用fence造句,fence的例句1. He snagged his sweater on the wire fence .他的毛衣在鐵絲網上鉤破了。 2. His fences were continually falling to pieces .
#2fence (【名詞】柵欄, 籬笆)意思、用法及發音
While fences keep them safe from dingoes, it is otherwise a natural environment where the animals have to find their own food and water. 雖然有柵欄免於牠們受到 ...
1、The children climbed through a hole in thefence. · 2、I ripped my jeans on thefence. · 3、Thefence is over five metres high. · 4、I jumped over thefence.
#5fence - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
fence · n. 柵欄;籬笆[C];【俚】買賣贓物的人[C] · vi. 擊劍;買賣贓物 · vt. 把……用柵(或籬)圍起來;(築柵)防護;保衛 ...
#6fencing 的解釋、造句造詞。注音字典曉聲通-源自教育部辭典
fencing 的解釋、造句造詞。注音字典曉聲通-源自教育部辭典 ... 查詢造詞. 來源教育部辭典分享. 英翻中字詞參考fencing ... fence 防護 · to defend/ to protect 擊劍.
#7英文sit on the fence 的中文意思是?
sit on the fence 感覺意思像是坐在柵欄上,但是表達的意思通常是指一個人猶豫不決、尚未做出決定。不知道要選擇柵欄內還是柵欄外。 下面教學英文sit on ...
#8潮流英語- To sit on the fence 中立/觀望不表態
這個短語to sit on the fence 的意思就是採取中立態度,坐山觀望不表態。 例句. I'm sitting on the fence. I don't know who is right or wrong.
#9收藏「猶豫不決」- On The Fence
If they were on the fence before, there's no reason not to join in now. 如果他們之前猶豫不決,現在沒有理由不加入。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB ...
#10"i am on the fence"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的 ...
i am on the fence的意思. ... means that you are about to do something but haven't yet or that you are literally sitting/standing on a fence.
#11fence的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
fence 的中文意思翻譯:n. 柵欄; 賽馬障礙物; 銷贓者; v. 把…圈起來; 擊劍; 搪塞。fence的中文翻譯、fence的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、fence的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句 ...
#12「on the fence」是什麼意思?
透過Teacher Sammy學習英文片語「on the fence」的意思! ... 如果說sit on the fence才是不選邊站,採取中立的意思 所以很多字典的解釋都搞錯了
#13“Sitting on the fence”是甚麼意思?
"Sitting on the fence"是一句蠻常聽到的英文成語,你知道那是甚麼意思嗎?
#14俚语fence的意思解释和用法例句 - YIYM俚语网
fence (英国俚语)(澳大利亚俚语). fence用法一. 用作动词的意思:. 1.买、卖(赃物). 用法及例句: After stealing your ring,he didn't even know how to fence it.
#15fence造句的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都能挖掘 ...
fence造句 的問題包括PTT、Dcard、Mobile01,我們都能挖掘各種有用的問答集和懶人包. 書中字有黃金屋 問題的答案無所不包論文書籍站 fence造句. fence造句 ...
#16over the fence的意思- 英漢詞典
over the fence中文的意思、翻譯及用法:越過場端;不講道理的,不公正的。英漢詞典提供【over the fence】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#17fence是什么意思 - 英语词典
#18sit on the fence是什么意思?不止是“坐在围栏上”!
sit on the fence的意思是“to delay making a decision”,即“犹豫不决”。 这句习语源于中世纪英文。 你坐在围栏上,如果你从围栏的一边跳下去会把你带到 ...
fence 的中文意思:栅栏,篱笆;围墙;防,点击查看详细解释:fence的中文翻译、fence的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握fence这个单词。
#20fence的意思在线翻译,解释fence中文英文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
共找到1项关于fence意思的翻译解释和用法说明. 同义词• black-market ... fence in 以栅栏或铁丝网围着。 • fence month 禁猎期。 • fence off 用栅栏或篱笆等隔开。
#21Dr.eye 譯典通| 句庫| fence 例句
fence. He considered that it was better for him to be on the fence during the quarrel. 他認為在這場爭吵中自己還是保持中立為好。
#22「英文成語造句篇」第158集:he's sitting on the fence 騎牆派
「英文成語 造句 篇」第158集:he's sitting on the fence 騎牆派;adding insult to injury 雪上加霜... · Comments.
#23fence column foundation什么意思
1、fence意思是: n.围墙; 栅栏,篱笆; 防护物; 剑术; vt.用篱笆围住; 防护; 练习剑术; vi.练习击剑; 搪塞; 围以栅栏; 跳过栅栏; 2、column意思是: n.
#24紐約思維文化美語- 別人的草都比較綠! = “Grass is always ...
別人的草都比較綠! = “Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” 字面上的意思是『圍欄另一側的草總是較綠』,指的是人們永遠不會 ...
#25276:sit on one's hands; sit on the fence - 美国习惯用语
虽然我们要讲的两个习惯用语都以sit这个字为主,但是它们坐的地方却很不同。 现在我们先来讲第一个习惯用语。To sit on one's hands. 要是按字面的意思直接翻译的话,to ...
#26[每日E語] 什麼是swing for the fences?
這句話的原意思和棒球有關係. Swing 代表揮棒的意思. Fences 則是全壘打牆 想要大棒一揮,轟出全壘打牆外的意思 衍生就是指盡全力去做
#27Why we swing for the fences - 蓋茲夫婦面對全球危機的奮力 ...
swing是揮棒的意思,fence是指棒球場中的全壘打牆,而"Swing for the fences"則可理解為:把自己的每一分力氣灌注在每一次揮棒當中,並把擊出全壘打當作 ...
用法:fence是柵欄的意思,如果你坐在柵欄上(sat on the fence),代表你還沒有對某件事情做出決定。例句:I am on the fence about hot yoga classes.
The grass is greener on the other side of the hill/fence. 說明: 這句成語的字面意思是「山坡(或籬笆) 那邊的草總比這邊綠」,大意是說總覺得別人 ...
#30雅思口语词汇积累:swing for the fences的意思直译摆动围栏?
从次面上来看,swing作为动词有摇摆、悬挂或者转向等意思,而fence则是围栏的意思。但我们不能直接翻译为摆动围栏或者晃动围栏的意思,这个短语有它的来源 ...
英文有諺語good fences make good neighbours(好籬笆做出好鄰居),意思是鄰舍和諧,好的籬笆 ... There must be a fence between good neighbours.
#32網管資安|High Availability MySQL on RHCS 5.1(上)
現在,讀者應該可以體會為什麼要稱為「Fencing Device」,Fencing有隔離/圍起來的意思,就是當伺服器假死或是無法umount File system 時,就把它隔離起來(power reboot)讓 ...
#33犹豫不决On the Fence_英语视频听力
Fences are used to separate to areas. 栅栏被用来分隔各个区域。 But what could this idiom mean? 但是这个习语是什么意思呢? On the Fence
ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译. [ɒn ðə 'ʌðər said ɒv ðə fens].
#35linux fence意思- OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区
OSCHINA.NET 是目前领先的中文开源技术社区。我们传播开源的理念,推广开源项目,为IT 开发者提供了一个发现、使用、并交流开源技术的平台.
说完了,拖延症,你知道选择障碍症该怎么用英文表达吗? inisive: 犹豫不决on the fence: 意思同上,但是更口语、更有趣,因为fence是篱笆的意思,on ...
考验一下网友文笔,可以用「至少有那么一秒」造句吗? 关注问题 写回答. 邀请回答. 好问题8. . . 关注问题 写回答. fence. 谢邀@知然.
可是,"fence"不是粉丝嘛?就是追星族? B: No, Yiru, that's another word. "On the fence"里面的fence,是f-e-n-c-e, 意思是围墙 ...
#39paint the fence - 英文翻译中文,怎么说?
Meet students in the morning the teacher could use a Good morning! to say hello. 2013-05-23 12:28:18 回答:匿名.
#40AndroidQ 图形系统(5)Fence机制简介原创
前面分析dequeueBuffer和queueBuffer时,看到Fence都是跳过的,只知道这是一种资源同步机制,具体不了解,这两天在网上查阅了相关资料,对Fence机制有 ...
#41mend fences是什麼意思?可不是「修理圍欄」!
mend fences的意思是「to try to be friendly again with someone after an argument」,即「解決紛爭;消除隔閡;(與某人)重歸於好」。
#42的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語- wired 中文
中文_wired是什么意思查查在线翻译 · 在英語中文繁體詞典中的翻譯wire noun uk / waɪə r/ us / waɪ 金屬絲金屬線a wire fence 金屬線柵欄 · 使用金屬線的; ...
#43approach的例句_approach造句_approach的用法 - 学习英语网
狮子一走近,小动物们都跑开了。 Prisoner is forbid to approach the fence under pain of death. 犯人严禁接近围栏,违者格杀勿论。
沙利文提出了保护美国关键技术的“小院高墙”(small-yard, high-fence)策略,并称这是精心定制的措施,包括限制对华出口最先进的半导体技术,但这并非如 ...
#45保齡球- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Picket fence, 因其外形像柵欄而命名,可以是1-2-4-7或1-3-6-10。 Impossible split、Snake eye, 難度極高,幾乎不可能解到而命名;或因外形像蛇的眼睛,選手就像被蛇 ...
#46barbed wire-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: barbed-wire, barbed wire fence,在英语-中文情境中翻译"barbed wire"
#47騎牆派英語怎麼說?sit on the fence,不是sit on the wall
今天我們一起來學習一下這個習語。Sit on the fence 並不是「坐在柵欄上」的意思,而是「保持中立;腳踩兩條船」的意思。
... 在此推荐击剑的英文单词写法、击剑用英语怎么说、英文造句大全等外语学习 ... fence swordplay. 参考例句:. I use a heavy sabre in fencing.
behind - The dog is behind the fence. below - The fish swim below the surface of the water. beneath - The cat is beneath the table.
#51R o s i e ‛ s W a l k 中年段
其他:hen, fox, farm, yard, pond, haystack, mill, fence, beehive ... 發下A4白紙,請學生造句,例如:Rosie went past the MRT/across the bridge...等。
#52易混淆字詞raise、rise、arise、arouse 解析 - VoiceTube BLOG
They raised a fence around their garden in case stray dogs destroy it. 他們在花園周圍建起圍籬,以防被流浪狗破壞。
“China is sitting on the fence...”意思是中共隔岸观火坐收渔利。 中共尚未触发被制裁的条件,“把中俄踢出联合国常任理事国”更是无稽之谈。
例如「這次比賽我們不幸大敗而回」,意思是「輸波收場」,和贏波完全沾不上任何關係。 如果想用「大敗」去造句,以下是建議寫法: 1.中國隊大敗給塞爾維亞隊42分。 2.
關鍵詞:picket fence 尖樁籬笆. 一幢郊區的大房子、「兩個半」孩子、一條狗.....這是時報觀點作者卡沙納·考利(Kashana Cauley)曾經的美國夢,也是 ...
#57總共多少錢英文 - nazlisertya.online
一共多少錢"怎麼讀[1]用"一共多少錢"造句[2] 英文翻譯手機版[3]how much is it all together 例句與用法Sis kinds ... Fence Screen Mesh Home Deot.
#58Former GFriend member Sowon to part ways with IOK ...
Fence Post At Lowe s. Night party ... افكار انشطة مدرسية للمرحلة الابتدائية. 不寒而慄 造句. Night party. 不寒而慄 造句. Puli tv. Night party ...
#59你一定可以學好英文--國考英文應考對策 - 第 170 頁 - Google 圖書結果
例 They brought their bikes alongside the fence.照樣造句 語感是在聽和說的過程中建立起來的。準備一本短篇故事集,每天朗讀一篇故事,大聲朗讀的作用在於同時訓練 ...
#60Gesina F Keating M D Doctors and Medical Staff Mayo Clinic
Concrete Fence Forms. Night party. Concrete Fence Forms. Saturday Night Live Has 71 Of Them Crossword ... 津津 樂 道 造句. Night party ...
#61PixelJunk Raiders review a colourful roguelike that falls ...
Chain Link Fence Supplies Portland Oregon. Night party ... Galasevgisi twitter. 造 詞 造句 比賽. Night party ...
#62Setting Up An Email Client Here Is Mail Server Info For The 3 ...
Nia Jax is on the fence when it comes to returning to wrestling. Night party ... Bayan subay ne iş yapar. 造 詞 造句 比賽. Night party ...
#63活得更快樂 - 第 51 頁 - Google 圖書結果
「籬笆另一邊的草地總是綠一些」,這是一句相當流行的西洋諺語,原文是.“The.grass.is.always.greener.on.the. other.side.of.the.fence.”.意思就是不論自己家的草坪如何 ...
#64女人小心: - 第 125 頁 - Google 圖書結果
“ The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence ”。意思就是說:牛吃草時總覺得圍欄外吃不到的才更嫩更綠。我國也早有兩句流傳已久的名句:「別人的 ...
#65中国翻译文学史 - Google 圖書結果
Luster came away from the flower tree and we went along the fence and they ... 使我们在含混的句式中看到了美国南方历史、文化的沉淀,这就是福克纳式造句法的独特 ...
#66成人高考英语大纲词汇手册 - 第 176 頁 - Google 圖書結果
造句 : Make a sentence with these words , please .请用这些单词造一个句子。 separate ... from 把...分离开: A fence separated the cows from the pigs .
#676 Reasons Why Your Smartphone Is the Best Camera You Own
Think taking photographs through fences, with small gaps barely larger than your lens surface. You can also cram your camera into dashboards ...
#68Animal Crossing Bug Off prize list how points and trophy ...
We can help you with the new additions - including where to find Brewster, Gyroids, new villagers, ordinances, new fences, storage shed, ...
#69Farsightedness Causes and corrective treatments
Champion Fence Company. Night party. Champion Fence Company ... 조희선 인테리어 디자이너. 一邊 一邊 造句. Night party. 一邊 一邊 造句.
#70GUH-HUH! Some People Are Fascinated By Microsoft's Name ...
Fencing Comanies With Financing. Night party ... Türkçe fake taxi. 名副其實 造句. Night party. 名副其實 造句. Yıllık aidatı olmayan kredi ...
#71Cross the fence 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Cross the fence 释义: If you cross something such as a room , a road , or an area of land or water, you move or... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#73What Ever Happened to My White Picket Fence?
書名:What Ever Happened to My White Picket Fence?: My Brain Injury from My Massive Brain Tumor,語言:英文,ISBN:9781478735403,頁數:404,作者:Schliff ...
#74putting up fences - 英中– Linguee词典
Under certain circumstances, the Lands Department may put up fences, cement blocks or other barriers as appropriate around government land to prevent ...
#75柵欄- Minecraft Wiki,最詳細的Minecraft百科
栅栏(Fence)是一种正常情况下无法跳过的障碍方块。 红树木栅栏、樱花木栅栏、竹栅栏、绯红木栅栏、诡异木栅栏不会生成在世界中。 橡木栅栏自然生成于: 废弃 ...