在 festival縮寫產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過11萬的網紅StoryTeller 說故事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #展覽故事:【走進波蘭人的房間】 *Scroll down to see English version 「波蘭人有種源於傷痛的黑色幽默。」 你有試過將蚯蚓斬開嗎?在波蘭,這是很多人在小時候的回憶。很多頑皮的小朋友會趁家長不在時在空地或花園這樣玩。 你知道假期對於大部分波蘭人是什麼嗎?是一整...
festival縮寫 在 Carol Lin Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-11-02 11:18:28
前幾天才把上週收到的 #文庫咖啡 拿出來喝。為南國漫讀節(Reading Festival in Pingtung)所特別設計,限量一千份的周邊商品。 四本台灣文學經典作品,調配出代表「四杯咖啡縮寫人的一生」的文庫咖啡,包括白先勇《寂寞的十七歲》、邱妙津《鱷魚手記》、李維菁《老派約會之必要》、吳晟...
festival縮寫 在 OOC Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-05-01 08:50:34
AMF 是 Amsterdam Music Festival 的縮寫,近年來也協助舉辦 DJ Mag 百大 DJ 的頒獎典禮。 - AMF 與 ADE(Amsterdam Dance Event)都是發生在阿姆斯特丹 10 月中的電音活動。ADE 主打講座及產業交流,AMF 則主要以室內大型電音趴,...
festival縮寫 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的精選貼文
*Scroll down to see English version
Art is the common language of free spirit.
過去波蘭人不能用言語直接表達的訊息,他們都會以藝術的形式將思想廣泛傳播;1989 年共產政權倒台後,波蘭被壓抑多年的藝術領域如雨後春筍般萌發,讓波蘭成為了歐洲其中一個不能被忽視的新興藝術市場。
波蘭命運多舛,塑造了波蘭人獨特的民族性;過去數十年的共產極權統治和蘇聯式美學,現在成為了新晉藝術家的創作養份。現在,波蘭人的想法、創意,以及他的生活點滴,都能自由地呈現在他們的插畫、瓷器、傢俱、設計和藝術當中,當你走入 Room PLus,看著一件波蘭人的作品,就好像真正走入了一間波蘭人的房間,能夠感受到他們的生活一樣……
想知道這些作品背後的故事,快來看看吧 :)
💁🏻♂️〖關於 #KLIP 展覽「Room PLus:波蘭插畫設計選展」〗
Room PLus 為一系列宣傳波蘭藝術與設計的活動,名字中的「PL」其實就是波蘭的縮寫,香港人對波蘭的藝術與設計仍然不太認識,但其中的獨特性和質量,其實值得港人重視。
「Room PLus:波蘭插畫設計選展」將於故事館展出,希望透過各式精選的插畫和設計品,讓香港觀眾感受一種踏入波蘭人的房間中,那種被豐富的故事、幽默感,以及真正的波蘭式熱情包圍的氛圍,將「波蘭的真實」,以一種不平凡的方式呈現給香港本地的觀眾。
日期:11月22日 - 12月23日
地點:Cabinet of Stories | 1/F 15 Staunton St. Central
開放時間:Tue - Fri: 5pm - 9pm / Weekends: 11am - 5pm
Organiser : KLIP Lifestyle Cabinet of Stories
“Polish people have a sense of black humour derived from pain……”
Poland had been partitioned for over 100 years, and the Polish people keep their tradition and culture under pressure. After the WW1, Polish people managed to reform their own country, and again it had been partitioned by Germany and Soviet Union during the WW2. After the War, Poland was under controlled by the communist’s totalitarianism…...
Art is the common language of free spirit, Polish people used to hide those message that they can’t tell directly in art, in order to spread their message secretly. After the fall of communist government in 1989, the art that were once hidden from the public eye began to spring up like mushrooms, making Poland become one of the fast growing new art market.
The hard time of Poland shapes the unique national character of Polish people, and the history of communist totalitarianism and soviet aesthetic, now become the inspirations of contemporary Polish artists. The thought, creativity and daily life of Polish people can freely present in their illustrations, porcelain, furniture, design and art. When you step into Room Plus and look at one of those art created by Polish artist, it is just like you step into a Polish people’s room and experience their daily life…...
〖 About #KLIP exhibition “Room Plus: Selected Illustrations & Design from Poland”〗
Room PLus is a series of events with the focus of promoting Polish art and design. The “PL” in “Room PLus” is an abbreviation for Poland. To most Hongkongers, art and design from Poland are still relatively unheard of, but its uniqueness and high quality certainly deserve more attention.
From the illustrations and designs selected by “Room Plus: Selected Illustrations & Design from Poland”, the Hong Kong audience will have an immersive experience, much akin to stepping into a room of a Polish, as they are enveloped in an air of interesting tales, humour, and the charming sense of Polish authenticity.
Date: Nov 22 - Dec 23
Venue:Cabinet of Stories(1/F, 15 Staunton Street, Central)
Hours:Tue - Fri: 5pm - 9pm / Weekends: 11am - 5pm
Presented by: Consulate General of Poland in Hong Kong
Organized by: Cabinet of Stories and KLIP Lifestyle
Supported by: Kocham Polske HK
@ kochampolske_hk
Flying Pig Bistro
@ flyingpigbistro
Featured artists :
Max Skorwider
@ maxkorvider
Olga Mularczuk
@ mulolka
Magda Pilaczynska/Look at me plates
@ lookatmeplates
@ studioziben
Textiles| Selected by No Wodka
@ nowodka
Part of Polish Autimn Festival
festival縮寫 在 韓國觀光公社 台北支社 Facebook 的精選貼文
#大田週六慶典(Totojeul Festival) 🥳🤩
自5月4日(六)至10月5日(六)為止,每週六於大田中區銀杏洞Sky Road與大田中央市場一帶,會固定舉辦「#大田週六慶典(Totojeul Festival)」。「Totojeul」來自韓文「週六、週六,盡情享受!」的縮寫,是準備了豐富表演與美食的夜間慶典喔!
今年有計畫前往 #大田 旅遊的朋友,千萬別錯過!
festival縮寫 在 瓦勒斯 Wallace Facebook 的最佳貼文
加上兩大國定假日散落月初,沒放假也一起熱鬧喊燒的聖誕節堵在月底,一年一度的創意市集、音樂祭,都選擇在十二月登場,檔期滿滿一路嗨到新年。當中規模最大、參與人次最多的,是大山音樂節(บิกเมาน์เทน มิวสิคเฟสติวัล;Big Mountain Music Festival;縮寫:BMMF)。
今年沒有去大山,而是來了 MAYA Music Festival
感謝大山,還有另一個撞期的808 Festival把人潮分散,我們才可以在20000人的場地,參加只有2000人的Top 100 DJ打碟的電音派對。每個人都可以輕鬆走到第一排,或者癱軟在後方美食區的稻草磚,邊吃雞肉飯邊唱著「Where are you now?」