

在 flu感冒產品中有407篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題! How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues? 🎬 https://youtu.be/NufI_fwYejM ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medi...

 同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過50萬的網紅LoganDBeck 小貝,也在其Youtube影片中提到,小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題! How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues? ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help: 😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and ...

flu感冒 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【養生靚湯】英倫天氣陰涼多雨 #移民英國 ⭐寒濕天氣要祛濕驅寒 ⭐適量食用生薑陳皮赤小豆 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 移民點煲湯? 洋蔥蜆湯驅寒祛濕 ✈️ 香港人習慣喝湯養生,移民後怎樣煲湯?人在異鄉煲湯材料可能不易買,其實只要留意食材屬性,尋常食材亦能煲碗靚湯,有助強身防病!💪🏻 英...

flu感冒 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【人氣飲品】你飲過哪種堅果奶? ⭐常被當成牛奶的代替品 ⭐但要注意堅果奶屬於油脂與堅果種子類 #星期二提升正能量 哪種堅果奶適合你? 近年流行飲植物奶,植物奶是堅果、穀物、種籽及豆類等單一或混合製成的仿奶飲品,不同堅果可造出風味各異的植物奶,但這些「奶類新星」是否人人都適合飲用?從中醫角度看,可...

flu感冒 在 Double Yong 羊寶? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 15:03:35

屋企除咗護膚品多,數落去就一定係各式各樣嘅精油,多功能嘅精油真係居家必備, 我除咗會用落香薰擴香器外,有時仲會將百分百天然精油加底油當潤膚油用添" H. Reynaud & Fils以下呢3款都係我近期比較常用嘅法國進口百分百天然純正精油 🔺天然茶樹油 TEA TREE OIL "茶樹...

  • flu感冒 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:03
    有 610 人按讚

    小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題!
    How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues?
    🎬 https://youtu.be/NufI_fwYejM

    ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help:
    😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and flu-like symptoms
    😷 消化問題 Digestion problems
    😷 女性健康問題 Women’s health issues
    😷 睡眠問題 Sleeping issues

    我來台灣之前認為中藥只是一種民俗療法,但是經過幾個月的研究和體驗我發現了中藥確實有神奇的療法!為了幫助各國人多瞭解中藥到底是什麼,我跟兩位中醫師討教:中國醫藥大學附設醫院的顏宏融醫師,以及美國中醫師 Greg,瞭解中藥運作的原理和如何正確使用!When I first came to Taiwan I thought Chinese Medicine was a superstition, but after months of studying it I have found out it really an effective way to help our bodies! In order to better help the world understand more about Chinese Medicine I met with two renowned Chinese Medical practitioners, Dr. Yan and Greg, and discussed what Chinese Medicine is and how to use them correctly.

    請記得追我其他社會媒體 Follow Me:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— https://www.youtube.cofm/channel/UCXpbSh6g1ZWHxk-UQv86VzA/join 【加入 Join Now】

    #ChineseMedicine #中藥 #小貝

  • flu感冒 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-23 17:31:30
    有 132 人按讚




    淮山 — 性平,有健脾養胃、補肺生津的功效,其含有的可溶性纖維,有助消化及控制飯後血糖升高。

    百合 — 性平,能補中益氣,潤肺止咳,能紓緩氣虛型咳嗽、氣管敏感等、精神衰弱、心神恍惚、睡眠不安寧等症狀。注意感冒咳嗽、脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉者不宜進食。

    雪耳 — 性平,具滋陰潤肺、益氣養胃、強心補腦功效,適合肺熱津傷或肺氣虛弱、燥咳無痰、痰中帶血、氣喘氣短、咽喉乾燥、聲音嘶啞、病後體虛人士食用。

    白扁豆 — 性平,具健脾益氣、消暑化濕功效,因脾虛有濕而食少腹瀉人士尤其適合,亦適合氣虛及痰濕體質人士服用。惟注意容易便秘人士不宜多服。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    White ingredients nourish the lungs and strengthen the qi
    Many women want to have a fair complexion, but having an anemic-looking face is not necessarily a good sign. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, an individual with a pale face normally experiences asthenia or chills.

    A pale face could mean that the qi in the lungs is weak, and the internal organ is incapable of protecting the body from pathogenic factors. Hence, such individuals might catch a cold and develop nasal or even respiratory allergies more easily, especially during the flu season.

    To strengthen the lung, one should consume white-colored ingredients such as Chinese yam, lily bulb, snow fungus, hyacinth bean. This is in accordance with a theory of Chinese Medicine—white ingredients are good for the lungs, as they can moisten and nourish the respiratory organ. Consuming these ingredients during fall and winter would be especially beneficial for the lungs.

    Chinese yam - mild in nature. Can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs, and induce salivation. Besides, its smooth and thick fluid contains protein that can reduce blood sugar levels.

    Lily bulbs - mild in nature. Can replenish vital energy and qi, moisture the lungs to relieve coughing. Relieves qi deficiency related coughing and respiratory allergies, mental weakness, absent-mindedness, and poor sleep. Not suitable for those with cough and flu, asthenic cold spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.

    Snow fungus - mild in nature, can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, nourish qi and stomach, strengthen the heart and mind. It is suitable for those with hot lungs or asthenic lung qi, dry cough without phlegm, phlegm with blood stain, shortness of breath, dry and sore throat, coarse voice, and weakness post illness.

    Hyacinth bean - mild in nature, strengthens the spleen and replenishes qi, suitable for those with diarrhea after eating a little due to asthenic weak spleen with dampness. It is also suitable for those with qi deficiency and phlegm and dampness body type. Note that those are prone to diarrhea should eat less.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #氣虛 #感冒 #咳嗽

  • flu感冒 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-16 18:27:14
    有 90 人按讚



    出走他國展開新生活, 需要適應生活文化差異及處理經濟狀況等問題 ,移民代表要面對前所未有的壓力,中醫理論認為任何不良情緒都會傷肝,壓力大以致肝功能失調就會出現頭痛、多嘆氣、打嗝或放屁、胃痛、大便不調、失眠等症狀,所以記得留意自己和家人的心理健康,適時進行「疏肝」的事情減減壓,亦可按體質沖泡花茶飲用,花茶一般有疏肝解鬱、寧心安神的作用,還可以按個別需要挑選合適花茶紓緩症狀不適,餐廳常有供應的伯爵茶(Earl grey tea),是在紅茶內添加了佛手柑油,亦屬減壓之選。

    玫瑰花 (Rose) — 性溫,疏肝解鬱、行氣活血。因為有活血功效,月經期間不宜飲用。
    茉莉花 (Jasmine) — 性溫,理氣解鬱,紓緩胸悶不適。
    桂花 (Osmanthus) — 性溫,溫肺散寒、暖胃止痛。
    佛手 (Bergamot) — 性溫,疏肝理氣、養胃止痛。
    菊花 (Chrysanthemum) — 性涼,清肝退火、明目、保健眼睛。
    薰衣草 (Lavender)-性涼,清熱解毒、散風止癢、幫助入眠。
    洋甘菊 (Chamomile) — 性寒,有安神功效,對風熱感冒及風濕疼痛有紓緩作用。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Stay healthy in another country
    Consume floral tea to soothe the liver and relieve stress

    We have to get accustomed to a new environment, the cultural differences, and the financial situation when we migrate to another country. This also means we are bound to face a lot of pressure.

    Chinese Medicine theories believe that negative emotions can hurt the liver, hence, diminishing the organ’s performance. Individuals would sigh frequently, burp or fart, and stomach ache and experience bowel problems and insomnia.

    To keep us mentally healthy, we should soothe the liver regularly by drinking floral tea according to our body constitution. Generally, floral tea can soothe the liver, relieve stress, and calm our mind. There are also specific types with special properties. Earl Grey tea, which we can easily find in restaurants, is black tea infused with bergamot oil. We can consume it to relieve stress.

    Rose - warm in nature, reduces stress, promotes qi and activates blood. As it can activate blood, it is not suitable for menstruating women.
    Jasmine - warm in nature, regulates qi and reduces stress, relieves chest discomfort.
    Sweet osmanthus - warm in nature, warms the lungs and dispels cold, warms the stomach and relieves pain.
    Fingered citron - warm in nature, relieves stagnated liver and regulates qi, nourishes the stomach and relieves pain.
    Chrysanthemum - cool in nature, clears the livers and heat, improves vision.
    Lavender - cool in nature, clears heat and detoxifies, dispels wind and relieves itchy skin, helps to improve sleep.
    Chamomile - cold in nature, calms the mind. It can relieve heat wind flu and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #頭痛 #失眠

  • flu感冒 在 LoganDBeck 小貝 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 18:00:09

    小貝來教你們中藥 ~ 中藥如何治療我們常遇到的身體健康問題!
    How does Chinese Medicine help with common health issues?

    ❓中藥如何治療 How does Chinese Medicine help:
    😷 感冒和類流感症狀 Cold and flu-like symptoms
    😷 消化問題 Digestion problems
    😷 女性健康問題 Women’s health issues
    😷 睡眠問題 Sleeping issues

    我來台灣之前認為中藥只是一種民俗療法,但是經過幾個月的研究和體驗我發現了中藥確實有神奇的療法!為了幫助各國人多瞭解中藥到底是什麼,我跟兩位中醫師討教:中國醫藥大學附設醫院的顏宏融醫師,以及美國中醫師 Greg,瞭解中藥運作的原理和如何正確使用!When I first came to Taiwan I thought Chinese Medicine was a superstition, but after months of studying it I have found out it really an effective way to help our bodies! In order to better help the world understand more about Chinese Medicine I met with two renowned Chinese Medical practitioners, Dr. Yan and Greg, and discussed what Chinese Medicine is and how to use them correctly.

    請記得追我其他社會媒體 Follow Me:
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

    歡迎大家加入米漿教 — 身為一個「米漿教徒」
    —— https://www.youtube.cofm/channel/UCXpbSh6g1ZWHxk-UQv86VzA/join 【加入 Join Now】

    #ChineseMedicine #中藥 #小貝

  • flu感冒 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-06-28 20:00:09



    不過這個刺青真的讓我痛到很難形容!第一天刺4 個小時,最後我發抖,整個晚上覺得像感冒一樣。不過這個是很正常的反應,專業的名字叫tattoo flu ,很痛的刺青造成的身體狀況。

    我休息兩個禮拜之後,再刺剩下的部份,總共刺7 個小時,就完成我人生最美的刺青。當天我很認真紀錄,終於可以跟大家分享我拍的影片。我想要把這個刺青獻給天下所有的媽媽們❤️ 老婆我愛妳💕 放心,我一段時間不敢再刺新的刺青,因為真的很痛😂 #老婆愛你

    FOLLOW 吳鳳 Rifat:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rifatkarlova/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rifatshowman/
    Website: www.rifatkarlova.com

  • flu感冒 在 Cooper哥&Mini妹の幸福日記•Twins•龍鳳胎 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-02-09 03:20:23

    有~ 我們家的Cooper👼🏻 & Mini👼🏻

    #minicooper20180718 #twins #twinsmom #twinsdad #happyfamily #cute #love #雙胞胎 #龍鳳胎 #上天的禮物 #幸福 #正能量 #加油 #Cooper哥 #mini妹 #8m8d #fever #cold #flu #tired #累 #感冒 #發燒 #生病 #黑眼圈 #黑色26號 #補Po文

