

在 explain用法產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Tommy Cheung 張秀賢,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 眾籌支付誹謗案相關費用 還原721襲擊真相 Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack 2019年7月21日,相信不少人對當晚元朗所...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,640的網紅Roller Katherine,也在其Youtube影片中提到,雖然係花式滾軸溜冰嘅代表,但同樣係花式滑冰教練嘅我今次影片同大家分享一下 1.我溜冰嘅器材之外,重有~ 2.解答大家對冰刀鋒利度嘅迷思! 3.重會講解溜冰基本物理原理 4.同埋教大家刀套嘅用法 5.最後重有講要點樣用刀套去保養溜冰鞋! 希望我嘅分享可以幫助到大家啦! Though I am an A...

explain用法 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-22 11:51:51

- 往右滑學5個常用的標點符號✨ #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️ 文章中的這些符號原來是這樣唸?🧐 📌  “ ” quotation marks 引號 “Go to hell! Jonathan!”, Allison yelled, right afte...

explain用法 在 陪學生一起變得更好的英文老師 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-02 10:06:30

我欠你一次變成我是你爸爸?五句讓人誤會的感謝,別再用錯了! - ❌ I own you! ✅ I owe you one! own 是擁有,owe 是欠的意思,I own you 是可以被當作挑釁,類似中國人會說,我是你爸爸。I owe you one 才是我欠你一次的意思。 ❌ I appreci...

explain用法 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-10 17:06:10

/ February 5, 2018 Five Hundred Bucks for a Whole Goose . Summary: A roast goose shop in Yuen Long has recently been sighted putting a price tag of mo...

  • explain用法 在 Tommy Cheung 張秀賢 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-05 12:57:34
    有 634 人按讚

    Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case
    Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack





    A lot of us still relive what happened in Yuen Long on July 21, 2019, as it changed the lives of countless. After witnessing what happened there that evening via live streams on my phone and television, I chose to step forward and, again, devote myself to the political orbit. I thus participated in the district council election and committed to the eradication of the pro-establishment evil forces in the legislature. However, political repression still exists in the district council and hurdles our work - I just received the summons of the defamation suit filed by my former opponent in the election.

    My only way out in this time of adversity is to present the facts in court, where I can make use of the court trial as a fact verification platform to state the truth of July 21. I will also seize the opportunity in the process of subpoena and testimony to expose the qualms of July 21, including the authenticity of the information circulated beforehand, the network of the white-shirted thugs, and the complex business-government relationships.

    As an independent democrat, I do not have any organizational support, nor do I have vast financial resources as my late opponent does. Besides, since the legal aid scheme does not cover defamation cases, I must pay the legal expenses, including the cost of hiring lawyers and barristers and court fees, on my own. In the face of tremendous financial pressure, I must plead for help by raising funds for litigation from you to meet the legal expenses. I will use the funds for the legal services required and hiring an agent to collect evidence and review media clips of July 21 to help court trials and other private investigations concerning the incident.

    If there is a surplus in the final reimbursement of litigation costs, I will donate the remaining balance to the organisation or fund supporting activists.




    Crowdfunding Target: HKD 800,000

    Solicitor and Counsel Fee: HKD 500,000
    Crowdfunding Platform Fee: Around HKD 50,000
    Employ a staff to follow the documentaries and records on 721 attack: HKD 250,000

    I will announce the financial report of this fundraising project every three months to explain the expenditure of the funding.




  • explain用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-12-06 16:00:16
    有 28 人按讚

    #你不知道的美國大小事 #haveeggononesface
    Food Idioms 🐔 美國生活用語之其他食物:Egg

    1⃣ good eggs and bad eggs
    2⃣ have egg on one’s face
    3⃣ put all one’s eggs in one basket
    4⃣ walk on eggshells


    Nuts are nutritious and all, but now it’s time for some animal protein. Eggs are cheap, tasty and an excellent source of protein—which may explain why there are so many egg-related idioms.

    Just as there are bad apples, 1⃣there are also bad eggs—and good ones as well. Ex: There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.
    跟壞蘋果一樣,雞蛋也是有好有壞。如:There are good eggs and bad eggs in every group.(每個團隊都會有好人跟壞人。)

    In the past, audiences used to pelt performers with raw eggs if they didn’t like the performance. As a result, 2⃣to “have egg on one’s face” came to mean to “suffer a public embarrassment.” Ex: The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.
    以前的人如果看了不喜歡的表演,就會拿生雞蛋朝表演者砸。因此have egg on one’s face後來就有「出醜,在大庭廣眾下丟臉,沒面子」的意思。如:The CEO really had egg on his face when the new product didn’t work during the demonstration.(新產品在示範時無法運作,讓執行長一臉尷尬。)

    If you put all your eggs in one basket, they’ll all break if you drop it, and you’ll be left with nothing. 3⃣So to “put all one’s eggs in one basket” means to put all ones effort or resources into one thing, which, if it fails, will leave one with no alternatives. Ex: When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.
    如果你把所有雞蛋都放在同一個籃子裡,萬一籃子掉了,全部雞蛋就會破掉,你就啥也沒了。所以put all one’s eggs in one basket意思就是「將全部心力或資源投注在一件事情上」,萬一失敗就無路可退。如:When it comes to investing, it’s a bad idea to put all your eggs in one basket.(投資方面,將全部雞蛋放在同個籃子裡是很傻的。)

    If you were to walk on eggshells, you’d have to be very careful if you wanted to avoid breaking them. For this reason, 4⃣to “walk on eggshells” means to be very careful not to anger or offend someone (because they are easily angered or offended). Ex: Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.
    想像一下自己走在蛋殼上,你得小心翼翼,不然會踩破。因為這個原因,walk on eggshells指「(因為對方非常敏感脆弱而)小心應對,如履薄冰」。如:Fred has a bad temper, so I always have to walk on eggshells around him.(Fred脾氣火爆,所以我在他身邊總是如履薄冰。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • explain用法 在 移民美國拿綠卡、工作美國不煩惱。給孩子未來、圓夢國際。留學美國免高學費。 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-07-25 20:15:00
    有 2 人按讚

    一丶It’s a slow day. 是什麼意思?
    二丶He is so slow that I have to explain everything several times.
    She is so slow to realize.
    四丶Slow and steady wins the race. 沈著穩健則贏。

  • explain用法 在 Roller Katherine Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-03-04 13:47:18

    Though I am an Artistic Roller Skating Representative, but I am also a figure skating coach on ice. This time I am going to share with you:
    1. My skating equipments
    2. Explain the myth on the sharpness on skating blade
    3. Explaining the basic physic on skating with blade
    4. Teach the difference of using hard and soft guards
    5. At last, to share the way to maintenance the skates
    Hope my sharing can help you a bit!

  • explain用法 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-04-27 16:21:36

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Brian2Taiwan
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/Brian2Taiwan

    一個月大挑戰的第六天我想用一下累積12年多的英語教學經驗來叫大家一個台灣人常常用而用錯的單字的正確用法。歡迎來到Brian愛Taiwan英文小教室跟 Brian老師一起學~

    今天的單字是什麼呢? 自己會不會反這個錯呢?看看影片可以知道自己平常講英文有沒有講錯~ 台灣人學英文詞的時候要注意英文單字常常變來變去的詞型

    因為英文的單字變化跟文法不太一樣,有時候台灣人學英文會犯錯。 我們今天來學一下一個常見的錯誤該怎麼訂正




    有其他的文法或用詞的問題嗎? 可以跟我說~ 我來跟大家解釋~


    For Day 6 of my 1-Month Challenge, I use my over 12 years of English teaching experience to explain a common mistake Taiwanese people make in English. Welcome to Brian2Taiwan's English Classroom where you can study with Teacher Brian~

    What is today's mistake? Do you make this mistake? Watch to see which mistake I'm talking about today.

    Subscribe, comment, and share with friends~

    Background Music:
    I'm Happy For This Guitar
    Freedom Trail Studio
    #布萊恩 #英文 #美語

