

在 forward開箱產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅黃品舒 Kathie Huang,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌟YouTube十萬訂閱Q&A🌟 🌟100,000 subscribers Q&A🌟 Instagram: https://instagram.com/piinsue 被敲碗許久的Q&A活動開跑囉~ 請大家在限時動態留下問題,我會在銀牌開箱影片內回答大家的問題喔! 跟我一起慶祝第一個十萬訂閱里程...

 同時也有45部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過152的網紅The Isaac 日常,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#日常#生活vlog#dailylife#브이로그 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/isaaclin_tw/ Email : [email protected] - 哈囉大家 終於在八月最後一天壓線上架了! 內容是警戒降二級的日常 (好感動!大家防疫...

forward開箱 在 Jonas Tjäder Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-01-12 06:23:41

大家好!⠀ 瑞典人過聖誕,就是要一家子齊聚一堂慶祝......可惜今年沒有辦法達成:( ⠀ 但沒關係,我還可以去IKEA解解鄉愁!這次試吃了IKEA餐廳的新品「植物素肉丸」,如果你吃素,或是吃膩了瑞典肉丸想換換口味,那麽植物素肉丸是你很好的選擇。⠀ IKEA植物素肉丸成分有豌豆蛋白、馬鈴薯、洋...

forward開箱 在 Duncan Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-12-02 10:20:03

【老當開箱:PS5】 找了小時候的玩伴Tom一起開箱體驗這台新世代主機。主機放在電視櫃上真的很有存在感,實際看到了外殼內側的微小圈叉方塊三角形,真的是很有巧思的小彩蛋。這次的其中一個亮點在DualSense手把,比PS4的DualShock手把大了一點手感也比較好。試玩了內建的Astro’s Pla...

  • forward開箱 在 黃品舒 Kathie Huang Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 15:46:20
    有 1,096 人按讚

    🌟100,000 subscribers Q&A🌟

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/piinsue



    Please join the Q&A event to celebrate 100,000 subscribers with me💓
    Please leave your questions on my Instagram story.
    I will make a video to answer your questions🥰

    Looking forward to unboxing the silver medal with you!

  • forward開箱 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-03 18:40:19
    有 8 人按讚

    ✨更多劇透(七折YSL & Loewe包) + 紅光面罩我的使用心得 + shopbop近期最受歡迎單品 + Revolve 82折即將截止 + Jo Malone絕版香複刻


    剛剛放上更多劇透(折扣碼也先給大家), 話說這次他們打折很有誠意, 比較多的品牌都參加, 而且很多好看包包都有補貨喔! 台灣網友一定要記得設鬧鐘提醒自己, 今天半夜要準開搶! 尤其那幾咖YSL包包直接打到七折真的很讚耶! Loewe的Puzzle各種尺寸也都可以打七折!


    ■ 菜湯的telegram頻道: https://telegram.me/vegesoup
    ■ 菜湯APP: https://summitloop.net/help_tw.html



    剛剛有個網友特別跟我說, 他懷孕之後其他的美容儀都不能用, 只能用這款, 他每周用五次, 用完之後再敷Valmont的幸福面膜是說效果真的很不同, 皮膚更水嫩更亮, 叫我一定要買!

    不好意思地說, 實際上我去年早就買了, 哈哈, 只是一直沒打開來用, 買太多東西買到我自己都忘了有這個.

    剛剛開箱, 儀器本身已經是充飽電的狀態, 可以用20次十分鐘療程, 充電器是全球電壓, 有附各種轉接插頭, 不用擔心電壓問題. 敷了十分鐘去洗澡, 不知道是不是心理作用, 感覺皮膚好像真的有變亮, 而且可以一邊敷著一邊看電視或是打字都沒問題, 覺得自己太笨了怎麼不早點拿出來啊? 這個禮拜我就來每天敷吧!

    - 紅光, 促進膠原蛋白生成, 淡化皺紋, 疤痕, 幫助肌膚恢復, 也有一定的消炎效果.

    - 矽膠質地, 可折疊方便攜帶.

    - 無需插電使用.

    - 面罩直接接觸皮膚, 縮短使用時間, 單次使用只需10分鐘.

    ► 寄台灣買滿250英鎊免國際運費 價格包括關稅
    ► 寄美國買滿200英鎊免運費 不到800美金訂單應該無關稅

    1. https://tidd.ly/3kFIi3Q CurrentBody Skin Complete LED Kit 這組最全方位, 是面罩搭配頸罩的組合, 用碼: MARKIT 特價 £429, 我覺得如果預算不是問題, 當然要買一起脖子修護的這組啊!

    2. https://tidd.ly/2PktMTo CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask 這組只有紅光面罩, 用碼: MARMASK 特價 £250.

    3. https://tidd.ly/3bW7hMf CurrentBody Skin The Oh. My. Glow. Collection 這組也是只有紅光面罩, 跟上面單買的面罩都是一樣的, 不過裡面有多贈送一整套CurrentBody自有品牌的護膚產品, 用碼: MAROMG 特價 £260. 跟單買面罩只差10英鎊, 可是可以得到一整組護膚產品, 當然要買這組才划算對吧!



    https://bit.ly/2YTp5UJ Forward 台灣今天半夜會有全場最高七折啊! 很多爆款包包都有補貨, 非常容易就可以買到七折, 趕快來加購物車吧, 真的不要遲疑, 太慢就買不到了喔!

    全球免國際運費, 結帳可以選擇要不要預付關稅.

    3/4 0:00 - 3/8 23:59
    活動詳情:買多省多 最低 7 折!
    買滿 $750 → 享 85 折
    買滿 $1,000 → 享 8 折v
    買滿 $1,500 → 享 75 折
    買滿 $2,000 → 享 7 折

    該活動僅限於遞送到中國大陸, 香港, 台灣和澳門的訂單.

    https://bit.ly/3ra96vz (2021年最新推出的超迷你Puzzle包, 搭配的是金屬鍊, 超可愛啊! 焦糖色肯定會最熱賣)
    https://bit.ly/3bXeRWU (紅色版本)
    https://bit.ly/3uP5UYj (亮綠色也不錯耶! 小包可以背亮色)

    https://bit.ly/3nPk5bo (不免俗的要推一下這個迷你尺寸Puzzle包, 湊一下就可以打七折啦!)
    https://bit.ly/2Y1Nh4O (夏天到了相當實用的Pochette包)
    https://bit.ly/3uP0jBe (小尺寸的籐籃包也是到了夏天就一包難求的喔!)



    https://bit.ly/3r6vEgF (哇! 這件開襟毛衣配色很好看耶, 最喜歡那一圈粉紅色的滾邊)

    https://bit.ly/3e0t7kx (這件露肩上衣, 之前一推出的時候我就買了黑色跟白色, 今天發現他居然又出了我愛的粉紫! 是不是有聽到我最近一直說喜歡紫色啊? )
    https://bit.ly/3sKOqKQ (這件方領口的駝色毛衣也便宜又好搭喔, 下擺還有綁繩)

    https://bit.ly/3rfWfrQ (這件卡其色洋裝 是近期shopbop最多人加入愛心清單的洋裝喔! 我一看也覺得應該很顯瘦又實穿)
    https://bit.ly/2PoJTzj (同一個系列的洋裝還有出泡泡袖版本)

    https://bit.ly/3bUXjef (這件我覺得也非常好看耶! 感覺像是非洲還是中南美洲的熱情圖騰, 6號就是最小碼)
    https://bit.ly/3sJ6zZx (熱情花色洋裝還有這款也是我的菜! 有做口袋很加分耶)

  • forward開箱 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-01-22 16:32:21
    有 9 人按讚

    [191181] 2581. Young Dolph - Large Amounts (2021)★★∿
    [191182] 2582. Wale - Good Vibes (Za) (2021)★★
    [191183] 2583. Those Dancing Days - Reaching Forward (2011)★★
    [191184] 2584. Those Dancing Days - I'll Be Yours (2011)★★
    [191185] 2585. Those Dancing Days - Fuckarias (2010)★★
    [191186] 2586. Those Dancing Days - Run Run (2008)★★
    [191187] 2587. Those Dancing Days - Those Dancing Days (2007)★★
    [191188] 2588. Waxahatchee - Air (2015)★★✚
    [191189] 2589. Total Babes - Heydays (2015)★★
    [191190] 2590. Times New Viking - Ever Falling In Love (2011)★★__Brandon Reichard

    [191191] 2591. The Cribs - Glitters Like Gold (2012)★★
    [191192] 2592. The Cribs - Housewife (2010)★★
    [191193] 2593. The Cribs - Cheat On Me (2009)★★
    [191194] 2594. The Cribs - We Share The Same Skies (2009)★★
    [191195] 2595. The Cribs - Moving Pictures (2007)★★
    [191196] 2596. The Cribs - Don't You Wanna Be Relevant? (2007)★★
    [191197] 2597. The Cribs - Our Bovine Public (2007)★★
    [191198] 2598. The Cribs - Martell (2005)★★
    [191199] 2599. The Cribs - Hey Scenesters! (2005)★★
    [191200] 2600. The Cribs - You're Gonna Lose Us (2005)★★

    [191201] 2601. The Cribs - What About Me (2004)★★
    [191202] 2602. The Cribs - You Were Always The One (2004)★★
    [191203] 2603. Danielle Durack - There Goes My Heart (2021)★★__Kristine Morgan
    [191204] 2604. Danielle Durack - Eggshells (2020)★★__Cole Pischke
    [191205] 2605. Danielle Durack - Broken Wings (2020)★★__Freddie Paul, Eunice Beck
    [191206] 2606. Danielle Durack - Last Summer (2018)★★__Brian Bossert
    [191207] 2607. Danielle Durack - San Francisco (2017)★★
    [191208] 2608. Danielle Durack - Chasing Pavements (2017)★★
    [191209] 2609. Nancy - 7 Foot Tall Post-Suicidal Feel Good Blues (2020)★★
    [191210] 2610. Dead Rider Trio & Mr. Paul Williams - Candles on Crabs (2018)★★

    [191211] 2611. BigB4 & RxchTrxppShaun - Tom Brady (2021)★★
    [191212] 2612. G3ezy - Cappin (2021)★★
    [191213] 2613. Hazard - Invest (2021)★★
    [191214] 2614. John Carpenter - Alive After Death (2021)★★
    [191215] 2615. EBK Young Joc - Ridiculous (2021)★★
    [191216] 2616. Bre Musiq - Gang (2021)★★
    [191217] 2617. Bill Callahan, Bonnie "Prince" Billy & Ty Segall - Miracles (2021)★★
    [191218] 2618. Bill Callahan, Bonnie "Prince" Billy & George Xylouris - Rooftop Garden (2021)★★
    [191219] 2619. Bill Callahan - Breakfast (2020)★★
    [191220] 2620. The Dodos - Fables (2009)★★

    [191221] 2621. Kevan Got Bandz - Mathematics (2021)★★
    [191222] 2622. Mozzy - Neva Said It (2021)★★
    [191223] 2623. O Racks - Fifty 1 Six (2021)★★
    [191224] 2624. Teeth Agency - Anon (2021)★★
    [191225] 2625. Destruction Unit - Salvation (2015)★★
    [191226] 2626. Lust for Youth - By No Means (2019)★★
    [191227] 2627. Pictish Trail - Lead Balloon (2020)★★
    [191228] 2628. Hamerkop - Remote (2020)★★
    [191229] 2629. Jackie Lynn - Casino Queen (2020)★★__Haley Fohr, Krzys Piotrowski
    [191230] 2630. Jane Weaver - The Revolution of Super Visions (2020)★★__Lee Mann

    [191231] 2631. Hide, 97Virus & Nicole - 棄愛Babycry (2021)★★
    [191232] 2632. Las Kellies - Closer (2020)★★
    [191233] 2633. Faten Kanaan - The North Wind (2020)★★
    [191234] 2634. Pictish Trail - Slow Memories (2019)★★__Davey Ferguson
    [191235] 2635. Ought - Disgraced in America (2018)★★__Heather Rappard
    [191236] 2636. Dope Body - Back in Back (2020)★★
    [191237] 2637. Psychic Ills - Baby (2016)★★__Jason Evans
    [191238] 2638. Psychic Ills - Another Change (2016)★★
    [191239] 2639. Spectrals - Get A Grip (2011)★★
    [191240] 2640. Sky Larkin - Beeline (2009)★★

    [191241] 2641. PAINT - Moldy Man (2018)★★__Sam Kristofski
    [191242] 2642. PAINT - Daily Gazette (2018)★★__Sam Kristofski
    [191243] 2643. Lissy Trullie - Boy Boy (2009)★★
    [191244] 2644. Peaking Lights - Beautiful Son (2012)★★__Geremy Jasper, Georgie Greville
    [191245] 2645. Peaking Lights - Dreambeat (2012)★★__Jordan Redaelli, Jason Miller
    [191246] 2646. Noveller - Rubicon (2015)★★
    [191247] 2647. Peggy Sue - Song & Dance (2011)★★
    [191248] 2648. Puro Instinct - Stilyagi (2011)★★__Marcus Herring
    [191249] 2649. Simian Mobile Disco - Audacity of Huge (2009)★★__Jo Apps, Kate Moross
    [191250] 2650. Saul Williams - Black Stacey (2004)★★

    [191251] 2651. Big CEO - Can't Wait (2020)★★
    [191252] 2652. Big CEO - ManDown (2020)★★
    [191253] 2653. Baby CEO - Reach (2018)★★
    [191254] 2654. Baby CEO - Fck Da Oppz (2015)★★
    [191255] 2655. Jozef van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch - Etimasia (2012)
    [191256] 2656. Ariel Pink - Time To Live (Ариэль Пинк) (2017)★★
    [191257] 2657. Ariel Pink & Jorge Elbrecht - Hang On to Life (2013)★★__Alejandro Cardenas, Jorge Elbrecht
    [191258] 2658. Giant Giant Sand - Forever and A Day (2012)★★
    [191259] 2659. Föllakzoid - Feuerzeug (2015)★★__Domingo García Huidobro
    [191260] 2660. FIDLAR - Cheap Beer (2012)★★__Ryan Baxley

    [191261] 2661. ANTH & Jared Krumm - Can We Please Go Back (2020)★★
    [191262] 2662. ANTH & Conor Maynard - Sunshine (2020)★★
    [191263] 2663. ANTH & Conor Maynard - Medicine (2019)★★🆁
    [191264] 2664. ANTH - Nobody Else But You (2019)★★
    [191265] 2665. Josephine Foster - Pretty Please (2015)★★
    [191266] 2666. Allah-Las - Fish On The Sand (2017)★★
    [191267] 2667. Allah-Las - Famous Phone Figure (2016)★★
    [191268] 2668. Allah-Las - Could Be You (2016)★★
    [191269] 2669. Allah Las - Raspberry Jam (2019)★★
    [191270] 2670. Conor Oberst - Souled Out!!! (2008)★★

    [191271] 2671. Exploded View - Sleepers (2018)★★
    [191272] 2672. Exploded View - Summer Came Early (2017)★★
    [191273] 2673. Islet - Good Grief (2019)★★__Edwin Burdis
    [191274] 2674. Home Blitz - Frozen Track (2012)★★
    [191275] 2675. Her Space Holiday - Forever & A Day (2005)★★
    [191276] 2676. Mariachi El Bronx - Cell Mates (2009)★★
    [191277] 2677. Lovvers - No Romantics (2008)★★
    [191278] 2678. Lovvers - Human Hair (2008)★★
    [191279] 2679. Los Campesinos! - The International Tweexcore Underground (2007)★★
    [191280] 2680. Los Campesinos! - We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives (2007)★★

    [191281] 2681. Lace Curtain - Falling (2013)★★__Daniela Velickovic, David West
    [191282] 2682. Jorge Elbrecht & Ariel Pink - Called to Ring (2014)★★__Jorge Elbrecht
    [191283] 2683. Jorge Elbrecht & Caroline Polachek - I.V. Aided Dreams (2013)★★__Cara Stricker
    [191284] 2684. John Carpenter - Vortex (2014)★★
    [191285] 2685. Half Japanese - The Beast Master (2020)★★__Jad Fair
    [191286] 2686. Half Japanese - The Puppet People (2019)★★__Claus Frøhlich, Jad Fair
    [191287] 2687. Globelamp - Washington Moon (2015)★★__Paige Stark, Janell Shirtcliff
    [191288] 2688. Globelamp - The Orange Glow (2015)★★
    [191289] 2689. Cheatahs - Seven Sisters (2015)★★__Conan Roberts
    [191290] 2690. Cheatahs - Coared (2013)★★__Federico Urdaneta

    [191291] 2691. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Tenderness (2017)★★__Paul Clipson
    [191292] 2692. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Love After Love (2015)★★__Paul Clipson
    [191293] 2693. Lace Curtain - I Can't Wait (2014)★★__David West
    [191294] 2694. Las Kellies - Funny Money (2019)★★
    [191295] 2695. Las Kellies - Summer Breeze (2016)★★
    [191296] 2696. First Aid Kit - You're Not Coming Home Tonight (2009)★★
    [191297] 2697. First Aid Kit - Our Own Pretty Ways (2009)★★
    [191298] 2698. First Aid Kit - Hard Believer (2009)★★
    [191299] 2699. First Aid Kit - Blue Christmas (2008)★★
    [191300] 2700. Dungen - Peri Banu vid sjön (2017)★★

    [191301] 2701. Dungen - Franks Kaktus (2015)★★
    [191302] 2702. Dungen - Åkt Dit (2015)★★
    [191303] 2703. Moon Duo - Jukebox Babe (2018)★★
    [191304] 2704. Moon Duo - Slow Down Low (2015)★★__Domingo García-Huidobro✚
    [191305] 2705. Moon Duo - Free the Skull (2015)★★
    [191306] 2706. Mood Rings - The Line (2013)★★
    [191307] 2707. Mood Rings - Hollow Dye (Defected Crystal) (2013)★★
    [191308] 2708. Peter Matthew Bauer - You Are the Chapel (2014)★★__Brian Melton
    [191309] 2709. Peter Matthew Bauer - Philadelphia Raga (2014)★★__Matt Barrick
    [191310] 2710. Peter Matthew Bauer - Latin American Ficciones (2014)★★__Matthew Barrick

    [191311] 2711. No Age - Feeler (2020)★★__Kersti Jan Werdal
    [191312] 2712. No Age - Head Sport Full Face (2020)★★
    [191313] 2713. No Age - Turned to String (2020)★★__Jonn Herschend
    [191314] 2714. Orchestra of Spheres - Āta (2018)★★
    [191315] 2715. Orchestra of Spheres - Trapdoors (2016)★★
    [191316] 2716. Orchestra of Spheres - Electric Company (2013)★★__Jay Winebrenner
    [191317] 2717. Marching Church - 2016 (2016)★★
    [191318] 2718. Marching Church - Heart of Life (2016)★★__Marching Church
    [191319] 2719. Marching Church - Lion's Den (2016)★★__Jimmy Durante
    [191320] 2720. Marching Church - Your Fathers Eyes (2015)★★__Kristian Emdal

    [191321] 2721. Lil Chuang - 戒Leave (2021)★★
    [191322] 2722. Lil Slower - 流量 (2021)★★
    [191323] 2723. 孟昭融 - Witness (2021)★★
    [191324] 2724. Lilacs & Champagne - Maple St. (2014)★★
    [191325] 2725. Lilacs & Champagne - Shower Scene (2014)★★
    [191326] 2726. Lilacs & Champagne - Sensations (2013)★★
    [191327] 2727. Lilacs & Champagne - Everywhere, Everyone (2012)★★
    [191328] 2728. Lilacs & Champagne - Lilacs (2012)★★
    [191329] 2729. The Blood Brothers - Set Fire To The Face On Fire (2006)★★
    [191330] 2730. The Blood Brothers - Lazer Life (2006)★★

    [191331] 2731. The Bronx - Knifeman (2008)★★
    [191332] 2732. The Bronx - Shitty Future (2006)★★
    [191333] 2733. The Bronx - White Guilt (2006)★★
    [191334] 2734. The Bronx - History's Stranglers (2006)★★
    [191335] 2735. The Bronx - False Alarm (2003)★★
    [191336] 2736. The Bronx - They Will Kill Us All (Without Mercy) (2003)★★
    [191337] 2737. 愛吃西瓜的鑑黃師:2020年日本作品銷量最高的十位女優 (2021)★★
    [191338] 2738. 羅卡:進擊的巨人2 Nintendo Switch開箱 (2018)★
    [191339] 2739. 平民遊戲工作室:進擊的巨人2值得買嗎? (2018)★★
    [191340] 2740. 餓模人:GSC 好微笑 Mecha Smile THE合體展 in 台灣 模型格納庫 1/22-1/24 免費入場 (2021)★★

    [191341] 2741. Bloc Party - One More Chance (2009)★★
    [191342] 2742. Bloc Party - One Month Off (2009)★★
    [191343] 2743. Bloc Party - Mercury (2008)★★
    [191344] 2744. Bloc Party - Talons (2008)★★
    [191345] 2745. Bloc Party - The Prayer (2007)★★
    [191346] 2746. Bloc Party - I Still Remember (2007)★★
    [191347] 2747. Bloc Party - Flux (2007)★★
    [191348] 2748. Bloc Party - So Here We Are (2005)★★
    [191349] 2749. Bloc Party - Tulips / The Pioneers (2005)★★🆁
    [191350] 2750. Bloc Party - Banquet (2004)★★

  • forward開箱 在 The Isaac 日常 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 20:30:02

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/isaaclin_tw/
    Email : sowoo0922@gmail.com
    StaySafe & StayStrong Guys 🕊

    📷📱FILM : iPhone 12、Canon G7x MarkII
    📽 EDIT : Final Cut Pro X
    + Epidemic Sound
    - Tiny Surprises - Yonder Dale
    - Hello Ramona - Chase McBride
    - Think Forward - Martin Landstrom
    - Closer Together - Martin Landstrom

    Reggie San Miguel - 1120
    Music by Reggie San Miguel - 1120 - https://thmatc.co/?l=FC8FB97A

    Naomi - Our Story
    Music by Naomi - Our Story - https://thmatc.co/?l=7BCF35A5


  • forward開箱 在 阿康嚼舌根GOODSKANG Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-20 19:00:12

    iPhone 13 Pro Max 和 iPhone 13 Pro 這兩支旗艦版本對比今年其餘的 iPhone 13 mini 和 iPhone 13 會有重大更新,今天就來聊聊吧
    阿康 IG & FB
    FB :https://www.facebook.com/goodskang/
    1.) 至阿康的蝦皮消費:https://sho.pe/3grd6p
    2.) 加入頻道會員:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQ7s6G50qzqgDbQB6qKDDw/join
    拍攝器材:Sony a6400 + SEL18135, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro, 智雲Smooth 4, GoPro Max
    收音設備:RODE Wireless Go, 鐵三角 audio-technica AT9934, RODE VideoMicro, iPhone 12 Pro Max / iPhone 11 Pro 和 GoPro Max 內建
    剪輯軟體:Final Cut Pro X
    背景音樂:Epidemicsound, https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/weo8gd/
    影片企劃:阿康 Kang
    影片攝影:阿康 Kang
    後製剪輯:阿康 Kang
    官網、Pexels (若有非我實拍)
    Content / Right:All Material / Section / Pictures / in this video is 100% in order to help the source owners gain more exposure, all reference / credit is obviously attached in the description for viewers, any content that may be right-violated or unclear please feel free to let me know.
    所以我在影片內一定會提廠商 Sponsor 資訊
    或是也可到我的 Facebook & IG 私訊,可能會比較快收得到哦!
    #iPhone13 #iPhone13Pro #iPhone13ProMax #iPhone12 #iPhone12ProMax #iPhone12Pro #iPhone12ProMax開箱 #iPhone12Mini

  • forward開箱 在 數碼捕籠 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-13 04:29:44

    E3會前發佈會系列第二個直播就係 Ubisoft Forward,一早同大家講咗唔會有同《The Division》系列作品相關資訊公佈,咁究竟仲有咩好講?刺客?彩虹?看門狗?定係 Just Dance呢?相信唔只,不如一齊又入嚟同 Jack 吹住水睇囉,6月13日03:00開波!


    記得逢星期三及星期六,傍晚 18:30 收睇喇~!
