

在 electricity翻譯產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 最近,我在「TIME時代」雜志的專欄文章裡,向全球的讀者介紹了大陸「世界工廠」的+AI自動化升級。隨著勞動力成本的上漲,工業自動化、智慧化勢必是大陸製造業的一劑特效藥。自動化能讓運營成本下降,但仍能讓中國大陸保持生產品質、流程、供應鏈維度的優勢。AI賦能產業升級的願景或許還需多年才能實現,但當下的大...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,英文日常口語 47 (English Daily Conversation with Chinese 47.) Everyone can easily learn English and Chinese. 學習翻譯下列英文日常口語: It’s time to get out of bed. Make...

electricity翻譯 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-22 17:51:54

#填問卷抽獎 #LinkinBio #賓狗單字X嘖嘖訂閱計畫  【heartening 鼓舞人心的】 🎈Myanmar’s electricity subsidy project has prompted a heartening response from the public. (緬甸祭...

  • electricity翻譯 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-17 11:34:50
    有 1,036 人按讚



    「中國世界工廠 + AI 的未來」











    China Is Still the World's Factory — And It's Designing the Future With AI


    For many years now, China has been the world’s factory. Even in 2020, as other economies struggled with the effects of the pandemic, China’s manufacturing output was $3.854 trillion, up from the previous year, accounting for nearly a third of the global market.

    But if you are still thinking of China’s factories as sweatshops, it’s probably time to change your perception. The Chinese economic recovery from its short-lived pandemic blip has been boosted by its world-beating adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). After overtaking the U.S. in 2014, China now has a significant lead over the rest of the world in AI patent applications. In academia, China recently surpassed the U.S. in the number of both AI research publications and journal citations. Commercial applications are flourishing: a new wave of automation and AI infusion is crashing across a swath of sectors, combining software, hardware and robotics.

    As a society, we have experienced three distinct industrial revolutions: steam power, electricity and information technology. I believe AI is the engine fueling the fourth industrial revolution globally, digitizing and automating everywhere. China is at the forefront in manifesting this unprecedented change.

    Chinese traditional industries are confronting rising labor costs thanks to a declining working population and slowing population growth. The answer is AI, which reduces operational costs, enhances efficiency and productivity, and generates revenue growth.

    For example, Guangzhou-based agricultural-technology company XAG, a Sinovation Ventures portfolio company, is sending drones, robots and sensors to rice, wheat and cotton fields, automating seeding, pesticide spraying, crop development and weather monitoring. XAG’s R150 autonomous vehicle, which sprays crops, has recently been deployed in the U.K. to be used on apples, strawberries and blackberries.

    Some companies are rolling out robots in new and unexpected sectors. MegaRobo, a Beijing-based life-science automation company also backed by Sinovation Ventures, designs AI and robots to safely perform repetitive and precise laboratory work in universities, pharmaceutical companies and more, reducing to zero the infection risk to lab workers.

    It’s not just startups; established market leaders are also leaning into AI. EP Equipment, a manufacturer of lithium-powered warehouse forklifts founded in Hangzhou 28 years ago, has with Sinovation Ventures’ backing launched autonomous models that are able to maneuver themselves in factories and on warehouse floors. Additionally Yutong Group, a leading bus manufacturer with over 50 years’ history, already has a driverless Mini Robobus on the streets of three cities in partnership with autonomous vehicle unicorn WeRide.

    Where is all this headed? I can foresee a time when robots and AI will take over the manufacturing, design, delivery and even marketing of most goods—potentially reducing costs to a small increment over the cost of materials. Robots will become self-replicating, self-repairing and even partially self-designing. Houses and apartment buildings will be designed by AI and use prefabricated modules that robots put together like toy blocks. And just-in-time autonomous public transportation, from robo-buses to robo-scooters, will take us anywhere we want to go.

    It will be years before these visions of the future enter the mainstream. But China is laying the groundwork right now, setting itself up to be a leader not only in how much it manufactures, but also in how intelligently it does it.


  • electricity翻譯 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-17 21:49:13
    有 390 人按讚

    [翻轉視界 1] Humans of Taipei

    同學們,如同之前在 Developing Empathy (https://bit.ly/34qSKnC) 一文所提到的,我決定在我們的粉專上發起一個全新的系列:翻轉視界(Changing Perspectives)。為了協助學生發展同理這一重要能力,我會分享來自世界各地的人們的故事,在文章中提供關鍵詞、翻譯並提出相關的批判性問題,以期能幫助各位從不同的角度解讀世界!

    希望你可以通過閱讀來發展同理,通過理解以及與他人合作,將同理應用到生活中來取得成功。本日,來自Humans of Taipei 與台灣社區實踐協會的生命故事,為翻轉視界系列揭開帷幕。

    原文及圖片授權來自於Humans of Taipei。



    Don’t look down on me. I was beautiful once. Not only was I pursued by many, I made quite a bit trading securities. At the time, money came easily. One, two million was nothing, so I always wanted to take shortcuts.

    1. look down on sb 看不起,小看,蔑視
    2. trade securities 證券交易
    3. take shortcuts 抄捷徑



    When I was young, Taiwan’s economy was just taking off. I worked at a securities firm, and because of my looks, my boss often took me to dine with big bosses. I made at least a hundred grand each month, and when my boss split the profits, it was an easy few extra mils for me. I felt money came without effort, so I hardly bothered to save. Also, my mother was addicted to gambling and constantly asked for money. So, I never had much on me.

    4. take off 起飛;突然獲得成功
    5. a securities firm 證券公司*
    6. grand 一千
    7. splits profits 分紅
    8. few mils = few millions 幾百萬
    9. addict to 沉迷於

    *firm: https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/firm



    My mother had a poor relationship with her parents, so she got married just to leave the household as soon as possible. Unfortunately, her marriage lasted only a few years. I’m not sure whether I followed her path. I also got married young, at the age of 22, and the marriage did not last past three years.

    I took care of my two children and mother at the time. My mother would even use my kids to blackmail me for gambling money. I soon ran out of funds, so the father of my children came and took them away. I left my job at the securities firm and became a salesclerk at a department store.

    10. lead sb on 誤導某人
    11. blackmail (v.) 勒索
    12. salesclerk 店員



    I always say it’s a great misfortune to be successful at such a young age. It was so easy for me to make money in the past that I had a no sense of financial management. I spent every penny I made.

    After losing my job, I stayed home and began writing stories online. I always thought that I would make a great comeback someday, but I only ended up becoming more isolated from society. After going through my savings, I was unable to pay rent and even my electric bills. The electricity was shut off a few times, so I had to borrow money from the young social workers at my community center.

    13. had a poor sense of financial management 沒什麼財務規劃的觀念
    14. make a comeback 東山再起
    15. be isolated from society 與社會脫節
    16. go through savings 花光存款
    17. be shut off 被斷電
    18. social worker 社工



    The young social workers have this place they keep open for children after school. I would chat with them and they would periodically check on me. When I could not pay rent, I would borrow from them. When they lent me money the third time, they took it out of their own pockets, but realized that this was not the way to go. They started finding me work. I first worked as a janitor in a hospital, and after I passed my physical, I worked part-time at a supermarket.

    19. periodically check on sb 定期關注某人
    20. the way to go 應該的方式,最好的解決方式
    21. janitor 清潔人員
    22. borrow (跟別人)借
    23. lend 借(給別人)

    the way to go



    When I was young, my mother was emotionally unstable and relied on medication. I never thought I would one day suffer from panic disorder and also become dependent on medication.

    But now, when I come to the community center, I feel relaxed and at peace. I tell them that this is my “Tranquil Heart Temple.” I don’t have the ability to donate, so I would occasionally give them my invoices (for lottery). Now, I no longer want to strike it rich and take shortcuts. I just want to have a stable job, raise my kids, and not have to borrow money from social workers.

    24. panic disorder 恐慌症
    25. strike it rich 一夕致富
    26. go from rags to riches 麻雀變鳳凰,鹹魚翻身
    27. a stable job 一份穩定的工作





    Humans of Taipei:



  • electricity翻譯 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-14 12:27:12
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    Strom aus Sturm - Ein Windrad entsteht / Electricity from storm - How a wind turbine is created / 來自風暴的電力 - 風力發電機是如何被創造出來的 -- 一部有關風力發電的最新紀錄片,第一手的內容及畫面相當珍貴,鄭重推薦!






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