

在 fifty中文產品中有26篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 透過翻譯,我們依然能在百年後收到濟慈的浪漫 這封寫給愛人的信,你最喜歡哪句呢? 來讀 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 老師的美麗翻譯 以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角文字 - 今天讀了幾封英國詩人的情書 想跟大家分享一段邊讀邊驚嘆的 是濟慈 (John Keats) 1819 年 在英格蘭背山...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Susie Woo 戴舒萱,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🗣️ 今天的影片是全英語發音,大家也可以順便練習聽力喔! 前幾天我從 獨立報The Independent 的一篇文章上看到「英國人的 50 個壞習慣」的討論,覺得非常有趣,今天我就來分享其中提到的英國人最惱人的 10 個壞習慣。 00:00 開頭 00:36 Comfort eating 安慰...

fifty中文 在 吳世康 Mr.D Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 17:28:40

《別再來秀高級,都是群臭老弟》 最近又再度火紅的歌 #天上飛 這首歌詞寫的真的是不錯 低音炮版本來一波 記得帶耳機聽喔 歌詞: 舉手 晃動 一起來 Naughty Bounce 頑皮老闆喝不醉 每天都在天上飛 Wu 根本攔不住 天賦加努力造就我的groove 都說酷 美女環繞在我room ...

fifty中文 在 學台語 O̍h Tâi-gí Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:41:49

#台語歌詞選讀 🔊 Tap to listen 作者 author @ardorhuang 昨日是壁壁頂掛著的相片 今日是車窗外後退的風景 明日是床頭邊未響的鬧鐘 後日是墓碑頂退色的名字 Tsa-li̍t sī piah-pik-tíng kuà-tio̍h--ê siòng-phìnn Ki...

  • fifty中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-13 20:15:21
    有 173 人按讚

    來讀 Sonny老師的翻譯&教學札記 老師的美麗翻譯

    以下為 Sonny 老師第一視角文字


    是濟慈 (John Keats) 1819 年


    Ask yourself my love whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, so destroyed my freedom.

    For myself I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form: I want a brighter word than bright, a fairer word than fair.

    I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days—

    three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain.




    【台灣浩進階筆譯班】名額只剩一個啦 🔥
    結合往年爆滿的 #翻譯所考試班 + #基礎筆譯班
    全新 10 週課綱,帶你完勝不同語境


  • fifty中文 在 Cheap Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-12 17:52:39
    有 1,941 人按讚









    但美國鷹派人士提出了一個口號「Fifty-Four Forty or Fight」






    想要體驗美國的拓荒者生活,千萬別錯過《牧場物語 橄欖鎮與希望的大地》,在今年的2月25日在Switch上隆重登場啦!




    《牧場物語 橄欖鎮與希望的大地》只能說真香~且和Switch實在太契合了,喜歡《牧場物語》的IP的玩家千萬別錯過啦



    史上最快的領土擴張 ▶ 美國領土擴張史

  • fifty中文 在 Bikepacker Min - 單車背包客 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-08 19:45:41
    有 140 人按讚


    四年前,我請在旅途中遇到的兩位好朋友,幫我寫一段他們對我的感想。不愧是我的好朋友,所以在兩年前,我終於收到了其中一位瓦倫的回覆(我們是拖時間比賽嗎XD)。當我現在要把他們整理到書裡面時,覺得NG的片段也太好笑了,所以決定一刀未剪的放上來給大家瞧瞧,你就會知道,在路上可能會遇到什麼樣沒頭沒腦只會拼命講幹話的好朋友 :D (以下是我的翻譯,原文可以往下跳到最後)


    Min是一個像金一樣純的人,她充滿愛和精神,總是穿白色衣服。她沒有騎車,而是在地球上飛行了50厘米。 不...他媽的!











    -Valentin R (一位來自德國的瘋狂自行車旅人,和Min一起旅行了兩個月)


    🤭我個人是很好奇, 他到底蹲了兩天看什麼東西?
    🤔不要說我的書沒有德文版, 連中文都還在做編輯...
    🤫到底是看了什麼啊...? XDDDD

    Hey guys,
    while staying for four days in Bangkok to repair audio amplifiers for rich Thai men I finally I found the time to write some sentences about Min and it was really not easy, because when I start writing something like this, I will write bullshit after three sentences. It is really not easy. Have you ever written something about another person and you have to talk good about this person while you know she is a liar and always went by train?

    So the first try:
    Min is pure gold. She is full of love and spirit and always wears white clothes. She is not cycling, she is flying fifty centimeters over the earth. NOOOOO fuck it!

    second try:
    Dear people, I have to warn you: this book is a fantasy book! If the author writes about kilometers on the bicycles she meant probably meters. When she writes bicycle she means train, when she writes tent she means three star hotel.......NOOOOO shit!

    third try:
    A short story about the first backpacker woman on a bicycle who travelled from Germany to Taiwan in a train
    The first time I met Min was at the Turkmen embassy building in Teheran when she encountered me and asked: „Are you Vali, the German guy travelling to Uzbekistan by bike? I am Min, I also want to go there and I wanted to ask you if we can ride together?“
    At this time I didn't want to know any other cyclists, somehow I was bored to hear stories of others while I was having a great adventure by myself. I enjoyed the silence and loneliness on the road since Jule, my cycle mate, left me in Istanbul. So actually I didn't want to travel with Min in the first moment, but I just answered to Min: „Well,...yes..., ok, if we get the visas we can ride together.“ So she asked for my contact and she really called me to pick up the visas.
    I only had nine days left in Iran before my visa expired so we had to go really quick and I didn't know if Min was able to catch up. It was a change in rhythm for my bike tour, but when I started to know Min I found out that she is a funny girl with a burning ambition to fulfill her aim travelling by bicycle from Munich in Germany to her home country of Taiwan. A woman full of spirit and a good portion of naivety. She just started the trip without knowing what will come and without any experience of cycling and camping before this trip. She was equipped with a pop up tent, the kind of tent you have in the car for an emergency, when you are still on the highway and you get to tired to drive home. So you have this kind of round tent that you can throw and it pops up as a tent by itself. She also didn't have front panniers (bags) on her bike, so all her equipment was in the back – and also on her back, because she was wearing a backpack! Actually she was the first backpacker on a bicycle to travel from Germany to Taiwan. And that is the impressing thing about Min: she had the idea to do this trip, so she just did. She got a sponsored bike and some kind of sponsored equipment and she just took this and started the tour. She didn't think the German way like me who had to have a perfect bicycle and perfect equipment before I started. No, she just started without any spare parts for the bicycle, without any experience in cycling and camping. I never found out when she started to have this idea and why and probably she doesn't know herself even if she tells you different in this book.
    So in the time in Iran we got to know each other and my mood was turning and I found out that it is nice to cycle with Min.
    On day we also met Senda, an Hongkongnesian guy and in the evening Min and him were complaining about the Iranian rice, because it is not sticky so you cannot eat it with chop sticks. So you must imagine three people in front of their tents under a really nice Iranian starry sky in the desert and me as a German potato in the middle of this rice dicussion. I had to laugh for myself a lot and when I told them that I put salt in the rice when I cook it, the both got really angry. From this situation I learnt that rice must be something really important for Min, Senda and other people that eat rice as staple food. This night I decided to never cook any rice for them, because the knew it always better in terms of rice.
    Senda went on to Afghanistan and Min and me went on to Mashad and we divided there to meet up in Uzbekistan again. On the way through Turkmenistan I met a crazy guy called Raimon a.k.a. Dirty Traveller and we went on together and when we left Turkmenistan we met Min again forming the golden triangle of cyclism, a dream team. Raimon is really passionate about cycling and a really lovely dude. We three had so much unique moments together, sharing the whole day together, only the nights we were divided by the thin cloth of our tents. We cycled together, we sweat together, we fighted together, we had nice evenings together while cooking nice dishes in front of our tents and having a really good time of freedom and self-determination. When I think back to this time now I have to admit that it was somehow the best time of my life. And Min was a big part of it.
    If you want to know more about Min and her adventures you have to buy this book. It is totally amazing, I read it on the toilet and stayed there for two days until I finished reading. Reading this book is like breathing in the air of the Kyrgizian Plateau, it is like smelling the fart of Raimon while riding close behind him. It is just a best seller. It is the book that takes you and never leaves you. Absolute recommendation! Buy it!

