

在 fan翻译產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,521的網紅WinnieHO 何芸妮,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Experts are made, not born! They don’t come from no where. 精英是被训练出来的,他们不会凭空而生。 以下是朋友在日本观赏一个很烂的乐队后,问日本朋友说,“他们那么烂,为什那么多人来看他们?”。日本人的回答,值得我们好好省思。 F...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過73萬的網紅Mira's Garden,也在其Youtube影片中提到,MIRA開的第一次粉絲見面會!很開心有這麼多小蜜蜂到場! 真的很開心得到你們的喜歡 ! 從來沒想過我可以成為別人的偶像 非常感激!也非常感恩! 未來我會更加繼續努力! 希望能帶給你們更多不同的東西:) 大家懂得用/吃我送的禮物嗎? ►Ellindo 維他命B3再生拉皮面膜(TrendyCare S...

fan翻译 在 PP Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-10-08 04:23:34

🎥Every baby注!意!咯!susu娱乐又来啦~ Boun&Prem 淘宝专场直播 全程中泰翻译在线! 中国粉丝们想跟boun&prelm聊点什么呢? 当天直播又会有什么福利呢? 北京时间--8月22日19:30记得蹲点来看哦~千万不要错过哦~ 🎥Every baby注!意!咯!susu...

  • fan翻译 在 WinnieHO 何芸妮 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-15 08:43:50
    有 12 人按讚

    Experts are made, not born!
    They don’t come from no where.

    From the Japanese, “if we don’t support them (a local Japanese band) when they are lousy, how they can get better?”......

    This gave me a new paradigm of thoughts! Let’s reflect!

    What Pete Teo said in his latest article: In Search of A Bigger Canvas, with his permission, I decided to translate it. Hope you Enjoy it.
    一位令人敬仰的艺人Pete Teo 写了一篇文字,我觉得颇有共鸣,是以尝试翻译之。这是我的尝试:







    这个世代在国外寻找机会的艺人当中,数Bront Palarae 特别特出。他勇敢的在亚洲各个城市耕耘,他努力,有智慧,有行动。还有其他像他这样在行动耕耘的马来西亚艺术家,他们给了我们希望。





    我有一次在东京和Tun Mahathir 讨论过这个问题,他当然是哈日的,不过我不觉得他了解国际水准的人才是需要本土的栽培的。或许他尝试过,然后灰心了。不管如何,我们还是得加油。




    This is the Original:


    I have spent almost the entirety of my career as an unsigned indie artist. It hasn’t been a walk in the park but I guess I’ve done pretty good. This was what my road looked like and, if you are interested, how you might traverse it...

    The first thing to understand is that you path is almost entirely determined by the size of your market, even more than how good you are. In a small market like Malaysia. you fight uphill all the time. Small market means lack of opportunity.

    Crucially, lack of opportunity also means you grow slower. Velocity of output is vital to any artist. If you made 1 film every 3 years compared to a peer in China who makes 1 film per year, you’d still be a newbie after 5 years while s/he’d already be a veteran.

    The only way to overcome this is to tap into bigger markets. You can do this by moving to work in a bigger market, or stay in Malaysia and export to foreign markets. This is especially so if you don’t primarily work in BM, the biggest sub-market in Msia. Either way, it is hard.

    Due to personal circumstances, I chose to remain in Malaysia. This means maximising every opportunity to play / exhibit my work offshore. As a result, the first decade of my career were largely spent on the road in Japan and Korea. You need to be kinda lucky to accomplish this.

    Yet, the harder you work, the luckier you get. Most people think talent in an artist is everything. It isn’t. Truth is, talent is necessary but insufficient for success. Hard work is crucial. Remember, most of your peers are talented too. Thus hard work is the difference maker.

    Given the importance of export markets to our artists, I’ve been baffled by the lack of support from our public institutions. FINAS, for instance, has done little to facilitate exports in the past. The PH govt is likewise showing no vision or leadership in this matter.

    Rather, all the chatter has so far been about grants and handouts. While important to help young filmmakers get started, I see little need to fund established filmmakers through grants. Much better to divert funds to tax incentives and the setting up of export channels.

    Either way, good though it would be to get help from public policy - it is important to accept that you are fundamentally on your own. If all you do is sit and moan, then you ain’t gonna accomplish much other than a reputation for moaning. It is better to act. Talk is cheap.

    The task is difficult, but it is easier if you hunt as a group. So remember to share resources and contacts. Help each other. Trust me, work alone and you will likely not get out at all. Hunt as a group and your chances multiply by many fold. This is not a zero sum game.

    Other than being a musician, I also belong to a generation of filmmakers known as “Malaysian New Wave”. For a few years, we beat the odds in the international film festival circuit. Yet In the end we failed. The reason is complex but came down to our failure to continue to hunt as a group. We must learn from this.

    Of the current generation of artists working to establish offshore opportunities, Bront Palarae stands out. He ploughs the field all over Asia and shows no fear. He works hard, act smart and walks the talk. There are others like him. They are the hope.

    Please remember that, despite everything, Malaysia is a talented land. The reason most of our talents have often been wasted is complex - but it is underlined often by a lack of confidence and exposure. You need self-belief to be out there where competition is fierce.

    Whether you are an artist, or just an interested layman, you need to understand that confidence comes from validation. And the most basic source of arts validation comes from local support. Yet the quickest to damn Malaysian artists are Malaysians themselves, often fellow artists.

    I am not saying there is no room for objective critique - of course we must be critical - but there is a difference between thoughtless bitchiness and critique - and the difference is: intention. Let me tell you a true story to illustrate my point...

    I was once invited by a Japanese fan to watch his neighbourhood band. The band sucked to high heavens. But when asked why he supported a band that he knew to be terrible, his reply was revealing:

    “If we don’t support them when they are shit, how can they get good?”

    See, his reply is the difference between Japan and Malaysia. We thrash our own often for selfish validation. They criticise their own too but with positive intention. That’s why, despite having grassroot scenes as uneven as ours, they have a world class arts scene and we don’t.

    I once discussed this with Tun Mahathir in Tokyo. He is of course a big admirer of Japan. But I am not sure he understood the importance of local support in nurturing world class artists. Perhaps he tried but was disappointed. Either way we must try harder at it.

    I have taken long to get here, but my point is: there are many elements required to overcome the handicap of small markets. Talent is important but so is hard work. Smartness is important but so is luck. Equally crucial is ability to nurture artists as a community...

    It is this last element that we are most missing. The evidence is everywhere. From lack of public policies that nurture young artists (as if they are unimportant), to lack of understanding of how world class artists are formed (as though they exist in a vacuum).

    Ultimately, much as we deserve the government we have, we also deserve the arts we have. And as with everything that involves the collective, it really begins with the individual. So, in a nutshell, you must be talented, hardworking, lucky, and yes - nurturing too.

    Good luck.

  • fan翻译 在 中韓主持人安娜 Anna 안나 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-28 16:39:41
    有 5 人按讚



    [#神話 #SHINHWA #신화]

    標題:現在進行式idol的威嚴”…神話出道20周年紀念fan party全席售罄

    即将于24、25日两天里在首尔奥林匹克公园SK手球竞技场中举行的神话出道20周年fan party “SHINHWA TWENTY FANPARTY ‘ALL YOUR DREAMS”全部场次坐席已售尽.

    这次fan party作为神话出道20周年计划的伊始并承载着成员们聚集一堂庆祝神话的“20岁”这样的意义,开票消息放出后就在fans中引发了强烈呼应和期待.

    一般会在每年的出道纪念日(3月 24日)前后作为纪念而举行演唱会的神话,今年以“fan party”的形式与fans进行近距离沟通来庆祝“20岁生日”,并将以神话独特的魅力献上不一样的舞台.

    神话公司表示,“感谢大家对神话出道20周年纪念fan party的支持.为打造一场给fans留下难忘回忆的演出,我们正在努力准备,希望大家能继续支持”,“不仅是fan party,接下来还有gift单曲公开、专辑发售、综艺出演、巡回演唱会等多样的活动,也希望大家对神话之后的活动多多期待”.

    神话将于http://t.cn/REIp3cc ,25日下午5点在首尔奥林匹克SK手球竞技场举行出道20周年纪念 fan party SHINHWA TWENTY FANPARTY “ALL YOUR DREAMS”

    来源:Xsports New


  • fan翻译 在 大人的玩具 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2013-08-07 13:00:14
    有 2 人按讚

    Hottoys CEO & OSR 问答录- HT 未来产品开发计划与动向~----
    玩家JOVIN 翻译总结:

    3、不会出希尔, 小辣椒头雕生产中 班纳博士头雕再审批中
    4、普罗米修斯马上来 长老 DUTCH上校和其他铁血有可能
    5、断头谷已经完成 但没有计划出爱丽丝梦游仙境和查理巧克力工厂
    6、蝙蝠侠岳父还没确认单很多关于这方面的信息 警服罗宾会生成 大衣版戈登不会出
    10、阿纳金推迟 以DX形式推出
    12、1比4终结者在继续;犯罪高手推迟因为在审批;洛奇和兰博在继续 洛奇会比兰博先公布
    13、独闯龙潭计划中 柯南没计划


    Q&A with Howard Chan @ACGHHK / Mark Osr

    以下中文翻译由玩家stgalahad 撰写,感谢~

    1. After therelease of Jor El, are you considering a Russel Crowe figure as Maximus fromthe Gladiator movie?

    No plans on making it at the moment.

    2. Since the movie MOS was a worldwide success, doyou plan to make other character figure besides Superman, Jor EL, General Zod?Faora?

    Maybe, Depends on the success of the MOS figures.

    3. Do you have any plans on releasing Maria Hillfigure from the Avengers movie, and the most requested Pepper Potts? by theway, we saw a teaser about Bruce Banner with his clothes on, when will it bereleased for pre-order?

    No plans on making Maria Hill figure, But we arealready in the process of making Pepper Potts, head sculpt is ready by now.Bruce Banner needs approval, hopefully soon.

    4. Any news on the reissue of Predators figuresline, from the movie Predator, Predator 2, Predators, AVP, AVP Requiem? We sawteasers before about the line, are they just delayed or cancelledalready? Regarding the Prometheus Movie, is there also a delay on the figures?
    Prometheus is soon, We might remake ElderPredator, Dutch, and other predators.

    5. Johnny Depp is the most favoured Hot Toysfigure, any advice when will the Ichabod Crane? Or any other JD figures youwant to produce besides those characters provided? Like reissuing EdwardScissorhands, Alice in wonderland, Public Enemies, Charlie and the chocolatefactory, etc

    Ichabod Crane is almost done. although we want to,we have no plans with regards to Alice in Wonderland and Charlie Chocolatefactory.

    6. Regarding the Dark Knight movie figure line, Anyplans on making Ras Al Ghul, Blake Police uniform, Gordon with formal suit, orothers not in the list?

    Ras Al Ghul not yet confirmed but many messaged usabout it. Yes, we will make Blake but not Gordon with formal suit.

    7. Why is there a delay on X-Men First Class figureline?, Even Professor X is delayed, will this line still be continued?

    We will try to make it for next year, mayberelease it together with the movie release of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    8. Regarding the figures from the movie BatmanReturns, You told me last time they will be released last Dec 2012, Any reasonof the delay? Do you have any plans on making another Batman figure or perhapsother characters like Penguin, Catwoman, Riddler, etc?

    Yes, We will still make it but the release datewill be delayed.

    9. Any update you can share on the Back to theFuture figures? Which figure do you prioritize to make? Marty Mcfly, Doc Browm,or the Delorean?

    Yes, they will be postponed to 2014.

    10. I know you are an avid Star Wars fan, but yourStar Wars line up are all delayed, Any reason why? Also After Luke Skywalker,What other characters are you planning to make? (ex: Han Solo, Princess Leia,Anakin Skywalker)

    Yes Anakin Skywalker but it will also be a littledelayed but it will definitely be a DX.

    11. Batman Arkham City was a huge success withgamers, will you be making a Batman or Joker figure based on it?

    Delayed also.

    12. Is the Terminator Line still a go?Any news regarding Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal figure, Why is the delay?Also the Rocky and Rambo figures?
    Yes, Terminator 1/4 line isstill a go. The Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal is also a go but delayedbecause it has a pending approval. and yes, Rocky and Rambo figures will becontinued and maybe Rocky figure will be released earlier than the Rambo figure.

    13. Any plans on making a Commando figure or Conanthe Barbarian?

    We are planning on the Commando figure but no newswith Conan the Barbarian.

  • fan翻译 在 Mira's Garden Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-02-10 22:10:24

    真的很開心得到你們的喜歡 !

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    ►黑豆水 (萬寧有售)

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