

在 find英文產品中有1035篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,398的網紅DavidKo Learning Journey,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [介紹看板方法的相關書籍] 對於想要學習看板方法的朋友, 常常問到有哪些書籍可以參考, 他們總覺得市面上好像很少書籍介紹 Kanban method 因此, 我特地整理了相關書籍出來. 另外, 也附上一本我翻譯的書籍的 link 大家可以參考看看 英文 (1) Kanban: Successf...

 同時也有491部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,910的網紅Kevin 廖柏雅,也在其Youtube影片中提到,中英文版的 Someone Like You by Adele ! 看到你們很喜歡 Sunset Sessions 所以… here’s volume 2!ENJOY! 想繼續看到我在黃昏自彈自唱的話記得分享,留言 😍 馬上訂閱頻道,獲得最新 Kevin 廖柏雅 資訊 https://www...

find英文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 14:10:46

☆限時抽獎 Giveaway☆ 限台灣地址。This giveaway is limited to Taiwan residents only. 最近小哲去上幼兒園了。今天是第二天。接他下課時我都會探問今天他上學做了什麼、吃了什麼,可是我發現原來要從一個幼童找出答案好難哦😅 小哲整天都瘋瘋的。唯...

find英文 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 17:18:55

圖說:1999 Brussels 1. 我在布魯塞爾網友的家,煮飯給他的朋友們吃 2. 我在他爸媽家住了一個禮拜。他們都不會英文,突然法語大爆發了一段時間 我個性很活潑外向,經常接觸到新朋友,各個不同國籍都有。我發現有非常多的人,其實非常不喜歡自己的工作,但是還是一天過一天的繼續,然後轉眼發現自...

  • find英文 在 DavidKo Learning Journey Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 20:38:06
    有 12 人按讚


    對於想要學習看板方法的朋友, 常常問到有哪些書籍可以參考,
    他們總覺得市面上好像很少書籍介紹 Kanban method
    因此, 我特地整理了相關書籍出來.
    另外, 也附上一本我翻譯的書籍的 link

    (1) Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business
    (2) Kanban from the Inside: Understand the Kanban Method, connect it to what you already know, introduce it with impact
    (3) Kanban Maturity Model: A Map to Organizational Agility, Resilience, and Reinvention
    (4) Fit for Purpose: How Modern Businesses Find, Satisfy, & Keep Customers
    (5) Essential Kanban Condensed
    (6) Real-World Kanban: Do Less, Accomplish More with Lean Thinking
    (7) Kanban in Action
    (8) Kanban and Scrum - making the most of both (Enterprise Software Development)
    (9) Lean from the Trenches: Managing Large-Scale Projects with Kanban
    (10) Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow

    (1) 看板實戰:用一張便利貼訓練出100分高效率工作團隊
    (2) 揪出時間小偷的看板管理法:微軟、Zara、HP……這樣精實流程,免做虛工、省時有餘裕,部屬被動變主動
    (3) 精益開發與看板方法
    (4) 如何把看板和 Scrum 發揮到極致

    (1) 看板方法:科技企業漸進變革成功之道
    (2) 看板實戰
    (3) 精益開發實戰:用看板管理大型項目
    (4) 精益產品開發:原則、方法與實施

    (2021/10) JKD 流看板方法 – 以視覺化和持續改善來管理開發流程
    日期: 2021/10/30-31
    時間: 09:00-17:00

  • find英文 在 幼智英兒abc - 12歲以下寶貝的美語園地 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-29 20:40:04
    有 5 人按讚

    【幼智美語小教室】 #DIY剪貼教材 #歡迎下載列印

    🔔How many sea animals do you know? Today we’re going to learn about the shapes, and find out what shapes do the sea animals associated with!

    ✅字彙 Vocabulary✅
    📌星形 star ─ 海星 starfish
    📌扇形 sector ─ 寄居蟹 hermit crab
    📌心型 heart ─ 熱帶魚 tropical fish
    📌半圓形 semicircle ─ 海龜 sea turtle
    📌螺旋狀 spiral ─ 鸚鵡螺 nautilus
    📌半月形 crescent ─ 蝦 shrimp


  • find英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 10:27:15
    有 23 人按讚

    ✔️ difficulty ​ 困難、艱難 (n.)​
    📍 a situation fraught with difficulty ​ 困難重重的局面 ​
    E.g. A way out of the difficulty has not yet to be found. ​

    ✔️ obstacle 障礙、妨礙 (n.)​
    📍 overcome every obstacle ​ 克服每一個障礙 ​ ​
    E.g. Laziness is an obstacle to his progress. ​

    ✔️ predicament 困境、處境 (n.)​
    📍 in a dangerous predicament ​ 處於危險的處境​
    E.g. The world is in a dangerous predicament.​

    ✔️ dilemma 困境、進退兩難 (n.)​
    📍 out of one's dilemma ​ 擺脫困境​
    E.g. They try to find a way out of their dilemma. ​

    ✔️ challenge 挑戰、質疑 (n.) (v.)​
    📍 meet the challenge ​ 對付挑戰​
    E.g. The government needs to meet the challenge of rising unemployment.​

    📲 IOS下載E4F:https://pse.is/3gkywn
    📲 Android 下載E4F:https://pse.is/3e4ber

    ✔️ 正在準備學測指考的高中生​
    ✔️ 未來想要挑戰進階英文考試的同學​
    ✔️ 想要精進寫作能力獲得職場升遷機會的同學​
    現在購買還可享有8折優惠 幫你省下 $720
    課程網址 ➡️ https://9vs1.com/go/?i=cd22c9df1917


    📍 輕鬆寫出250字以上作文​
    📍 在大考英文作文獲得15分以上高分​
    📍 能夠透過英文文字清楚表達自己的想法

  • find英文 在 Kevin 廖柏雅 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 20:00:09

    中英文版的 Someone Like You by Adele !
    看到你們很喜歡 Sunset Sessions 所以…
    here’s volume 2!ENJOY!

    想繼續看到我在黃昏自彈自唱的話記得分享,留言 😍

    馬上訂閱頻道,獲得最新 Kevin 廖柏雅 資訊

    The Official Site | 官方網頁:

    廖柏雅官網 Official Site:https://www.kevinliao.net
    廖柏雅 FB:https://www.facebook.com/KevinLiaoViolin
    廖柏雅 IG:https://www.instagram.com/kevinliaovio
    廖柏雅 微博: https://www.weibo.com/KevinLiaoViolin

    #廖柏雅 #SomeoneLikeYou #Adele #SunsetSessions

  • find英文 在 蔡佩軒 Ariel Tsai Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 22:00:10

    BILINGUAL: 中文 CHINESE 00:00|英文 ENGLISH 28:50
    Podcast每週四10點一集 ​👉https://arieltsai.lnk.to/ArielsWhisper_CH

    節目的最後,送上這首心跳,我們一起stay healthy, stay safe. 希望世界早日回歸正常,大家可以自由旅行!


    “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled”. Travelling itself is such a therapeutic process in teaching us how to lose and find ourselves back again. I may not travel 45 countries before 30 like Sharon did, but I am determined to travel and explore more of this world with every opportunity I have.

    Continuing the rest of my conversation with Sharon from the previous episode (EP17). So if you haven’t checked it out, don’t miss it and go back to have a listen!

    **Song at the end “心跳” (Heartbeat): https://youtu.be/a7WeuPbgp-0



    Ariel 蔡佩軒的 3 步驟夢想實踐清單
    ■ STEP1 談夢想:沒有夢想很正常。不確定自己的夢想,更正常
    ■ STEP2 寫日記:最糟的都撐過去了。現在,不是最糟的時候
    ■ STEP3 列清單:堅持不是一個長跑,它是很多一個接一個的短跑
    ............................................... ​

    📔博客來 (獨家限量親簽版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉https://reurl.cc/AgQQyY
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9ZMzxx
    📔誠品 (獨家封面版)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/E2kKyn
    📔MOMO (獨家限量海報版 + 限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/9Zjj1O
    📔金石堂 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻https://reurl.cc/Gd7kDD
    📔墊腳石 (贈限量夢想記事本)👉🏻6/3網路及門市開賣
    📔博客來電子書(首賣二週) ─ 新書上線7折、境好電子書展單書再88折、二書85折👉🏻https://reurl.cc/2bX4Va
    📔其他:博客來 (海外運送)👉🏻https://tinyurl.com/yegltbc5
    📔PChome 全球購物 (103個國家)👉🏻https://global.pchome.com.tw/


    🔔 SUBSCRIBE訂閱: http://bit.ly/ariel_youtube
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    #Ariel悄悄對你說 #ArielsWhisper #Ariel蔡佩軒

  • find英文 在 邱舒 ShuChiu Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-25 23:43:34

    9.24 於公廣金鐘入圍茶會演唱

    🔸 中文字幕高畫質版:https://youtu.be/sur9pugrjVM

    無垢鳥 (改編自客語童謠〈阿啾箭〉)
    White Drongo ( Adapted from a Hakka nursery rhyme "Black Drongo" )

    作詞改編:徐麗雯 Sub Author : Herb Hsu
    作曲改編:蔣韜 Sub Composer : Jiang Tao
    演唱:邱舒 Performer : Shu Chiu

    文/徐麗雯 By Herb Hsu

    The lyrics are inspired by “The Vimalakirti Sutra” and the Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo”.

    A black drongo is a highly territorial bird often seen resting on the back of a cow in the countryside. “Vima” in Sanskrit language means clean and pure, which is why the song is named “White Drongo”.

    The Hakka nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” is used in an important part of the film “The Child of Light”. Hummed by different characters without the accompaniment, it expresses how our lives and feelings are interrelated. With the rotatory and straight forward lyrics, we know how it feels when you’ve lost your parents and try to find something but in vain, which is what the protagonist of the film has been through and in accordance with the core of “The Vimalakirti Sutra”.

    A cluster of foam, a bubble, a flame, an illusion, a dream, a shadow, a cloud and lightning in the lyrics show us how transitory life is while the nursery rhyme “Black Drongo” itself describes an ordinary daily routine. The former is unreal while the later is real. When the spirituality meets the reality, endless questions arise ubiquitously.

    “White Drongo” is the ending song of the film “The Child of Light”. The initial conception about ending song is to deliver the feelings of going forward and fading away eventually. We expect that the ending shows the sense to nature and the impermanence of sutra expending to the unlimited ambit, and also provides people the power of inspiration and mind-curing.

    影片封面相片 / 楊鈺崑 攝影