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雖然這篇focused on中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在focused on中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 focused產品中有2704篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) - 悠美診所 ~ 還記得在去年 2020 年風靡整個國外的 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 - 因為看到很多歐美明星及運動員分享過,就想說我本身那時邁入健身生活也將近約兩年多的時間,鍛鍊腹肌和臀部一直是我困擾之一,當然也有可能是我本身在鍛鍊這些部位時也很...

 同時也有625部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,410的網紅Miley青山舞莉,也在其Youtube影片中提到,下地 Paul and Joe Moisturizing Foundation Primer S01 ファンデーション CLIO KILL COVER アイシャドウ CLIO Pro Eye Palette mini アイライナー Maybelline Hypersharp Eyeliner...

  • focused 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-30 17:14:45
    有 46 人按讚

    EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) - 悠美診所 ~

    還記得在去年 2020 年風靡整個國外的 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 - 因為看到很多歐美明星及運動員分享過,就想說我本身那時邁入健身生活也將近約兩年多的時間,鍛鍊腹肌和臀部一直是我困擾之一,當然也有可能是我本身在鍛鍊這些部位時也很容易鬆懈!導致腹肌及臀部想要有翹臀的線條一直是不盡我目標的理想狀態!當時剛好跟我是朋友的 - 「 悠美診所 」院長:朱芃年醫師 !有跟我提到,悠美診所有從國外原裝進口引進 - 「 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 」的醫美儀器! 當下的我當然對此已心儀已久的 - 「 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 」馬上就想躍躍欲試了 ⋯

    EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) - 悠美診所
    💪 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) 是一種體雕美學BTL-Emsculpt,又稱增肌減脂或肌動減脂,是完全沒有任何侵入性的,是利用 HIFEM「 高能量聚焦磁場 」的革命性專利技術體雕減脂,非侵入式治療,來進行到 100% 極限肌肉的鍛鍊,進而產生出高強度的擴張及收縮,這樣對於腹肌或是臀部上部有肌肉的部位,就是非常適合的來進行這個項目
    💪 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) 是以「 肌肉 」引領全新的體雕市場,超越一般運動,且跳脫單效果的減脂療程,增肌減脂一次擁有! 不用再運動虐肌,短時間實現馬甲線、渾圓翹臀,而且療程是全程躺著 30 分鐘來塑出完美曲線 !
    💪 專利高強度聚焦電磁技術 ( High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology,HIFEM )
    💪 所以1躺著半小時等於是做了 2 萬次的仰臥起坐!

    ⋯ 照片中有我第一次於 2020.11.5 ( 四 ),做好了 -「 EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 」的 30 分鐘療程!後續我又相隔約每一週再去做了三次的療程 ( 包含了一次的臀部部位 ),做完後的腹部是當下有感覺之外,後續的幾週甚至幾個月的時間,都會明顯感到肌肉的線條依然,但還是建議平時的運動及飲食控制也是要注意的,接著於 2021 年就有看到 - 徐若瑄代言的廣告,也讓對於腹部、臀部等有肌肉的部位想要更加的具有增肌減脂需求者更有信心!當然,如像是啤酒肚類型等等者,也很建議可以去試試這來自人性需求的高科技!- EMSCULPT 肌動減脂 ( 增肌減脂 ) ,有想要躺著擁有肌肉的人,非常推薦大家可以到 #悠美診所 悠美 Beauty Forever 諮詢喔!😊


  • focused 在 Gucci Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 19:08:01
    有 941 人按讚

    Gucci Osteria Beverly Hills has been awarded a Michelin star in the 2021 edition of the prestigious MICHELIN Guide California – a warm congratulations to the entire team, including Head Chef Mattia Agazzi, pastry chef Tamara Rigo, sous-chef Vanessa Chiu and Restaurant Director Christian Philippo. The achievement follows on the heels of Gucci Osteria’s flagship in Florence, helmed by Head Chef Karime López, receiving its first star in the 2020 MICHELIN Guide Italy.

    “While it has been a very challenging time for the entire hospitality industry, the team has remained focused, united and driven to create dishes of style and substance. This Award proves that teamwork is the recipe for success!” – Mattia Agazzi

  • focused 在 Foodie Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 06:00:35
    有 0 人按讚

    Enjoy an Oktoberfest stein-cation at the Marco Polo Hotel, with an in-room dinner and bierfest collectables included! You know we had to try it 🍻

  • focused 在 Miley青山舞莉 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 19:40:34

    下地 Paul and Joe Moisturizing Foundation Primer S01

    ファンデーション CLIO KILL COVER

    アイシャドウ CLIO Pro Eye Palette mini

    アイライナー Maybelline Hypersharp Eyeliner Softblack

    眉毛 Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Medium Brown

    ハイライト Dior Glow Face Palette

    リップ Dior (matte one) 786 Rosewood



    ► A B O U T
    Hello! I'm Miley and I'm from Tokyo. I was raised in Singapore, Indonesia, and Japan so I think some international kids could relate to me. My videos are focused on my everyday life as a Waseda student but I also love sharing my everyday fashion, vlogs, and other random things. I hope you enjoy💗

    ► S O C I A L S
    Instagram http://instagram.com/milez728
    Tik Tok https://vt.tiktok.com/hs2D23/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/miley_728

    ► C O N T A C T
    Business Inquiries info@qualiam.com

    Japan 生まれ Indonesia, Singapore, and Japan 育ちの青山舞莉です!早稲田大学の政治経済学部に通っています。スポーツ、フード、おしゃれ、メイク、お出かけ、なんでも経験したい好奇心旺盛なミーの大好きなことをアップしていきます!

    21歳 im twenty one :)

    2000年7月28日 July 28th 2000
    millennium baby (did i spell that right?)

    ー学年は?what year are you?
    今は早稲田の大学4年生です!2021の秋から4年生になりました!im a senior in college!! waseda university yay

    ーどこの人?where are you from?
    im full japanese!! 日本人!

    156cm! i think thats like 5'1

    ーカメラは何使ってる? what camera do you use?
    my iphone. too lazy to buy a camera lmao

    ー編集ソフトウエアどれ使ってる?Editing software?
    Canva for thumbnails & Final Cut Pro for my videos :)





  • focused 在 FPC Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-26 23:15:30


    0:00 Drive to Inami
    0:13 Start to walk from hotel
    1:33 Wood welcome board
    2:17 On the street
    2:40 Wooden bus stop spot
    8:56 Restaurant Matsuya
    11:44 In front of Zuisen-ji Temple

    Inami is most well known for its extensive wood carving district which traces its origins to the construction of the Inami Betsuin Zuisen-ji Temple in 1390. This temple, entirely made of wood and ornamented with intricate carvings has a long history of burning down only to be rebuilt in a much more extravagant fashion. The temple was most recently rebuilt during the Meiji period in 1885, and now exists as the largest wooden Pureland Buddhist temple in the Hokuriku region. It was officially designated as "one of the prefecture's important cultural assets" on April 1, 1965.

    Because of its rich history, wood carving is the major trade in Inami. During the reconstruction of the temple in the mid 18th century woodcarvers from Kyoto were dispatched to help in the rebuilding process. These helpers ushered in a new era of woodcarving in Inami, and local carpenters began to produce a more varied assortment of carvings than the temple pieces they had focused on previously.Presently, the woodcarvers use over 200 different variations of chisels to complete their works. They are considered to be the most skilled woodcarvers Japan.

    The sound of the Inami woodcarving district was chosen in 1996 as one of the 100 Soundscapes of Japan.

  • focused 在 藍諾Eleanor Jiang Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-22 21:00:11

    此次 iPhone13 出來的評價兩極,針對這次相機所做的大幅度更新,名詞你都了解了嗎? 讓我們透過這部影片,跟你聊聊這些複雜的攝影術語吧!
    藍諾攝影課程 : https://bit.ly/3utQoQg
    藍諾剪接課程: https://www.pressplay.cc/link/DE905742

    《藍諾導演攝影實戰課:12 步拍出故事感》🎉
    繼剪輯課程後,推出全新的 #動態攝影課程!
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    🎬 拍攝當下|運鏡、收音、打光、實作等
    🎬 拍攝當下|星宇航空紀錄片的案例剖析、接案注意事項等
    初次拍攝最該在意的那些事,細細地教給你 https://bit.ly/3utQoQg
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    音樂來源 Artlist (無版權問題):https://reurl.cc/j878om
    素材庫Artgrid (無版權問題): https://reurl.cc/2r0reE
    - - - - - - -
    你可能對這部也有興趣 ?

    1. 星宇航空首航幕後花絮大公開|導演VLOG
    2. 給台灣學生的一段話 | 藍諾演講
    3. 跟著星宇去德國接飛機! 導演Vlog

    1. 我們如何幫保時捷拍廣告 - 5個實用撇步|How we filmed for Porsche - 5 TIPS
    2. 拿著相機亂晃就對了!超實用轉場教學
    3. 6種必學空拍機運鏡方法|簡單上手技巧

    1. 搶先幫大家評測A7S3!
    2. 星宇航空給了我一個神秘箱子
    3. 實力派精品降噪耳機 Bose 700 評測

    1. 專一不怕做大夢 | Too Focused is not afraid to dream BIG
    2. 有夢最美 - 全新百坪工作室攝影棚開箱!
    3. 4K! 繫好安全帶 極限旅遊作品集 - 專一影音工作室
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    DJI 產品優惠:https://click.dji.com/ANAsFogbf2FCg5Q...
    Peak Design 產品優惠:https://www.peakdesign.com/?acc=540
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    FB : https://www.facebook.com/eleanorjiang...
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    Email : Eleanor@toofocused.productions
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    P.O Box:26-20 Chungli Post Office, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C)