

在 doxing起底產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 網路安全報告 華爾街日報報道,Facebook、Twitter 以及 Google 母公司 Alphabet 警告,如香港政府執意推行修訂私隱條例,將停止在香港提供服務 消息指出,一封由亞洲網路聯盟(Asia Internet Coalition)發出的業界信件稱,關注香港修訂私隱條例所帶來的影響...

doxing起底 在 BusinessFocus | 商業、投資、創科平台 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 18:42:26

【@businessfocus.io】Facebook、Google科技聯盟憂受「反起底法」牽連 警告將撤出香港 . 據《華爾街日報》報導,由Facebook(NASDAQ: FB)、Google(NASDAQ: GOOGL)及Twitter(NYSE: TWTR)組成的行業組織「亞洲互聯網聯盟」...

  • doxing起底 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-05 23:11:30
    有 84 人按讚

    華爾街日報報道,Facebook、Twitter 以及 Google 母公司 Alphabet 警告,如香港政府執意推行修訂私隱條例,將停止在香港提供服務

    消息指出,一封由亞洲網路聯盟(Asia Internet Coalition)發出的業界信件稱,關注香港修訂私隱條例所帶來的影響,此修訂或會令其員工陷於刑事責任,該修訂私隱條例針對網上「起底」行為而設,政府特別關注在 2019 年後網上有警員遭「起底」而受針對,若「起底」罪成立,最高刑罰可達一百萬港幣(約台幣363萬元)及監禁五年


  • doxing起底 在 講劇時辰到 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-05 22:45:48
    有 33 人按讚


    根據華爾街日報報道,社交平台三巨頭Facebook、Twitter和Google向特區政府提出警告,如果特區政府正式通過「反起底法」,可能刑事檢控社交平台「洩露私人資料」,她們會考慮不再為香港提供服務,即係話這三大平台有可能從此在香港消失,沒有Facebook 同Twitter 俾大家發表意見,不能再用WhatsApp溝通,沒有Google search 同YouTube俾大家搜尋同睇片,若然這個情況出現,對香港市民來說真是一個世界末日式災難,不過,無須擔心,國內大把社交平台供大家享用,在上面一齊發表愛國愛港感人肺腑之言。


  • doxing起底 在 許文昌 Man-cheong Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-05 19:44:16
    有 12 人按讚

    美資鉅頭組成的亞洲互聯網聯盟警告反起底法或逼撤離香港。 #自動 #網禁 #封網 #反起底

    A letter sent by an industry group that includes the internet firms said companies are concerned that the planned rules to address doxing could put their staff at risk of criminal investigations or prosecutions related to what the firms’ users post online. Doxing refers to the practice of putting people’s personal information online so they can be harassed by others.

    Hong Kong’s Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau in May proposed amendments to the city’s data-protection laws that it said were needed to combat doxing, a practice that was prevalent during 2019 protests in the city. The proposals call for punishments of up to 1 million Hong Kong dollars, the equivalent of about $128,800, and up to five years’ imprisonment.

    “The only way to avoid these sanctions for technology companies would be to refrain from investing and offering the services in Hong Kong,” said the previously unreported June 25 letter from the Singapore-based Asia Internet Coalition, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

