

在 end抽籤香港產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅AllRightsReserved,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, It feels like a plant, and yet it is another thing. We’re pleased to present the first collaboration with Brian Calvin @nowhereboogie for the first li...

end抽籤香港 在 || ℍ? ?????? || Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-16 14:11:23

Giveaway alert🌟 【 花藝時裝一應俱全|新式概念生活店 】 #hungrypiggiess_上環 以前路過上環被一間外層佈滿白牆啡磚築起嘅店舖吸引住,打探一下發現原來係一間呼應店名主題以「Happiness」嘅新式生活概念店😲 除咗要大大力推介俾大家嘅餐廳外,旁邊空間仲有時裝、雜貨...

end抽籤香港 在 男神BB Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-09-07 18:36:19

最新消息 Please Follow:      BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020抽籤購買規則 本次推廣活動由科盈集團有限公司 (下稱“本公司”)主辦。 本次抽籤需以有效身份證名文件之姓名(只限中文或英文), 電子郵件及電話號碼作登記方可進行抽籤。 每款商品每人只限登記1件,每籤以每件商...

end抽籤香港 在 Soni Cheng Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-03 08:06:14

💽預訂12吋黑膠唱片💽 31 days left ! 關於我們的新EP[Squarecle 方圓] 餅們有一個小小分享🍪 是方還是圓,每一件事都可以用多角度思考和看待。 我們決定集資出黑膠,並重新定義其價值與觀念。 花一點力,換個角度看,黑膠碟也可以成為一幅日落掛畫。 封面為水,黑膠為太陽。 ...

  • end抽籤香港 在 AllRightsReserved Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-11 10:55:27
    有 167 人按讚

    It feels like a plant, and yet it is another thing. We’re pleased to present the first collaboration with Brian Calvin @nowhereboogie for the first limited-edition bronze sculpture, “Plant Life”, available exclusively on @DDTStore.

    Enter the Draw NOW on:

    Draw Ends on:
    15 Mar 12pm HKT / 12am EDT

    Plant Life
    Material: Bronze
    Dimensions : H365 x W155 x D70 mm
    Edition of 40
    Signed and numbered certificate of authenticity
    Packaged in wooden box

    Enter the draw now on DDTStore.com for a chance to purchase. Successful entrants will be notified via email by 15 Mar.

    Please notify your financial institution in advance in order to confirm you have sufficient credit to enter the draw.

    Upon successful purchase, entrants are bound by 1-year lock-up agreement for no-resale.

    Shipping begins from the end of March, 2021. Subject to delay due to COVID-19.

    【當代藝術家Brian Calvin限量雕塑—抽籤現正開放登記】

    《MEET PROJECT》by AllRightsReserved 再度延續創意,與美國當代藝術家Brian
    Calvin 攜⼿帶來《MEET Brian Calvin PROJECT》,發佈其⾸個限量雕塑《Plant Life》,以其最具代表性的標誌,呈現奇異抽象的視覺衝擊。

    Calvin 希望能通過作品帶給我們獨特的體悟:「我喜歡這次的構思,將創作融⼊⽣活,特別喜歡《Plant Life》看似是⼀棵植物,卻感到另有所指。」



    Download ARR Authentication App on App Store or Google Play Store now to verify product authenticity.

    立即於App Store或Google Play商店下載ARR認證應用程式,以認證商品真偽。
    iOS: bit.ly/ARRios
    Android: bit.ly/ARRandroid

    AllRightsReserved DDT STORE
    #BrianCalvin #MEET_Project #AllRightsReserved #DDTStore

  • end抽籤香港 在 AllRightsReserved Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-12-03 11:02:53
    有 20 人按讚

    Be still and let life happen. We are thrilled to present the next MEET Project to end this year in stillness, in collaboration with Baldur Helgason for his first edition sculpture “STILL LIFE”, exclusively at DDT STORE.
    STILL LIFE, 2020
    Material: Mixed media
    Dimension: H147 x W180 x D285 mm
    Edition of 100
    Signed and numbered certificate of authenticity
    👉🏻Enter the Raffle NOW on:
    Raffle Ends on
    4 Dec 12am (EST) / 1pm (HKT)

    Enter the raffle now on DDTStore.com for a chance to purchase. Each entry is for one sculpture purchase only. Successful entrants will be notified via email by 8 Dec with purchase details.
    Please notify your financial institution in advance in order to confirm you have sufficient credit to enter the registration.
    Upon successful raffle and purchase, entrants are bound by 2-year lock-up agreement for no-resale.
    Shipping begins in Jan, 2021
    Download ARR Authentication App on App Store or Google Play Store now to verify product authenticity.
    iOS: bit.ly/ARRios
    Android: bit.ly/ARRandroid

    【冰島藝術家 Baldur Helgason 首個限量雕塑《STILL LIFE》全球發佈 - 抽籤現正開放登記】

    踏進12月,《MEET PROJECT》by AllRightsReserved再度延續創意,攜手冰島著名藝術家Baldur Helgason帶來《MEET Baldur Helgason PROJECT》,發佈其首個限量雕塑《STILL LIFE》,以其代表性角色通過亦喜亦悲心境展現自我世界觀,為變幻無常的2020年畫上完滿句號。全新作品《STILL LIFE》以其代表性自畫角色傳遞豁然心境,通過作品引發反思,幽默應對當下陰暗複雜的世界。



    #BaldurHelgason AllRightsReserved #AllRightsReserved
    DDT STORE #DDTStore #Meet_Project

  • end抽籤香港 在 AllRightsReserved Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-03 11:00:00
    有 6 人按讚

    We are thrilled to present the next MEET Project to end this year in stillness, in collaboration with Baldur Helgason for his first edition sculpture “STILL LIFE”, exclusively at DDT STORE.
    STILL LIFE, 2020
    Material: Mixed media
    Dimension: H147 x W180 x D285 mm
    Edition of 100
    Signed and numbered certificate of authenticity
    👉🏻Enter the Raffle NOW on:
    Raffle Ends on
    4 Dec 12am (EST) / 1pm (HKT)

    Enter the raffle now on DDTStore.com for a chance to purchase. Each entry is for one sculpture purchase only. Successful entrants will be notified via email by 8 Dec with purchase details.
    Please notify your financial institution in advance in order to confirm you have sufficient credit to enter the registration.
    Upon successful raffle and purchase, entrants are bound by 2-year lock-up agreement for no-resale.
    Shipping begins in Jan, 2021
    Download ARR Authentication App on App Store or Google Play Store now to verify product authenticity.
    iOS: bit.ly/ARRios
    Android: bit.ly/ARRandroid
    【冰島藝術家 Baldur Helgason 首個限量雕塑《STILL LIFE》全球發佈 - 抽籤現正開放登記】

    踏進12月,《MEET PROJECT》by AllRightsReserved再度延續創意,攜手冰島著名藝術家Baldur Helgason帶來《MEET Baldur Helgason PROJECT》,發佈其首個限量雕塑《STILL LIFE》,以其代表性角色通過亦喜亦悲心境展現自我世界觀,為變幻無常的2020年畫上完滿句號。全新作品《STILL LIFE》以其代表性自畫角色傳遞豁然心境,通過作品引發反思,幽默應對當下陰暗複雜的世界。



    #BaldurHelgason AllRightsReserved #AllRightsReserved
    DDT STORE #DDTStore #Meet_Project

