at location ( x , y ), into client memory starting ...
#45find alternatives for glReadPixels - Graphics, Gaming, and VR ...
when I finished rendering, I can get the correct result with glReadPixels, but the data field of fbdev pixmap returns zero all the time.
#46glReadPixels performance not improving with PBO
I'm currently using glReadPixels to read from the depth buffer to calculate where on the map the player is pointing, for the purpose of ...
#47Solution of Android OpenGL Glreadpixels three - Programmer ...
Solution of Android OpenGL Glreadpixels three. With 2 PBO efficiency, my mobile phone resolution is 720p, or 1080p, our mobile phone camera is usually ...
#48glReadPixels too slow to use - py4u
I am using glReadPixels to take a snapshot at regular intervals in drawFrame method of GLSurfaceView.Renderer . I need to take this snapshot at regular ...
#49glReadPixels获得的像素值alpha始终是255 - Cocos2d-x
glReadPixels (0,0, 1, 1, GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); data中的值始终是255 搜了下,都说要开启opengl像素格式typedef struct tagPIXELF…
#50glReadPixels用法與glPixelStore - VoidCC
我看着約glReadPixels多個教程,但我感到困惑: 空隙glReadPixels(閃爍的x,閃爍Y,GLsizei寬度,高度GLsizei,GLenum格式,GLenum類型,GLvoid *數據) 最後一個參數 ...
#52如何将数据从glReadPixels()转换为OpenCV :: Mat? - 问答
... y_hi - y_low + 1 ) * 3 ]; glReadPixels( x_low, y_low, x_hi-x_low+1, y_hi-y_low+1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data ); if ( glGetError() !=
#53glReadPixels Issue | DaniWeb
The glReadPixels reads the pixels from the frame buffer. ... You cannot use glReadPixels to read from anything other than an OpenGL frame buffer.
#54OpenGLES命令隊列及glFinish/glFlush | 程式前沿
glReadPixels () 為什麼會隱式調用 glFinish() ?大家可以這樣理解,因為 glReadPixels() 是要將 texture 讀出來,如果不保證之前的渲染命令執行完,那麼 ...
#55glCopyTexImage2D替代glReadPixels(OpenGL ES) | 经验摘录
如何解决《glCopyTexImage2D替代glReadPixels(OpenGL ES)》 经验,为你挑选了1个好方法。
#56Again glReadPixels Problem - Graphics and GPU Programming
I have similar to other peoples a Problem with glReadPixels. I have tuhe following code: byte* buffer = NULL; buffer = new ...
#57glReadPixels – OpenGL Framebuffer Antics - ShiVa Engine
glReadPixels – OpenGL Framebuffer Antics. ShiVa offers a number of rendering backends, depending on the hardware and operating system you want to run your ...
#58Processing Discourse - glReadPixels() crashes
glReadPixels () crashes ?? Dec 18 th, 2006, 7:19pm. hi all ... i'm trying to work a bit with proce55ing but calling javax.media.opengl functions and it works ...
#59Speed up Android OpenGL ES glReadPixels by using PBO
GLES20.glReadPixels(0, 0, mRowStride, mInputHeight, GLES30.GL_RGBA, GLES30.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);. However the profiling indicates glReadPixels ...
#60OpenGL 1.1 Reference: glReadPixels - Talisman
glReadPixels : read a block of pixels from the frame buffer. C Specification | Parameters | Description | Notes | Errors | Associated Gets | See Also. [Up] C ...
#61XGraphics.glReadPixels Method
XGraphics.glReadPixels Method. [Missing <summary> documentation for "M:Pixoneer.NXDL.NGR.XGraphics.glReadPixels(System.Int32,System.Int32, ...
#62137793 – Calling glReadPixels with BGRA format on an ...
Bug 137793: Calling glReadPixels with BGRA format on an NVIDIA machine with an opaque context returns the wrong alpha values. Home; | New; | ...
#63glReadPixelsでOpenGLの表示内容を保存 | ぬの部屋(仮)
glReadPixels でOpenGLの表示内容を保存 ... glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer.data()); ...
GPU渲染完数据在显存,回传内存的唯一方式glReadPixels函数。。。 glReadPixels:读取一些像素。当前可以简单理解为“把已经绘制好的像素(它可能已经被保存到显卡的显存中 ...
[Android.Runtime.Register("glReadPixels", "(IIIIIILjava/nio/Buffer;)V", "GetGlReadPixels_IIIIIILjava_nio_Buffer_Handler:Javax.Microedition.Khronos.Opengles.
#66GLES30 | Android Developers
static void, glReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, int format, int type, int offset). static void, glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(int target, ...
#67How can I use glReadPixels to select object in the scene?
In windows (I'm assuming your using windows) the origin (0,0) is at the top left of the screen, but with glReadPixels the origin is at the ...
#68OpenGL ES使用glReadPixels讀取浮點值() - 優文庫
我知道有很多關於使用glReadPixels()讀取浮動緩衝區的問題。但我仍然沒有找到對我的問題的答案。 我想運行這個程序,我的iPhone。我正在與QT合作並首先在計算機上 ...
#69OpenGL, glReadPixels 읽기 - 블로그 - 네이버
size_t size = w * h * 3; GLubyte *pixels = new GLubyte[size]; glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels) delete[] pixel; ...
#70OpenGL Pixel Buffer Object (PBO) - Song Ho Ahn
When a PBO is bound with GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER token, glReadPixels() reads pixel data from a OpenGL framebuffer and write (pack) the data into the PBO. When a ...
#71[Question] Speed of glReadPixels - Psychtoolbox
I think the action of glReadPixels is basically to move the data on the buffer (which is on somewhere on GPU) to the CPU (or I should call it ...
#72glReadPixels() возвращает 0 - CodeRoad.Wiki
Я использую gl и glut на платформе Windows. моя проблема в том, что glReadPixels возвращает все 0. Я предполагаю, что это как-то связано с ...
#73GlReadPixels - what am I missing? | Qt Forum
... QOpenGLFramebufferObject, counted 30 afterRendering and then I try glReadPixels(0,0720576,GL_RGBA,GL_RGBA8,pixdata); but my app crashes.
#74OpenGL-Reading Back Texture Data - 知乎专栏
这些函数跟glReadPixels很相似,不相似的地方就是,它不是从framebuffer里读取数据,它直接从一个纹理对象里读取出具的。glGetTexImage函数直接从当下被绑 ...
#75OpenGL ES glReadPixels returns wrong values - GeneraCodice
glReadPixels (fingerInput.getStart().x, screen_height-fingerInput.getStart().y, 1, 1, GL10.GL_RGBA, GL10.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels); //read what was the color ...
#76关于openGL中glReadPixels接口的一点使用心得 - 极客分享
今天使用glReadPixels接口想要获取下opengl画出画面,保存成BMP图片,结果由于学艺不精,花费了好多时间,特此记录下:首先介绍下glReadPixels的参数 ...
#77[Q] glReadPixels() Problem in Android to reconstruct the frame
The GL layer is specified using the GLSurfaceView class which is a transparent layer. The problem I am facing is that when I use glReadPixels() to read the ...
标签: performance opengl framebuffer glreadpixels. 我的应用程序依赖于从帧缓冲区读取深度信息。我用glReadPixels(0,0,宽度, ...
#79Framebuffer to png - ghs38b.com
glReadPixels ( Left, Top, Width, Height, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pbyData ); // pbyData should be allocated with 3 * Width * Height to receive RGB data ...
#80Ahardwarebuffer Lock
glReadPixels (0, 0, outImage. 本文将利用FFmpeg 对一个Mp4 文件的视频流进行解码,然后使用libswscale 将解码后的YUV 帧转换为RGBA 帧,最后使用ANativeWindow 进行 ...
#81Bgr0 pixel format - Royal Pet Social Club
... we need to open the image as a binary file, read the headers, use the image size information to resize the data vector and glReadPixels returns values ...
#82Using WebGL Shader Language (GLSL) for arbitrary vector ...
... the input from textures and writing the output into destination renderbuffers; bind it; Draw a quad; read back the render buffers via glReadPixels .
#83OpenGL glReadPixels错误- 弱水三千,只取一瓢 - OSCHINA
最近在使用glReadPixels时得到的图像总是黑色的, unsigned char *pixels = (unsigned char *) malloc (_width * _height * 3); glReadPixels(0, 0, ...
#84Opengl texture array
OpenGL provides three basic commands that manipulate image data: glReadPixels() - Reads a rectangular array of pixels from the framebuffer and stores the ...
#85Cvpixelbuffer to cmsamplebuffer
... I can populate a CMSampleBuffer or CVPixelBuffer without calling glReadPixels? ... somehow w/o having to copy the data into a buffer via glReadPixels.
#86Google / Facebook Войти в MVVM - AnswaCode
просмотры: 3.5Kответов: 3. Подбор цвета на android - ошибки округления glReadPixels. просмотры: 3.5Kответов: 2 ...
This approach is being used in order to avoid glreadpixels. com at Wed, 26 Nov 2014 22:03:31 +0000. The official name of the EGL* image extension is ...
#88Opengl rendering gpu on or off
I am using frame buffer objects and glReadPixels to render off-screen. The moment I add off-screen rendering, it slows down to 15 fps. e.
#89Opengl skia vs vulkan skia
다만, OpenGL ES 2. x capability ARM Mali: Midguard (T6xx/T7xx/T8xx) and later glReadPixels and glReadnPixels return values from each pixel with lower left ...
#90Opengl rendering gpu on or off - Tern Here
... without having to use glReadPixels() to copy the result to a G2D buffer. A: Applications using SLI or Crossfire use one OpenGL rendering thread, ...
#91Pbo not boosting
I found some ways to speed up glReadPixels by OpenGL Apr 26, 2017 · Maybe using PBO does NOT always guarantee performance boost Share.
#92Blender rgba texture
92 glReadPixels will always produce 0. 0, 0. You can also use the keyboard shortcut ALT+R without The primary issue is that of memory usage; on GPUs with ...
glreadpixels 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文
glreadpixels 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
glreadpixels 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文