💥Flat feet(附中文)
“What do you need to know”
Collapsed arch, pronated feet, flat feet, they all mean the same thing. But flat feet is not plantar fasc...
💥Flat feet(附中文)
“What do you need to know”
Collapsed arch, pronated feet, flat feet, they all mean the same thing. But flat feet is not plantar fasciitis, and having flat feet will not necessarily lead to plantar fasciitis.
I have seen a lot of clients being frustrated with modality-based physical therapy as it is not fixing anything . When it comes to a dropped arch, exercises are key to fix functional flat feet.
I would refer the arch to a foundational brick 🧱 of our body, think of it as the spine, if one segment goes out of alignment the segment on top of it would go off likely. So flat feet(pronation) would rotate your shin bone and thigh bone inwards and cause collateral misalignment up to the pelvis❗️
💡KEY is to learn how to lift the arch and supinate your 🦶🏼🦶🏼 1️⃣ Big toe extension
2️⃣ Arch raise
3️⃣ Toe curls + arch raise(WB)
These corrective exercises focus mainly on raw strength of intrinsic feet muscles. Important note is always progress exercises that simulate actual real occasions of functionality. For feet exercises, closest real-life scenario would be how we walk. Aside from arch lifting, learn how to dissociate big toe movement and other digits would help to control overall feet motion.
Try these exercises and say 👋🏻 to flat feet.
💡重點是學習如何提起足弓和控制你的足部🦶🏼🦶🏼 1️⃣ 大腳趾伸直
2️⃣ 足弓上提
3️⃣ 腳趾抓地 + 足弓上提 (站立)
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