
為什麼這篇given意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在given意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者posthumous (pardon)看板Eng-Class標題[單字] given有"...

given意思 在 Emily Left Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 10:20:21

It’s Merdeka day in Malaysia, My second hometown, it has given me so much 🇲🇾🎂 Wishing the Freedom promised by the word #Merdeka is truly and equally ...

Well, I'm not really sure you wanna learn about my educational background,
given that I was a poor student growing up.

我看中文翻譯,後半段是寫: 因為我從來不是個模範生



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1462504925.A.DF0.html
softseaweed: google: preposition. "taking into account" 05/06 11:27
aq7778: 我會翻 有鑒於 05/06 14:09
tomokazu: 中英辭典有時候會被他的中文侷限 用英英辭典比較理想 05/06 19:44
vinousred: GIVEN可以想成"給定"嗎 05/06 19:55
ntust661: 這樣ok嗎 ...background ,because my background is giv 05/06 20:06
ntust661: en that I ... 05/06 20:06
ntust661: 他應該想說他的背景show出來不好看吧 05/06 20:07
ntust661: 以上純屬猜測0.0 05/06 20:07
xuuvup: "Given that" is a conjunction. It means "in considerat 05/06 21:37
xuuvup: ion of the fact that" 05/06 21:37
dashihito: 就我所知,given that比較像if;now that才像because 05/06 23:18
kaifrankwind: vinousred: 談數學的時候 可以 05/07 00:00
kaifrankwind: 有鑒於稍正式了點(除非透過聲音表情知道是在做效果) 05/07 00:03
kaifrankwind: "考量到" 我會這麼講 考量到我過去求學表現並不出色 05/07 00:05
kaifrankwind: (而通常想了解別人求學背景應是想找正面突出的表現 05/07 00:06
kaifrankwind: 吧) 我猜你不會很想知道我那樣的過去吧? 05/07 00:08
kaifrankwind: "考量到"算是"因為"的某一種情況 後者更泛用 在這句 05/07 00:13
kaifrankwind: 裡也更通順 只是字典很難把所有同個單字可能的譯法 05/07 00:13
kaifrankwind: 都列出來 05/07 00:14
kee32: 感覺given that可能性比if高一點,接近"在那前提下"的感覺 05/07 08:55
bbbtri: 畢竟 05/07 13:19
tacada: 以下全部節錄自Garner的MAU,At the head of a statement 05/07 15:43
tacada: (most commonly), given is an age-old shorthand way 05/07 15:43
tacada: of saying “assuming as a fact” or “with [the thing 05/07 15:43
tacada: stated] supplied as a basis for reasoning.” If what 05/07 15:43
tacada: follows given is a mere phrase (without a verb), 05/07 15:43
tacada: given appears alone—e.g.: “Given her high position, 05/07 15:43
tacada: she does have opposition.” Larry Whitham, “Episcop- 05/07 15:43
tacada: alians Brace for Divisive Sessions,” Wash. Times, 13 05/07 15:43
tacada: July 1997, at A4. But if a clause follows (with a 05/07 15:43
tacada: verb), a that should accompany given—e.g.: “Given 05/07 15:43
tacada: that he was a medical student at Brown before turning 05/07 15:43
tacada: to professional hockey, Bill McKay might be expected 05/07 15:43
tacada: to be a quick study.” Peter Barrouquere, “McKay 05/07 15:43
tacada: Learns How to Wing It,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans) 05/07 15:43
tacada: , 26 Nov. 1997, at C3. Cf. provided. 05/07 15:43
kee32: 所以我沒說錯嘛 05/07 16:17
vinousred: 經濟系解數學模型都是GIVEN~SOME CONDITION 05/07 17:53

