[爆卦]giddy up中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇giddy up中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在giddy up中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 giddy產品中有115篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9,305的網紅Milena Nguyen,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, SHOULD YOU QUIT YOUR JOB NOW? “You have to help me quit my job!” Even though the video was off, I could tell from Bria’s voice that she was in tea...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Want! magazine,也在其Youtube影片中提到,♡ IG 會有更多妝容必追起來 @wantmagazine https://reurl.cc/Q9jpq 現下膚質:乾肌,夏天鼻翼會微出油。 ♡影片使用產品資訊♡ / ZARA BEAUTY / 眼影盤 (CLASH OUT) 雙色眼影 (ES636 CYBER / ES506 GLITC...

giddy 在 A PASSIONATE FOODIE Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-22 09:05:22

Having withstood two postponements due to the lockdowns, I was beside myself with joy when I finally arrived at the familiar nondescript entrance shoe...

giddy 在 janice_vidal Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 07:58:02

Excited to play with my friends @patrickeys and @angelitali // yes. There’s something I love about jazz that gets me all giddy inside. 《雷柏熹爵士大樂團 fea...

  • giddy 在 Milena Nguyen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-28 14:00:08
    有 6 人按讚


    “You have to help me quit my job!”

    Even though the video was off, I could tell from Bria’s voice that she was in tears. This strong woman couldn’t keep herself together anymore.

    “You’re experiencing strong emotions now. That’s very natural,” I said, wanting to help her feel safe and accepted.

    After all, Bria and I had only met once in an event. Knowing that I was a coach, she reached out the next day to see if I could help.

    If there’s anything I’ve learned from my years of coaching, it’s that when the person is emotional, you need to give them the space to feel it.

    So as Bria sobbed, I stayed silent, feeling my belly rise and fall with each breath. After a short while, I could sense that her wave of emotion had passed.

    “Shall we take one long easy breath together?” I asked.

    I heard her breathing with me. I paused, allowing Bria the time to settle, then I asked her to tell me what’s so difficult to her about her job.

    After listening to her sharing, I said: “I can definitely help you, Bria.” I heard a sigh of relief on the other end. “But only if you promise me you won’t quit your job yet.”

    3 months after that conversation, Bria waltzed in my office one evening holding a bottle of red wine: “Let’s celebrate!”

    She had a giddy grin on her face, the very special grin with a dimple that I’d come to love after many hours supporting her. “Oh! Is it okay for us to drink a glass of wine in our coaching session?” She asked.

    I laughed: “Of course. What are we celebrating?”

    Bria said, her face brightened even more: “I just realized today that I have the perfect job!”

    The most fascinating thing about this story is that the “perfect job” she referred to was the exact same job she had practically begged me to help her quit.

    Bria’s circumstances hadn’t changed. But her experiences of the circumstances had changed 180 degrees. Why? Because she did.

    Bria’s story teaches me once again, that life is truly created from the inside out.
    👉 Dig deeper on why you should not quit your job yet with this article: https://bit.ly/2XB64q0

  • giddy 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-14 19:45:50
    有 125 人按讚

    When Your Influence Grows

    “But the report concerning him spread much more, and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him of their infirmities. But he withdrew himself into the desert, and prayed.” (Luke‬ ‭5:15-16‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Adoring crowds can be a huge distraction. When you get giddy from excitement by the applause of man, you will be tempted to think that you are so great.

    Jesus showed us the way to handle a growing influence. When the crowds that came to Him grew bigger, He did not entrust Himself to them and relish in the attention.

    Instead, He withdrew to the desert to be alone with God the Father in prayer.

    When your influence with men grows, go deeper in prayer and draw nearer to God (conscious of your need for Him). You absolutely need to stay humble, grounded, and remember that God is the source of all power, favor, and goodness in your life.

    “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in his name, observing his signs which he did. But Jesus didn’t trust himself to them, because he knew everyone, and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.” (John‬ ‭2:23-25‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Jesus knew what was in man—sin in the flesh. Man is fickle and disloyal. One moment the crowd can be cheering, “Hosanna to the Son of David,” and the next they can be shouting “Crucify Him!”

    As the Lord promotes you by His grace, entrust yourself to Him. Do everything for Him, and not for the applause of man—He is your Rewarder!

    The four gospels are full of beautiful revelations that will benefit you in every sphere of life. Understand them through the lens of grace: https://bit.ly/understandeveryparable

  • giddy 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-07 12:04:52
    有 104 人按讚

    雖然還沒機會去位在中太平洋的斐濟玩耍,但至少可以吃到道地的斐濟熱狗堡啦🌭!Oh My Dog是由斐濟老闆Giddy和台灣闆娘一起經營,原本在斐濟工作的二人因為疫情關係在去年回到台灣,並且在旱溪夜市擺攤賣起斐濟風味的街頭小吃,沒想到五月中台灣又三級警戒無法擺攤,但目前有Uber Eats外送或外帶自取的方式,一樣可以吃到他們家的特色美味喔😉我們這天試了以下幾款~
    🌭甜辣肉碎狗 90元
    🌭素食者天堂狗 70元
    🍔熱帶肉食者天堂 105元
    🍮冰芒果布丁 大/90元;小/55元
    Oh My Dog的自製布丁口感偏紮實,上面搭配正值時令的芒果醬,但芒果醬不像我們想像中的的甜度偏高,整體搭配起來其實不會太甜很剛好耶!布丁也有分大小二款,小的份量也蠻足的哦,甜點胃被餵食覺得開心😍,如果喜歡他們的芒果果醬也有單獨販售喔(225g/170元),覺得拿來加在優格裡或是做成氣泡水都超適合夏天的呀💕
    雖然很多人對熱狗堡應該都蠻熟悉,但可能和我們一樣沒有吃過Oh My Dog這種中太平洋風味的,尤其他們還有在地特色的沙拉和小甜點,這個不是當地人怎麼做的出來啦~最近Oh My Dog還即將推出私藏的獨家太平洋島民秘方-水果酒釀,大家可以期待一下🙌

    📝想要參考他們菜單的話可以到 OH MY DOG Taiwan 粉絲團觀看嘿😉
    📌 Oh My Dog斐濟熱狗堡
    📭 台中市中區公園路2號 合作金庫轉角(外帶自取點)
    💚 官方line ID:@284aptns(需加@,歡迎加line傳訊點餐)
    🈺 週二-週六 12:00-21:00
    🌐Uber Eats請搜尋:OH MY DOG斐濟熱狗堡

  • giddy 在 Want! magazine Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-23 19:19:49

    ♡ IG 會有更多妝容必追起來
    @wantmagazine https://reurl.cc/Q9jpq


    眼影盤 (CLASH OUT)
    雙色眼影 (ES636 CYBER / ES506 GLITCH)
    指甲油 (NC504 CRAZY WAYS)

    For business inquires 合作請洽 [email protected]

    This video is NOT sponsored. 非合作影片

  • giddy 在 詐欺メイクすうれろ Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-05-19 19:00:06


    ZARA Beauty

    Twitter https://twitter.com/12mero25
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/suurero/
    TikTok http://vt.tiktok.com/JNgnc4/
    お仕事依頼: business@digitalspark.tokyo

    ブライトララ 部分手植えフロントレースセミロング  CR

    1:11 i-DOLアイドルレンズ SEATTLE2 MRINE BLUE シアトル2 ブルー  DIA14mm BC8.6mm 着色直径13.1mm

    1:54 なめらか本舗 スキンケアUV下地  1000円(SPF40・PA+++

    2:45 ZARA EASY ON THE EYES CLASH OUT 3590円(カラバリがどのパレットも面白いのだけどこちらのカラーが一番、パーティールックな感じがしてとても素敵だったので選びました。質感もメタリックなツヤとほどよいラメで上品。男性も使いこなせそうな色合いだと思います)

    7:13 ラクオリ リキッドフィルム 1400円

    7:24 エテュセ アイエディション(マスカラベース) 1000円(重ね塗りすればしっかり盛れるし。とにかく軽い液体だから睫毛が下がってこない。マスクから発生する蒸気にも耐久性あり。このベースだけでマスクメイクしたらメイク直しすごい楽。硬いコームなので清潔に保つこともできてありがたい)

    7:40 ヒロインメイク ボリューム&カールマスカラ アドバンストフィルム ブラック 1200円(ブラウンの色味も薄すぎず濃すぎないところが好き。小粒目の私にとって最近まつげは命に等しい。しっかり盛れてるけどブラウンで優しい印象を作りたいときにおすすめすぎる。のっぺりしがちなブラウンマスカラだけどこれは盛れる。そして有難いフィルムマスカラ)

    8:04 Msh ラブライナー リキッドライナー ブラック 1600円(筆にコシがあり、アルミボトルの重さで手ブレが予防でき、カラバリもいっぱいで昔から大好きなアイライナー)

    9:09 DiamondLash 3D Eyelash series no.501 1980円(日本のつけまつげを超えてる仕上がり。職人技。ファサッとしてとても華やかな目元になります。ハーフメイクが好きな方に心からおすすめめしたい)

    9:26 下まつげ描く

    9:54 FASIO アイブロウ ベース&パウダー 01ブラウン 1300円(眉毛描きやすい!色味もナチュラルでとても馴染みやすいです。付属もブラシも描きやすいですし、ベースがあるので毛並みを整えることが出来るので眉毛が描きやすいです)

    10:50 LAKA WILD BROW SHAPER # BALANCE 1540円(垢抜けたいなら眉毛から!高い密着力で眉頭がしっかりとたつんです!すごく綺麗な眉毛に見えます。とてもおすすめです。透明は地眉を生かすタイプで男性におすすめ、ブラックは眉毛にボリュームを、ブラウンは一本一本繊細な仕上がりになります)

    11:19 VELY VELY アイエムカスタムフローレスコンシーラー 1980円(伸びが良すぎてよすぎて。乾燥しすぎず、べっとりカバー強すぎずしっかりと素肌感残るのが私は好き。一番好きなテクスチャのタイプかも。こってりバームとサラサラ系の間って感じ。カバー力が物足りなく感じる方もいるかも)

    11:45 Eglips Blur Covering Cushion SPF50+/PA+++ 2414円(ピタッと密着するクッションファンデでカバー力も高くおすすめです!みずみずしい付け心地で乾燥肌さんにもおすすめです。陶器肌になれます)

    12:23 イプサ ルースパウダー 1 5000円(パウダーならではのさらさらとした肌触りと、肌本来が持っている自然なツヤのある仕上がりを得たいという相反するニーズに応え、1人ひとりの肌タイプに応じて2種から選べるルースパウダー。肌触りはさらさらとしてベタつきがないのに、自然なツヤを放つという仕上がり。肌の凹凸に合わせて、様々な形や大きさに崩れてフィットするレアフィッティングパウダーが、毛穴の目立たないなめらかな肌へ。ルースパウダー 1では、過剰皮脂を吸着固化することでテカりを抑えます。)

    12:53 ZARA THE ULTIMATE GLOW-GETTER SUBLIME INTENSE 2990円(きらきらが散りばめられたブロンザー。きらきらが邪魔しないか心配でしたが、お肌が綺麗に見えて使いやすかったです。アイシャドウにも良さそうですよね。こちらのカラーは、赤みが少ないのでブルベさんにおすすめなブロンザーです)

    13:39 ZARA FACE TIME IMPECCABLE TOUCH 3590円(シェーディング、チーク、ハイライトの3色が入ったパレットなのでとってもお得だと思います。組み合わせは決まっているけれど他の色もあります。色づきが見た目よりもほんのりなのが特徴的なパレットだと思いました。肌によく馴染みます)

    14:39 ZARA CULT SATIN LIPSTICKC S122 SHOWTIME 2290円 (絶妙なツヤとパープル系のカラーで小悪魔感がでます。ツヤがあるのでしっとりしてますが、ぬるぬるしていません。蓋がマグネット式なのとケースを捨てずに使い終わったら中身を交換できるのが嬉しい。色もちもばっちりで落ちにくいぐらいです)

    14:55 ZARA ULTIMATTE MATTE LIPSTICK UM105 JACKPOT 1390円(明るいピンクカラーこちらのリップはマットです。しっかりマットだけどカサカサしづらいし、匂いも特になくて塗りやすかったです。発色がみたまま!蓋がマグネット式なのとケースを捨てずに使い終わったら中身を交換できるのが嬉しい。落ちにくいです)

    15:11 ZARA ULTIMATTE MATTE LIPSTICK UM607 HERO 1390円 (ZARAを思い浮かべちゃう蛍光オレンジリップ。蓋がマグネット式なのとケースを捨てずに使い終わったら中身を交換できるのが嬉しい。)

    15:25 ZARA ULTIMATTE MATTE LIPSTICK UM705 GIDDY 1390円 (蓋がマグネット式なのとケースを捨てずに使い終わったら中身を交換できるのが嬉しい。

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    Hi♡ I'm Surero :)

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    #ZARA #ハーフメイク #新作コスメ

  • giddy 在 Phương Dung Socola Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-07 14:46:33

    ? Liên hệ Dung để mua KHÓA HỌC ĐÀN ONLINE gồm trọn bộ Video + Sách do Dung giảng dạy bài bản cho người mới bắt đầu đến khi chơi thành thạo các bài hát. Khóa học được dùng trọn đời và được tham gia group hỗ trợ dành riêng cho học viên ♡ https://www.facebook.com/DungGuitarUkulele
    Hoặc gọi SĐT 0966668804 - 028 3535 2434

    ► Bạn cần mua đàn thì liên hệ Shop mình theo Link này nha: https://www.facebook.com/DungGuitarUkulele
    ► Địa chỉ: số 81 đường Cộng Hòa, P.4, Q.Tân Bình, TP.HCM (SHIP HÀNG TOÀN QUỐC)
    Sđt như trên

    ► Đăng ký học trực tiếp tại: https://www.facebook.com/ukulelesocola

    [C]Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
    [C] Jingle bells swing and [Dm] jingle bells [G7]ring
    [Dm] Snowing and [G7] blowing up [Dm]bushels of [G7] fun
    [G] Now the jingle hop [Dm] has [G7] begun 

    [C] Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
    [C] Jingle bells chime in [Dm] jingle bell [G7]time
    [Dm] Dancing and [G7] prancing in [Dm]Jingle Bell [G7 ]Square
    [Dm] In the [G] frosty [C] air

    What a [F] bright time, it's the [F] right time
    To [C] rock the night [C7] away
    Jingle [D] bell time is a [D7] swell time
    [G] To go [G7] gliding in a [G] one-horse [G7]sleigh

    [C] Giddy-up [Cmaj7] jingle horse, [C6] pick up your [C] feet
    [C] Jingle around the [A7] clock
    [F] Mix and [Fm] mingle in the [D7] jingling [Fm]beat
    [Dm] That's the [G] jingle bell [C] rock

    [C] Jingle bell, [Cmaj7] jingle bell, [C6] jingle bell [C] rock
    [Dm] Dancing and [G7] prancing in [Dm]Jingle Bell [G7] Square
    [Dm] In the [G] frosty [C] air
    What a [F] bright time, it's the [F] right time
    To [C] rock the night [C7] away
    Jingle [D] bell time is a [D7] swell time
    [G] To go [G7] gliding in a [G]one-horse [G7]sleigh

    [C] Giddy-up [Cmaj7] jingle horse, [C6] pick up your [C]feet
    [C] Jingle around the [A7]clock
    [F] Mix and [Fm] mingle in the [D7] jingling [Fm]beat
    [Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell
    [Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell
    [Dm]That's the [G]jingle bell [C]rock

    ♡♡♡ Nếu bạn muốn ủng hộ Video của Dung, bạn có thể Donate - Thưởng cho Dung nhé ? ^^ dù là bao nhiêu thì Dung cũng vô cùng trân quý và biết ơn, cám ơn bạn rất nhiều ♡♡♡
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    Lê Thị Phương Dung
    2. Ví Momo
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