

在 focused中文產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 再次受到美國Adweek委託繪製介紹美國一流資料連接平臺——鏈睿(LiveRamp),鏈睿在文章中提出未來十年關於CX(客戶體驗)對於世界頂級品牌、代理商和發佈商的影響。 Adweek是美國廣告行業周刊,於1979年創立。Adweek涵蓋了創意,客戶與代理商的關係和全球的廣告相關資訊。目前是美國第...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅藍諾Eleanor Jiang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,前幾集我們有跟大家介紹過我們之前是如何用剪映上字幕的。那今天要來跟大家講一個重磅消息,就是我們一直使用的剪輯軟體 Premiere Pro 終於推出快速上字幕功能拉!~而且還是是直接內建在 Premiere pro 裡面的 Caption。也就是說現在可以直接在 Premier Pro 裡面快速上字...

focused中文 在 ??? ????? ?? 牛佬 ? #23 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 10:01:07

今次分享呢個痛症,根本上好多運動員都會有,💥𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧💥 中文叫髕骨肌腱炎,亦都有啲人會叫跳躍膝,我喺功課都有做過呢個 Topic😆 好多時有啲人覺得膝頭哥痛,都係因為佢地臏筋發炎,我有好多學生客都有呢個痛症。 第一個原因:佢地練波時間好密,一星期練6日波,而且強度高,休息...

focused中文 在 Yu-Ming Huang Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 11:16:05

受美國 @adweek 委託繪製介紹美國一流資料連接平臺——鏈睿( @liveramp ),鏈睿在文章中提出未來十年關於CX(客戶體驗)對於世界頂級品牌、代理商和發佈商的影響。 Adweek是美國廣告行業周刊,於1979年創立。Adweek涵蓋了創意,客戶與代理商的關係和全球的廣告相關資訊。目前是...

focused中文 在 Tzu-Chun Chang | 張梓鈞 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 14:40:06

💸 Process 💸 (ENG/中文) 分享一下這次和 #500輯 合作封面的過程。 首先,接到合作來信時,我拿到的資訊就是規格尺寸、標題和文案,文案是醫生停車場那則笑話,有興趣可以到500輯貼文閱讀,這裡就不贅述。 我最直覺的想法就是「花錢如流水」,所以就把錢和水當做主要物件,畫了圖2那兩個...

  • focused中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-04 18:13:36
    有 27 人按讚







    Five illustrations I did for Adweek advertising content collaborated with Global Product Marketing Lead, Identity, LiveRamp.

    For the ideas of the illustrations, I focused on how LiveRamp can take care of the CX(customer experience) based on their individual identities. They find a way to delight people by making sure everything customers do anticipate or fulfill their needs.

    Hope you enjoy my work, and feel free to click on the link to see the motion look of every illustration.

    Many thanks to Raquel Beauchamp for the art direction and the motion designs. :D

    #LiveRamp #illustration #illustrator #art #artwork #adweek #advertising #advertisement #customerexperience #CX #socialmediamarketing #socialmedia #future #scifi #插畫 #插畫家 #刊物插畫 #插畫設計 #behance #廣告設計 #廣告插畫 文化部 城市美學新態度 勤美璞真文化藝術基金會 dPi 設計插畫誌 Wacom Taiwan Fliper 插畫.好心情 台北插畫藝術節 Taipei Illustration Fair

  • focused中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-19 19:48:01
    有 6,906 人按讚

    💕「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第16發:熱愛台灣詩的美國學者白瑞梅(Amie Parry)






    ✨白瑞梅 Amie Parry 現為中央大學英美語文學系 專任教授

    💕Why I chose Taiwan #16 – Amie Parry

    “I grew up in a small city in inland California called San Bernardino. I went to college and graduate school in San Diego. I got my PhD in literature. We were all expected to learn at least one language, so I did Chinese. I traveled to Taiwan with a friend right after I graduated from college in 1987. We came here to teach English and study Chinese for six months, then I traveled around Asia by myself with a backpack.

    I originally wanted to study classical Chinese poetry. I got a Fulbright grant and I came back here. I started going to the poetry nights that were happening at that time. I met some of the modernist poets, and I switched my focus to the modernist poetry of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Taiwan. I wrote my dissertation on modernism as a way of understanding the parts of modernity that are hard to know in the existing political language that we inherit. I think that experience in historical formation is always more complicated than the language.

    These poems are not explicitly political; they're very experimental and strange. At the time, the modernist poets I met were mostly 外省, men who had been drafted and come over with the KMT, so they had experienced war and displacement, and a very intense and traumatic historical moment. People experienced it differently, and at that time, it was a hard thing to talk about. Later, I wrote a book about poetry, but I just focused on one or two poets I find really, really fascinating. And I was asking some of the same kinds of questions: how can these poems help you think about certain topics that are hard to think about?

    At that time, Modernist poetry was a kind of an institution already. There was a journal called 現代詩, “Modern Poetry,” a really important journal that most of these poets were published in. Some of them combined poetry and theater. There's just so much going on in Taiwan in terms of poetry and performance and literature. It's just amazing. And I'm very interested in it at all, but I haven't kept up. After I finished my dissertation, I got a job offer at 交大. I thought, wow, there's something really amazing happening intellectually here. When my first book came out, it actually got an award in the U.S., and I was so surprised. I didn't even know it had been nominated. I asked them, ‘Why did you choose my book?’ And they said, because one of the chapters has a transnational of framework for the whole argument, so it wasn't like you used Western theories and Eastern texts, it's like the whole knowledge part is coming out of both places.

    I currently teach in the English department at National Central University. I'm the chair and I teach writing classes, literature classes, and literary and cultural theory classes. Since my first visit to Taiwan in 1987, I think people are a little more comfortable talking to people from different places. In my personal interactions, I feel a difference, like a greater openness. Back then, there were so many interesting things happening here, all at one time, and that's the time that I happened to be here. And I made good friends in my personal life and in my intellectual life. And I think those are the things that made me come back: like if you feel that there's something interesting happening and there's some way that you can support it. I guess that's a way of feeling at home.” — Amie Parry

    ✨Amie Parry is professor of the Department of English at the National Central University

  • focused中文 在 鄭丞傑醫師健康教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-06 06:33:43
    有 310 人按讚

    《海扶刀/海芙刀 (HIFU)是手術嗎?》

    有不少病友疑惑,海扶刀或海芙刀(HIFU,high intensity focused ultrasound)子宮肌瘤消融術,是不是手術?因為保險公司一定要看到"手術"二字才理賠。
    其實在英文醫學文獻中,可以查到許多"focused ultrasound surgery", 中文不就是"聚焦超音波手術"嗎?
    因此,我們俗稱的開刀房,正式是名稱是手術室。英文也不叫做Surgical Room 或Surgery Room, 而是 Operating Room,涵蓋更廣的意思。


  • focused中文 在 藍諾Eleanor Jiang Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-25 21:00:15

    前幾集我們有跟大家介紹過我們之前是如何用剪映上字幕的。那今天要來跟大家講一個重磅消息,就是我們一直使用的剪輯軟體 Premiere Pro 終於推出快速上字幕功能拉!~而且還是是直接內建在 Premiere pro 裡面的 Caption。也就是說現在可以直接在 Premier Pro 裡面快速上字幕。
    在這一次的Premiere Pro最新的更新當中,他們向用戶提供了影音轉文字功能,只要到Adobe Creative Cloud 應用程序並將 Premiere 更新到15.4 版本,找到字幕面板,你就可以在使用這個新功能,裡面除了英文,也有其他語言像是中文繁體等等,那究竟該如何使用,使用起來的體驗是什麼?讓我們來一探究竟吧!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    0:00 Premiere Pro 更新版本 15.4
    0:30 Premiere Pro 影音轉文字操作方式 (快速上字幕)
    4:15 我對Premiere Pro 上字幕的感想
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    藍諾攝影課程 : https://bit.ly/3utQoQg
    藍諾剪接課程: https://www.pressplay.cc/link/DE905742

    《藍諾導演攝影實戰課:12 步拍出故事感》開始募資啦 🎉
    繼剪輯課程後,推出全新的 #動態攝影課程!
    🎬 前置作業|器材、參數設定、拍攝腳本、流程規劃等
    🎬 拍攝當下|運鏡、收音、打光、實作等
    🎬 拍攝當下|星宇航空紀錄片的案例剖析、接案注意事項等
    初次拍攝最該在意的那些事,細細地教給你 https://bit.ly/3utQoQg
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    音樂來源 Artlist (無版權問題):https://reurl.cc/j878om
    素材庫Artgrid (無版權問題): https://reurl.cc/2r0reE
    - - - - - - -
    你可能對這部也有興趣 ?

    1. 星宇航空首航幕後花絮大公開|導演VLOG
    2. 給台灣學生的一段話 | 藍諾演講
    3. 跟著星宇去德國接飛機! 導演Vlog

    1. 我們如何幫保時捷拍廣告 - 5個實用撇步|How we filmed for Porsche - 5 TIPS
    2. 拿著相機亂晃就對了!超實用轉場教學
    3. 6種必學空拍機運鏡方法|簡單上手技巧

    1. 搶先幫大家評測A7S3!
    2. 星宇航空給了我一個神秘箱子
    3. 實力派精品降噪耳機 Bose 700 評測

    1. 專一不怕做大夢 | Too Focused is not afraid to dream BIG
    2. 有夢最美 - 全新百坪工作室攝影棚開箱!
    3. 4K! 繫好安全帶 極限旅遊作品集 - 專一影音工作室
    - - - - - - -
    DJI 產品優惠:https://click.dji.com/ANAsFogbf2FCg5Q...
    Peak Design 產品優惠:https://www.peakdesign.com/?acc=540
    - - - - - - -
    FB : https://www.facebook.com/eleanorjiang...
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/eleanor.dir...
    Email : Eleanor@toofocused.productions
    郵政信箱:中壢郵政26-20號信箱 (藍諾收)
    P.O Box:26-20 Chungli Post Office, Taoyuan City, Taiwan (R.O.C)

  • focused中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-13 19:00:13

    《RE: I AM EP》
    星の消えた夜に / Hoshi no Kieta Yoru ni / 星光褪去的夜 / On Starless Nights
    作詞 / Lyricist:aimerrhythm
    作曲 / Composer:飛内将大
    編曲 / Arranger:玉井健二、飛内将大
    歌 / Singer:Aimer
    翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation:Thaerin

    背景 / Background - 家 - ゾン :


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)

    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    多分 君は少し強がりで いつも笑顔作ってばかり
    泣きたいなら 無理しなくてもいい すぐに泣けばいい

    多分 君はとても優しくて 一人で抱え込むばかり
    少し歩くのに疲れたら 荷物をおろせばいい

    大丈夫だよ 大丈夫だから 大丈夫だよ 大丈夫だから

    ほら 夜が更けるよ ほら夜が更ける

    星の消えた夜に 何を願うの?
    遠くを見てる目には 何が映るの?
    星が消えた空より隣を見てよ 気付いて
    思い出? それより確かなものがある 多分 そうなんだ

    多分 君はとても繊細で ほんとは全部知りたいけど
    話したくないことだったら 話さなくてもいい

    ただ私は傍に寄り添って 神様にはかなわなくても
    何ができるかもわからない でも何かしたいな

    大丈夫だよ 大丈夫だから 大丈夫だよ 私も不安だよ

    星の消えた夜に 何を祈るの?
    遠くへ伸ばす手には 何を望むの?
    星が消えた空より隣を見てよ 気付いて
    神様? それより確かなことがある 多分 そうなんだ

    ほら 夜が更けるよ ほら夜が更ける

    星の消えた夜に 君を照らすよ
    声をなくした夜も 歌を歌うよ
    夢が覚めた夜でも 隣にいるよ 気付いて
    気付いて 何より確かなことがある これが 愛なんだ

    ほら 夜が明けるよ ほら夜が明ける

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :












    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    You’re probably trying to act a bit tough, always working up a smile,
    But if you want to cry, you don’t need to force it; just let it out.

    You’re probably terribly nice, taking it all upon yourself,
    But if you’re getting tired after just a few steps, you should simply let down your baggage.

    Everything’s fine… everything’ll be fine. Everything’s fine… everything’ll be fine.

    Look, the night is coming… the night is coming.

    What will you wish for on starless nights?
    What’s reflected in your eyes focused far-off?
    Rather than a sky without stars, look beside you… and notice…
    Memories? There’s something much more certain than that…
    … at least that’s what I believe.

    You’re probably extremely delicate; the truth is I want to know everything about you,
    But if it’s something you don’t want to talk about, you don’t have to try.

    I just want to lay by your side, even if God won’t allow it.
    I don’t know what I can do for you… but I want to do something.

    Everything’s fine… everything’ll be fine. Everything’s fine… but really, I’m worried too…

    What will you pray for on a starless night?
    What is that hand stretched far off wishing for?
    Rather than a sky without stars, look beside you… and notice…
    God? There’s something much more certain than that…
    … at least that’s what I believe.

    Look, the night is coming… the night is coming.

    I’ll shine upon you on starless nights,
    And sing you a song on nights you lose your voice.
    On nights you awake from dreams, I’ll be by your side, so notice,
    Just notice… we’ve got something much more certain than anything else:
    It’s love.

    Look, the dawn is breaking… the dawn is breaking.

  • focused中文 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-03-20 18:00:31

    Welcome to a NEW type of videos on this channel where I'll (try to) regularly update you all with Taiwan News and talk about the days that have passed. Unsurprisingly, this week has solely been focused on COVID-19. However, as there already is a significant amount of videos out there talking about the situation in Taiwan, we wanted to turn it around and inform the Taiwanese audience how the situation looks like in other parts of the world.

    Thank you all so much for watching and please note that we'll keep the tone a lot lighter in future videos. So don't forget to subscribe to all our channels to show your support and to stay updated for more Taiwan News!

    元元 (Francois Devatine): https://www.youtube.com/user/Fruncoyy
    Wes Davies: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB29YwVijDL98e3cESRzWBA

    Do you want to see MORE videos like this one? Please consider supporting me on Patreon as all my income will go directly back into the channel and cover either future travels or other resources: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom

    Want to see photos from our adventures before everyone else and/or suggest what I should check out next?!
    Please follow me on:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/LukasEngstrom

    Business inquiries:
    創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
    Line ID: @rog8149u
    Email: lukas@ruredi.co

    All music from Epidemic Sound: http://share.epidemicsound.com/DlqDP

    The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any sort of support is highly appreciated!

    Insta360: https://www.insta360.com/sal/onex_real_estate_kit?insrc=INR0P5F
    Camera: Canon EOS R: https://amzn.to/2CAybbh
    Lens: Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
    Insta360 One X: https://amzn.to/2KfwBjd
    Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 5K Kit: https://amzn.to/36VxMhy
    Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
    Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
    Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
    Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
    2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
    Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN

    Camera: Canon M50: https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
    Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
    Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
    Lens: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
    Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
    Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
    JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR

    ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
    ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
    Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
    Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
    Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
    Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
    MacBook Pro 15” - TouchBar: https://amzn.to/2p7rSsy
    Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI

    Special thanks to STC for helping me out with filters:
    STC website:https://stcoptics.com/en/
    STC Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STCOptics/