

在 exist中文產品中有33篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過14萬的網紅每天為你讀一首詩,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人要走過多少路程 Before you call him a man? 才能讓你承認他是個男人? How many seas must a white do...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅馮韋元Francois Devatine,也在其Youtube影片中提到,請你訂閲我的頻道! IG:@yuanyuanintaiwan FB:www.facebook.com/yuanyuanintaiwan 我終於開了YouTube頻道會員的功能!你如果想更瞭解頻道會員到底是什麽,你可以去看這裏:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1...

exist中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-17 17:09:22

Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan How many roads must a man walk down 一個男人要走過多少路程 Before you call him a man? 才能讓你承認他是個男人? How many seas must a white do...

exist中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 10:29:51

#NewPlaceNewRhythm #recap #新地方新節奏 #中文⏬ What happens when you move from a city with a population of 2.7million to a little town in Hawaii (~4000 people...

  • exist中文 在 每天為你讀一首詩 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-16 21:55:17
    有 138 人按讚

    Blowing in the wind ◎Bob Dylan
    How many roads must a man walk down
    Before you call him a man?
    How many seas must a white dove sail
    Before she sleeps in the sand?
    Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
    Before they're forever banned?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist
    Before it is washed to the sea?
    And how many years can some people exist
    Before they're allowed to be free?
    Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
    And pretend that he just doesn't see?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Yes, and how many times must a man look up
    Before he can see the sky?
    And how many ears must one man have
    Before he can hear people cry?
    Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
    That too many people have died?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
    The answer is blowin' in the wind
    Bob Dylan,本名Robert Allen Zimmerman,1941年生於美國明尼蘇達。創作歌手、作家、2016年諾貝爾文學獎得主。
    狄倫迄今出版逾三十張錄音室專輯,並著有小說《狼蛛》(Tarantula)、自傳《搖滾記》(Chronicles: Vol.1,中文版由大塊文化出版)。他也是業餘畫家,曾出版畫冊多種,並有鑄鐵裝置等藝術創作。
    這首〈Blowing in the wind〉想來大家都不陌生,作為Bob Dylan最被人記得的歌之一,從1963年發行以來,深深地影響了全世界整整一世代的人。臺灣自然也不例外,楊弦的〈江湖上〉便是向此歌致敬的衍生之作之一。Bob Dylan的許多歌曲,除了對音樂的實驗,也在其中納入了許多對於人生、社會的深刻思索,這也使得他在2016年獲得了諾貝爾文學獎,也是第一名獲得該獎的歌手,此舉一出無數人驚訝之餘,卻也紛紛表示能理解此一選擇。然而,即使有著這樣的光環,Bob Dylan卻在半年後,才親自領取此一獎章。在許多人譴責他傲慢無禮的同時,卻也得以讓我們看見他如何視這些榮譽如浮雲,也讓我們在他身上,真真正正地體會到了何謂「吟遊詩人」的姿態。正如Bob Dylan曾在1969年的訪談中說過:「我只把歌詞看成用來唱的東西,真正重要的,是字句依附的音樂。我寫歌,是因為我總得有些什麼可唱。這是紙上的字句和歌曲的差別:歌在空中轉瞬即逝,紙頁卻能長留。一位偉大的詩人,比方華萊士‧史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens, 1879-1955)未必能成就偉大的歌者。一位偉大的歌者,像是比莉‧哈樂黛(Billie Holiday, 1915-1959),卻總是能夠成就偉大的詩人。」*
    回到歌詞,整首歌分成三段,每段的結構近似,由三個問題開始,並以「The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind答案呀,吾友,隨風飄盪/The answer is blowin' in the wind答案就飄盪在風裡」作結,彷彿屈原面對世間種種萬物所賦之《天問》,差別在於Bob Dylan問的問題並不像屈原那樣從天地離分、陰陽變化、日月星辰等自然現象,一直問到神話傳説乃至聖賢兇頑和治亂興衰等問題。Bob Dylan的問題如此簡單,在三段分別開頭的第一個問題,他只問了白鴿、高山和天空,接著便回過頭來,以此自然現象的推移隱喻接力至人的存在:和平與戰爭、自由與囚禁、死亡與生命,這三件事幾乎便是人類有史以來永恆的命題,然而經過幾千年的歷史,我們卻似乎依然陷於這樣的困境,無法脫身。Bob Dylan歌中所建立的世界,便不僅僅只是當代,而是只要人類存在一日,便永遠無法迴避的。也正因如此,他的歌反應的世界觀永遠不會過時,在一個吟遊詩人走在風裡時,他所歌唱的一切,也正隨著風,垂問著一切尚在變動的事物、一切人的行動,而這些問題,也正問著我們:究竟人類能否為人類自身造成的苦難負起責任?

  • exist中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-17 16:36:02
    有 138 人按讚

    #NewPlaceNewRhythm #recap #新地方新節奏 #中文⏬
    What happens when you move from a city with a population of 2.7million to a little town in Hawaii (~4000 people) during covid?


    Besides working online, I spent most of my past weeks resting, reading, exercising, and - let’s be honest - chilling and sleeping! 😆

    You’d think this is the dream, but believe me, as a workaholic this feels WEIRD. And guilty. (Uff why can’t I just enjoy🤦🏽‍♀️) I’m so used to the high-speed life, full schedule. And now I’m just floating around it seems, placing one foot at a time, figuring out where what how.

    After 11 years in Taiwan, this was to be expected. I wanted a change. I just didn’t know how it was gonna be.

    Moving to a new place is like starting from 0 (or 1 because at least I don’t need to learn a new language this time). I get to rebuild my life and my routines. It’s fun, but it’s also hard, because I don’t know what my new “building blocks” are until I find them. There’s no structure.

    But I’m committing to this slow process now. I want to allow more things I love to enter my life and let superficial distractions pass through. There’s a lot of silence and emptiness too right now, but I am allowing that space to exist within me, maybe keeping it empty for a while. Why not? Silence has a voice too.

    “Life’s not a competition, it’s an adventure”, I remind myself.
    You can go fast, or you can go slow. Just keep moving to your own rhythm. 👣

    當妳在新冠病毒期間從一個大城市(人口270萬)搬到夏威夷的一個小鎮時(人口約4000 )會發生什麼?


    除了在線工作之外,我過去幾週大部分時間都在休息、做家事、跟愛人去海邊,閱讀、運動,還有⋯睡覺! 😆

    聽起來很像夢想?相信我,作為一個工作狂,這感覺很奇怪,好像有罪⋯ (幹嘛不好好享受就好🤦🏽‍♀️)我在台灣已經習慣了高速忙碌的生活,但現在的我似乎感覺是漂浮在宇宙中,只能一步一步慢慢來,因為建立基礎總是最難。

    在台灣待了 11 年後,這也不是意外吧。我過來就是想做出改變。 只是改變之前其實我不知道結果會怎麼樣。


    但我已開始擁抱這個緩慢的過程。 想讓更多我喜愛的東西進入生活,同時過濾不必要的事物。雖然常常也有沉默和空虛,但我想允許那個空間存我的內心,也許讓它空虛一段時間。 為何不? 沉默也有聲音。


    @nuli.app @surfaceapparel

  • exist中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-24 15:23:35
    有 753 人按讚

    【吳文遠十一遊行案法庭陳詞 — 中文譯本】



    當我在國外生活了多年後回到香港定居時,我為這個我自豪地稱之為家的城市,存在如此嚴重的社會不平等而感到困惑和擔憂。 令我震驚的是,社會如何漠視對窮人和少數族裔的歧視。既有的社會結構,有時甚至會鼓勵這種歧視繼續發生。同時,我們也無法一如其它地方,享有基本的民主權利和自由。











    Avery Ng Man Yuen’s Statement

    Your Honour,

    I was brought up by my parents to value the importance of empathy, to care and to feel for others in our community less fortunate. Although I enjoyed great success early in my career, I never had a desire to pursue personal wealth in the more traditional sense.

    When I settled back in Hong Kong after years of living abroad, I was baffled and disturbed by how severe the social inequality existed in a city I am proud to call my home. I was struck at how discrimination against the poor and the minorities far too often goes ignored or can even at times is encouraged by the established social structure; and how we cannot have the basic democratic rights and freedoms that other places enjoy.

    These were my motivations to join social activism and enter into politics. I chose to spend my energy to speak for the underprivileged, the disenchanted and often ignored segments of society. To offer a voice for those who could not speak for themselves.

    Compared to many, I am privileged to have a great education and a certain level of financial freedom and social standing. We are fortunate enough to be able to lead comfortable lives and have the freedom to choose the path that we take. I chose to fight for social equality. Many of those in this court are not that much different. We all love Hong Kong, the place we call home. We chose our different roles in life but with the same aim: to serve others.

    Sadly, I fear that many of us are increasingly the exception to the rule. Today far too many Hong Kong people do not have that chance, whether that is our elderly who live in poverty, marginalized youth with few opportunities for social mobility, or workers who give up all their time slaving away to provide the bare minimum for their families. These people all struggle to make ends meet with very limited options in life. “Choice” for them is a luxury that they cannot afford. Let alone having the gratification of being able to dictate their own destiny.

    I recognise, with the pressures of life, it is often difficult for people to see beyond their own social bubble. It is harder still to acquire empathy for strangers. Polarized political division increasingly has driven a wedge between people, making it sometimes impossible for people to understand and empathise with one another, to disagree agreeably, and attempt to find some level of compromise.

    It has always been my hope that a more democratic system could be the bridge that heals this social divide or at the very least allow us to choose how we can live together in our home.

    I’m certain that none of us in this court wanted to see the turmoil in 2019, which has seen our whole society suffer regardless of political preference. Distrust, hatred, and fear has engulfed Hong Kong. Today is certainly not the right forum for this immense topic. However, I hope the court can understand that the Judiciary alone cannot resolve the deep-rooted socio-political divide which exist.

    It will take our collective strength, courage, honesty, and empathy to mend our home. Looking at my fellow defendants with their extraordinary history in serving this society, I believe they can do far greater good among us in society than being locked in prison.

    In pursuit of the rights of all Hong Kong people, I have broken the law. I am prepared to face the court’s judgement. I am proud to be in the company of my esteemed fellows who have spent their lives championing the rule of law, fighting for the democracy and voicing for the voiceless.

    I believe the storm-clouds that currently reside over our home will one day lift, and make way for a bright and clear day. I believe love and empathy will eventually prevail.
    文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!


  • exist中文 在 馮韋元Francois Devatine Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-09-03 18:00:19



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  • exist中文 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-27 15:36:50

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6

    訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1

    我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s

    首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y

    我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE

    這位才是真正的網絡垃圾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJYDx1GP-U&t=263s

    Billie Eilish出賣靈魂的方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfB1S2uy5Po&t=115s
    日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
    我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s

    Is oumuamua alien technology?


    望上黑色的天空, 星空之大真是難以估計. 目前人類已發現到超過500個太陽系. 外星人的影視作品同樣深入民心.
    那如果我們發現來自第二個太陽系的外星物體不受控地撞近我們地球, 認為他是lo ji wuy yi d friend, is it kind of 不理志呢?

    Oumuamua (scream !!!!) omuamua
    是2017年被科學家發現首個interstellar object (pause vid) 中文: 星際物體.
    意思是來自我們太陽系以外, 更不受我們萬有引力影響在piu fuw的長型物體.
    這物件的存在has cause a two-sided debate in the scientific community, is this a外星飛船呢?
    Ever since young I’ve wanted aliens to exist so badly! 所以今天的影片的確比較peen bong有外星人的

    為何這件看似沒什麼的Oumuamua 物體能jun hum整個科學界呢? 首先) 外型上oumuamua跟一般的彗星jit yeen不同. 第二, 牠接近太陽時不像其他天然石體, 會搖滾得比較利害. 反以在太陽付近suen轉得cheung suen, 由如太空suen.
    對比一直研究oumuamua 這位Karen j meech, 哈佛天文學家Avi Loeb是獨自分享這個大dam的外星人看法!
    My brother!!!

    雖然在少眾, 但如果大家有過interstellar星際效應的朋友利用當中的概念tou在現實oumuamua身上也會覺得外星人理論是合理的. 我不是講笑!

    “大家好! 我是 ‘暗阿莫’ 故事背景地球已是一個不能再居住的地方. 太空梭駕駛員男主角為救自己的女兒和人類的未來決定參加NASA一個穿過黑洞尋找能居住的新星球故事”
    不好意思講回廣東話. 在不同星系的星球中時間長短非常不一樣. 在某星球過一小時可能在地球已過了30年. (Play scene)

    其實導演Christopher nolan拍這部電影時真是聘請了物理學家確保當中理論的準確性. 而尾段講維度的kiu段tou在oumuamua身上可能解釋得到.

    故事結局講述通過黑洞的男主角由我們現在生活的四維空間去了高等生物行走的五維空間. 到了5維空間之後他能穿越時空影響四維空間的reality及過去. 就如神一樣.
    之前看老高講述這部電影講過我們4維空間的生物能影響3維空間所有事: 即是平面的東西. 列如紙上的畫像. 快chook翻動的時候能做出各種動態. 更容易明白是我們電腦在播放的影片, 我們除時能把影片jam停, 或回帶到之前或之後.
    所以電影結論是當初讓男主角能到達5維空間的那一個蟲洞是5維空間的高度民ming放在人類的星糸, 讓他們自己發現, 然後導致人類
    作出ching gauw自己! 不要mit mong! 這個決定.

    Omuaomua是否高度民ming放在我們眼前的東西? 如果是的話是想引導我們做什麼ching gauw自己的行為嗎?

    更有趣是電影暗示那kwun 5維空間的高度民ming其實是未來的人類. 代表人類未來能進化到更高的維度.
    有外國Youtuber分析Omuaomua是否外星生物的creation影片結論不要將所有還未能解釋得到的自然現象也lai lok外星人身上. 因為是懶惰和沒有科學根據的做法.
    但如果放oumuamua 這物件在我們太空中的really is future humans. 那用 ‘外星人’ 解釋這物件其實也挺有科學根據. 只是那種科學根據是我們現在還沒有發明到的.

    (Alien being discovered news)
    (Alien being discovered news)
    (Alien being discovered news)
    自omuaomua被發現的2017年短短兩年後2019年來自另一星際的彗星2i/Borisov被發現. It’s different from other objects as it’s not affected by the gravitational pull of the sun. Also, it has since disappeared from our view because it was traveling at high speeds 每小時超過10萬理.

    Why are these happening so close to each other? Are their signs of aliens that’s trying to be shown to us.
    星空上是否很快有什麼祕密會被kit hiu呢?

  • exist中文 在 the Candyman糖果人 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-07-17 19:14:45

    #饒舌 #嘻哈 #中國新說唱 #中國有嘻哈 #中國好聲音 #台灣嘻哈 #台灣饒舌 #饒舌歌手 #rap #rapper #hiphop #高爾宣 #中文饒舌 #中文嘻哈 #說唱 #mv #糖果人 #candyman #musicvideo #starwars #頑童 #星際大戰 #trap #jazz #music #video #lyricvideo #lyrics #世新大學 #電影系 #世新電影

