

在 force形容詞產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅曼蒂英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #文末抽獎 #單字書 講膩了I think 了嗎? 那我們換成I find...... find除了是「找」 還有「覺得」的意思 - 🥝I find that + 形容詞。 . 🥬I find that easy to do. 我覺得很簡單。😉 🥬I find that interesting...

force形容詞 在 曼蒂英文|托福|多益|英文口說 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 08:51:32

#文末抽獎 #單字書 講膩了I think 了嗎? 那我們換成I find...... find 除了是「找」 還有「覺得」的意思☺️ - 今天的公式是: 🥝I find that + 形容詞。 . 🥬I find that easy to do. 我覺得很簡單。😉 🥬I find that ...

  • force形容詞 在 曼蒂英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-28 21:32:49
    有 81 人按讚

    #文末抽獎 #單字書

    講膩了I think 了嗎?
    那我們換成I find......
    🥝I find that + 形容詞。
    🥬I find that easy to do.
    🥬I find that interesting to know.
    🥬I find that hard to believe.

    Part 1 溝通用的11組英文單字
    1 說 say/tell
    2 碰面 meet/see
    3 談 talk/speak
    4 讓 make/have/let/get
    5 教 teach/tell/show
    6 約定 promise/appointment/date/engagement
    7 才華、能力 ability/capacity/talent/faculty
    8 力量 strength/power/force
    9 錯 mistake/error/slip/blunder/fault
    10 紛爭、對戰 quarrel/fight/war/battle
    11 問題 question/problem/issue/affair/matter
    1. 追蹤「曼蒂英文」
    2. 按讚這篇貼文
    3. 標記兩個朋友 留言「我想提升單字量!」

    2021/ 3/31 (ㄧ) 24:00

  • force形容詞 在 AquaFeb Shop Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-18 18:00:19
    有 45 人按讚

    誰說Air Force 1就要非黑即白?
    延續 AF1 傳奇鞋款的精神
    《蝦皮》 3/25 今日旗艦店
    ❶ 嚴選鞋款整點大瘋搶
    ❷ 專區話題女鞋5折起
    ❸ 20檔限時特賣,好康買不完
    ❹ 高人氣福袋多件折扣
    ❺ 下單抽萬元購物金
    ❻ 蝦幣最高20倍回饋
    搜尋 📲 ▸ https://s.aquafeb.com/Line
    #阿夸菲波 #aquafeb #全方位線上運動補給站 
    #aquafeb運動商城 #簡單的事做久就不簡單了
    #NIKE #NIKEAIRFORCE1 #NIKEAF1 #AF1 #nikeshoes
    #休閒 #穿搭 #休閒鞋

  • force形容詞 在 梁妍熙Esther Veronin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-25 22:03:09
    有 12 人按讚

    “Woman” was, in a nutshell, a beautiful film. I don’t say that lightly, and it’s not an adjective I use much. However, it’s the one word I found myself thinking and feeling over and over again during the 100 minutes of dazzling footage. Perhaps it’s the only coherent thought that emerges in the forefront of my brain after the intensity of the film.


    Visually, the variety of women pictured is stunning. Nearly all the ways females can be classified are represented, in intense detail. I realized that before I never looked at people properly—-how different we are, how similar we are! The tableaus of different women’s lives was also enthralling. So much said in those few seconds. It reminded me of a scrap quilt; so many different prints, all beautiful in their own way, and seemingly so different; yet all together as one cohesive whole.


    Is it an easy watch? It is, and it isn’t. It’s so intimate, and familiar—-you could be watching your friend, your relative, even yourself. And yet the topics are not always so comfortable. All the joy and pain of women’s identities are covered, from those wonderous moments of self-discovery, growth and love to those experiences of violence, trauma and oppression. Myriad topics are illuminated through a few sentences of a woman’s story; education, motherhood, child marriage, trafficking. It is not easy to handle. But as the women say again and again, “we are women, so we are strong.” Even after feeling these hundreds of stories in a short amount of time, we find that there is a greater force, able to contain all the sadness and pain, and even find space for compassion, love, joy and hope. As John Berryman put it in 77 Dream Songs, “Women is better, braver.”

    令人喜悅又痛心的訴說,容易消化嗎?當然不。這些女人的故事,可能是你家人的,可能是你朋友的,也有可能是你的。一個女人的身分與特質深深的被討論,而且有一百個面相,有些是溫馨的,有些是幽默的,有些是可悲的。各國女人面臨的難題也有帶到,包括社會不喜歡討論的家暴與人口販運。不,它不是一個很容易消化的電影。但是像電影裡女性說到的一點,「我們是女人,所以我們很堅強。」就算有醜陋或痛苦的經驗,我們擁有更大的力氣包容它,關懷它,甚至還有足夠的愛心與勇氣與它並存,迎接有希望的未來。如John Berryman詩人所寫,「女人更好,更勇。」

    For the record (and I spent awhile thinking about it): I am an inquisitive woman.

    想了很久,覺得 #我是好學的女人 #女也3月5日上映

    上映資訊我會放在留言中 <3 記得下週3/8婦女節,一定要支持
    ~感謝 捷傑電影 的邀請~

