

在 eligibility資格產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📰 Self-paid COVID vaccine to be available in Taiwan soon 🀄 自費COVID疫苗即將在台灣上市 第三波~第七波抽書活動 👉 https://reurl.cc/OXgA1y (屆時一次抽5名學員,👆歡迎至該貼文留言) TAIPEI (Tai...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Yuka Ohishi,也在其Youtube影片中提到,チャンネル メンバーシップの利用資格、ポリシー、ガイドライン https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7636690?hl=ja#zippy=%2Cminimum-eligibility-requirements%2C%E5%88%A9%E7%94%A8%...

eligibility資格 在 HKSchools Portraits Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 01:29:25

💬[#BackToSchool] HKSCHOOLS Orientation Day!! 喂喂喂 開學啦!!!🔥 給自己一個機會,與他人一次機遇🥂 🔊嶄新聯校迎新日 認識交友室內聯誼會🎊 打破屏幕界限,結交校際、不同班級的同學,見賢思齊,朋友就像一道彩虹🍭 由我哋為你精心設計一系列精彩的室內 ...

eligibility資格 在 HKSchools Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 14:17:37

💬[#BackToSchool] HKSCHOOLS Orientation Day!! 喂喂喂 開學啦!!!🔥 給自己一個機會,與他人一次機遇🥂 🔊嶄新聯校迎新日 認識交友室內聯誼會🎊 打破屏幕界限,結交校際、不同班級的同學,見賢思齊,朋友就像一道彩虹🍭 由我哋為你精心設計一系列精彩的室內 ...

eligibility資格 在 Ru味春捲 Ru’s Piano Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-05 14:51:24

✨Youtube頻道會員限定-7月份抽獎活動✨Member-only Prize Draw in July 從這個月開始,除了既有的會員福利之外,還會舉辦抽獎小活動!每次獎項內容會稍微不同,不過都會是Ru味春捲的周邊商品唷(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) 最重要的是~這次獎品是全球寄送!感謝來自世界各地的...

  • eligibility資格 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-10 20:35:48
    有 232 人按讚

    📰 Self-paid COVID vaccine to be available in Taiwan soon
    🀄 自費COVID疫苗即將在台灣上市

    👉 https://reurl.cc/OXgA1y

    TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan will begin offering self-paid coronavirus vaccine doses to those who need to travel abroad as early as the end of April, according to Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Spokesman Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥).

    📌 台北(台灣新聞)—據中央流行病指揮中心發言人莊仁祥說,台灣最早將於4月底,開始向需要出國旅行的人,提供自費型冠狀病毒疫苗。

    Speaking to the media on Thursday (April 8), Chuang pointed out that the country may administer 5,000 to 10,000 self-paid AstraZeneca vaccine doses to people traveling abroad for work, study, or to receive medical treatments. While the CECC has not yet decided whether to limit access to those with specific reasons to leave the country, he said details of the self-paid vaccination program will be announced as soon as next week.

    📌 莊在周四 (4月8日) 與媒體的對話中指出,該國可能會為出國工作、學習或接受醫療的人,提供5,000至10,000劑自付費用的阿斯利康疫苗。儘管CECC尚未決定是否限制有特定原因的人出國,但他說,自費疫苗接種計劃的細節將在下周宣布。

    Chuang also said vaccine eligibility could possibly be expanded to the fourth priority group within the next two weeks. That category includes foreign diplomatic personnel and their families in Taiwan as well as athletes representing the country at international competitions.

    📌 莊還說,在接下來的兩週內,疫苗的資格可能會擴大到第四優先等級。此類人員包括外交人員及其家屬,以及代表國家參加國際比賽的運動員。

    Since the new batch of 199,200 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, allocated to Taiwan through COVAX, is set to expire May 31, Taiwan is hoping to speed up distribution, said Chuang. The country is expected to receive 5.05 million doses of the Moderna vaccine in May and to have its domestic shots ready by July, he added.

    📌 莊說,由於通過COVAX,分配給台灣的新一批199,200劑阿斯利康疫苗將於5月31日到期,台灣希望加快分發速度。預計台灣將在5月收到505萬劑Moderna疫苗,並在7月之前準備好國內註射疫苗。

    Taiwan began its vaccination rollout on March 22, and 18,657 adults have received their first dose as of Wednesday afternoon. Currently, all healthcare facility employees, government epidemic prevention workers, and people who have a higher risk of COVID-19 exposure due to their occupation are eligible to receive the jabs.

    📌 台灣從3月22日開始接種疫苗,在週三下午,已有18,657名成年人接受了第一劑疫苗。當前,所有醫療機構員工、政府防疫工作人員,以及因職業而有較高COVID-19暴露風險的人,都有資格接受注射。

    資料來源: https://reurl.cc/4yO6rV

  • eligibility資格 在 Edcon Gabriel Yau 丘雨勤 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-04-10 09:37:49
    有 27 人按讚

    最近陸續出現很多球員被棄用的新聞,因為今季「季後賽資格裁員截止日」(NBA Playoff Eligibility Waiver Deadline) 就在美國時間4月9日!如果球員在美東時間晚上11點59分前(即香港時間今天中午前)被裁走,球員之後簽新隊才有資格打今季季後賽。以往這個截止日都在3月1日,但因為今季推遲了開季日,所以延後到今天。

    注意這個限制不適用於十日短約球員,雙程合約(Two-way) 球員也不適用,因為今季NBA將允許雙程合約球員過渡季後賽。

    #阿勤講波 #NBAHK #NBAPlayoffs

  • eligibility資格 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-08 04:00:29
    有 6 人按讚

    #Editorial by AppleDailyHK | "The new electoral system, “improved” by Beijing, means all candidates have to be reviewed by the department for safeguarding national security of the Police Force and the Committee for Safeguarding National Security, then checked by the Candidate Eligibility Review Committee to ensure that the candidate is a patriot who loves the Party, the motherland and Hong Kong. In addition, the candidate needs to receive a unanimous nomination from the five sectors of the Election Committee, which has 1,500 members, before being accepted as “one of them” and able to join the election. Any opposition, loyal or not, has no chance to pass the selection process, never mind to win the election. The citizens are already uninterested in this so-called election. If even the right to cast a blank vote as protest has been removed, it will be, as Professor Johannes Chan said, “the election has been improved, but no one goes to vote,” an embarrassing scenario. The situation has come to this. It seems the “Law of Silent Resentment” will be inevitable."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/31TxvKY

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  • eligibility資格 在 Yuka Ohishi Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-08 07:17:24

    チャンネル メンバーシップの利用資格、ポリシー、ガイドライン


    Musicbed の音楽を使用しています。
    クーポンコード YUKA で、Individual年間プランの初月無料になります。

    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yukaohishi
    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/0oyukao0
    Podcast: https://geni.us/stillrendering

    Website: http://blossomlink.me


  • eligibility資格 在 Youji Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-24 13:39:56

    If there is no enough people until 11PM ET then I’m gonna stream as usually…

    ~~ アドバタイズ / Advertise ~~

    ?...メンバーシップ登録 / Join a membership





    I'm opening the contest with prize at 11pm until 12am ET!

    [ ルール / Rules ]
    We gonna play only Splatzones on Rating Private for 1 hour. I'm gonna give $15 of any gift code you desire that I can buy! The HP Bonus for "†DRYH" and some YouTube memberships are active!

    [ 参加資格 / Eligibility for Entry ]
    以下に全て当てはまる方 / Someone who applies to all of this below
    * すでにフレンド / Already on my friend rooster
    * ガチエリアでウデマエX / Rank X on Splatzones
    * 開始から終了まで1時間ずっと居られる / May stay for a full one hour from the beginning to the end
    * TwitterかDiscordで個別の連絡が取れる / May DM with me on Twitter or Discord
    * 13時までに「参加希望」と伝える / Comment "I wanna join" before 11 PM ET
    (You may join if you’re X on Splatzones at least, but you are not eligible for the prize)

    好評であれば定期的にやります! / I'm gonna do this regularly if this will go well!


    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

  • eligibility資格 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-08 22:05:53

    賓狗單字很榮幸 ❤️能為周湯豪新歌提供官方翻譯 🎉🎉🎉
    現在就跟著金曲譯者 Bingo ,用兩秒終的歌詞翻譯學英文吧!

    🎈「大雨 方向盤失控了 人生 在路邊翻了車」
    00:40 「車子打滑」英文怎麼說??
    01:25 「大雨」可不是 big rain 喔!!

    02:08 「參賽資格」的英文怎麼說??
    02:16 平平都是比賽,contest 跟 competition 有差嗎?!

    🎈「我和你 一瞬間 全搞砸了」
    03:37 「搞砸」的英文怎麼說??

    🎈「連打開降落傘都來不及 心碎落一地」
    04:17 「碎落一地」的英文是??


    Facebook 讓你下載單字卡:https://www.facebook.com/bingobilingual/
    Instagram 讓你看 Bingo 私生活:https://instagram.com/bingobilingual_bb/

    ➡️ 金曲譯者的其他影片:
    《玫瑰少年 Womxnly》蔡依林 | 歌詞解析及翻譯


    絕美翻譯!! 郁可唯 路過人間 cover 用英文唱


    一切 都給你 依然留不住你
    I’ve given you my all, but you still left me

    崩壞 的結局 不能原諒自己
    I ended up losing everything, and I’ll never forgive myself for that

    Almost won this race just 2 seconds too late oh

    大雨 方向盤失控了 人生 在路邊翻了車
    My life is like a car hydroplaned and crashed in torrential rain

    Just like that, I lost my contest eligibility

    曾經的所有美好時刻 最後就各走各的
    We used to have wonderful days together, but now we part ways

    無法隱藏 無法遺忘 原來這感覺才叫做悲傷
    Can’t suppress. Can’t forget. So this is how sadness feels like

    無法補償 愛已過往 我還不想放
    Can’t make up. Love has gone. But I still want to hold on

    冰冷的 孤獨的 我顫抖著
    Feeling cold and lonely, I keep trembling

    我和你 一瞬間 全搞砸了
    All of a sudden, I screwed up everything between you and me

    千萬個 為什麼 我拼湊著
    I’ve been trying to figure out the countless questions in my heart

    突然的強烈重擊 無力挽回的自由落體
    Like suddenly pushed out of a plane, I had no other choice but to keep falling

    連打開降落傘都來不及 心碎落一地
    No time to open the parachute; my body and heart smashed into pieces

    一切 都給你 依然留不住你
    I’ve given you my all, but you still left me

    My fault Guess I was 2 seconds too late oh

    崩壞 的結局 不能原諒自己
    I ended up losing everything, and I’ll never forgive myself for that

    Almost won this race just 2 seconds too late oh

    房間 東西搬得乾淨 你已 離開我的半徑
    You’ve moved out of our room and out of my life

    一封信 躺著很安靜 只寫著 不需要你擔心
    A letter lay quietly, saying you don’t need me to care for you anymore

    好像 從沒放過感情
    It seems you’ve never been serious about us

    想看你一眼 連記憶卡都壞了
    I wanna look at you again, but even the memory card isn’t working

    我錯過 午夜的 最末班車
    It’s like missing the last train around midnight

    九局下半 還是出局了
    It’s like losing the game in bottom of the ninth

    一切 都給你 依然留不住你
    I’ve given you my all, but you still left me

    2 seconds too late

    崩壞 的結局 不能原諒自己
    I ended up losing everything, and I’ll never forgive myself for that

    Almost won this race just 2 seconds too late oh

