最新消息 Please Follow:
BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020抽籤購買規則
本次推廣活動由科盈集團有限公司 (下稱“本公司”)主辦。
本次抽籤需以有效身份證名文件之姓名(只限中文或英文), 電子郵件及電話號碼作登記方可進行抽籤。
最新消息 Please Follow:
BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020抽籤購買規則
本次推廣活動由科盈集團有限公司 (下稱“本公司”)主辦。
本次抽籤需以有效身份證名文件之姓名(只限中文或英文), 電子郵件及電話號碼作登記方可進行抽籤。
本次推廣活動可以使用VISA, MASTERCARD或銀聯信用卡付款,客戶在登記抽籤時須進行信用卡預付款。中籤客戶之款項將會在中籤時被即時扣除,未能中籤的客戶,其款項將被退還到原信用卡內。
其他客戶需携同所登記之身份證明文件及中籤通知電郵之列印本,於通知時限內親臨澳門銀河BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020快閃店現場領取貨品。如客戶未能於快閃店限期內親臨現場提貨,本公司有權視作客戶放棄商品,且不退還款項。
This promotion is organized by World First Holdings Limited (“WFH”).
Customer must register a member account with valid ID or passport name (accept only Chinese or English), email address and phone number to enter the draw.
Each person can register for each product once only. Each draw is in unit of one product.
The draw will start from 10:00 on 29th July 2020 and end at 23:59 on 31st July 2020.
The result of the draw will be sent to the successful customer via registered email address on 4th August 2020.
This promotion accepts VISA, MASTERCARD or UNIONPAY credit card. Pre-authorization will be held when placing the draw. Payment will be proceeded once the draw success. If customer failed the draw, the credit will be released back to the same credit card.
Customer can choose SF Express courier service and pay on his/her own account for Macau or Hong Kong address. Shipping address must be confirmed when placing the draw and cannot be modified once the draw is submitted. WFH shall not be liable for any loss (including but not limited to: additional cost, loss of courier, damage and etc.) caused by the incorrect registered name, address or phone number provided by the customer.
Other customer can pick up the product at BE@RBRICK MACAU 2020 in Galaxy Macau during the designated period notified by the confirmation email. Customer is also required to show the original registered ID or passport and the print-out of the confirmation email for the pick-up. If customer failed to pick up t